

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

2012年3月-2013年3月:美国威尔克斯大学(Wilkes University),派访问****
1. 教育部国家虚拟仿真实验教学项目:珍稀动物生物学习性观察研究虚拟仿真实验项目:以神农架金丝猴为例,2019年1月-2022年12月,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**):分散贮藏后期植物对鼠类贮藏行为的调节:营养及气味衰减假说,2018年1月-2021年12月,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委—广东省联合基金重点项目(U**):南海岛礁植被退化机制及恢复策略:南海岛礁动植物互作网络与自然植被维持、退化及恢复的关系,2018年1月-2021年12月,子课题主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**):同域分布啮齿动物间的不对称盗食行为研究,2014年1月-2017年12月,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**):啮齿动物同种个体间的合作贮食行为研究:以社鼠或朝鲜姬鼠为例,2012年1月-2015年12月,主持
6. 国家自然基金青年基金项目(**):同域分布啮齿动物间的盗食与反盗食行为研究,2009年1月-2011年12月,主持
7. 雅砻江流域水电开发有限公司招标项目:雅砻江下游梯级电站运行期陆生生态调查服务(项目编号:0023-19ZB0138),2020年1月~2023年12月,项目负责人。
8. 神农架大九湖国家湿地公园管理局项目(【2016】201606):神农架大九湖国家湿地公园动物资源本底调查,2016年6月-2018年12月,项目负责人。
9. 江苏省泗洪县生物资源本底调查(招标项目),2018年5月-2019年5月,项目负责人。
10. 云南华电金沙江中游水电开发有限公司招标项目:梨园、阿海水电站陆生生态及水生生态监测项目,2020年1月~2026年12月。陆生动物监测专题负责人。
11. 金沙江鲁地拉水电站陆生生态和水生生态监测:陆生脊椎动物监测专项(招标项目),2018年6月-2021年12月,专题负责人
12. 引江济淮工程生态监测:陆生脊椎动物监测专项 (招标项目),2018年1月-2021年12月,专题负责人。
1. Zhang HM*#, Yan C#, Wu SQ, Si JJ, Yi XF, Li HJ, Zhang ZB*. 2020. Effects of masting on seedling establishment of a rodent-dispersed tree species in a warm-temperate region, northern China? Integrative Zoology, in press.
2. Niu HY, Wang XR, Zhang HM*, Wang D. 2020. Oak, Quercus chenii, dispersal in urban fragmented forests: acorn vertical and horizontal dispersal, seedling establishment and growth. Urban Ecosystem, 23(2), 379-388.
3. Li FH, Qin YJ, Gong SY, Zhang HM*, Ding SM*. 2020. Learning and memory impairment of mice caused by gaseous formaldehyde. Environmental Research, 109318.
4. Niu HY#, Zhang J#, Wang ZY, Huang GC, Peng C, Zhang HM*. 2020. Context-dependent responses of food-hoarding to competitors in Apodemus peninsulae: implications for coexistence among asymmetrical species. Integrative Zoology 15: 115-126.
5. An JR, Li FH, Qin YJ, Zhang HM, Ding SM*. 2019. Low concentrations of FA exhibits the Hormesis effect by affecting cell division and the Warburg effect. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 183:109576.
6. Niu HY, Chu W, Yi XF, Zhang HM*. 2019. Visual and auditory cues facilitate cache pilferage of Siberian chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus) under indoor conditions. Integrative Zoology, 14(4): 354-365.
7. Cao L, Wang B, Yan C, Wang ZY, Zhang HM, Geng YZ, Chen J, Zhang ZB. 2019. Risk of cache pilferage determines hoarding behavior of rodents and seed fate. Behavioral Ecology. 29(4): 984-991.
8. Michael AS*, Yi XF, Zhang HM. 2018. Plant‐animal interactions: patterns and mechanisms in terrestrial ecosystems. Integrative Zoology, 13: 225-227.
9. Niu HY, Xing JJ, Zhang HM*, Wang D, Wang X. 2018. Roads limit of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment of Quercus chenii in an urban hillside forest. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 30:307-314.
10. Li Y, Zhang DY, Zhang HM, Wang ZY, Yi XF*. 2018. Scatter-hoarding animal places more memory on caches with weak odor. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72:53.
11. Yu Q#, Zhang HM#, Li Y, Liu C, Wang SH*, Liao XM*. 2018. UCH-L1 inhibition suppresses tau aggresome formation during proteasomal impairment. Molecular Neurobiology, 55:3812-3821.
