

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20

Paul A. Van Dyke (范岱克)

世界近现代史 教授

基本情况 Basic Situation
  Paul A. Van Dyke (范岱克) is a full-professor (教授) and doctoral tutor (博士生导师) in the Department of History at Sun Yat-sen University (中山大学). He graduated in 2002 with a PhD in History from the University of Southern California (美国南加州大学). From 1999 to 2004, he worked at several institutions in Macao as an historical researcher (历史研究员), including the Macau Sino-Latin Foundation (澳门中华拉丁基金会), the Macau Historical Archives (澳门历史档案馆) and the Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau (澳门文化局). He also taught history part-time at the University of Macau. In April 2005, he joined the University of Saint Joseph in Macao (澳門聖若瑟大學 formerly IIUM) as Assistant Professor. In September 2006, he accepted a position at the University of Macau (澳门大学) as Assistant Professor to help establish their History Department. In December 2009, he was promoted to Associate Professor (副教授), and from September 2010 to August 2011, he served as the Head of the Department of History (历史系主任) at the University of Macau. In December 2011, he joined the Department of History at Sun Yat-sen University as full-professor (教授), where he is also a recipient of the "One-Hundred Talents" (“****”) project.
? ? ? ?电子邮箱:vandyke1000@gmail.com
要研究领域 Main Research Areas
  Maritime History of Asia 亚洲海洋史
  East-West Interactions 东西交流史
  Sino-India Interactions 中印度交流史
  Overseas Trade History of Guangzhou and Macao before the Opium Wars 鸦片战争前广州和澳门海外贸易史
  Chinese Merchant Histories 中国商人史
  History of the Chinese Junk Trade 中国帆船贸易史
研究语言 Research Languages
  English, Chinese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, French, Portuguese, Spanish
授课程 Teaching Courses

  BA 本科课程:World Maritime History 世界海洋史
  MA 硕士课程:East-West Interactions and Exchanges 东西互动与交流
  MA 硕士课程:Asian Maritime History 亚洲海洋史

书籍和专着Books and Monographs

? ? ? ??1. The Private Side of the Canton Trade, 1700-1840: Beyond the Companies. Eds. Paul A. Van Dyke and Susan E. Schopp. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2018.
? ? ? ??2. Merchants of Canton and Macao: Success and Failure in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Trade. Vol. 2. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2016.
? ? ? ??3. Images of the Canton Factories 1760-1822: Reading History in Art. By Paul A. Van Dyke and Maria Kar-wing Mok. Hong Kong University Press, 2015.
? ? ? ??4. Americans and Macao: Trade, Smuggling, and Diplomacy on the South China Coast. Ed. Paul A. Van Dyke. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012.
? ? ? ??5. Merchants of Canton and Macao: Politics and Strategies in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Trade. Vol. 1. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2011.
? ? ? ??6. The Canton-Macao Dagregisters. 1764. Trans. and annotation by Cynthia Viallé and Paul A. Van Dyke. Macao: Cultural Institute, 2009
? ? ? ??7. The Canton-Macao Dagregisters. 1763. Trans. and annotation by Paul A. Van Dyke and revisions by Cynthia Viallé. Macao: Cultural Institute, 2008
? ? ? ??8. The Canton-Macao Dagregisters. 1762. Trans. and annotation by Paul A. Van Dyke and revisions by Cynthia Viallé. Macao: Cultural Institute, 2006
? ? ? ??9. The Canton Trade: Life and Enterprise on the China Coast, 1700-1845. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2005; reprint 2007. Chinese edition 2017.

