

贵州财经大学 免费考研网/2016-01-26

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徐昌进,教授,硕士生导师。1970年9月生, 2010年毕业于中南大学应用数学系,获理学博士学位。同年调入贵州财经大学任教。目前是美国《数学评论》评论员(编号:83294), 国际学术期刊Journal of Convergence Information Technology (韩国)和 PDE Journal(加拿大)的编委。 是美国、英国、荷兰、伊朗、韩国、加拿大等22个国际SCI/EI刊物及7个国际期刊的特邀审稿人。以第一作者身份发表学术论文 100 多篇,其中SCI/EI收录56篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,贵州省省长基金项目1项,贵州省科学技术基金项目1项,贵州省科技厅软科学项目1项,贵州财经大学博士科研基金项目1项。2011年获贵州财经大学科研个人一等奖, 2012年获贵州财经大学科研个人一等奖。

1.Changjin Xu, Xianhua Tang, Maoxin Liao,

Frequency domain analysis for bifurcation in

a simplified tri-neuron BAM network model

with two delays.

Neural Networks 23(7)(2010)872-880(SCI源刊)
2.Changjin Xu, Xianhua Tang, Maoxin Liao,

Global existence of periodic solutions in a six-neuron BAM neural network model with

discrete delays

Neurocomputing 74(17)( 2011) 3257-3267 (SCI源刊)

3. Changjin Xu, Xianhua Tang,

Maoxin Liao, Stability

and bifurcation analysis of a delayed predator-prey model of prey dispersal in two-patch environments.

Applied Mathematics and Computation. 216(10)(2010) 2920-2936 (SCI源刊)

4. Changjin Xu, Xianhua Tang,

Maoxin Liao, Stability

and bifurcation analysis of a six-neuron BAM neural network model with

discrete delays

Neurocomputing 74 (5) (2011) 689-707 (SCI源刊)
5.Changjin Xu, Xianhua Tang, Maoxin Liao,

Local Hopf bifurcation and global existence of

periodic solutions in a TCP system.

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 31 (6) (2010) 775-786(SCI源刊)
6.Changjin Xu, Xianhua Tang, Maoxin Liao,

Xiaofei He, Bifurcation analysis in a

delayed Lokta-Volterra predator-prey model with two delays

Nonlinear Dynamics 66(1-2)(2011)169-183 (SCI源刊)

7.Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao, Xiaofei He,

Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis

for a Lokta-Volterra predator-prey model with two delays

International Journal of Applied Mathematics

& Computer Science 21(1) (2011) 97–107. (SCI源刊)

8. Changjin Xu, Xiaofei He, Stability and

bifurcation analysis in a class of two-neuron networks with resonant bilinear terms

Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2011 (2011),

Article ID 697630, 21 pages. (SCI源刊)

9. Changjin Xu Yuanfu Shao, Bifurcations

in a predator-prey model with discrete

and distributed

time delay

Nonlinear Dynamics, 67(3) (2012) 2207-2223. (SCI源刊)
10.Changjin Xu, maoxin Liao.

Bifurcation analysis

of an autonomous epidemic predator- prey

model with delay

Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 193(1)(2014)23-28. (SCI源刊)
11.Changjin Xu Peiluan Li,

Dynamical analysis in a delayed

predator-prey model with two delays

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,

vol. 2012, Article ID 652947, 22 pages(SCI源刊)
12.Changjin Xu, Xianhua Tang, Maoxin Liao,

Stability and bifurcation analysis on a ring

of five neurons with discrete delays

Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems19(2)(2013) 237–275. (SCI源刊)
13.Changjin Xu, Xianhua Tang, Maoxin Liao,

Bifurcation analysis of a delayed predator-prey model of prey migration and predator


Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 50(2013)353-373 (SCI源刊)