12. Zhang HM*, Chu W, Zhang ZB, Wang W. 2017. Cultivated walnut trees showed earlier but not final advantage over its wild relatives in competing for seed dispersers. Integrative Zoology, 12:12-25.
13. Zhang HM*, Yan C, Chang G, Zhang ZB*. 2016. Seed trait-mediated selection by rodents affects mutualistic interactions and seedling recruitment of co-occurring tree species. Oecologia, 180(2), 475-484.
14. Zhang HM*, Wang ZZ, Zeng QH, Chang G, Wang ZY, Zhang ZB. 2015. Mutualistic and predatory interactions are driven by rodent body size and seed traits in a rodent-seed system in warm-temperate forest in northern China. Wildlife Research, 42:149-157.
15. Luo Y, Yang Z, Steele MA, Zhang ZB, Stratford JA, Zhang HM*. 2014. Hoarding without reward: rodent responses to repeated episodes of complete cache loss. Behavioural Processes, 106: 36-43.
16. Zhang HM*, Steele MA, Zhang ZB, Wang W, Wang Y. 2014. Rapid sequestration and recaching by a scatter-hoarding rodent (Sciurotamias davidianus). Journal of Mammalogy, 95(3): 480-490.
17. Zhang HM*, Gao HY, Yang Z, Wang ZZ, Luo Y, Zhang ZB. 2014. Effects of interspecific competition on food hoarding and pilferage in two sympatric rodents. Behaviour. 151: 1579-1596.
18. Zhang HM, Luo Y, Steele MA, Yang Z, Wang Y, Zhang ZB*. 2013. Rodent-favored cache sites do not favor seedling establishment of shade-intolerant wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca Linn.) in northern China. Plant Ecology, 214(4): 531-543.
19. Sun SJ, Zhang HM*. 2013. Caches sites preferred by small rodents facilitate cache survival in a subtropical primary forest, central China. Wildlife Research, 40(4): 294-302.
20. Zhang HM, Wang Y, Zhang ZB*. 2011. Responses of seed-hoarding behaviour to conspecific audiences in scatter- and/or larder-hoarding rodents. Behaviour, 148: 825-842.
21. Zhang HM*, Wang Y. 2011. Differences in hoarding behavior between captive and wild sympatric rodent species. Current Zoology, 57: 725-730.
22. Huang ZY, Wang Y, Zhang HM*, Wu FQ, Zhang ZB. 2011. Behavioral responses of sympatric rodents to complete pilferage. Animal Behaviour, 81: 831-836.
23. Cheng JR, Zhang HM*. 2011. Seed-hoarding of Edward’s long-tailed rats (Leopoldamys edwardsi) in response to weevil infestation in Cork oak (Quercus variabilis). Current Zoology, 57(1): 50-55.
24. Zhang HM, Wang Y, Zhang ZB*. 2009. Domestic goat grazing disturbance enhances tree seed removal and caching by small rodents in a warm-temperate deciduous forest in China. Wildlife Research, 36: 610-616.
25. Zhang HM, Cheng JR, Xiao ZS, Zhang ZB*. 2008. Effects of seed abundance on seed scatter-hoarding of Edward’s rat (Leopoldamys edwardsi Muridae) at individual level. Oecologia, 158: 57-63.
26. Zhang HM, Chen Y, Zhang ZB*. 2008. Differences of dispersal fitness of large and small acorns of Liaodong oak (Quercus liaotungensis) before and after seed caching by small rodents in a warm temperate forest, China. Forest Ecology and Management, 255: 1243-1250.
27. Zhang HM, Zhang ZB*. 2008. Endocarp thickness affects seed removal speed by small rodents in a warm-temperate broad-leafed deciduous forest, China. Acta Oecologica, 34: 285-293.
SCI杂志Integrative Zoology编委(Subject editor)