文章和章节 Articles and Chapters

? ? ? ? 1. ‘Ambiguous Faces of the Canton Trade: Moors, Greeks, Armenians, Parsees, Jews and Southeast Asians’. In The Private Side of the Canton Trade, 1700-1840: Beyond the Companies. Eds. Paul A. Van Dyke and Susan E. Schopp. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2018.
? ? ? ? 2. ‘Hoppo Tang Ying 唐英1750-1751 and the Development of the Guangdong Maritime Customs’. By Huang Chao and Paul A. Van Dyke. Journal of Asian History. 51: 2 (2017).
? ? ? ?3. ‘Guangzhou maoyi zhong de mohu miankong: mo’er ren xila ren, yameiniya ren, basi ren he Dongnanya ren’ 广州贸易中的模糊面孔:摩尔人,希腊人,亚美尼亚人,巴斯人,犹太人和东南亚人 (Ambiguous Faces of the Canton Trade: Moors, Greeks, Armenians, Parsees, Jews and Southeast Asians). In Haiyang shi yanjiu《海洋史研究》(Studies of Maritime History). Ed. Li Qingxin李庆新. Vol. 10. Beijing 北京:shehui kexue wenxian chuban she社会科学文献出版社,2017.6, pp. 435-58.
? ? ? ??4. ‘1760-1843 nian Guangzhou waiguoren juzhu qu de shangye jie’ 《1760-1843年广州外国人居住区的商业街》 (The Shopping Streets in the Foreign Quarter at Canton in 1760-1843). In Dongya Haiyu Jiaoliu yu Nan Zhongguo Haiyang Kaifa 东亚海域交流与南中国海洋开发 (Maritime Communication in East Asia and Sea Exploration n South China). Ed. Li Qingxin李庆新and Hubo胡波. 2 Vols. Beijing 北京:kexue chuban she科学出版社,2017.2. Vol. 1, pp. 445-465.
? ? ? ??5. ‘The Danish Asiatic Company and the Chinese Hong Merchants 1734-1833’ (丹麦亚洲公司与十三行商人 1734-1833). In special issue of National Maritime Research 国家航海 No. 18, with subtitle: ‘Business, Shipping and Culture: Danish-Norwegian Shipping in China for 300 Years’. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chuban she 上海古籍出版社, 2017, 47-65.
? ? ? ??6. ‘The Canton Linguists in the 1730s: Managers of the Margins of Trade’, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong 57 (September 2017): 1-29.
? ? ? ??7. ‘The Hume Scroll of 1772 and the Faces behind the Canton Factories’. Review of Culture, International Edition No. 54 (2017): 64-102.
? ? ? ??8. ‘The Canton Trade, 1700-1842’. Online publication in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History. New York: Oxford University Press, May 2017.
? ? ? ??9. ‘1630年代荷兰东印度公司在东亚经营亚洲贸易的制胜之道’ In Haiyang shi yanjiu《海洋史研究》(Studies of Maritime History). Ed. Li Qingxin李庆新. Vol. 7. Beijing 北京:shehui kexue wenxian chuban she社会科学文献出版社,2015.3, pp. 216-230.
? ? ? ??10. ‘The Shopping Streets in the Foreign Quarter at Canton 1760-1843’. Review of Culture, International Edition No. 43 (2013.07): 92-109.
? ? ? ??11. ‘Packing for Success: Sago in Eighteenth Century Chinese Trade’. In Kua yue Haiyang de Jiaohuan《跨越海洋的交换》 (The Transoceanic Exchange). Taipei 台北: Academia Sinica中央研究院, 2013.11. pp. 167-92.
? ? ? ??12. ‘Porcelain Dealers in Eighteenth Century Canton’. In Qingdai Waixiao Yishu Jingpin《清代外销艺术精品 》 (Chinese Export Fine Art.). Ed. Guangdong Provincial Museum. Guangzhou广州: Ling Nan Mei Shu Chu Ban She岭南美术出版社, 2013.8, pp. 20-9.
? ? ? ??13. '18 shijizhi 19 shijiqian qi xi wen wenxian zhong de dui huamaoyi 18世纪至19世纪前期西文文献中的对华贸易'. In Xin wen wenxian zhong de Zhongguo《西文文献中的中国》. Ed. Fudan Daxue wen shi yan jiu yuan. Beijing北京: zhonghua shuju中华书局, 2012.11, pp. 163-92.
? ? ? ??14. ‘Bookkeeping as a Window into Efficiencies of Early Modern Trade: Europeans, Americans and Others in China Compared, 1700-1842’. In Narratives of Free Trade, ed. by Kendall Johnson. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012, pp. 17-31
? ? ? ??15. ‘Floating Brothels and the Canton Flower Boats 1750-1930’. Review of Culture, International Edition No. 37 (January 2011): 112-142.
