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教育背景2009年9月 - 2013年2月, 法国昂热大学计算机学院, 博 士 2007年9月 - 2009年6月, 华中科技大学计算机学院, 工学硕士2003年9月 - 2007年6月, 华中科技大学机械学院, 工学学士海外访问/进修2015年01月 – 2017年01月, 香港理工大学商学院, 香江****研究员讲授课程 C语言,管理决策企业咨询法国电信、天喻教育科技有限公司研究领域运筹调度、优化算法理论及应用: 走班排课,网络建模与优化,资源调度与分配,组合拍卖,车辆路径优化,电力系统优化,电站设计与选址、工业应用优化、启发式算法设计、精确性算法设计、数学规划
科研项目1、大型光伏电站设计中的分区优化、设施选址和布线优化问题研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,48万, 2018-2021, 主持.2、考虑劳动力管理下的车辆路径问题研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目, 23万,2015-2017, 主持3、物联网环境下的组织体系架构建模、行为分析与优化设计:以电商物流为例, 国家自然科学基金重点项目,2016-2021, 子课题负责人4、基于大数据驱动的在线零售商的物流管理与决策的理论和方法研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2017-2022, 子课题负责人代表性文章1、Qinghua Wu, Yang Wang, Fred Glover, Advanced tabu search algorithms for bipartite boolean quadratic programs guided by strategic oscillation and path relinking, forthcoming in INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018. (UTD 24)2、Qing Zhou, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Jin-Kao Hao. Heuristic search to the capacitated clustering problem. European Journal of Operational Research 273(2): 464-487, 2019. 3、Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A population algorithm based on randomized tabu thresholding for the multi-commodity pickup-and-delivery traveling salesman problem, Computers & Operations Research, 101: 285-297,2019. 4、Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao, A review on algorithms for maximum clique problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 242(3): 693-709, 2015.5、Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Memetic algorithm for the multiple traveling repairman problem with profits, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 80, April 2019, Pages 35-47.6、Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao, A Hybrid Metaheuristic Method for the Maximum Diversity Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 231(2):452—464,2013. 7、Yang Wang, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Fred Glover, Adaptive tabu search with strategic oscillation for the bipartite boolean quadratic programming problem with partitioned variables, Information Sciences, 450:284-300, 2018. 8、Yang Wang, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Fred Glover, Effective metaheuristic algorithms for the minimum differential dispersion problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 258(3):829-843,2017. 9、Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A memetic algorithm for the orienteering problem with mandatory visits and exclusionary constraints, European Journal of Operational Research,268:54-69,2018. 10、Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Multi-restart iterative search for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with FIFO loading, Computers & Operations Research,97:18-30,2018.11、Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A hybrid dynamic programming and memetic algorithm to the Traveling Salesman Problem with Hotel Selection, Computers & Operations Research, 90:193-207,2018.12、Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. Multi-neighborhood tabu search for the maximum weight clique problem. Annals of Operations Research 196(1): 611-634, 2012. 13、Wen Sun, Jin-Kao Hao, Xiangjing Lai, Qinghua Wu. Adaptive feasible and infeasible tabu search for weighted vertex coloring. Information Sciences 466: 203-219, 2018.14、Jin Qin, Xianhao Xu, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), T.C.E. Cheng, Hybridization of tabu search with feasible and infeasible local searches for the quadratic multiple, Computers & Operations Research, 66:199–214, 2016.15、Jiawei Song, Yang Wang, Haibo Wang, Qinghua Wu, Abraham P. Punnen, An effective multi-wave algorithm for solving the max-mean dispersion problem, accepted for publication in Journal of Heuristics, 2018. 16、Qinghua Wu, Qing Zhou, Yan Jin, Jin-Kao Hao. Minimum sum coloring for large graphs with extraction and backward expansion search. Applied Soft Computing, 62:1056-1065,2018.17、Wenyu Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Tabu search with feasible and infeasible searches for equitable coloring. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,71: 1-14, 2018. 18、Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao, A clique-based exact method for optimal winner determination in combinatorial auctions. Information Sciences, 334:103-121, 2016. 19、Qinghua Wu, Yang Wang, Zhipeng Lu. A tabu search based hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the max-cut problem. Applied Soft Computing, 34:827-837, 2015.20、Fei Tang, Huizhi Zhou, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Hu Qin , A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Power System Islanding Problem, Energies, 8(10):11315-11341, 2015.21、Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao. Solving the winner determination problem via a weighted maximum clique heuristic. Expert Systems with Applications.42(1): 355-365, 2015.22、Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao. Coloring large graphs based on independent set extraction. Computers & Operations Research 39(2): 283–290, 2012.23、Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao. An effective heuristic algorithm for sum coloring of graphs . Computers & Operations Research 39(7): 1593–1600, 2012.24、Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao. Memetic search for the max-bisection problem. Computers & Operations Research 40(1): 166–179, 2013. 25、Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao. An adaptive multistart tabu search approach to solve the maximum clique problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 26(1): 86-108, 2013. 26、Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao. An extraction and expansion approach for graph coloring. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 30(5): **, 2013. 27、Jin-Kao Hao and Qinghua Wu. Improving the extraction and expansion method for large graph coloring. Discrete Applied Mathematics 160(16–17): 2397-2407, 2012.28、Yang Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover, Zhipeng Lü, Qinghua Wu. Solving the maximum vertex weight clique problem via binary quadratic programming. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 32(2): 531-549, 2016.
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