

湖北大学 免费考研网/2015-09-01


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社会兼职:   中国运筹学会图论组合分会         理事   湖北省运筹学会             常务理事




  1、2006年-2008年,参与承担国家自然科学基金面上项目“图的结构、参数及其应用的研究” (No. **)。

  2、2006年-2008年,参与国家自然科学青年基金面上项目“若干高维连续问题的计算复杂性”(No. **)。

  3、2007年-2009年, 参与承担国家自然科学基金面上项目“图因子、路系统及相关问题”(No. **)。

  4、2008年-2009年,主持湖北省教育厅自然科学基金重点项目“图的拓扑指标及相关的组合结构”(No. D**)。

  5、2009年-2011年,参与湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划“几何学及其应用”(No. T200901)。

  6、2010年-2012年,参与承担国家自然科学基金面上项目“网络的结构性质及拓扑参数研究”(No. **)。

  7、2012年-2015年,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“图的结构性质、参数及参数化复杂性的研究”(No. **)。

  8、2014年-2017年,参与承担国家自然科学基金面上项目“互连网络结构性质及优化设计研究”(No. **)。


Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, Neighborhood unions and cyclability of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 140 (2004), 91-101. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.557) (2004-05-15)Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, On the Laplacian spectral radius of a graph, Linear Algebra and its Applications 376 (2004), 135-141. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.501)(2004-01-01)Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, On the spectral radius of graphs with cut edges, Linear Algebra and its Applications 389 (2004), 139-145. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.501) (2004-09-15)Mei LU, Huiqing LIU and Feng TIAN, The connectivity index, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 51(1) (2004), 149-154. (SCI, Impact factor: 1.000) (2004-01-01)
  • Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, On the Randic index, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 38 (2005), 345-354. (SCI, Impact factor: 1.245) (2005-10-01)
  • Xiangfeng PAN, Huiqing LIU (Corresponding author) and Jingmin XU, Sharp lower bounds for the general Randic index of trees with a given size of matching, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 54 (2)(2005), 465-480. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.828) (2008-09-01)
  • Mei LU, Huiqing LIU and Feng TIAN, Bounds of Laplacian spectrum of graphs based on the domination number, Linear Algebra and its Applications 402 (2005), 390-396. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.593) (2005-06-01)
  • Mei LU, Huiqing LIU and Feng TIAN, Fan-Type theorem for long cycles containing a specified edge, Graphs and Combinatorics 21(4) (2005), 489-501. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.299) (2005-12-01)
  • Mei LU, Huiqing LIU and Feng TIAN, Two sufficient conditions for dominating cycles, Journal of Graph Theory 49(2) (2005), 135-150. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.319)(2005-06-01)
  • Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, Trees of extremal connectivity index, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (2006), 106-119. ((SCI, Impact factor: 0.577) (2006-01-01)
  • Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, On the ordering of trees with the general Randic index of the Nordhaus-Gaddum type, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 55(3) (2006), 419-426. ((SCI, Impact factor: 2.000) (2006-04-01)
  • Huiqing LIU, Xiangfeng PAN and Jingmin XU, On the Randic index of contradujted unicyclic graphs, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 40 (2006), 135-143. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.965) (2006-08-01)
  • Mei LU, Huiqing LIU and Feng TIAN, A new upper bound for the spectral radius of graphs with girth at least 5, Linear Algebra and its Applications 414 (2006), 512-516. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.585) (2006-03-15)
  • Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, Some upper bounds of energy of graphs, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 41 (2007), 45-57. (2007-01-01)
  • Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, On the spectral radius of unicyclic graphs with fixed diameter, Linear Algebra and its Applications 420 (2007), 449-457. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.702) (2007-01-15)
  • Huiqing LIU, Xun YAN and Zheng YAN, On the Merrifield-Simmons indices and Hosoya indices of trees with a prescribed diameter, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 57 (2)(2007), 371-384. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.580) (2007-03-1)
  • Huiqing LIU, Xun YAN and Zheng YAN, Bounds on the general Randic index of trees with a given maximum degree, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 58(1) (2007), 165-176. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.580) (2007-07-01)
  • Huiqing LIU and Mei LU, A unified approach to extremal cacti for different indices, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 58 (2007), 193-204. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.580) (2007-07-01)
  • Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, Relative length of longest paths and cycles in graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics 23(4) (2007), 433–443. (SCI, Impact factor: 0. 23) (2007-08-01)
  • Zheng Yan, Huiqing LIU (Corresponding author) and Heguo LIU, Sharp bounds for the second Zagreb index of unicyclic graphs, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 42 (2007), 565-574. (SCI, 1.057)(2007-10-01)
  • Mei LU, Huiqing LIU and Feng TIAN, Laplacian spectral bounds for clique and independence numbers of graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 97 (2007), 726-732. (SCI,1.017)(2007-09-01)
