社会兼职:Behavioral Ecology副主编,Raffles Bulletin of Zoology副主编,Australian Journal of Zoology编委,Frontiers in Zoology编委,《动物学研究》编委《蛛行学报》编委;Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B,Behavioral Ecology,Animal Behaviour,Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology,Oikos,Journal of Experimental Biology,Functional Ecology,Naturwissenschaften和Ethology等20个著名刊物的审稿人;中国动物学会蛛形学专业委员会委员;国际行为生态学学会等9个学会的会员。
1992.09–1996.11 新西兰坎特伯雷大学动物学系,获理学博士学位
1986.09–1989.07 华中农业大学植保系,获理学硕士学位
1979.09–1983.07 湖北大学生物系,获理学学士学位
2004至今 湖北大学生命科学学院,教授
1998.05至今 新加坡国立大学生物系助理教授、副教授
1997.01–1998.05 澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学,博士后
2008.09–2011.09 澳大利亚墨尔本大学动物学系荣誉高级研究员
2009.02–2009.04 澳大利亚昆士南大学生物医学科学学院,访问****
2009.05–2009.07 英国牛津大学动物学系,访问****
1. 国家自然科学基金(**):紫外颜色以及基于紫外颜色的雌性择偶喜好性的起源和进化;2013,1–2016,12,主持人
2. 国家自然科学基金(**):捕食者眼中的节肢动物隐蔽色和拟态,2008,1–2010,12,主持人
3. 国家自然科学基金(**):动物体色产生的机制及其在性选择中的作用,2005.01–2007.12,主持人
1. Lim MLM, Li D. (2013) UV-green iridescence indicates resource-holding potential during jumping spider contests. PLos One 8, e59774.
2. Kuntner M, Gregori? M, Zhang SC, Kralj-Fi?er S, Li D. (2012) Mating plugs in polyandrous giants, which sex produces them, when, how and why? PLoS One 7, e40939.
3. Lee QQ, Oh J, Kralj-Fi?er S, Kuntner M, Li D*. (2012). Emasculation, gloves–off strategy enhances eunuch spider endurance. Biology Letters 8, 733–735.
4. Hu ZY, Liu, FX, Xu X, Chen ZQ, Chen J, Li D*. (2012). The spectral transmission of the principal-eye corneas of jumping spiders, implications for ultraviolet vision. Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 2853–2859.
5. Li, D*, Oh J, Kralj-Fi?er S, Kuntner M. (2012) Remote copulation, male counter-adaptation to female cannibalism. Biology Letters 8, 512–515.
6. Zhang SC, Koh TH, Seah WK, Lai YH, Elgar MA, Li D*. (2012) A novel property of spider silk, chemical defence against ants. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 279, 1824–1830.
7. Zou Y, Araujo DPD, Lim MLM, Li D*. (2011) Ultraviolet is a more important cue than reflection in other wavelengths for a jumping spider to locate its prey spiders. Animal Behaviour 82, 1457–1463.
8. Harland DP. Li D, Jackson RR. (2012). How jumping spider see the world. In, Lazareva, O. (ed.), How animals see the world. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 133–163.
9. Zou, Y, Araujo DPD, Lim MLM, Li D*. (2011) Ultraviolet is a more important cue than reflection in other wavelengths for a jumping spider to locate its prey spiders. Animal Behaviour 82, 1457–1463.
10. Zhang SC, Kuntner M, Li D*. (2011) Mate binding, a male adaptation to sexual conflict in the golden orb-web spider (Nephilidae, Nephila pilipes). Animal Behaviour 82, 1299–1304.
11. Kralj-Fi?er S, Gregori? M, Zhang SC, Kuntner M, Li, D. (2011)2011. Eunuchs are better fighters. Animal Behaviour 81, 933–939.
12. Huang JN, Chen RC, Li D, Tso IM. (2011) Salticid predation as one potential driving force of ant mimicry in jumping spiders. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 278, 1356–1364.
13. Jiao XG, Guo L, Zhen ZQ, Wu J, Chen J, Liu FX, Li D. (2011) Experimental evidence for the female-driven monandry in the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera. Behavioral Ecology, Sociobiology 65, 2117–2123.
14. Kuntner M, Gregori? M, Li D. (2010) Mass predicts web asymmetry in Nephila spiders. Naturwissenschaften 97, 1097–1105.