14.Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li, Dynamics in

a delayed neural network model of two

neurons with inertial coupling

Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012,

Article ID 689319, 17 pages. (SCI源刊)
15.Changjin Xu, Bifurcation analysis

for a predator-prey model with time delay

and delay

dependent parameters

Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012 (2012),

Article ID 264870, 20 pages. (SCI源刊)
16.Changjin Xu, Qianhong Zhang,

Maoxin Liao,Existence and global attractivity

of positive periodic solutions for a delayed

competitive system with the effect of toxic

substances and impulses

Applications of Mathematics 58 (3) (2013)309-328 (SCI源刊)
17.Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li, Yuanfu Shao,Existence and global attractivity of positive

periodic solutions for a Holling II two-prey

one-predator system

Advances in Difference Equations 2012,

2012:84.doi:10.1186/1687-1847- 2012-84. (SCI源刊)
18.Changjin Xu , Bifurcation analysis for

a delayed sea-air oscillator coupling model

for the ENSO

Acta Physica Sinica 61 (22) (2012) 220203. (SCI源刊)
19.Changjin Xu,Neimark-Sacker bifurcation analysis for a discrete-time system of two neurons

Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012 (2012),

Article ID 546356, 16 pages. (SCI源刊)
20. Changjin Xu, Stability and bifurcation

analysis in a viral model with delay

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences.36(10)(2013)1310-1320(SCI源刊)
21.Changjin Xu, Yuanfu Shao, Peiluan Li,

Uniformly strong persistence for a delayed

predator-prey model

Journal of Applied Mathematics Vol. 2012,

Article ID 358918, 7 pages (SCI源刊)
22.Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao, Bifurcation

behaviors in a delayed three-species food-chain model with Holling type-II functional


Applicabl Analysis 92(12)(2013) 2468-2486 (SCI源刊)
23.Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu,

The effect of time delay on dynamical behavior

an eco-epidemiological model

Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume2012,

Article ID 286961, 18 pages. (SCI源刊)

24.Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu.

Positive periodic solutions in a discrete time

three species competition system

Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2013,

Article ID 963046, 13 pages. (SCI源刊)
25.Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li,

Bifurcation behaviors analysis on a predator-prey model with nonlinear diffusion and delay

Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems,20(1)(2014)105-122(SCI源刊)
26. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu, On the

Nature of Bifurcation Ratio- Depen dent

Predator-Prey Model with Delays

Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2013,

Article ID 679602, 17 pages, 2013 (SCI源刊)
27. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu, Dynamics

in a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model

with time-varying delays

Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2013,

Article ID 956703, 9 pages.(SCI源刊)
28. Changjin Xu,Yusen Wu,

Permanence in a discrete mutualism

model with infinite deviating arguments

and feedback controls

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

Volume 2013, Article ID 397382, 7 pages (SCI源刊)
29. Changjin Xu,Qiming Zhang,

Bifurcation analysis of a tri-neuron neural network model in the

frequency domain

Nonlinear Dynamics (2013) in press (SCI源刊)
30.Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li,

On the periodicity and global stability

for a discrete delayed predator-prey model

International Journal of Mathematics 24(10)(2013) ** (SCI源刊)
31. Changjin Xu,Qiming Zhang,

Existence and

exponential stability of anti-periodic

solutions for a high-order delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with

impulsive effects

Neural Processing Letters (2013) in press (SCI源刊)
32.Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li. Dynamics in a

discrete predator-prey system with infected prey

Mathematica Bohemica (2013) (SCI源刊)
33. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao, On the

bifurcation behavior of a three-species Lotka-Volterra food chain model with two discrete delays

International Journal of Innovative Computing,

Information and Control (2014) in press (SCI源刊)
34. Maoxin Liao, Changjin Xu,

Xianhua Tang, Stability and Hopf

bifurcation for a competition and

cooperation model of two enterprises with delay

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical

Simulation, In Press 12 March 2014(SCI源刊)
35. Maoxin Liao, Changjin Xu,

Xianhua Tang,Dynamical behaviors

for a competition and cooperation

model of enterises with two delays

Nonlinear Dynamics 2013 (SCI源刊)