  • Huiqing LIU, The proof of a conjecture concerning acyclic molecular graphs with maximal Hosoya index and diameter 4, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 43(2008), 1199-1206. (SCI,1.435)(2008-03-01)
  • Huiqing LIU and Mei LU, Sharp bounds on the spectral radius and the energy of graphs, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 59(2) (2008), 279-290. (SCI,3.500) (2008-03-01)
  • Yali Ye, Xiangfeng PAN and Huiqing LIU(Corresponding author), Ordering unicyclic graphs with respect to Hosoya indices and Merrifield-Simmons indices, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 59(2008), 191-202. (2008-01-01)
  • Huiqing LIU and Xiangfeng PAN, On the Wiener index of trees with fixed diameter, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 60(1) (2008), 85-94. (2008-07-1)
  • Huiqing LIU and Mei LU, On the spectral radius of quasi-tree graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 428 (2008), 2708-2714. (Sci,0.878)(2008-07-01)
  • Huiqing LIU, Zheng YAN and Heguo LIU, Extremal chemical (n,m,k)-graphs with maximum Randic index, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 60(2) (2008), 513-522. (2008-09-01)
  • Zheng YAN, Huiqing LIU and Heguo LIU, The maximal Merrifield-Simmons indices and minimal Hosoya indices of unicyclic graphs, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem. 59 (1)(2008), 157-170. (2008-01-01)
  • Mei LU, Huiqing LIU and Feng TIAN, An improved upper bound for the Laplacian spectral radius of graphs, Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009), 6318-6321. (2009-11-06)
  • Huiqing LIU and Mei LU, Bounds for the Laplacian spectral radius of graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 58(1) 2010, 113-119. (SCI,0.74) (2010-01-02)
  • Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Zhang Shun Zhe, On the (Laplacian) spectral radius of unicyclic graphs with girth g and k pendant vertices (in Chinese), Sci Sin Math, 40(10) (2010), 1017-1024. (2010-10-10)
  • Xiaoying Wu and Huiqing LIU (Corresponding author), On the Wiener index of graphs,Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 110(2010), 535-544. (SCI,0.52)(2010-05-01)
  • Yaping WU and Huiqing LIU(Corresponding author), Lexicographical ordering by spectral moments of trees with a prescribed diameter, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 433 (2010), 1707–1713. (SCI,1.067)(2010-12-30)
  • Mei LU and Huiqing LIU, Panconnectivity for interconnection networks with faulty elements, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 26(4) 2010, 647–652. (2010-04-01)
  • Huiqing LIU and Mei LU, Diameter and eigenvalues, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 27(6) (2011), 1107-1114. (2011-06-01)
  • Yi HONG, Huiqing LIU (Corresponding author) and Xiaoying WU,On the Wiener index of unicyclic graphs, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 40 (1) (2011), 63-68. (2011-01-01)
  • Xiaolan Hu and Huiqing LIU, New Upper Bounds for the Huckel Energy of Graphs, MATCH Commun. Mathe. Comput. Chem., 66(3) (2011), 863-878.(2011-11-01)
  • Xiang-Feng PAN, Huiqing LIU and Meimei LIU, Sharp bounds on the zeroth-order general Randi? index of unicyclic graphs with given diameter, Applied Mathematics Letters, 24(5) (2011), 687-691. (2011-05-01)
  • Xiangfeng PAN, Xiaolan HU, Xiuguo LIU and Huiqing LIU, The spectral moment of trees with given maximum degree, Applied Mathematics Letters 24 (2011), 1265–1268. (2011-07-01)
  • Huiqing LIU and Mei LU, A unified approach to extremal trees without perfect matching for different indices, Ars Combinatoria 103 (2012), 505-518.
  • Xiangfeng PAN, Xiuguo LIU and Huiqing LIU (Corresponding author), On the spectral moment of quasi-trees, Linear Algebra and its Applications 436(5)(2012), 927–934. (2012-03-01)
  • Mei LU, Huiqing LIU and Feng TIAN, Spectral radius and Hamiltonion graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 437 (2012) 1670-1674. (2012-10-1)
  • Xiaolan HU and Huiqing LIU (Corresponding author), The (conditional) matching preclusion for burnt pancake graphs,Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 (10-11) (2013), 1481-1489.
  • Huiqing LIU, Mei Lu and Shunzhe Zhang, A conjecture on 3-vertex-critical graphs (in Chinese), Sci Sin Math, 2013, 43(5): 521-528.
  • Huiqing LIU, Mei LU and Feng TIAN, Edge-connectivity and (signless) Laplacian eigenvalue of graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 439(12) (2013), 3777–3784. (2013-12-15)
  • Huiqing LIU and Mei Lu, Bounds of signless Laplacian spectrum of graphs based on the k-domination number, Linear Algebra and its Applications 440 (2014), 83–89. (2014-1-1)
  • Xiaolan Hu, Huiqing Liu (Corresponding author) and Xiang Feng Pan, Fault-free Hamilton cycles in burnt pancake graphs with conditional edge faults, Discrete Applied Mathematics 169 (2014), 152-161. ( 0.72 IF)
  • Huiqing Liu and Mei Lu, A conjecture on the diameter and sigless Laplacian index of graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 450 (2014), 158–174.
  • Guantao Chen, Michael Ferrara, Zhiquan Hu, Michael Jacobson and Huiqing Liu, Degree conditions for spanning brooms, Journal of Graph Theory 77 (2014) (3), 237-250.
  • Hongyan Cai, Huiqing Liu (Corresponding author) and Mei Lu, Fault-tolerant maximal local-connectivity on Bubble-sort star graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2014), accepted.
  • Qin Wen, Qin Zhao and Huiqing Liu, The least signless Laplacian eigenvalue of non-bipartite graphs with given stability number, Linear Algebra and its Applications (2014), accepted.

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