? ? ? ??16. ‘Guangzhou Shangren Chen Anguan 1751-1790’ 广州商人陈安官 1751-1790 (‘Merchant of Canton: Tan Anqua 1751-1790’). In Guangzhou yu Shijie. 2011 Guangzhou Luntan. Guangzhyou yu shijie gaofeng luntan wenji 廣州與世界: 2011广州论坛。广州与世界高峰论坛文集 (Guangzhou and the World. 2011 Guangzhou Forum. Guangzhou and the World Summit Collection). Guangzhou 广州:Zhong gong Guangzhou shi wei xuanchuan bu中共广州市委宣传部,2011, pp. 213-4.
? ? ? ??17. ‘Western Sources of the China Trade from the 18th and Early 19th Century’. Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 4 No. 2 (June 2011): 45-60.
? ? ? ??18. ‘Smuggling Networks of the Pearl River Delta before 1842: Implications for Macau and the American China Trade’. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. Vol. 50 (2010), 67-97. Reprinted in Americans and Macao: Trade, Smuggling, and Diplomacy on the South China Coast. Ed. Paul A. Van Dyke. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012, 49-72.
? ? ? ??19. ‘Operational Efficiencies and the Decline of the Chinese Junk Trade in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: The Connection’. In Shipping Efficiency and Economic Growth 1350-1800, ed. Richard Unger (Leiden: Brill, 2010), pp. 223-246.
? ? ? ??20. ‘Guangzhou he Aomen de Shangren: Guoqu, muqian he weilai yanjiu de jian jie’ 广州和澳门的商人:过去,目前和未来研究的简介 (‘Chinese Merchants of 18th Century Canton and Macao: A Summary of Research Past, Present and Future’). In Guangzhou Shisanhang Yanjiu Huigu yu Zhanwang 广州十三行研究回顾与展望 (Review and Prospects of the Research on the Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs) Eds. Zhao Chunchen 赵春晨and Lengdong 冷东. Guangzhou 广州:Zhongguo Chuban jituan中国出版集团, 2010, pp. 36-45.
? ? ? ??21. ‘New Sea Routes to Canton in the 18th Century and the Decline of China's Control over Trade’. In Studies of Maritime History 海洋史研究, ed. Li Qingxin 李庆新. Vol. 1. Beijing 北京:shehui kexue wenxian chuban she社会科学文献出版社,2010, pp. 57-108. Translated and published in Chinese as 范岱克. ‘18世纪广州的新航线与中国政府海上贸易的失控。全球史评论(Global History Review), 主编:刘新成。第三辑. 北京:中国社会科学出版社,2010. pp. 298-323.
? ? ? ??22. ‘Shi san hang de guo ji yan jiu xian zhuang’ 十三行的国际研究现状. In Li wan jiu zhang 荔湾九章. Ed. Jiang Dong 江东. Guangzhou 广州: Ling nan mei shu chu ban she 岭南美术出版社, 2010. pp. 232-4.
? ? ? ??23. ‘Macao, Hawaii, and Sino-American Trade: Some Historical Observations, Interactions, and Consequences’. In Macao and Sino-U.S. Relations, ed. by Yufan Hao and Jianwei Wang (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2010), pp. 71-96.
? ? ? ??24. ‘Guangzhou – Aomen Rizhi (1763)’ 广州-澳门日志 (1763). In Shi san hang xin lun 十三行新论 (New articles on the Thirteen Hongs), ed. by Tan Yuanheng 潭元亨. Hong Kong 香港: Shongguo Pinglun xue shu chu ban she you xian gong si 中国评论学术出版社有限公司 (China Review Academic Publishers Limited), 2009, pp. 260-270.
? ? ? ??25. ‘Western Scholarship and Publications on Guangzhou’s History and Culture’. Published in English and Chinese. Chinese title is “Guanyu Guangzhou shi yu wenhua de xifang xueshu zhuzuo” 关于广州历史 与文化的西方学术著作. In Guangzhou Bowuguan jian guan ba shi zhou nian wen ji 广州博物馆 建馆 八十周年文集 (Collection of Articles on the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Guangzhou Museum). Beijing 北京: wenwu chuban she 文物出版社, 2009: 164-199
? ? ? ??26. ‘Weaver Suckin and the Canton Silk Trade 1750-1781’, Review of Culture, International Edition No. 29 (2009): 105-19.
? ? ? ??27. ‘Historical Documents of Macau, Canton and the Pearl River Delta, 1700-1842’. Journal of Macau Studies 55 (December 2009): 96-9.