In press
36. Yuanfu Shao, Changjin Xu, Zhang Qianhong ,

Globally exponential stability of periodic solutions

to impulsive neural networks with time-varying delays

Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012 (2012),

Article ID 358362, 14 pages. (SCI源刊)
37. Maoxin Liao, Xianhua Tang, Changjin Xu,

Dynamics of a competitive Lotka–Volterra system with three delays

Applied Mathematics and Computation (24)( 2011) 10024- 10034. (SCI源刊)
38. Maoxin Liao, Xianhua Tang, Changjin Xu,

Bifurcation analysis for a three-species predator-prey system with two delays

Communications in Nonlinear

Science and Numerical Simulation17(1) (2012) 183-194. (SCI源刊)

39. Yuanfu Shao, Ying Li, Changjin Xu,

Periodic Solutions for a Class of Nonautonomous

Differential System with Impulses and

Time-varying Delays

Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 115 (1) (2011) 105-121. (SCI源刊)
40. Maoxin Liao, Xianhua Tang, Zigen Ouyang,

Changjin Xu Dynamical properties

of a class of higher-order nonlinear

difference equations

Applied Mathematics and Computation 217( 12)(2011) 5476-5479(SCI源刊)
41. Maoxin Liao,Xianhua Tang, Changjin Xu,

Stability and instability analysis for a ratio-dependent predator-prey system with diffusion effect

Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12(3)(2011) 1616– 1626 (SCI源刊)
42. Maoxin Liao,Xianhua Tang, Changjin Xu,

On a conjecture for a higher-order rational

difference equation

Advances in Difference Equations.

Article ID 394635, 9 pages, 2009(SCI源刊)
43. Maoxin Liao,Xianhua Tang, Changjin Xu,

General form of some rational recursive sequences

Computers & Mathematics with Applications 56( 2)(2010)360-364 (SCI源刊)
44. Peiluan Li, Changjin Xu, A new

operator approach

to semilinear fractional impulsive

differential equations in Banach spaces

Advance in Difference Equations 2013 (Accepted) (SCI源刊)
45. Peiluan Li, Changjin Xu, Fractal

differential equations

with no instantaneous impulses

in in Banach spaces

Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (Accepted) (SCI源刊)
46. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao, Frequency

domain analysis of the Hopf bifurcation of

a Logistic model with delay

Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences) 37(3)(2010) 84-87(EI源刊)

47. Changjin Xu, Yuanfu Shao, Existence and

global attractivity of periodic solution for enterprise

clusters based on ecology theory with impulse

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 39(2012)(1-2) 367–384. (EI源刊)
48. Changjin Xu, Qianhong Zhang, Positive

periodic solutions in a discrete competitive

system with the effect of toxic substances

International Journal of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 7(1) 2011, 23-27 (EI源刊)
49. Changjin Xu, Qianhong Zhang, Periodic

solutions in a delayed competitive system with

the effect of toxic substances on time scales

International Journal of Information and

Mathematical Sciences 6(3) (2010) 199-202. (EI源刊)
50. Changjin Xu, Bifurcations for a single

mode laser model with time delay in frequency

domain methods

Journal of Computers 7(8) (2012) 1825-1830 (EI源刊)
51. Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li, Bifurcation

Analysis in a Simplified Six-neuron BAM neural Betwork with Two Delays

Journal of Information & Computational Science 9(13)(2012) 3849- 3858 (EI源刊)
52. Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li, Time delayed

feedback control of a Rossler chaotic dynamical system

Journal of Information and Computational Science 10(3)2013 821-828. (EI源刊)
53. Changjin Xu, Bifurcation analysis in a Lotka-Volterra model with delay

Advanced Materials Research 594-597 (2012) 2693-2696. (EI源刊)
54. Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li, Lingyun Yao,

Dynamics in a Van Der Pol model with delay

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 204-208(2012) 4586-4589. (EI源刊)
55. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu,Chaos control of a chemical chaotic system via time-delayed feedback control method

