纳小凡 副教授纳小凡,博士,副教授、硕士研究生导师。主要从事植物逆境生理、植物-微生物互作及植物-土壤反馈等研究,研究内容涉及植物学、植物分子生理学、微生物学及土壤学等领域。
所在部门: 植物学
办公室: 天演楼218
电子邮件: naxf@
工作经历2011.07-2019.11 宁夏大学生命科学学院,副教授
2019.11至今 兰州大学生命科学学院,副教授
项目成果5- 黑粉菌HFJ311缓解植物镉胁迫的效应分子及机制研究,姚高明校友基金,主持,经费7万元,执行年限2021.01-2021.12(在研)
2-自毒作用在枸杞连作障碍中的作用及机制研究, 国家自然科学基金(地区项目),主持,**,直接经费38万,执行年限2016.01-2019.12(已结题)
1- 旱地土壤真菌多样性对枸杞种植的响应机制研究,宁夏自然科学基金(重点项目),主持,NZ12115,直接经费6万,执行年限2012.09-2014.09(已结题)
发表论文及专著16- Huang J, Xu Y, Yu H, Zhu W, Wang P, Wang B, Na X∮ (2021). Soil prokaryotic community shows no response to 2 years of simulated nitrogen deposition in an arid ecosystem in northwestern China.Environmental Microbiology. 23(2): 1222-1237.
15- Na X∮, Ma C, Ma S, Ma X, Zhu X, Xu P, Zhu H, Liang W∮ (2019). Monocropping decouples plant–bacteria interaction and strengthens phytopathogenic fungi colonization in the rhizosphere of a perennial plant species.Plant and Soil,445(1), 549-564.
14- Na X, Yu H, Wang P, Zhu W, Niu Y, Huang J∮ (2019). Vegetation biomass and soil moisture coregulate bacterial community succession under altered precipitation regimes in a desert steppe in northwestern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 136: 107520.
13- Na X∮*, Cao X*, Ma C, Ma S, Xu P, Liu S, Wang J, Wang H, Chen L, Qiao Z (2019). Plant stage, not drought stress, determines the effect of cultivars on bacterial community diversity in the rhizosphere of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.). Frontiers in microbiology, 10: 828.
12- Na X, Xu T, Li M, Zhou Z, Ma S, Wang J, He J, Jiao B, Ma F (2018). Variations of bacterial community diversity within the rhizosphere of three phylogenetically related perennial shrub plant species across environmental gradients. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:709.
11- Na X, Li X, Zhang Z, Li M, Kardol P, Xu T, Wang M, Cao X, Ma F (2017). Bacterial community dynamics in the rhizosphere of a long-lived, leguminous shrub across a 40-year age sequence. Journal of Soils & Sediments, (1):1-9.
10- Na X, Xu T, Li M, Ma F, Kardol P (2017). Bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of two phylogenetically closely related plant species across environmental gradients. Journal of Soils & Sediments, 17(1):122-132.
9- Cao X, Wang J, Wang H, Liu S, Chen L, Tian X, Qin H, Na X∮, Qiao Z (2017). The complete chloroplast genome of Panicum miliaceum. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2(1):43-45.
8- Cao X, Fei M, Xu T, Wang J, Liu S, Li G, Su Q, Qiao Z, Na X∮(2016). Transcriptomic analysis reveals key early events of narciclasine signaling in Arabidopsis, root apex. Plant Cell Reports, 35(11):1-21.
7- Ma F*, Na X*, Xu T (2016). Drought responses of three closely related Caragana species: implication for their vicarious distribution. Ecology & Evolution, 6(9):2763-2773.
6- Na X, Jian B, Yao W, Wu C, Hou W, Jiang B, Bi Y, Han T (2013). Cloning and functional analysis of the flowering gene GmSOC1-like, a putative SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION CO1/AGAMOUS-LIKE 20 (SOC1/AGL20) ortholog in soybean. Plant Cell Reports, 32(8):1219.
5- Na X, Hu Y, Yue K, Lu H, Jia P, Wang H, Wang X, Bi Y (2011). Narciclasine modulates polar auxin transport in Arabidopsis roots. Journal of Plant Physiology, 168(11):1149-1156.
4- Na X, Hu Y, Yue K, Lu H, Jia P, Wang H, Wang X, Bi Y (2011). Concentration-dependent effects of narciclasine on cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis, root tips. BMC Plant Biology, 11(1):184.
3- Hu Y, Yang L, Na X, You J, Hu W, Liang X, Liu J, Mao L, Wang X, Wang H, Bi Y (2012). Narciclasine inhibits the responses of Arabidopsis roots to auxin. Planta, 236(2):597.
2- Lu H, Wan Q, Wang H, Na X, Wang X, Bi Y (2012). Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunctions are early events in narciclasine-induced programmed cell death in tobacco Bright Yellow-2 cells. Physiologia Plantarum, 144(1):48–58.
1- Hu Y, Na X, Li J, Yang L, You J, Liang X, Wang J, Peng L, Bi Y (2015). Narciclasine, a potential allelochemical, affects subcellular trafficking of auxin transporter proteins and actin cytoskeleton dynamics in Arabidopsis roots. Planta, 242(6):1349-60.
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* Equal contribution