

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-09

李林威 Rizwan M.
PhD, Post doctor, Associate Professor, Masters’ Tutor

Department of Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Production Economics, Food and Behavioral Economics, Agribusiness and Rural Economics
农业生产经济学, 食品与行为经济学, 农业企业与农村经济学

rizwaneco@yangtzeu.edu.cn / rizwaneco@gmail.com


李林威(Rizwan M.目前是长江大学人才计划的全职副教授。 同时,他还担任长江大学和华中农业大学国际交流与合作办公室的协调员。 他是巴基斯坦PMAS干旱农业大学农业战略与发展中心(CAS-D)的成员,也是长江大学长江带经济与发展研究所的成员。 他曾担任巴基斯坦华中农业大学校友会秘书长。他以前曾在巴基斯坦Seedling College of Education担任讲师。
李林威 2019年已完成华中农业大学市场营销管理博士后研究。2017年他通过中国政府奖学金理事会项目(CSC)获得了华中农业大学农业经济管理博士学位,2008年并从巴基斯坦的Bahauddin Zakariya大学获得了经济学硕士学位。 他于2017年被华中农业大学授予“优秀学生奖”,并于2015年被西澳大利亚大学授予“优秀学生奖”。他的研究兴趣包括农业生产经济学, 食品与行为经济学和农业企业与农村经济学。 他在SSCI和SCIE索引的知名国际期刊上发表了多篇论文,例如,《International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction》,《Sustainability》,《Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work Development》,《Human and Ecological Risk Assessment Journal》 and 《Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences》 等期刊。李林威 喜欢参加各类课余活动。




· Operating Process and supply chain behavior among fresh producers under climate change: An economic Analysis (Yangtze University Project)
Principal Investigator

· "The Policy Impacts of Introducing Green Electricity Quota Trading System on the Sustainable Electricity Development in China" (Project No. 13YJA790163).
Member/Associate Researcher

· MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund (Project No.17YJC630159) Research on Innovative Product Diffusion Model and Application Based on Micro Individual Dynamic Decision
Member/Associate Researcher