International Journal of Automation and Computing

(2013) in press (EI源刊)
56. Changjin Xu, On anti-periodic solutions of a shunting inhibitory cellular

neural networks with distributed delays

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing

(2013) in press (EI源刊)
57. Changjin Xu, Qiming Zhang, Lin Lu, Chaos

control in a 3D ratio-dependent food chain system

IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics

(2013) in press (EI源刊)
58. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu,Lin Lu, Permanence and global asymptotic

stability of a predator-prey model with Holling

type II functional response

ICIC Express Letters (2013) in press (EI源刊)
59. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu, Lin Lu,

Dynamics in a coupled FHN model

with two different delays

Journal of Computers (2013) in press (EI源刊)
60. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu,Chaos contro

l and bifurcation behavior for a Sprott E system

with distributed delay feedback

International Journal of Automation and Computing (2013)

in press (EI源刊)
61.Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li,Periodic

oscillations in a delay population model

International Journal of computational and

Mathematical Science 6(2012) 195-198(EI源刊)
62. Changjin Xu, Qianhong Zhong, Peiluan Li, Anti-control of Hopf bifurcation for eco-epidemiological model with delay

2011 International Conference on Intelligent Control and

Information Technology March 25-27(2011)Volume 5(EI源刊)
63. Changjin Xu, Bifurcations of a

delayed prototype model

International Journal of Mathematical and Computer

Sciences 6 (2012) 59-63(EI源刊)
64. Changjin Xu, Bifurcation analysis

of a delayed predator-prey fishery model with

prey reserve in frequency

International Journal of Engineering and

Applied Sciences 7(3)(2011) 201-207 (EI源刊)
65. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu, Lin Lu,On

permanence and asymptotically periodic solution

of a delayed three-level food chain model

with Beddington- DeAngelis functional response

IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics

(2014) in press (EI源刊)
66. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu,Chaos control and

bifurcation behavior for a Sprott E system with

distributed delay feedback

International Journal of Automation and Computing

(2014) in press(EI源刊)
67. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu,

Permanence and asymptotically periodic solution

of a variable-territory predator-prey system

ICIC Express Letters (2014) in press(EI源刊)
68. Maoxin Liao,Xianhua Tang, Changjin Xu,

On the rational difference equation
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 35 (1-2)( 2011) 63-71(EI源刊)
69. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao, Existence of

positive periodic solutions solutions of a

discrete time non-autonomous competing system with

feedback control

Annals of Differential Equations. 27(1)(2011)62-69.
70. Changjin Xu, Daxue Chen,

Periodic solutions of a two-prey one predator system on time scales

Journal of biomathematics 26(4)(2011) 644-656
71. Changjin Xu , Periodic solutions of a

non autonomous predator-prey system on time scales

Mathematica Applicata25(1)(2012) 110-117
72. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao.Hopf bifurcation

analysis on a viral disease model with

saturated contact rate

Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive

System Series B:

Applications and Algorithms 7 (2011) 213-228
73. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao. Bifurcation analysis

of a delayed epidemic model with diffusion

Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 26(2) (2011) 321–338.
74. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao. Stability and

bifurcation analysis of a Lotka-Volterra model with time delays

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics. 29(1- 2) (2011) 1 - 22
75. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao.

Stability and bifurcation analysis of a class of SEIR

epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rates

IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 41(3)(2011) 191-198.
76. Changjin Xu , Daxue Chen,

Existence and global attractivity of positive periodic

solutions for the non –autono

mous two-species competitive system

with stage structure and impulse

International Journal of Differential Equations

Volume 2011, Article ID 259805, 28 pages.
77. Changjin Xu, Qianhong Zhang,

Bifurcation analysis in a predator -prey model with discrete and distributed time delay

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 8(1)2012 50-65.
78. Changjin Xu, Existence of periodic

solutions in a discrete predator-prey

system with Beddington- DeAngelis

functional responses

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

Volume 2011, Article ID 970763, 18 pages
79. Changjin Xu, Bifurcations on

a phytoplankton model with time delay

Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2011(48) (2011) 1-8
80. Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li,