15. Tan EJ, Seah SWH, Yap, LMYL, Goh PM, Gan WJ, Liu FX, Li D*. (2010) Why do orb-weaving spiders (Cyclosa ginnaga) decorate their webs with silk spirals and plant detritus? Animal Behaviour 79, 179–186.
16. Tan EJ, Li D*. (2009) Detritus decorations of an orb-weaving spider, Cyclosa mulmeiensis (Thorell), for food or camouflage? Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 1832–1839.
17. Koh TH, Seah WK, Yap LMYL, Li D*. (2009) Pheromone-based female mate choice and its effect on reproductive investment in a spitting spider. Behavioral Ecology, Sociobiology 63, 923–930.
18. Li JJ, Zhang ZT, Liu FX, Liu QQ, Chen J, Lim MLM, Li D*. (2008) UVB-based mate choice cues used by females of the jumping spider Phintella vittata. Current Biology 18, 699–703.
19. Li JJ, Lim MLM, Zhang ZT, Liu QQ, Liu FX, Chen J, Li D*. (2008) Sexual dichromatism and male colour morph in ultraviolet-B reflectance in two populations of the jumping spider Phintella vittata (Araneae, Salticidae) from tropic China. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94, 7–20.
20. Lim MLM, Li JJ, Li D*. (2008). Effect of UV-reflecting markings on female mate-choice decisions in Cosmophasis umbratica, a jumping spider from Singapore. Behavioral Ecology 19, 61–66.
21. Chan JPY, Lau PR, Tham AJ, Li D*. (2008) The effects of male-male contest and female eavesdropping on female mate choice and male mating success in a jumping spider, Thiania bhamoensis (Araneae, Salticidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62, 639–646.
22. Lim, MLM, Land MF, Li, D*. (2007) Sex-specific UV and fluorescence signals in jumping spiders. Science 315, 481.
23. Lim, MLM, Li D*. (2007) Effects of age and feeding history on structure-based ornaments of a jumping spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 274, 569–575.
24. Land MF, Horwood J, Lim MLM, Li D. (2007) Optics of the ultra-violet reflecting scales of a jumping spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 274, 1583–1589.
25. Todd, PA, Yeo DCJ, Li D, Ladle RJ. (2007) Citing practices in ecology, can we believe our own words? Oikos 116, 1599–1601.
26. Su KFY, Meier R, Jackson RR, Harland DP, Li D*. (2007) Convergent evolution of eye ultrastructure and divergent evolution of vision-mediated predatory behavior in jumping spiders. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20, 1478–1489.
27. Du N, Liu XY, Narayanan J, Li L, Lim MLM, Li D. (2006) Design of superior spider silk, from nanostructure to mechanical properties. Biophysical Journal. 91, 4528–4535.
28. Huang WD, Lin Z, Sin YM, Li D, Gong ZY, Yang DW. (2006) Characterization and expression of a cDNA encoding a tubuliform silk protein of the golden web Nephila antipodiana. Biochimie 88, 849–858.
29. Nelson XJ, Jackson RR, Li D. (2006) Conditional use of honest signaling by a Batesian mimic. Behavioral Ecology 17, 575–580.
30. Su KFL, Li D*. 2006. Female-biased predation risk and its differential effect on the male and female courtship behaviour of jumping spiders. Animal Behaviour 71, 531–537.
31. Lim MLM, Li D*. (2009)2006. Extreme ultraviolet sexual dimorphism in jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 89, 397–406.
32. Lim MLM, Li D*. 2006. Behavioural evidence of UV sensitivity in jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 192, 871–878.
33. Nelson X J, Jackson RR, Li D, Barrion AT, Edwards GB. (2006) Innate aversion to ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and ant mimics, experimental findings from mantises (Mantodea). Biological Journal of Linnean Society 88, 23–32.
34. Li D*, Lim MLM. (2005) Ultraviolet cues affect the foraging behaviour of jumping spiders. Animal Behaviour 70, 771–776.
35. Li, D*. 2005. Spiders that decorate webs at higher frequency intercept more prey and grow faster. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 272, 1753–1757.
36. Li, D*, Jackson RR. (2005) Influence of diet-related chemical cues from predators on the hatching of egg-carrying spiders. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31, 333–342.
1. 新加坡国立大学理学院杰出科学家奖(2007)
2. 国际动物学会最佳动物学研究奖(2007)
3. 国际蛛行学大会最佳科学摄影奖(2001)
4. 新加坡国立大学理学院最佳教学奖(2000)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30
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