? ? ? ??28. ‘Fires and the Risks of Trade in Canton 1730s-1840s’. In Canton and Nagasaki Compared 1730-1830. Dutch Chinese, Japanese Relations. Eds. Evert Groenendijk, Cynthia Viallé and Leonard Blussé. Intercontinenta No. 26. Leiden: Institute for the History of European Expansion, 2009, pp. 171-202.
? ? ? ??29. ‘East India Company, 1800-1834’. In Encyclopedia of Modern China, ed. David Pong. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2009. vol. 1, p. 442.
? ? ? ??30. ‘Canton System’. In Encyclopedia of Modern China, ed. David Pong. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2009. vol. 2, p. 351.
? ? ? ??31. ‘China Tea and the Southeast Asian Tin Trade in the 18th Century’. In Min Qing Guangdong hai jun yu hai fang 澳門大學社會科學及人文學院 (Ed). 明清廣東海軍與海防. 澳門: 澳門大學社會科學及人文學院, 2008. pp. 222-226.
? ? ? ??32. ‘Weaver Suckin 与1750-1781 年间广州的丝绸贸易’. In 1958-2008 guangzhou sheng shehui kexue yuan lishi yu Sun Zhongshan yanjiu suo jian suo wushi zhou nian ji nian wen ji 广东省社会科学院历史与孙中山研究所建所五十周年纪念文集 (Commemorative Collection of the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the History & Sun Yat-sen Institute Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences 1958-2008). Guangzhou 广州: yinhe chuban she 银和出版社, 2008: 210-227.
? ? ? ??33. ‘The Ca Mau Shipwreck & the Canton Junk Trade’, in Made in Imperial China, Amsterdam: Sotheby’s (January 2007): 14-5.
? ? ? ??34. ‘Canton, Cancao, Cochinchina: New Data and New Light on Eighteenth-Century Canton and the Nanyang’. By Tana Li and Paul A. Van Dyke. Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies. Vol. 1 (2007): 10-28.
? ? ? ??35. ‘Shi ba shi ji de dong nan ya shui yu: xin zi liao yu xin guan dian’ 十八世纪的东南亚水域:新资料与新观点 (Southeast Asia’s Water Frontier in the 18th Century: New Data and New Lights). By Tana Li and Paul A. Van Dyke. In Ya tai yan jiu lun cong 亚太研究论丛. Vol. 3. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2006: 190-209.
? ? ? ??36. ‘Manila, Macao and Canton: The Ties that Bind’, Review of Culture, International Edition No. 18 (April 2006): 125-34. Translated and published in Chinese as: ‘Manila, Aomen, Guangzhou: jinmi xianglian de san zuo chengshi’ 马尼拉、澳门、广州:紧密相联的三座城市, Guangdong Shehui Kexue 广东社会科学. No. 1 (2007): 120-7.
? ? ? ??37. ‘200th Anniversary of Smallpox Vaccines in the Pearl River Delta’, Hong Kong Culture (October 2005): 36-7.
? ? ? ??38. ‘Cai and Qiu Enterprises: Merchants of Canton 1730-1784’, Review of Culture, International Edition No. 15 (July 2005): 60-101.
? ? ? ??39. ‘The Ye Merchants of Canton, 1720-1804’. Review of Culture, International Edition No. 13 (January 2005): 6-47. Translated and published in Chinese as ‘Guangdong Ye shi shangren, 1720-1804’ 广东叶氏商人,1720-1804. In Shi san hang xin lun 十三行新论 (New articles on the Thirteen Hongs), ed. by Tan Yuanheng 潭元亨. Hong Kong 香港: Zhongguo Pinglun xue shu chu ban she you xian gong si 中国评论学术出版社有限公司 (China Review Academic Publishers Limited), 2009, pp. 92-130.
? ? ? ??40. ‘Muslims in the Pearl River Delta, 1700 to 1930’. By Carl T. Smith and Paul A. Van Dyke. Review of Culture, International Edition No. 10 (April 2004): 6-15. Translated and published in Chinese as: ‘1700-1930 Nian Zhujiang Sanjiaozhou de Musilin’ 1700-1930年珠江三角洲的穆斯林, wen hua za zhi 文化雜誌, 中文板 (Chinese Edition) No. 58 (Spring 2006): 159-68.
? ? ? ??41. ‘The Yan Family: Merchants of Canton, 1734-1780s’, Review of Culture. International Edition No. 9 (January 2004): 30-85. Translated and published in Chinese as: ‘Yanshi Jiazu: Guangzhou Shangren (1734-1780)’ 顏氏家族﹕廣州商人 (1734-1780), wen hua za zhi 文化雜誌, 中文板 (Chinese Edition) No. 57 (Winter 2005): 1-52.
