

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30

1995.09–1998.07 中国协和医科大学,博士
1985.09–1988.07 贵州大学植物生理生化专业,硕士
1979.09–1983.07 江西农业大学农学系,农学学士
1998.07至今 湖北大学生命科学学院任教,副教授、教授
2003.08–2005.02 美国University of Connecticut植物学系,合作研究
2010.12–2012.02 美国University of Connecticut植物学系,合作研究
1988.08–1995.08 贵州大学农学院任教,讲师
1992.08–1993.07 泰国Kasesart University园艺系,访问****
1983.08–1985.07 江西省九江农校任教
1. 云南红豆杉细胞培养生产抗癌药物紫杉醇(2000–2002),国家“863”计划子课题,主持
2. 黄姜(盾叶薯蓣)组织培养快速繁殖技术(2000–2003),湖北省房县政府委托项目,主持
3. 黄姜(盾叶薯蓣)规范化栽培技术研究(2001–2004),湖北省谷城县委托项目,主持
4. 利用基因工程技术控制外来植物入侵研究(2005–2007),湖北省国际合作重点项目,主持
5. 盾叶薯蓣环阿屯醇合成酶基因的克隆与表达(2006–2008),国家自然科学基金项目,主持
6. 湖北药用食用植物资源研究(2006–2009),湖北省科学技术协会项目,主持
7. 植物遗传改良(2007–2010),湖北省农业科学院委托项目,主持
8. 银木与香樟和大叶樟的亲源关系及其四倍体植株培育的研究(2010–2013),武汉市园林科研所委托项目,主持
9. 盾叶薯蓣(黄姜)紫杉烷代谢工程(2014–2016),湖北省自然科学基金重点项目,主持
10. 猕猴桃野生资源离体保存(2006–2007),中国科学院武汉植物园委托项目,主持
11. 猕猴桃脱毒苗生产技术(2015–2017),中国科学院武汉植物园委托项目,主持
12. 名贵中药材快速繁殖技术(2016–2019),工业和信息化部项目(与企业合作),主持
1. Chen J, Thammina C, Li W, Yu H, Yer H, El-Tanbouly R, Marron M, Katin-Grazzini L, Chen Y, Inguagiato J, McAvoy RJ, Guillard K, Zhang X, Li Y. (2016) Isolation of prostrate turfgrass mutants via screening of dwarf phenotype and characterization of a perennial ryegrass prostrate mutant. Horticulture Research 3, 16003.
2. Ye Y,Wang R, Jin L, Shen J, Li X, Yang T, Zhou M, Yang Z, Chen Y. (2014) Molecular cloning and differential expression analysis of a squalene synthase gene from Dioscorea zingiberensis, an important pharmaceutical plant. Molecular Biology Reports 41, 6097-6104.
3. Tian L, Ke Y, Chen Y, Chen Y, Yang Z, Wang X. (2014) Triploid plant regeneration from mature endosperms of Sapium sebiferum. Plant Growth regulation 68, 319-324.
4. Thammina C, He M, Yu H, Chen Y, Gai Y, Cao K, Lu L, Zhao D, Wang Y, McAvoy R, Ellis D, Li Y. (2012) Continuous biosynthesis of abscisic acid (ABA) may be required for maintaining dormancy of isolated embryos and intact seeds of Euonymus alatus. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 108, 493–500.
5. Kang W, Wang T, Li J, Zou J, Chen Y, Dai J. (2011) Microbial hydrolysis of 7-xylosyl-10-deacetyltaxol to 10-deacetyltaxol, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 8, 250–255
6. Thammina C, He M, Lu L, Cao K. Yu H, Chen Y, Tian L, Chen J, McAvoy R, Ellis D, Zhao D, Wang Y, Zhang X, Li Y. (2011) In vitro regeneration of triploid plants of Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' (Burning Bush) from Endosperm Tissues. Hortscience 46, 1141–1147.
7. Zhu Q, Wu F, Ding F, Ye D, Chen Y, Li Y, Yang Z. (2009) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Dioscorea zingiberensis Wright, an important pharmaceutical crop. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 96, 317–324.
8. Chen Y, Lu L, Ye D, Duan H, Deng W, McAvoy R, Zhao D, Smith W, Thammina C, Bodman von S, Li Y. (2008) Approach to neutralize the invasiveness of burning bush (Euonymus alatus): A progress report on development of its genetic transformation. Acta Horticulturae 769, 21–29.
9. Luo K, Duan H, Zhao D, Zheng X, Deng W, Chen Y, Stewart Jr C N, McAvoy R, Wu Y, Jiang X, He A, Pei Y, Li Y. (2007) ‘GM-gene-deletor’: fused loxP-FRT recognition sequences dramatically improve efficiency of FLP or Cre recombinase on transgene excision from pollen and seed of tobacco plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal 5, 263–274.
10. Chen Y, Lu L, Deng W, Yang X, McAvoy R, Zhao D, Pei Y, Luo K, Duan H, Smith W, Thammina C, Zheng X, Ellis D, Li Y. (2006) In vitro regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of Euonymus alatus. Plant Cell Reports 25, 1043–1051.
11. Zheng X, Deng W, Luo K, Duan H, Chen Y, McAvoy R, Song S, Pei Y, Li Y. (2007) The cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter sequence alters the level and patterns of activity of adjacent tissue- and organ-specific gene promoters. Plant cell reports 26, 1195–1203.
12. Li Y, Cheng Z, Smith W, Ellis D, Chen Y, Lu L, McAvoy R, Pei Y, Deng W, Thammina C, Zheng X, Duan H, Luo K, Zhao D. (2006) Problems and challenges of invasive ornamental plants and molecular tools to control their spread. Journal of Crop Improvement 17/18, 279–310.
13. Luo K, Zheng X, Chen Y, Zhao D, McAvoy R, Pei Y, Li Y. (2005) The maize Knotted1 gene as a positive selectable marker gene is effective for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in tobacco. Plant Cell Reports 21, 1–7.
14. Li Y, Cheng Z, Smith W, Ellis D, Chen Y, Zheng X, Pei Y, Luo K, Duan H, Zhao D, Yao Q. (2004) Invasive ornamental plants: Problems, challenges, and molecular tools to neutralize their invasiveness. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 23, 381–389.
15. Li Y, Cheng Z, Smith W, Ellis D, Chen Y, Lu L, McAvoy R, Pei Y, Deng W, Thammina C. Zheng X, Duan H, Luo K, Zhao D. (2006) Problems and challenges of invasive ornamental plants and molecular tools to control their spread. In: Plant Biotechnology in Ornamental Horticulture. Y. Li and Y. Pei (eds). Haworth Press, New York. 289–310.
16. Chen Y, Liu X, Liu Y. (2005) In vitro plant regeneration from the immature seeds of Cymbidium faberi. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 82, 247–251
17. Chen Y, Fan J, Luo Z, Fu Y. (2003) Rapid clonal propagation of Dioscorea zingiberensis wright. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 73, 75–80.
18. Chen Y, Yi F, Luo J.(2003) Effects of amino acids, nitrate and ammonium on the growth and taxol production in cell cultures of Taxus yunnanensis. Plant Growth Regulation 41, 265–268.
19. Chen Y, Piluek C. (1995) Effects of thidiazuron and benzylaminopurin on shoot regeneration of Phalaenopsis. Plant Growth Regulation 16, 99–101.

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