陈玉辉 副教授2007/7: 上海交通大学生命科学学院, 生物化学与份子生物学专业, 博士 (Ph.D.) 2004/7 :东北农业大学园艺学院, 园艺学专业, 硕士 (M.S.) 2001/7:东北农业大学园艺学院, 植物科学专业, 本科 (B.S.)
所在部门: 植物学与植物生理学研究所
办公室: 天演楼141
电子邮件: cyh@
学习经历2007/7: 上海交通大学生命科学学院, 生物化学与份子生物学专业, 博士(Ph.D.)
2004/7:东北农业大学园艺学院, 园艺学专业, 硕士 (M.S.)
2001/7:东北农业大学园艺学院, 植物科学专业, 本科 (B.S.)
工作经历2018/06 - 至今 : 兰州大学生命科学学院副教授,硕士研究生导师
2016/11-2018/03: Noble Research Institute, LLC., USA. Post-doctoral. Supervisor: Professor Rujin Chen
2008/11-2016/11: The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, USA. Research Associate 3 (Lab Manager)
2007/09-2008/11: Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO, USA. Post-doctoral. Supervisor: Professor Roger Beachy
社会工作Reviewer Editor of Frontiers in Plant Science.;
PLoS One,Plant Growth Regulation,Agronomy Journal 等国际期刊审稿人;
Member of American Society of Plant biologists (ASPB),美国植物生物学家学会会员;
Member of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society,美国Sigma Xi科学研究学会会员。
教学及指导研究生情况本科生教学(Undergraduate Teaching):
生物化学与分子生物学实验(Experiment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
研究生教学(Postgraduate Teaching):
发表论文及专著Chen, Y., Xi, J. andChen, R.*(2019)Medicago truncatulaESN1, a key regulator of nodule development and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. In: The Model LegumeMedicago truncatula.Ed. Frans J. DeBruijn (Wiley/Blackwell).2019, Dec, 13: 701-705. doi:10.1002/44.
Gyöngyi Zs. Kováts, Lili Fodor, Beatrix Horváth, Ágota Domonkos, Gergely Iski, Yuhui Chen, Rujin Chenand Péter Kaló (2019) Isolation and characterization of the non-transposon symbiotic nitrogen fixing mutants ofMedicago truncatula. In: The Model LegumeMedicago truncatula.Ed. Frans J. DeBruijn (Wiley/Blackwell). 2019, Dec, 13: 1006-1014. doi:10.1002/44.
Liu, J., Rutten, L., Limpens, E., van der Molen, T., van Velzen, R., Chen, R., Chen, Y., Geurts, R., Kohlen, W., Kulikova, O., Bisseling T. (2019) A remote cis-regulatory region is required for NIN expression in the pericycle to initiate nodule primordium formation in Medicago truncatula. Plant Cell. 2019 Jan;31(1):68-83. doi: 10.1105/tpc.18.00478. Epub 2019 Jan 4.
Chen Y., Chen R.* (2018) Physical Mutagenesis inMedicago truncatulaUsing Fast Neutron Bombardment (FNB) for Symbiosis and Developmental Biology Studies. In: Cañas L., Beltrán J. (eds) Functional Genomics in Medicago truncatula. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1822:61-69. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8633-0_4. Humana Press, New York, NY
Yuhui Chen, Xianfu Wang, Shuifei Lu, Shibo Li, Rujin Chen. An array-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) platform for efficient detection of copy number variations (CNVs) in fast neutron induced Medicago truncatula mutants. J Vis Exp. (JOVE), 2017 Nov 8;(129). doi: 10.3791/56470.
Wang, Tianzuo; Zhang, Xiuxiu; Liu, Min; Chen, Yuhui; Chen, Rujin; Wen, Jiangqi; Mysore, Kirankumar; Zhang, Wenhao. Novel phosphate deficiency-responsive long non-coding RNAs in a legume model plant Medicago truncatula. J Exp Bot. 2017 Dec 16;68(21-22):5937-5948. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erx384.
Minsoo Kim, Yuhui Chen, Jiejun Xi, Christopher Waters, Rujin Chen and Dong Wang. An antimicrobial peptide essential for bacterial survival in the nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2015 Dec 8; 112(49):15238-43.
Beatrix Horvath , Agota Domonkos , Attila Kereszt , Attila Szucs , Edit Abraham , Ferhan Ayaydin , Karoly Boka , Yuhui Chen , Rujin Chen , Jeremy D Murray , Michael K Udvardi , Eva Kondorosi, Peter Kalo. Loss of a single nodule-specific cysteine rich peptide, NCR169 abolishes symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the Medicago truncatula dnf7 mutant. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2015 Dec 8; 112(49):15232-7.
