

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

招生专业: 理论物理 计算物理
关剑月,计算物理与复杂系统研究所,计算物理教研室,副教授,硕士生导师。2003年9月-2008年7月在兰大物理学院理论物理研究所读研究生(硕博连读),师从汪映海教授。2008年7月留校工作。主要从事统计物理与复杂系统方向的研究,对复杂网络上的博弈、舆论传播及同步等动力学进行了研究并发表多篇相关学术论文。曾主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“网络演化博弈实验中的策略学习动力学与相变问题研究”(2015.1-2018.12);主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“基于种间竞争、捕食、寄生及共生四种博弈关系的生物多样性研究”(2011.1-2013.12);主持国家自然科学基金专项基金(博士点启动基金)“非均匀动态系统中的生物多样性研究 ”(2010.1-2010.12);参与国家自然科学基金重点项目“复杂网络上的输运动力学及相关的统计物理学基础”(2012.1-2016.12) 。
1. 复杂网络上的博弈与舆论传播动力学研究。2. 基于博弈动力学的生物多样性研究。3. 社会与生态系统中的相变与临界现象研究。
教学:1. 承担本科生的《计算物理》和《大学信息技术基础》课程;2. 承担研究生的《复杂网络上的博弈动力学》课程。指导研究生情况:1. 在读硕士生:李博、马维康;2. 曾指导研究生:刘旭升(硕博)、曹亚娟(硕士)、宫钦命(硕士)。
[24]Bo Li, Zhi-Xi Wu, and Jian-Yue Guan, Collective motion patterns of self-propelled agents with both velocity alignment and aggregation interactions, Physical Review E 99, 022609 (2019).[23]Xu-Sheng Liu, Zhi-Xi Wu, Jian-Yue Guan, Kinetic-exchange-like opinion dynamics in complex networks: roles of the dimensionality and local interaction topology, Eur. Phys. J. B 91, 220 (2018).[22]Xu-Sheng Liu, Zhi-Xi Wu, Jian-Yue Guan, Influence of small-world topology and time-scale in evolutionary Kuramoto dilemma, EPL 122, 20001(2018). [21]Xu-Sheng Liu, Zhi-Xi Wu, Jian-Yue Guan, Effects of the planarity and heterogeneity of networks on evolutionary two-player games, Chin. Phys. B 27, 120203 (2018). [20]Xu-Sheng Liu, Zhi-Xi Wu, Michael Z. Q. Chen, Jian-Yue Guan, Evolutionary fate of memory-one strategies in repeated prisoner’s dilemma game in structured populations, Eur. Phys. J. B 90, 138 (2017).[19]曹亚娟,刘旭升,关剑月, 网络演化博弈中的自组织临界性,复杂系统与复杂性科学 14, 15 (2017).[18]Cai Chao-Ran, Wu Zhi-Xi, Chen Michael Z. Q., Holme Petter, Guan Jian-Yue, Solving the Dynamic Correlation Problem of the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Model on Networks, Physical Review Letters 116, 258301 (2016).[17]Cai Chao-Ran, Wu Zhi-Xi, Guan Jian-Yue, Effect of vaccination strategies on the dynamic behavior of epidemic spreading and vaccine coverage, Chaos Solitons & Fractals 62, 36 (2014).[16]Cai Chao-Ran, Wu Zhi-Xi, Guan Jian-Yue, Effective degree Markov-chain approach for discrete-time epidemic processes on uncorrelated networks, Physical Review E 90, 052803 (2014).[15] Chao-Ran Cai, Zhi-Xi Wu, andJian-Yue Guan, Behavior of susceptible- vaccinated–infected–recovered epidemics with diversity in the infection rate of individuals, Physical Review E 88, 062805 (2013).[14] Xu-Sheng Liu,Jian-Yue Guanand Zhi-Xi Wu,Effects of limited interactions between individuals on cooperation in spatial evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game,Chaos Solitons & Fractals56,106(2013).[13] Feng Cun-Fang,Guan Jian-Yue, Wu Zhi-Xi and Wang Ying-Hai, Effects of average degree of network on an order-disorder transition in opinion dynamics, Chin. Phys. B 19, 060203 (2010) .[12]Jian-Yue Guan, Jin-Tu Sun, and Ying-Hai Wang, Effects of individual’s self- examination on cooperation in prisoner’s dilemma game, International Journal of Modern Physics C 21, 1229 (2010).[11]Guan Jian-Yue, Wu Zhi-Xi, Huang Zi-Gang and Wang Ying-Hai, Cooperation inuenced by the correlation degree of two-layered complex networks in evolutionary prisoner's dilemma games, Chin. Phys. B 19, 020203 (2010) .[10]Jian-Yue Guan, Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang, Damage Spreading and opinion dynamics on Small-world networks with asymmetric influential effects, International Journal of Modern Physics C 19, 1027 (2008).[9] Zhi-Xi Wu,Jian-Yue Guan, Xin-Jian Xu, and Ying-Hai Wang, Evolutionary Prisoner’s Dilemma game on Barabasi- Albert scale-free networks, Physica A 379, 672(2007).[8] Zi-Gang Huang, Zhi-Xi Wu, Xin-Jian Xu,Jian-Yue Guan, and Ying-Hai Wang, Coevolutionary dynamics of networks and games under birth-death and birth mechanism, Eur. Phys. J. B , 58, 493 (2007).[7]Guan Jian-Yue, Wu Zhi-Xi, and Wang Ying-Hai, Evolutionary Snowdrift Game with Disordered Environments inMobileSocieties, Chin. Phys. 16, 3566(2007).[6]Jian-Yue Guan, Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang, Effects of inhomogeneous activity of players and noise on cooperation in spatial public goods games, Physical Review E 76, 056101(2007).[5]Jian-Yue Guan, Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang, Effects of inhomogeneous influence of individuals on an order-disorder transition in opinion dynamics, Physical Review E 76, 042102 (2007).[4] Huang Zi-Gang, Wu Zhi-Xi,Guan Jian-Yueand Wang Ying-Hai, Memory- Based Boolean Game and Self-orgnaized Phenomena on Networks, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 3119 (2006).[3]Guan Jian-Yue, Wu Zhi-Xi, Huang Zi-Gang, and Wang Ying-Hai, Prisoner’s Dilemma Game with Nonlinear Attractive Effect on Regular Small-World Networks, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 2874 (2006).[2]Jian-Yue Guan, Zhi-Xi Wu, Zi-Gang Huang, Xin-Jian Xu, and Ying-Hai Wang, Promotion of cooperation induced by nonlinear attractive effect in spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma game, Europhys.Lett. 76, 1214 (2006).[1]Guan Jian-Yue, Xu Xin-Jian, Wu Zhi-Xi, and Wang Ying-Hai, Synchronization of Coupled Oscillators on Newman-Watts Small-World Networks, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 1410 (2006).
1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“网络演化博弈实验中的策略学习动力学与相变问题研究 ”(2015.1-2018.12);2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“基于种间竞争、捕食、寄生及共生四种博弈关系的生物多样性研究”(2011.1-2013.12);3. 主持国家自然科学基金专项基金项目“非均匀动态系统中的生物多样性研究 ”(2010.1-2010.12);4. 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目“复杂网络上的输运动力学及相关统计物理基础 ”(2012.1-2016.12)。

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