- 博士 副教授原子与分子物理
- Email: lsong@yangtzeu.edu.cn@yangtzeu.edu.cn
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李松 副教授
1. 科研经历
2. 国内外公开发行刊物上发表的学术论文
1) Song Li, Shan-Jun Chen, Yan Chen, An ab initio investigation on the ground electronic state of chlorine monoxide and its singly charged cation and anion, Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 152 (2016) 453–460.
2) S. Li, R. Zheng, S.J. Chen, Q.C. Fan, Theoretical study of LiCl? and LiBr? molecular ions, Mol. Phys. 113 (2015) 1433–1441.
3) Rui Zheng, Song Li*, Shan-Jun Chen, Yan Chen, Li-Min Zheng, Theoretical investigation of potential energy surface and bound states for the van der Waals complex Ar–BrCl dimmer, Chem. Phys. 458 (2015) 77–85.
4) Li Song, Zheng Rui and Duan Chuan-Xi, Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of O2–N2O van der Waals complex in the v1 symmetric stretch region of N2O, Chin. Phys. B 23, 12 (2014) 123301.
5) S. Li, R. Zheng, S.J. Chen, D.S. Zhu, Q.C. Fan, Theoretical study on the ground electronic state of FO+ and FO-, Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 133 (2014) 735–740.
6) Song Li, Shan-Jun Chen, De-Sheng Zhu, Qun-Chao Fan, Theoretical study on the ground electronic state of SCl+ and SCl-, Comput. Theor. Chem., 1017 (2013) 136–143.
7) LI Song, CHEN Shan-Jun, ZHU De-Sheng,WEI Jian-Jun, Structure and Potential Energy Function of ClF- Molecular Ion, Acta Phys. Chim. Sin., 29(04) (2013) 737-744.
8) Li Song, Han Li-Bo, Chen Shan-Jun, Duan Chuan-Xi, Potential energy function and spectroscopic parameters of SN- molecular ion, Acta Phys. Sin., 62(11) (2013) 113102.
9) Song Li, Rui Zheng, Yu Zhu, and Chuanxi Duan, Rovibrational spectra of the Ar-D2O and Kr-D2O van der Waals complexes in the v2 bend region of D2O,J. Mol. Spectrosc. 272 (2012) 27-31.
10) Song Li, Rui Zheng, Yu Zhu, and Chuanxi Duan, Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of the Ne–D2O van der Waals complex: strong Coriolis and angular-radial coupling, J. Chem. Phys. 135 (2011) 134304.
11) Song Li, Rui Zheng, Guangming Huang, and Chuanxi Duan, Mid-infrared diode laser spectroscopy of SO+, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 252 (2008) 22-24.
3. 承担的学术研究课题
4. 参加的学术会议
(1). 2015年第十八届全国原子与分子物理学术会议 山东烟台 (2). 2014年第五届全国计算原子与分子物理学术会议 四川宜宾 (3). 2013年第十七届全国原子与分子物理学术会议 甘肃兰州 (4). 2011年第十六届全国原子与分子物理学术会议 江西吉安 (5). 2009年第十五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议 贵阳贵州 5. 所获奖励
(1). 2014年度长江青年人才 (2). 2014年第六届青年教师讲课比赛二等奖 (3). 2012.6 华中师范大学研究生优秀奖学金一等奖 (4). 2012.6 华中师范大学优秀博士学位论文 (5). 2009.6 华中师范大学研究生优秀奖学金一等奖 (6). 2009.6 华中师范大学优秀硕士学位论文