? ? ? ??42. ‘The Structure of the Canton Trade’. In Sailing to the Pearl River, eds. Cai Hongsheng and Leonard Blussé. Guangzhou: Guangzhou Chubanshe, 2004: 45-54.
? ? ? ??43. ‘A Reassessment of the China Trade: The Canton Junk Trade as Revealed in the Dutch and Swedish Records of the 1750s to the 1770s’. In Maritime China in Transition 1750-1850. Eds. Wang Gungwu and Ng Chin-keong. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004: 151-167.
? ? ? ??44. ‘Armenian Footprints in Macau’. By Carl T. Smith and Paul A. Van Dyke. Review of Culture, International Edition No. 8 (October 2003): 20-39. Translated and published in Chinese as: ‘Zhuixun Aomen Yameiniya Shangren de Zuji’ 追尋澳門亞美尼亞商人的足跡, wen hua za zhi 文化雜誌, 中文板 (Chinese Edition) No. 55 (Summer 2005): 87-103.
? ? ? ??45. ‘Four Armenian Families’. By Carl T. Smith and Paul A. Van Dyke. Review of Culture, International Edition No. 8 (October 2003): 40-50. Translated and published in Chinese as: ‘Si ge Yameiniya Jiating’ 四個亞美尼亞家庭, wen hua za zhi 文化雜誌, 中文板 (Chinese Edition) No. 56 (Autumn 2005): 43-52.
? ? ? ??46. ‘The Anglo-Dutch Fleet of Defense (1620-1622): Prelude to the Dutch Occupation of Taiwan’. In Around and about Formosa : Essays in honor of Professor Ts’ao Yung-ho. Edited by Leonard Blussé. Taipei : Ts’ao Yung-ho Foundation for Culture and Education, [Dist. SMC Publishing Inc., Taipei], 2003: pp. 61-81.
? ? ? ??47. ‘Recent Preservation and Restoration Projects in Guangdong Province: Huangpu (Whampoa) Village’. Arquitectura, Newsletter, (Jul - Sep 2002).
? ? ? ??48. ‘Recent Preservation Projects in Guangdong Province: Daqitou Village’. Arquitectura, Newsletter, (Apr - Jun 2002): 10-11.
? ? ? ??49. ‘Cong Helan he Ruidian de Dang’an Kan Shiba Shiji 50 Niandai zhi 70 Niandai de Guangzhou Fanchuan Maoyi’. (The Guangzhou Junk Trade from the 1750s to the 1770s as Revealed in the Dutch and Swedish Records). Social Sciences in Guangdong, (No. 4, 2002): 93-102.
? ? ? ??50. ‘Recent Preservation and Restoration Projects in Guangdong Province: The Jinlun Guild Hall’, Arquitectura, Newsletter, (Jan - Mar 2002): 10.
? ? ? ??51. ‘Macau and the “Old China Trade”’, Arquitectura, Newsletter, (October 2001): 8.
? ? ? ??52. ‘Macau: 442 Years of Anomaly, and Counting’. By John E. Wills Jr. and Paul Van Dyke. Harvard Asia Pacific Review (Summer 2000): 60-64.
? ? ? ??53. ‘Pigs, Chickens, and Lemonade: The Provisions Trade in Canton, 1700-1840’. International Journal of Maritime History, vol. 7, no. 1 (June 2000): 111-144. Translated and published in Chinese as: ‘zhu, ji he ning meng shui: Guangzhou de buji pin jiaoyi’ 猪,鸡和柠檬水广州的补给品交易. xueshu yanjiu 学术研究(Academic Research) (December 2000) 62-81. Reprint in, Guangzhou shisanhang cangsang 广州十三行沧桑 (The Thirteen Hongs in Guangzhou). Guangzhou sheng ditu chubanshe 广州省地图出版社, 2001: 287-320.
? ? ? ??54. ‘How and Why the Dutch East India Company became Competitive in Intra-Asian Trade in East Asia in the 1630s’. Itinerario, 21:3 (Leiden 1997): 41-56. Translated and published in Chinese as: ‘Helan Dongyindu Gongsi zai 1630 nian dai dong ya de ya zhou mao yi zhong chengwei jing guo’ 荷蘭東印度公司在1630年代東亞的亞洲區間貿易中成為具有競爭力的原因與經過. Ji nan shi xue 暨能南史學 (June 2000): 123-144. Published again in Eclipsed Entrep?ts of the Western Pacific. Taiwan and Central Vietnam, 1500-1800, ed. John E. Wills, Jr. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002: 95-110.

