基本信息张诚: 华中科技大学讲师,工学博士,硕士生导师。2011年4月-2011年9月在香港理工大学系统与工业工程系任Research Assistant; 2012年11月在华中科技大学材料学院获博士学位。目前主要从事非晶热喷涂合金涂层、纳米金属薄膜材料、深海腐蚀科学等方面研究。主持国家自然科学青年基金1项,中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目与面上项目2项,清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放课题1项以及华中科技大学青年人才引进基金1项。作为科研骨干参加总装预研项目1项,“973”项目1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目4项。以第一作者或通讯作者在Acta Materialia (2篇), Electrochimica Acta, Applied Physics Letters, Intermetallics, Surface Coatings and Technology等材料学国际著名学术期刊上发表学术论文10余篇;4篇论文入选Science Direct数据库当季度最热门25篇文章之一(one of 25 Hottest Articles); 以第2作者在Thin Solid Films杂志上发表关于非晶涂层的长篇特邀综述文章一篇。论文被引次数达165次,授权或公开发明专利5项。任Journal of Alloys and Compounds,中国科学等期刊审稿人。
1. C. Zhang, H. Zhou, L. Liu*.Fe-based amorphous composite coatings with enhanced bonding strength and impact resistance.Acta Materialia2014; 72:239.
2. C. Zhang, K.C. Chan, Y. Wu, L. Liu*,Pitting initiation in Fe-based amorphous coatings.Acta Materialia2012; 60: 4152.
3. C. Zhang, Y. Wu, L. Liu*, Robust hydrophobic Fe-based amorphous coatings by thermal spraying.AppliedPhysics Letters2012; 101:121602.
4. C. Zhang, L. Liu*, K.C. Chan, Q. Chen, C.Y. Tang,Wear behavior of HVOF-sprayed Fe-based amorphous coatings.Intermetallics2012; 29: 80.
(Selected as Top 25 Hottest Articles)
5. C. Zhang, R.Q. Guo, Y. Yang, Y. Wu, L. Liu*,Influence of the size of spraying powders on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of Fe-based amorphous coating.Electrochimica Acta2011; 56: 6380.
6. C. Zhang, N. Li, J. Pan, S.F. Guo, M. Zhang, L. Liu*.Enhancement of glass-forming ability and bio-corrosion resistance of Zr-Co-Al bulk metallic glasses by the addition of Ag.Journal of Alloys andCompounds2010; 504;S163.
7. Z. Deng,C. Zhang*, L. Liu*. Chemically dealloyed MgCuGd metallic glass with enhanced catalytic activity in degradation of phenol.Intermetallics2014; 52: 9.
8. Y. Peng,C. Zhang*, H. Zhou, L. Liu*.On the bonding strength in thermally sprayed Fe-based amorphous coating.Surface and Coating Technology.2013; 218: 7. (Selected as Top 25 Hottest Articles)
9. H. Zhou, C. Zhang*, W. Wang, M. Yasir, L. Liu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-based amorphous composite coatings reinforced by stainless steel powders. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, in press. 2014.
10. L. Liu*, C. Zhang. Fe-based amorphous coating: Structure and Properties. Thin Solid Films, 2014; 561: 70-86. (Review).
11. Y. Yang, C. Zhang, Y. Peng, Y. Yu, L. Liu, Effects of crystallization on the corrosion resistance of Fe-based amorphous coatings, Corrosion Science. 2012; 59: 10. (Selected as Top 25 Hottest Articles)
12. R. Q. Guo, C. Zhang, Q. Chen, Y. Yang, N. Li, L. Liu. Study of structure and corrosion resistance of Fe-based amorphous coatings prepared by HVAF and HVOF. Corrosion Science. 2011; 53: 2351. (Selected as Top 25 Hottest Articles)
主要经历2003-2007年:中国地质大学(武汉)材料化学系 本科
2007-2009年:华中科技大学材料系 硕士
2009-2012年:华中科技大学材料系 博士
2012-2014年:华中科技大学材料系 博士后
2011-2011年:香港理工大学,Research Assistance (ISE, Prof K.C. Chan)
2014-至今: 华中科技大学,材料学院,讲师
研究方向1) 新型非晶合金涂层设计及性能研究;
2) 非晶态纳米薄膜的制备与性能研究;
3) 金属材料的深海腐蚀科学研究;
1. C. Zhang, H. Zhou, L. Liu*.Fe-based amorphous composite coatings with enhanced bonding strength and impact resistance.Acta Materialia2014; 72:239.