Hongmao Zhang

PhD, Professor

Office Address

Lab Address


Sep. 1993 - Jun. 1997: B. Sc. in Biology, China West Normal University.
Sep. 1997 – Jun. 2000: M. Sc. in Zoology, China West Normal University.
Sep. 2004 – Jun. 2007: PhD. Sc. in Ecology, Institute of Zoology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Jul. 2000 – Jun. 2008: Assistant professor, School of Fishery, Huazhong Agricultural University.
Mar. 2012 – Mar. 2013: Visiting Scholar, Wilkes University.
Jul. 2008 – present Assistant / Associate professor / Professor, School of Life Sciences, Central China Normal University.

Research Interests:
My research interests are plant-animal interactions in respect to seed predation, hoarding and dispersal in warm-temperate forests and urban forest patches. I look at how small rodents/birds select seed species for eating and hoarding, and how plants manipulate small rodents and birds increasing seed dispersal by regulating seed traits. I want to know the ecological net-works between plants and small rodents/birds, and their contributions to plant regeneration and community structure of forests. In addition, I also highlight behavior of food-hoarding, food-pilfering, and food-protecting in small rodents/birds when they hoard plant seeds.
Another research interest is wildlife conservation. Here, I look at ecological-based control and management of pest rodents, effects of habitat fragmentation on wild animals, and population survey of wild animals.