主持、参与的科研项目 Sponsors and Participation in Research Projects

??????? 1. June 2011 visiting researcher at Fudan University (复旦大学), Shanghai.
??????? 2. August 2009 to January 2010 visiting researcher in the Monsoon Asia Project (季风亚洲与多元文化) at National TsingHua University in Taiwan.?
??????? 3. November 2009 appointed researcher fellow (客座研究员) in the Center for Research of the Thirteen Hongs (十三行研究中心) at Guangzhou University (广州大学).
??????? 4. June 2009 appointed a researcher fellow (客座研究员) at the Guangdong Center of Maritime Research (广东海洋研究中心) in the Guangdong Province Academy of Social Sciences (广东省社会科学院).
??????? 5. January-March 2005 visiting researcher at Australian National University (澳大利亚国立大学) in Canberra.

获奖情况 Awards

??????? 1. Sun Yat-sen University BaiRenJihua 2012-2013
??????? 2. Fudan University, Visiting Researcher 2011
??????? 3. University of Macau Research Grant 2007-2010
??????? 4. NationalTsingHua University, Visiting Research Assistant 2009-2010
??????? 5. Macau Cultural Institute Research Scholarship 2002-2003?
??????? 6. Australian National University, Visiting Fellowship 2005
??????? 7. National Resource Dissertation Fellowship 2000-2001
??????? 8. Peabody Essex Museum Research Fellowship 1999
??????? 9. American-Scandinavian Dissertation Fellowship 1998-1999
??????? 10. Massachusetts Historical Society Fellowship June 1999
??????? 11. National Resource Dissertation Fellowship 1998-1999
??????? 12. American-Scandinavian Summer Fellowship 1997
??????? 13. Fulbright Dissertation Fellowship 1996-1997
??????? 14. McVicar Dissertation Fellowship 1996-1997
??????? 15. National Resource Language Fellowship 1995-1996
??????? 16. Chiang Ching-kuo Dissertation Fellowship 1996-1997
??????? 17. University of Minnesota, James Ford Bell Library Essay Award 1991
??????? 18. Dutch Ministry of Education Summer Language Scholarship 1991

