

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20


社会学与社会工作系 副教授



王炳钰, 2017年作为 ‘****’ 引进人才加入中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University), 任社会学与人类学学院副教授, ?博士生导师,为种族与移民领域顶刊Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS)首位来自中国大学的常任编委。博士毕业于新西兰奥克兰大学(PhD, The University of Auckland, 2012-2016),研究领域包括跨国移民与流动、多元文化交互以及世界主义等 ,在Sociology、Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies、Population, Space and Place, 以及 Ethnic and Racial Studies 等英文核心期刊发表多篇论文,其最新专著New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand: Becoming Cosmopolitan? Roots, Emotions and Everyday Diversity于2019年由Routledge出版。 目前正在进行学术移民、暂时性移民以及生活方式流动等方面的研究。热爱三文鱼与牛油果,擅长公路旅行以及灯塔与各种交通工具等模型的收集。欢迎硕士和博士研究生同学报考。
Bingyu Wang is an Associate Professor at the School of Sociology and Anthropology of Sun Yat-sen University, where she was recruited as a member of the ‘100 Top Talents Program’ of the Ministry of Education of China. Prior to her current position, Bingyu worked as a PhD researcher in Asian Studies at The University of Auckland under the prestigious ‘China Scholarship Council State Scholarship’.?
Her research is of interdisciplinary nature and involves a wide range of pressing global issues such as labour precarity, migrant wellbeing and diverse societies. Specifically, her research areas include migration and mobilities, intercultural encounters, and cosmopolitanism, with a geographic focus on Asia-Pacific and theoretical focus on emotions, time and the everyday. She has published widely on these topics in high-ranked international journals and her most recently published book with Routledge is entitled New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand: Becoming Cosmopolitan? Roots, Emotions and Everyday Diversity. Since the completion of PhD studies, she has been awarded several research grants to conduct projects relating to migration infrastructure, academic mobilities and temporary/labour migration in and from China. One of them is supported by ‘National Social Science Fund of China’ which is the most respected and prominent research scheme nation-wide.?
Bingyu is on the editorial board of Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. At Sun Yat-sen University, she supervises PhD and MA students and leads modules at Doctoral and Bachelor levels. She welcomes students who are interested in her research areas (as follows) and related topics.?
Migration and mobilities
Immigration regimes, governance and policy-making?
Highly-skilled migration, academic migration, temporary migration and lifestyle migration
Emotions, time and body in the context of mobility
Cosmopolitanism and sensibilities of intercultural encounters?
Migration infrastructure and migrant subjectivities?
Places, memories, imaginations/aspirations and mobility desires?
Diaspora and identity studies
Social relations, social inequalities and diversity societies?
1.2020.3-2022.3 中国侨联课题
2.2017.12-2020.12 国家社会科学基金项目??
4.2017.3-2019.3 ****科研启动基金?
5.2016.6-2016.12 Language Ideologies and Practices among marriage migrants in South Korea, funded by Auckland University
6.2016.6-2016.12 New Zealanders in Australia, funded by Auckland University
7.2015.6-2016.9 Emerging Geographies of Temporary Migration in New Zealand, funded by Auckland University?
8.2012.9-2015.6 Globalising Universities and International Student Mobilities in East Asia, funded by Singapore Ministry of Education
9.2012.9-2016.10 Becoming Cosmopolitan? Roots, Emotions, and Everyday Diversity Encounters amongst New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand, funded by Auckland University and China Scholarship Council?
1.Wang, Bingyu. 2019. New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand: Becoming Cosmopolitan? Roots, Emotions and Everyday Diversity. London: Routledge. https://www.crcpress.com/New-Chinese-Migrants-in-New-Zealand-Becoming-Cosmopolitan-Roots-Emotions/Wang/p/book/05
2.Wang, Bingyu. 2021. Body in migration: Bodily experiences and strategies amongst foreign scholars in China. Population, Space and Place.
3.Wang, Bingyu, and J Chen*. 2021. “Engaging in or retreating from cosmopolitanism? Times, temporalities and migration.” Identities. ?
4.Li, Fangxuan, and Bingyu Wang*. 2020. “Social contact theory and attitude change through tourism: Researching Chinese visitors to North Korea.” Tourism Management Perspectives. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2020.100743?
5.Chen, J., and Bingyu Wang*. 2020. “Unattended” retirement: Lifestyle migration and precarity of the Houniao.” Population, Space and Place.
6.Wang, Bingyu, and J. Chen*. 2020. “Emotions and migration aspirations: western scholars in China and the navigation of aspirational possibilities.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/**X.2020.**
7.Wang, Bingyu, and Francis Collins. 2019. “Temporally distributed aspirations: New Chinese Migrants to New Zealand and the Figuring of Migration Futures.” Sociology. 54(3): 573–590.
8.Wang, Bingyu. 2019. “A Temporal Gaze Towards Academic Migration: Everyday Times, Lifetimes and Temporal Strategies amongst Early Career Chinese Academic Returnees.” Time and Society 29 (1): 166-186.
9.Wang, Bingyu. 2019. “Time in migration: Temporariness and Temporal Labour amongst Early Career Chinese Academic Returnees.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 46 (11): 2127-2144.
10.Wang, Bingyu. 2018. “Becoming rooted cosmopolitan? The case study of 1.5 generation new Chinese migrants in New Zealand.” Journal of Chinese Overseas 14 (2): 216-243.
11.Wang, Bingyu, and Francis Collins. 2016. “Emotions and cosmopolitan sociability: Barriers and opportunities for intercultural encounters amongst new Chinese migrants in New Zealand.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (1): 88-102.?
12.Wang, Bingyu, and Francis Collins. 2016. “Becoming Cosmopolitan? Hybridity and Intercultural Encounters amongst 1.5 Generation Chinese Migrants in New Zealand.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (15): 2777-2795.?
13.Wang Bingyu. 2016. “Performing Everyday Cosmopolitanism? Uneven Encounters with Diversity amongst First Generation New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand.” Ethnicities 18 (5):717-734.?
14.Wang, Bingyu. 2016. “Emotions and home-making: Performing Cosmopolitan Sociability amongst First Generation New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 25(2): 130–147.?
15.Wang, Bingyu. 2015. “Simultaneous Rootedness and Openness? Researching Rooted Cosmopolitanism Among New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand.” The Princeton Journal of East Asian Studies 8, 100-116.?
16.《移民基础设施与南南流动:在穗非洲商人的制度身份困境、日常生活体验与能动性实践》,《广东社会科学》2021年第2期;Migration infrastructure and??South-South mobiilities: Institutaional predicaments, everyday life experiences and agency amongst African Merchants in Guangzhou. The Journal of Guangdong Social Science.?2021.?
17.《流动想象与学术移民:中国回流****的工作和生活研究》,《广东社会科学》2020年第2期; Mobility Imaginaries and Academic Migration: Work and Life amongst Chinese Academic Returnees. ?The Journal of Guangdong Social Science.?人大复印资料社会学全文转载;高等学校文科学术文摘全文转载。
18.《不婚现象: 中国社会的现实与可能性》, 《青年探索》2018年第5期,28-40.
19.《移民与家庭生活: 新西兰中国新移民实证研究》,《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》2019年第3期, 137-145; “Migration and Family Life: The Case Study of New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand.” Sun Yat-sen University Journal-The Social Science Section 59(3): 137-145.
20. 《新西兰第一代中国新移民社交困境研究: 基于“接触地带”视角》, 《广东社会科学》2019年第3期, 191-200; “Socialising Barriers amongst the First-generation New Chinse Migrants in New Zealand: The Perspective of ‘The Contact Zone’.” The Journal of Guangdong Social Science.?Vol (3): 191-200.
移民社会学 (Sociology of Migration)
移民人类学 (Anthropology of Migration)?
民族志研究 (Ethnographic Research)?
人类学研究方法 (Research Methods of Anthropology)
家庭社会学(Sociology of Family)
文化社会学(Cultural Sociology)?
亚太移民与全球流散 (Asian Migration and Global Diaspora)
高级社会研究方法 (Advanced Social Research Methods)