Jiejun Xi, Yuhui Chen, Jin Nakashima, Suo-min Wang, and Rujin Chen. Medicago truncatula esn1 Defines a Genetic Locus Involved in Nodule Senescence and Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Molecular plant-microbe interactions (MPMI), 2013, 26(8):893-902.
Lijie Cui, Huizhen Peng, Ran Zhang, Yuhui Chen, Lingxia Zhao and Kexuan Tang. Recombinant hHscFv-RC-RNase protein derived from transgenic tobacco acts as a bifunctional molecular complex against hepatocellular carcinoma. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2012 Sep-Oct; 59(5):323-9.
Lijie Cui, Yuhui Chen, Guoan Shen, Lingxia Zhao, Kexuan Tang. Expression of Bioactive Thymosin Alpha 1 (Tα1) in Marker-free Transgenic Lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2011, 29: 466-472.
Jianghua Chen, Jianbin Yu, Liangfa Ge, Hongliang Wang, Ana Berbel, Yu Liu, Yuhui Chen, Guangming Li, Million Tadege, Jiangqi Wen, Viviane Cosson, Kirankumar S. Mysore, Pascal Ratet, Francisco Madueño, Guihua Bai, and Rujin Chen. Control of dissected leaf morphology by a Cys(2)His(2) zinc finger transcription factor in the model legume Medicago truncatula. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010, 107(23):10754-10759.
Yuhui Chen, Lingxia Zhao, Lijie Cui, et al. Expression of thymosin α1 concatemer in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruits. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2009 Apr; 52(Pt4):303-312.
Yuhui Chen, Lingxia Zhao, Guoan Shen, et al. Expression and Analysis of Thymosin alpha 1 Concatemer in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2008 Jan 1; 49(Pt1):51-56.
Yuhui Chen, Lingxia Zhao, Lijie Cui, Kexuan Tang. Progress in Transgenic Plants Producing Pharmaceutical Proteins. (2007) Review of China Agricultural Science and Technology, 9(5):36-44.
Yuhui Chen, Lingxia Zhao, Chai Yourong, et al. The study of transformation of tomato with the Verticillium dahliae resistance gene StVe gene from Solanum torvum Swartz. (2008). Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5):693-700. (In Chinese)
Hui Zhang, Lingxia Zhao, Yuhui Chen, et al. Expression of human coagulation factor IX in transgenic tomato. (2007) Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, Oct, 48(pt2):109-16.
Donghui Liu, Hongbin Jin, Yuhui Chen, Lijie Cui et al. Terpenoid Indole Alkaloids Biosynthesis and Metabolic Engineering in Catharanthus roseus L. G. Don. (2007) Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49(7):961-74.
Guoyin Kai, Junfeng Chen, Li Li, Genyu Zhou, Lei Zhang, Yuhui Chen, Lingxia Zhao. Molecular cloning and characterization of a new cDNA encoding hyoscyamine 6 β-hydroxylase from roots of Anisodus acutangulus. (2007) Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 40(5): 715-22.
Hongbin Jin, Donghui Liu, Kaijing Zuo, Yifu Gong, Zhiqi Miao, Yuhui Chen, Weiwei Ren, Xiaofen Sun, & Kexuan Tang. Molecular cloning and characterization of Crmdr1, a novel MDR-type ABC transporter gene from Catharanthus roseus. (2007) DNA Sequence, 18(4):316-25.
Hongbin Jin, Donghui Liu, Kaijing Zuo, Zhiqi Miao, Yuhui Chen, Xiaofen Sun, & Kexuan Tang. Plant ABC Transporters and Their Roles in the Transmembrane Transport of Secondary Metabolites. (2007) Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 9(3):32-37. (In Chinese)
Yuhui Chen, Xiangyang Xu, Guiying Li, Jingfu Li. The application of gene engineering on creating male sterility to vegetable. (2004) China Biotechnology, 24(6):12-18. (In Chinese)
Yuhui Chen, Xiangyang Xu, Jingfu Li. Review of advances in research of the male sterility in tomato.(2004) Journal of Northeast Agriculture University, 35(2):129-134. (In Chinese)
Yuhui Chen, Xiangyang Xu, Jingfu Li. The application of transgenic technique in tomato breeding. (2004) Molecular Plant Breeding, 2(1):133-138. (In Chinese)
Book Chapter
Zhao Lingixa, Wang Fu, Li Zhugang, Chai Yourong, Kai Guoyin, Chen Yuhui, Cui Lijie, Meng Fanjuan. (2012, Nov) “Wild Tomato resource (In Chinese)”, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.