Dynamical behavior in a four dimensional

neural network model with delay

Advances in Artificial Neural Systems

Volume 2012, Article ID 397146, 10 pages.
81. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao,

Periodicity in an stage-structured three-species predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis and Holling IV functional response

Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 5(2) (2012) **
82. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao, Positive periodic

solutions of a three species predator-prey system with discrete time delays

Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 36(4) (2012) 575-588.
83. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao, Qianhong Zhang,

Stability and bifurcation analysis of a tri-neuron network model with discrete delays

Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and
Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis 19(2)(2012) 209-230.
84. Changjin Xu,Qianhong Zhang, Periodic

solutions of a predator-prey system with Holling IV

functional response on time scales

Annals of Differential Equations 29(1)(2013)98-106.
85. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao,

Hopf bifurcation analysis of a special SEIR

epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rates

Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive

Systems Series A:

Mathematical Analysis 19(2012)675-691
86. Changjin Xu, Daxue Chen, Anti-control of Hopf bifurcation in a delayed predator-prey Gompertz model

Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 28(4)(2013)475-484.
87. Changjin Xu, Daxue Chen, Frequency

domain analysis for bifurcation in

a Logistic model with delay

Journal of Chongqing Normal University

(Natural Science Edition) 29(5)(2012)56-62.
88. Changjin Xu , Daxue Chen, Bifurcations

in a delayed predator-prey model with ratio-dependent type functional response

Journal of Chongqing Normal University

(Natural Science Edition) (28(3)(2011) 37-42
89. Changjin Xu, Daxue Chen,

Bifurcation analysis in a delayed predator-prey model

Journal of Anhui University (Natural Science Edition) 36(1)(2012) 26-32
90. Changjin Xu, Time-delayed feedback control of a

chaotic Arneodo dynamical system

Journal of Southwest University (Natural Science Edition) 35(1)(2013) 1-8
91. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu, Dynamical

behavior in a discrete delayed mutual system

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 9(13)(2013)1-22
92. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu, Dynamical

behavior of a delayed diffusive predator-prey model with competition and type III

functional response

Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society

2013 doi: 10.1016/j.joems. 2013.11.006
93. Changjin Xu, Yusen Wu, The effect

of time delay on Hopf bifurcation in an

oscillator model for EI Nino and southern oscillation

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2014) Accepted
94. Changjin Xu, Linyun Yao,Asymptotically

periodic solution of a food-chain model

with Beddington- DeAngelis functional response

Journal of North University of China(Natural Science Edition) (2014) In press
95. Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li,The boy-after-girl dynamical model with time delay

Mathematics in Practice and Theory, in press (2014)
96. Changjin Xu, Periodic solution in a discrete

multispecies cooperation and competition predator-prey model

Journal of Chongqing Normal University

(Natural Science Edition) (2014) Accepted
97. Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li, Bifurcations

for a FitzHugh-Nagumo model with time delays

International Journal of Mathematical Sciences 7(1)(2013) 58-62
98. Changjin Xu, Maoxin Liao,

Frequency domain analysis for

Hopf bifurcation in a sigle mode

laser system with time delay

Mathematics in Practice and Theory 43(11)(2013)171-176.
99. Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li,

Chaos control in a Arneodo dynamical system

Journal of Anhui University

(Natural Science Edition) (2014) in press.
100. Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li,

Periodic orbits in a delayed Nicholsons

blowflies model

International Journal of Mathematical Sciences 7(1)(2013) 54-57
101. Changjin Xu, Qianhong Zhang,

Bifurcation analysis for a delayed predator-prey model with undercrowing effect

Journal of Hebei Normal University

(Natural Science Edition) 36(1)(2012) 1-7
102. Changjin Xu, Peiluan Li, Stability analysis

in a fractional order delayed predator-prey model

International Journal of Mathematical Sciences 7(1)(2013) 63-66














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