

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

2014年9月-2019年6月复旦大学,生态学, 理学博士;
2016年10月-2017年6月 多伦多大学,生态学,联合培养博士;
2019年8月-至今 兰州大学生态学创新研究院,青年研究员。
Liu X, Chen LF, Liu M, Huang MJ, Zhou SR*. 2020. Dilution effect of plant diversity on infectious diseases: latitudinal trend and biological context dependence. Oikos 129:457–465. (Editor’s Choice)
Liu X, Wang ZH, Huang CY, Li MR, Bibi F, Zhou SR, Nakamura A*. 2020. Ant community dissimilarity explains high predation pressure on artificial caterpillars during early night. Ecological Entomology Doi:10.1111/een.12826
Liu X, Lu YW, Zhang ZH, Zhou SR*. 2020. Foliar fungal diseases respond differently to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in Tibetan alpine meadows. Ecological Research 35:162–169.
Liu X, Lyu SM, Zhou SR*, Bradshaw CJA. 2016. Warming and fertilization alter the dilution effect of host diversity on disease severity. Ecology 97:1680–1689.
Liu X, Ma ZY, Cadotte MW, Chen F, He J-S*, Zhou SR*. 2019. Warming affects foliar fungal diseases more than precipitation in a Tibetan alpine meadow. New Phytologist 221: 1574–1584.
Liu X, Lyu SM, Sun DX, Bradshaw CJA, Zhou SR*. 2017. Species decline under nitrogen fertilization increases community-level competence of fungal diseases. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284:**.
Liu X, Chen F, Lyu SM, Sun DX, Zhou SR*. 2018. Random species loss underestimates dilution effect of host diversity on fungal diseases under fertilization. Ecology and Evolution 8:1705–1713.
Lyu SM, Liu X, Venail P, Zhou SR*. 2017. Functional dissimilarity, not phylogenetic relatedness, determines interspecific interactions among plants in the Tibetan alpine meadows. Oikos 126:381–388.
Ju RT, Ma D, Siemann E, Liu X, Wu JH, Li B*. 2019. Invasive Spartina alterniflora exhibits increased resistance but decreased tolerance to a generalist insect in China. Journal of Pest Science 92: 823–833.
Jia P#, Chen YJ#, Cadotte MW*, Wang PD, Liu X, Qi YL, Jiang XM, Wang ZH, Shu WS*. 2019. Rare and phylogenetically distinct plant species exhibit less diverse root-associated pathogen communities. Journal of Ecology 107:1226–1237.
Chen F, Liu X, Zhou SR*. 2019. Indirect effect of nitrogen enrichment modified invertebrate herbivory through altering plant community composition in an alpine meadow. Journal of Plant Ecology DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtz003.
周淑荣, 刘向, 王志恒, 李博. 2020. 第三章:群落生态学研究进展. 中国生态学学科40年发展回顾 (欧阳志云 主编), 科学出版社, 北京.
担任Ecology Letters、Ecology and Evolution审稿人。

相关话题/兰州大学 生态学