本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26
About Me
Cheng-Yu Hung is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education Information Technology at Central China Normal University, Hubei, P. R. China. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute of Education at Chiao Tung University (Taiwan). He received the MS degrees in applied Information Management from Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan in 2008, and the PhD degree in computer science and information engineering from National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, in 2014. He is an honorary member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society. He current research interests include applying new educational technology in science education simulation, e-learning, eye-tracking technology, brainwave analysis (EEG), and technology-enhanced game-based learning, as well as examining how these learning environments affect academic performance, mental models, student motivation, game performance, and learning outcome
Ph.D. Dissertation: Hung, Cheng-Yu. A Study of Kinesthetic Digital Game-Based Learning on Students’ Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Flow Experience and Learning Performance, 2014. (Advisor: Jerry Chih-Yuan Sun & Pao-Ta Yu)
1. 多媒体学习(Multimedia Learning)
2. 教育心理与教育科技(Educational Psychology and Technology)
3. 翻转课堂与大规模在线课程(Flipped Classroom and MOOCs)
4. 虚拟科学实验(Interactive Digital Simulations)
5. 眼动追踪技术 (Eye-Tracking Technology)
6. 生理讯号分析(Brainwave Analysis)
7. 悦趣式学习(Game-Based Learning)
国际学生能力评量计划Program for International Student Assessment (PISA 2015)
国际学术期刊审查Exclusive Paper Reviewer (2014~present)
1. Computers & Education (SSCI) (6篇)
2. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (SSCI) (2篇)
3. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI) (7篇)
研究兴趣不受限于前面主题,但要和我一起做研究的研究生必须具备主动积极不畏艰难的态度,是为研究而研究才能自我提升才能胜任愉快. 有兴趣和我一起做研究的研究生请先将履历照片自传email给我, 我会尽快和您联络.(必须具备编程能力或是良好的英文阅读能力,导师组会有考核方式)
International Journal Papers
1. Hung, C. Y., Xu, W. W., & Lin, Y. R.* (forthcoming). Multi-touch, Gesture-based Simulations: Impacts on Learning Optical Imaging and Mental Model Development. Computers & Education. (Impact Factor:5.627) (SSCI)
2. Zhang Yi., Chen B., Ge, J., Hung, C. Y., & Lin M. (2019). When is the best time to use rubrics in flipped learning? A study on students’ learning achievement, metacognitive awareness, and cognitive load. Interactive Learning Environments, 27(8), 1207-1221. (SSCI)
3. Hung, C. Y., Sun, J. C. Y. & Liu, J. Y. (2019). Effects of Flipped Classrooms Integrated with MOOCs and Gamed-Based Learning on Learning Motivation and Outcomes of Students from Different Backgrounds. Interactive Learning Environments, 27(8), 1028-1046. (SSCI) (Impact Factor:1.603)
4. Lin, Y. R., Hung, C. Y.*, Hung, J. F. (2017). Exploring Teachers’ Meta-Strategic Knowledge of Science Argumentation Teaching with the Repertory Grid Technique. International Journal of Science Education, 39(2), 105-134. (SSCI) (Impact Factor:1.817) (Corresponding Author)
5. Hung, C. Y., Lin, Y. R., Huang, K. Y., Yu, P. T., & Sun, J. C. Y.* (2017). Collaborative Game-Based Learning with Motion-Sensing Technology: Analyzing Students’ Motivation, Attention, and Relaxation Levels. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 7(4), 53-64. (ESCI) (First Author)
6. Hung, C. Y., Sun, J. C. Y.*, & Yu, P. T. (2015). The Benefits of a Challenge: Student Motivation and Flow Experience in Tablet-PCs-Game-Based Learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 23(2), 172-190. (Impact Factor:1.603)(SSCI)
7. Hung, C. Y.*, Kuo, F. O., Sun, J. C. Y., & Yu, P. T. (2014). An Interactive Game Approach for Improving Students’ Learning Performance in Multi-Touch Game-Based Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 7(1), 31-37. (Impact Factor:1.81)(SSCI)
8. Chen, R. C., Hung, C. Y. (2010). Applying the Fuzzy Set Theory to Electing and Workload-sharing Mechanism of the Cluster Manager in Ad-Hoc Networks. Journal of Chaoyang University of Technology, ISSN1026-244X, Vol.15, pp.321-341. (THCI)
International Conference Papers
1. Hung, C. -Y, Chang, T. -W. & Yu, P. -T. (2011), “Learning Application with the Multi-Touch Interactive Technology-A Study of Jigsaw Game,” in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2011), ChiangMai, Thailand, pp. 488-492.
2. Hung, C. -Y, Chang, T. -W., Yu, P. -T. & Cheng, P. J. (2012), “The Problem-Solving Skills and Learning Performance in Learning Multi-Touch Interactive Jigsaw Game using Digital Scaffolds,” the 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, Takamatsu, Kagawa,Japan, pp.33-38. [EI] (Best Paper Award)
3. Hung, C. -Y., Tsai, C. -Y. & Yu, P. -T. (2012). The Development of Geographical Competence with Multi-Touch Scaffolding. Workshop on Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), Taiwan.
4. Hung, C. -Y, Sun, J. C.-Y., & Yu, P. -T. (2013). The Effect of Challenging Game on Students’ Motivation and Flow Experience in Multi-Touch Game-Based Learning,” in Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE2013) , BALI, Indonesia, pp.345-352. [EI]
5. Hung, C. -Y, Sun, J. C. -Y., & Yu, P. -T. (2013). Learning Application with Collaborative Finger-Touch Game-Based Learning – A Study of iPad App in Mathematics Course. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE2013), BALI, Indonesia, pp.353-357. [EI]
6. Hung, C. -Y, Sun, J. C. -Y., & Yu, P. -T. (2015). Collaborative Game-Based Learning with Kinect: Analyzing Students’ Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Brainwave Data. in Taiwan E-LEARNING FORUM(TWELF2015), Taiwan, kaohsiung.
7. Yi-Xi LI, Lan-Lan MA & Hung, C. -Y. (2018). Application of multi-touch gestures in science education: Interactive digital simulation for improving students’ understanding of optical imaging and learning motivation. 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2018), Philippines: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. [EI]
8. Lan-Lan MA, Yi-Xi LI & Hung, C. -Y. (2018). The effect of computer simulation designs on students’ learning motivation and conceptual scientific understanding. 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2018), Philippines: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. [EI]
9. Li, L.-K., Li, Y.-X., Hung, C.-Y. (2019). Multi-Touch Technology in Education: Digital Simulation Improves Student Comprehension, Cognitive Concept, and Anxiety," the 5th International Symposium on Educational Technology (ISET2019), Czech Republic. [EI]
1. 现代教育技术
2. 教育信息技术研究方法
3. 教育心理与统计
3. 数位游戏式学习
4. 多媒体学习认知理论
5. 计算器组织与结构
6. 操作系统
7. 计算机网络
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