2. C. Zhang, K.C. Chan, Y. Wu, L. Liu*,Pitting initiation in Fe-based amorphous coatings.Acta Materialia2012; 60: 4152.
3. C. Zhang, Y. Wu, L. Liu*, Robust hydrophobic Fe-based amorphous coatings by thermal spraying.AppliedPhysics Letters2012; 101:121602.
4. C. Zhang, L. Liu*, K.C. Chan, Q. Chen, C.Y. Tang,Wear behavior of HVOF-sprayed Fe-based amorphous coatings.Intermetallics2012; 29: 80.
(Selected as Top 25 Hottest Articles)
5. C. Zhang, R.Q. Guo, Y. Yang, Y. Wu, L. Liu*,Influence of the size of spraying powders on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of Fe-based amorphous coating.Electrochimica Acta2011; 56: 6380.
6. C. Zhang, N. Li, J. Pan, S.F. Guo, M. Zhang, L. Liu*.Enhancement of glass-forming ability and bio-corrosion resistance of Zr-Co-Al bulk metallic glasses by the addition of Ag.Journal of Alloys andCompounds2010; 504;S163.
7. Z. Deng,C. Zhang*, L. Liu*. Chemically dealloyed MgCuGd metallic glass with enhanced catalytic activity in degradation of phenol.Intermetallics2014; 52: 9.
8. Y. Peng,C. Zhang*, H. Zhou, L. Liu*.On the bonding strength in thermally sprayed Fe-based amorphous coating.Surface and Coating Technology.2013; 218: 7. (Selected as Top 25 Hottest Articles)
9. H. Zhou, C. Zhang*, W. Wang, M. Yasir, L. Liu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-based amorphous composite coatings reinforced by stainless steel powders. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, in press. 2014.
10. L. Liu*, C. Zhang. Fe-based amorphous coating: Structure and Properties. Thin Solid Films, 2014; 561: 70-86. (Review).
11. Y. Yang, C. Zhang, Y. Peng, Y. Yu, L. Liu, Effects of crystallization on the corrosion resistance of Fe-based amorphous coatings, Corrosion Science. 2012; 59: 10. (Selected as Top 25 Hottest Articles)
12. R. Q. Guo, C. Zhang, Q. Chen, Y. Yang, N. Li, L. Liu. Study of structure and corrosion resistance of Fe-based amorphous coatings prepared by HVAF and HVOF. Corrosion Science. 2011; 53: 2351. (Selected as Top 25 Hottest Articles)
主要经历2003-2007年:中国地质大学(武汉)材料化学系 本科
2007-2009年:华中科技大学材料系 硕士
2009-2012年:华中科技大学材料系 博士
2012-2014年:华中科技大学材料系 博士后
2011-2011年:香港理工大学,Research Assistance (ISE, Prof K.C. Chan)
2014-至今: 华中科技大学,材料学院,讲师
研究方向1) 新型非晶合金涂层设计及性能研究;
2) 非晶态纳米薄膜的制备与性能研究;
3) 金属材料的深海腐蚀科学研究;
2007-2009年:华中科技大学材料系 硕士
2009-2012年:华中科技大学材料系 博士
2012-2014年:华中科技大学材料系 博士后
2011-2011年:香港理工大学,Research Assistance (ISE, Prof K.C. Chan)
2014-至今: 华中科技大学,材料学院,讲师