· Rahman, M.A., Saboor, A., Zaman, Q.U., Hameed, G., Hasnain Z., Rizwan, M., Khan, M., Tanwir F., (2020). Exercising Ricardian Empirics to Investigate the Impact of Climate on Dairy Production in Pakistan. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 29(6), 4831-4840.
· Rizwan, M.*; Qing, P.; Saboor, A.; Iqbal, M.A.; Nazir, A. (2020). Production Risk and Competency among Categorized Rice Peasants: Cross-Sectional Evidence from an Emerging Country.Sustainability.12(9), 3770.
· Khan, M., Saboor, A., Rizwan, M*., Ahmad, T. (2020): An empirical analysis of monetary and multidimensional poverty: evidence from a household survey in Pakistan, Asia Pacific J. Soc. Work Dev.: DOI: 10.1080/**.2020.**
· D. Zhang, A. Saboor, W. Chen, M. Rizwan* (2020). Measuring returns to scale among vegetable producers under technological change: an evidence from china The J. Anim. Plant Sci. (ISSN: 1018-7081), 30(2)
· Malik, A.M., Khurshid N., Rizwan, M*. (2020). How Tariff Reduction Impact Global Economy- A CGE Analysis of Wood Economy of Pakistan. FWU J. Soc. Sci. 14(1):1-14
· Rizwan, M., Q. Ping, A. Saboor, U. I. Ahmed, D. Zhang, Z. Deyi & L. Teng (2019) Measuring rice farmers’ risk perceptions and attitude: Evidence from Pakistan Hum. Ecol. Risk Assessment: An international Journal (Print ISSN:1080-7039Online ISSN:1549-7860): 10.1080/**.2019.**
· Ali, H., Malik, M.A., Siddique, H. M. A., Rizwan, M*. (2019). Impacts of Urbanization and Energy Consumption on Climate Change in Pakistan. Int. Trans J Eng. Manag. Sci. Tech. 11(4):1-11 DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.79
· L. Traore, D. Zhou, N. Ouattara, L. Zhang, K. A. Abebe, L. Teng, Rizwan, M. (2019). Peasants’ Calculation Capacities and Measurement Behaviors in Rural Agricultural Markets of China and Cote d’Ivoire: Implications for Technology Adoption and Rural Development: Sustainability, 11(18): 5035; doi:10.3390/su.592
· M. Rizwan*, Q. Ping, S. Iram., A. Nazir, and Q. Wang (2019). Why and for what? an evidence of agriculture credit demand among rice farmers in Pakistan. Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Working Paper No:995
· A Nazir, G. Li, M. J. Sheikh, X. Zhou, A. Humayoon, M. Rizwan, S. Akhtar., (2018). Farmers’ Perception of Risk Sources and Risk Coping Strategies in Pakistan. J Anim. Plant Sci. 28(3): 889-902
· Rizwan, M*., Deyi, Z., Nazir, A., Osti, R., Ahmed, U.I., Zhu, Y., Iqbal, M.A., (2017). Risk Perceptions and Management Strategies of Rice Growing Households: Evidence from a Developing Country. J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci 7(3),15–26.
· Rizwan, M., Deyi, D., Nazir, Osati, R., A., Traore, L., Sargani, G.R., (2017). Determinants and Choices of Off-Farm Work among Rice Farmers in a Developing Country. J Anim. Plant Sci. 27(6): 1993-2002
· Rizwan. M, Z. Deyi, R. Osti, A. Nazir, U. I. Ahmed, G. Gao., (2017). Measuring Economic Efficiency among Rice Farmers through Non-parametric Approach in Punjab Pakistan. Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences 12: 35-43
· Osti, R., Rizwan, M., Assefa, A.K., Deyi, Z., Bhattarai, D., (2017). Analysis of Resource-use Efficiency in Monsoon and Spring Rice Production in Nepal.Pak. J. Nut. (16): 314-321.
· Iqbal, M. A., Ping, Q., Abid, M., Kazmi, S. M. M., & Rizwan, M. (2016). Assessing risk perceptions and attitude among cotton farmers: A case of Punjab province, Pakistan.International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, (16): 68-74.
· Ahmed, U. I., Ying, L., Bashir, M. K., Iqbal, M. A., Rizwan, M., Iqbal, M. M., & Nazeer, A. (2015). Spatial price transmission in Pakistan: The case of wheat and rice markets.Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research,28(4), 354-362.
· Iqbal, M. A., Ping, Q., Adil, S. A., Nazir, A., & Rizwan, M., (2015). An Economic Analysis of Potato Production in Okara District, Pakistan. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management 3(6), 229-2240. (ISI Indexed)


· “Distinguished Student Award” for the year of 2017” from Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, Hubei, P.R. China 2017.
· “Distinguished Student Award” for Agriculture, Economics and Nature an online course from The University of Western Australia, April, 2015.
· Ph. D Scholarship from Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) in 2013.


· “PhD Scholarship” of Chinese Scholarship Council, P.R. China
· “Best Teacher Assistant Cash Award” from Chinese Scholarship Council on excellent performance (2016 & 2017)
· “Best Coordinator for International Students” Award from the College of Economics and Management, HZAU, Wuhan, China on excellent performance (2014 to 2017).
· “Best Coordinator for Sports and Recreational Department, Volunteer Cells, International College, HZAU, Wuhan, China” Award from the International College, HZAU, Wuhan, China on excellent performance (2017).
· “Best Volunteer” Award from the College of Economics and Management, HZAU, Wuhan, China in 2017, 2016, 2015
· “Best Volunteer” Award from the College of Economics and Management, HZAU, Wuhan, China in 2016, 2015, 2014
· “HZAU International Doubles Men Badminton Championship” held in HZAU, Wuhan, China, 1st Position in 2016, 3rd Position in 2015 and 2nd Position in 2014
· Certificate on well-organized First International Cross-Border E-commerce Forum at HZAU in 26th November - 1st December, HZAU P.R. China,2018


· Editor of “The Future of Cross Border E-commerce: Akinik Publications New Delhi (2019)”
· Abstract published in Abstract Book “2nd International cross Border E-commerce Forum UAF-IARE 3-5th December, 2019.


· BritishFoodJournal (SCI)
· Spanish journal of agriculture research (SCI)
· Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (SCI)
· African Journal of Agricultural Research (SCI)
· Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, (ISI)
· International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (ISI)

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