本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-21
1、 热带生物多样性形成机制;
2、 热带森林微生物群落构建;
3、 热带森林入侵植物的生物防治;
4、 退化热带森林生态系统生态修复;
5、 热带森林生态系统结构和功能关系;
6、 基于无人机和声学的海南长臂猿个体识别和习性探究
2008-2013兰州大学生命科学学院,生态学,博士 (导师:周淑荣)
3、审稿:Journal of Applied Ecology, New Phytologist, Ecology and Evolution, Ecosphere, Scientific Reports, PLoS ONE, Journal of Plant Ecology, Acta Oecologica等
3、海南院士工作站专项唐守正院士,(2020-2022),60万,张辉主持 。
4、海南省高层次人才项目、基于功能性状和同位素解析雾水对海南热带云雾林生态系统的重要性,(2019RC161)(2020-2022),10万,张辉主持 。
国家自然基金面上项目基金、结合功能性状和系统发育探究南亚热带森林在不同时空尺度上的群落构建机制,(**)(2018-2022),70万,张辉主持 。
国家自然基金青年项目基金、基于植物重要生理性状、环境因子和物种多度的关系探究南亚7、热带不同演替阶段森林群落的构建机制,(**)(2015-2017), 26万,张辉主持,已结题。
8、中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项子课题13,岛礁适生植物的生态生物学特征及生理生态适应机制,2016年 1 月- 2018 年 12 月,张辉主持,64.78万,已结题。
1、Jiang, K., Tan, Z.Y., He, Q.F., Zhang, H*. (2020) Strong positively diversity–productivity relationships in the natural sub-alpine meadow communities across time are up to superior performers, 10, 1353 (IF=4.03, Corresponding Author).
2、Luo, J.H., Cui, J., Tan, Z.Y., Jiang, K., He, Q.F., Zhang, H*. (2020). Seasonally Distinctive Growth and Drought Stress Functional Traits Enable Leucaena Leucocephalato Successfully Invade a Chinese Tropical Forest. Tropical Conservation Science. DOI: 10.1177/**49176 (IF=1.35, Corresponding Author).
3、Zhang, H. Wang C., Samuel, T.V.,Sun Z.Y., Long, W.X. (2020). Thermal infrared imaging from drones can detect individuals and noctumal behavior of the world’s rarest primate. Global Ecology and Conservation (世界上第一篇基于无人机和热红外探头成功识别海南长臂猿C群个体和夜晚习性的研究, IF=2.78)。
4、Wang C. Zhang, H., Liu, N. (2020). Application of a trait‐based species screening framework for vegetation restoration in a tropical coral island of China. Functional Ecology (Co-first author, IF=5.63,被新华网和羊城晚报报道)。
5、Chen Y.K., X, Zhang, H., Long, W.X. (2020). The effects of soil phosphorus on aboveground
biomass are mediated by functional diversity in a tropical cloud forest. Plant and Soil (Co-first author, IF=3.13).
6、Tan Z.Y., Robert, J., Zhang, H.* (2020). Niche-processes induced differences in plant growth, carbon balance, stress resistance, and regeneration affect community assembly over succession. PLoS ONE. (Corresponding author, IF=2.67).
7、Liao, L.C., Zhang, H., Long, W.X. (2020) Leaf functional traits are related to tree size and location in cotton trees Bombax malabaricum. Tropical Conservation Science. DOI: 10.1177/**49176 (IF=1.35, Corresponding Author).
8、Zhang, H., Lian, J, Ye, W. (2019). Functional trait composition shows higher predictive ability of nice-based processes than species composition. Tropical Conservation Science. (IF=1.67).
Jiang, H., Long, W.X., Zhang, H.* (2019). Genetic diversity and genetic structure of Decalobanthus boisianus in Hainan island, China, Ecology and Evolution (Corresponding author, IF=2.67 ).
9、Zhang, H., John, R., Qi, W., Liu, K., & Long, W.X. (2019). Using Functional Trait Diversity Patterns to Disentangle the Processes Influencing the Recovery of Subalpine Grasslands Following Abandonment of Agricultural Use. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7:128. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00128 (IF=2.678).
10、Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Liu N. (2019). Tree plantations influence the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the soils of a coral island, Applied Soil Ecology 138, 220-222 (Co-first author, IF=2.96).
11、Zhang, H., John, R., Zhu, S.D., Liu, H., Xu, Q.Y., Qi, W., Liu, K., Chan, H., & Ye, Q. (2018). Shifts in functional trait–species abundance relationships over secondary subalpine meadow succession in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Oecologia 188, 41-47 (IF=3.12)
12、Zhang, H., C. H. Y. H., L. Juyu, J. Robert, R. Li, L. Hui, Y. Wanhui, B. Frank, and Y. Qing. (2018). Using functional trait diversity patterns to disentangle the scale-dependent ecological processes in a subtropical forest. Functional Ecology 32:1379-1389. (IF=5.63)
13、Zhang, H., Qi, W. & Liu, K. (2018) Functional traits associated with plant colonizing and competitive ability influence species abundance during secondary succession: evidence from subalpine meadows of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Evolution 8, 6529-6536 (IF=2.34)
14、Zhang, H., John, R., Zhu, S.D., Liu, H. & Ye, Q. (2017). Habitat filtering and exclusion of weak competitors jointly explain fern species assemblage along a light and water gradient. Scientific Reports 7, 298. (IF=5.092)
15、Zhang, H., Qi, W., John, R., Wang, W.B., Song, F.F. & Zhou, S.R. (2015). Using functional trait diversity to evaluate the contribution of multiple ecological processes to community assembly during succession. Ecography 38, 1176–1186. (IF=5.36)
16、Zhang, H., Gilbert, B., Wang, W., Liu, J. & Zhou, S. (2013). Grazer exclusion alters plant spatial organization at multiple scales, increasing diversity. Ecology and Evolution 3: 3604-3612. (IF=2.34)
Zhang, H., Gilbert, B., Zhang, X. & Zhou, S. (2013). Community assembly along a successional gradient in sub-alpine meadows of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Oikos, 122, 952-960. (IF=3.092)
Zhang, H., John, R., Peng, Z., Yuan, J., Chu, C., Du, G. & Zhou S (2012). The relationship between species richness and evenness in plant communities along a successional gradient: a study from sub-alpine meadows of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. PLoS ONE 7: e49024. (IF=4.092)
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