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  • 中山大学历史学系导师教师师资介绍简介-朱卫斌
    朱卫斌世界近现代史教授基本情况  朱卫斌,1998年6月获中山大学历史学博士学位。1999年6月聘为中山大学历史系副教授。2006年3月聘为教授,5月遴选为博士生导师。曾在美国伊利诺依大学东亚与太平洋研究中心、香港大学美国研究中心做访问****。学术兼职有中华美国学会常务理事、中美关系史研究会副会长 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20
  • 中山大学历史学系导师教师师资介绍简介-牛军凯
    牛军凯世界近现代史教授基本情况  牛军凯,1993年毕业于郑州大学历史系,获历史学学士学位。1996年在中山大学东南亚研究所获世界地区史、国别史硕士学位,2003年在中山大学获东南亚史博士学位。1996年---2003年,在中山大学东南亚研究所任助教、讲师。2003年至今,任中山大学历史系讲师、副教 ...
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  • 中山大学历史学系导师教师师资介绍简介-温强
    温强世界近现代史教授基本情况  中山大学历史系教授。1996年6月、1999年6月,在西南师范大学获得历史学学士、硕士学位。2002年6月,在中山大学获历史学博士学位。2002年7月至今,在中山大学历史学系先后任讲师、副教授、教授。联系方式电子邮箱:wenqiang@mail.sysu.edu.cn ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20
  • 中山大学历史学系导师教师师资介绍简介-费晟
    费晟世界近现代史教授基本情况  费晟,2012年7月毕业于北京大学历史学系,获世界史博士学位。2012年7月起担任中山大学亚太研究院讲师。2021年1月起担任中山大学历史学系教授。现兼任教育部国别与区域研究重点培育基地中山大学大洋洲研究中心主任助理。其中:2010年9月至2011年9月,在澳大利亚国 ...
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  • 中山大学历史学系导师教师师资介绍简介-周立红
    周立红世界近现代史教授基本情况  周立红副教授,2007年6月毕业于北京大学历史学系,获历史学博士学位。2007年7月起任中山大学历史学系讲师,2018年4月晋升为教授,2018年12月认定选为博士生导师。联系方式电子邮箱:zhlhong@mail.sysu.edu.cn、marginzhou@16 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20
  • 中山大学历史学系导师教师师资介绍简介-肖瑜
    肖瑜世界近现代史副教授基本情况  肖瑜,2009年毕业于北京大学历史学系,获史学博士学位;2009年进入中山大学历史学系从事师资博士后研究工作;2011年转聘为讲师。2013年晋升为副教授。主要研究领域  俄国苏联史  中东史  冷战史  中国现当代政治外交史教授课程展开  本科课程:1、世界现代 ...
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  • 中山大学历史学系导师教师师资介绍简介-李爱丽
    李爱丽世界近现代史副教授基本情况  李爱丽副教授,1992年本科毕业于西南师范大学,曾任教于成都高等师范专科学校。1999年在中山大学历史系获得中美关系史硕士学位并留校任教,2004年在中山大学历史系获得中美关系史博士学位。2006年遴选为硕士生导师,2008年晋升为副教授。联系方式电子邮箱:hss ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20
  • 中山大学历史学系导师教师师资介绍简介-朱玫
    朱玫世界近现代史副教授基本情况  朱玫,1982年生,浙江杭州萧山人。本科毕业于延边大学朝鲜语系(2001-2005),后赴韩国成均馆大学东亚系(历史学)攻读硕士(2005-2008)、博士(2010-2015),并于2015年获博士学位。2015年12月进入中国社会科学院历史研究所从事博士后研究工 ...
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