Research Grants
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (**), How plants regulate hoarding behavior of rodents during the later stage of seed-caching: nutrition / odor attenuation hypotheses, Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2021.
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (**), Asymmetrical pilferage among sympatric small rodents, Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2017.
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (**), Cooperation in food hoarding in conspecifics of Niviventer confucianus and Apodemus peninsulae, Jan. 2012 – Dec. 2015.
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China (**), Pilferage and pilferage avoidance among sympatric small rodents, Jan. 2009 – Dec. 2011.
Representative Peer-reviewed Publications:
1. Zhang HM*#, Yan C#, Wu SQ, Si JJ, Yi XF, Li HJ, Zhang ZB*. 2020. Effects of masting on seedling establishment of a rodent-dispersed tree species in a warm-temperate region, northern China? Integrative Zoology, in press.
2. Niu HY, Wang XR, Zhang HM*, Wang D. 2020. Oak, Quercus chenii, dispersal in urban fragmented forests: acorn vertical and horizontal dispersal, seedling establishment and growth. Urban Ecosystem, 23(2), 379-388.
3. Li FH, Qin YJ, Gong SY, Zhang HM*, Ding SM*. 2020. Learning and memory impairment of mice caused by gaseous formaldehyde. Environmental Research, 109318.
4. Niu HY#, Zhang J#, Wang ZY, Huang GC, Peng C, Zhang HM*. 2020. Context-dependent responses of food-hoarding to competitors in Apodemus peninsulae: implications for coexistence among asymmetrical species. Integrative Zoology 15: 115-126.
5. An JR, Li FH, Qin YJ, Zhang HM, Ding SM*. 2019. Low concentrations of FA exhibits the Hormesis effect by affecting cell division and the Warburg effect. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 183:109576.
6. Niu HY, Chu W, Yi XF, Zhang HM*. 2019. Visual and auditory cues facilitate cache pilferage of Siberian chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus) under indoor conditions. Integrative Zoology, 14(4): 354-365.
7. Cao L, Wang B, Yan C, Wang ZY, Zhang HM, Geng YZ, Chen J, Zhang ZB. 2019. Risk of cache pilferage determines hoarding behavior of rodents and seed fate. Behavioral Ecology. 29(4): 984-991.
8. Michael AS*, Yi XF, Zhang HM. 2018. Plant‐animal interactions: patterns and mechanisms in terrestrial ecosystems. Integrative Zoology, 13: 225-227.
9. Niu HY, Xing JJ, Zhang HM*, Wang D, Wang X. 2018. Roads limit of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment of Quercus chenii in an urban hillside forest. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 30:307-314.
10. Li Y, Zhang DY, Zhang HM, Wang ZY, Yi XF*. 2018. Scatter-hoarding animal places more memory on caches with weak odor. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72:53.
11. Yu Q#, Zhang HM#, Li Y, Liu C, Wang SH*, Liao XM*. 2018. UCH-L1 inhibition suppresses tau aggresome formation during proteasomal impairment. Molecular Neurobiology, 55:3812-3821.
12. Zhang HM*, Chu W, Zhang ZB, Wang W. 2017. Cultivated walnut trees showed earlier but not final advantage over its wild relatives in competing for seed dispersers. Integrative Zoology, 12:12-25.
13. Yi XF, Wang ZY, Zhang HM, Zhang ZB*. 2016. Weak olfaction increases seed scatter-hoarding by Siberian chipmunks: implication in shaping plant-animal interactions. Oikos, 125(12): 1712-1718.
14. Zhang ZB*, Wang ZY, Chang G, Yi XF, Lu JQ, Xiao ZS, Zhang HM, Cao L, Wang FS, Li HJ, Yan C. 2016. Trade-off between seed defensive traits and impacts on interaction patterns between seeds and rodents in forest ecosystems. Plant Ecology, 217:253–265.
15. Zhang HM*, Yan C, Chang G, Zhang ZB*. 2016. Seed trait-mediated selection by rodents affects mutualistic interactions and seedling recruitment of co-occurring tree species. Oecologia, 180(2), 475-484.
16. Zhang HM*, Wang ZZ, Zeng QH, Chang G, Wang ZY, Zhang ZB. 2015. Mutualistic and predatory interactions are driven by rodent body size and seed traits in a rodent-seed system in warm-temperate forest in northern China. Wildlife Research, 42:149-157.
17. Steele MA*, Rompré G, Stratford JA, Zhang HM, Sushocki M, Marino S. 2015 Scatter hoarding rodents favor higher predation risks for cache sites: The potential for predators to influence the seed dispersal process. Integrative Zoology, 10: 257-266.
18. Luo Y, Yang Z, Steele MA, Zhang ZB, Stratford JA, Zhang HM*. 2014. Hoarding without reward: rodent responses to repeated episodes of complete cache loss. Behavioural Processes, 106: 36-43.
19. Zhang HM*, Steele MA, Zhang ZB, Wang W, Wang Y. 2014. Rapid sequestration and recaching by a scatter-hoarding rodent (Sciurotamias davidianus). Journal of Mammalogy, 95(3): 480-490.
20. Zhang HM*, Gao HY, Yang Z, Wang ZZ, Luo Y, Zhang ZB. 2014. Effects of interspecific competition on food hoarding and pilferage in two sympatric rodents. Behaviour. 151: 1579-1596.
21. Zhang HM, Luo Y, Steele MA, Yang Z, Wang Y, Zhang ZB*. 2013. Rodent-favored cache sites do not favor seedling establishment of shade-intolerant wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca Linn.) in northern China. Plant Ecology, 214(4): 531-543.
22. Sun SJ, Zhang HM*. 2013. Caches sites preferred by small rodents facilitate cache survival in a subtropical primary forest, central China. Wildlife Research, 40(4): 294-302.
23. Zhang HM, Wang Y, Zhang ZB*. 2011. Responses of seed-hoarding behaviour to conspecific audiences in scatter- and/or larder-hoarding rodents. Behaviour, 148: 825-842.
24. Zhang HM*, Wang Y. 2011. Differences in hoarding behavior between captive and wild sympatric rodent species. Current Zoology, 57: 725-730.
25. Huang ZY, Wang Y, Zhang HM*, Wu FQ, Zhang ZB. 2011. Behavioral responses of sympatric rodents to complete pilferage. Animal Behaviour, 81: 831-836.
26. Cheng JR, Zhang HM*. 2011. Seed-hoarding of Edward’s long-tailed rats (Leopoldamys edwardsi) in response to weevil infestation in Cork oak (Quercus variabilis). Current Zoology, 57(1): 50-55.
27. Zhang HM, Wang Y, Zhang ZB*. 2009. Domestic goat grazing disturbance enhances tree seed removal and caching by small rodents in a warm-temperate deciduous forest in China. Wildlife Research, 36: 610-616.
28. Zhang HM*, Wang W. 2009. Using endocarp-remains of seeds of wild apricot Prunus armeniaca to identify rodent seed predators. Current Zoology, 55(6):396-400.
29. Zhang HM, Cheng JR, Xiao ZS, Zhang ZB*. 2008. Effects of seed abundance on seed scatter-hoarding of Edward’s rat (Leopoldamys edwardsi Muridae) at individual level. Oecologia, 158: 57-63.
30. Zhang HM, Chen Y, Zhang ZB*. 2008. Differences of dispersal fitness of large and small acorns of Liaodong oak (Quercus liaotungensis) before and after seed caching by small rodents in a warm temperate forest, China. Forest Ecology and Management, 255: 1243-1250.
31. Zhang HM, Zhang ZB*. 2008. Endocarp thickness affects seed removal speed by small rodents in a warm-temperate broad-leafed deciduous forest, China. Acta Oecologica, 34: 285-293.2.

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