1.2017 Member of 100 Top Talents Program, SYSU, China
2.2015 Academic Career Exploration Scholarship, University of Auckland
3.2013 First in Course Award, University of Auckland
4.2012 Doctoral Research Scholarship, University of ?Auckland?
5.2010 International Chinese-teaching Volunteer, Ministry of Education of China?



1.2019.11 10th International Conference of ISSCO?
2.2019.9 Zhejiang University UCLA Joint Conference on International Migration Studies
3.2019.8 IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress World Solidarities, Poland?
4.2016.9?New Zealand Geography Society-Geography Auckland September Dialogues, Auckland?
'Time, Cosmopolitanism, and Migration in New Zealand'?(Invited speaker)
5.2016.5?Diversity encounters: Intersectional and Post-colonial Perspectives, Berlin?
Joint Conference of Humboldt University and National University of Singapore
'Uneven Encounters within Diversity: Performing everyday cosmopolitanism amongst New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand'?(Selected presenter)
6.2015.7 9th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 9), Adelaide
'Emotions and Cosmopolitan Sociability: Barriers and Opportunities for Intercultural Encounters'?(Invited speaker)
7.2015.7 6th Aotearoa New Zealand Mobilities Symposium 2015, Hamilton
'Feeling Cosmopolitan? The Emotional Dimension of Home-making'?(Invited speaker)
8.2014.6?IAG/NZGS Conference 2014, Melbourne
'You Move, You feel; you feel, You Move'?(Selected presenter)
9.2013.11?The 20th New Zealand Asian Studies Society International Conference
'Cosmopolitanism and Everyday Migrant Lives'?(Selected presenter)
School of Asian Studies Tenth Annual Graduate Conference, Auckland
'Researching Cosmopolitanism in the Context of Migration'?(Selected presenter)
11.2013.5 Asia-Pacific Worlds in Motion Conference V, Vancouver
'Methodological Cosmopolitanism: A Cosmopolitan Gaze Towards Migration Studies'?(Selected presenter)?



1)Working as an Outreach Assistant, providing research support for Arts Faculty members and promoting the use of ORCiD, University of Auckland, NZ
2)Providing research data for New Zealand Herald on diversity encounters in Auckland, NZ
3)English-teaching volunteer for the senior citizens of Chinese community in Auckland, NZ
4)Regular referees for Journal of Ethnic Migration Studies, Ethnicities and Mobilities?
5)Working with Confucius Institute and organising cultural events in Bangkok, ?Thailand ??
6)Oral interpreter at Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Conference, Thailand
American Association of Geographers (AAG)
International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO)?
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (first board member from a Chinese university)
Chinese Mandarin (native), English (fluent), Japanese and Thai (beginner)?
Full-time academic, road trip and camping guru, salmon/avocado-enthusiast, model-collector (lighthouses, boats, planes, houses etc)

相关话题/中山大学 社会学