本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20
姓名:Maged N. Kamel Boulos
职称:Professor (Digital Health Systems), Doctoral Supervisor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Mentor for Postdoctoral Researchers
办公电话:020- ------------
Professor Maged N. Kamel Boulos has >28 years of clinical and Health Informatics/Digital Health Systems experience, working as Medical Doctor, Researcher, then Lecturer, then Associate Professor, then Professor at City, University of London, and the Universities of Bath, Plymouth, and UHI (Scotland) in the UK, before moving to Guangzhou, China, where he is currently Professor at Sun Yat-sen University (School of Information Management). As well as his medical degree and Master in Dermatology, he holds a Master in Medical Informatics (2000) from King's College, University of London, and a PhD in Measurement and Information in Medicine (2002) from City, University of London. Maged is Senior Member of IEEE, and has >150 publications, with a Google Scholar h-index of 37. He was twice appointed as WHO (World Health Organization)/Europe Expert Adviser, and is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of BMC/Springer's?International Journal of Health Geographics. He has undertaken consultancies/commissioned reviews and has been Principal Investigator on various projects and activities funded by UK and international bodies, including among others the UK Technology Strategy Board Knowledge Transfer Partnership Programme (with the NHS—National Health Service in England), the Public Health Agency of Canada (funding the studentship of one of his former PhD students), and the European Commission (CAALYX, eCAALYX and Livewell eHealth projects). An invited keynote speaker at major conferences, his research received wide press and media coverage, e.g., by the BBC in the UK.
Medical and Health Informatics/Digital Health Systems
Professor Kamel Boulos' research, postgraduate teaching and PhD supervision interests revolve around next-generation Internet-based systems and solutions for eHealth and digital medicine.
While working in the UK academia, Professor Kamel Boulos secured >GBP £650,000.00 (>RMB 5,850,000.00) of external research funding for his research (or >GBP £6,500,000.00 when also counting the total all-partners/all-countries budget in some of the completed EU-funded projects he has taken part in as the Principal Investigator (P.I.) at his own institution)
Professor Kamel Boulos has undertaken research consultancies/commissioned reviews and has been P.I. and co-P.I. on various activities and projects funded by national (UK) and international bodies, including London School of Economics; UK TSB KTP Programme (Knowledge Transfer Partnership in association with Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust); NHS Scotland (Highland); UK Arts & Humanities Research Council; KFSHRC (King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre), Jeddah; International Medical Center, Jeddah; Public Health Agency of Canada (funding a studentship for one of his former PhD students); World Health Organization EMRO and EURO; European Commission (e.g., CAALYX, eCAALYX?http://tinyurl.com/ecaalyx?and LiveWell EU-funded eHealth/mHealth (mobile health)/telehealth projects targeting older people, including those with chronic conditions, under FP6, AAL and Grundtvig programmes); ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control); Ferring Pharmaceuticals (gamification in health) and ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)
Professor Kamel Boulos was instrumental in developing and launching the world-first fully online, research-informed MSc programme in Healthcare Informatics while working at the University of Bath, UK (2003-2005). The programme was delivered jointly with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and attracted students from all over the world, including from China. Professor Kamel Boulos was later invited to serve as External Examiner for that same programme (2010-2014), some five years after moving to his next post at the University of Plymouth
Supervised dozens of MSc student research projects (Health Informatics) to successful completion
Supervised to successful completion/to PhD award three PhD students in the UK: H. Badredine, P. AbdelMalik and R. Kashani (serving as the Lead Supervisor/Director of Studies for two of them and as Co-Supervisor for one of them)
Served as Peer Reviewer and Grant Reviewer for very many EU and non-EU journals and research funding bodies
Organised a number of international conferences and events with colleagues in UK and abroad, such as GEOMED 2013, the 8th international interdisciplinary conference on spatial epidemiology, spatial statistics and geomedical systems, 16-18 September 2013, Sheffield, UK
MBBCh (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery), 1982-1989, Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, EG
MSc in Clinical Dermatology and Venereology, 1992-1994, Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, EG??
MSc in Medical Informatics, 1999-2000, Guy's, King's and St Thomas' School of Medicine, Kings College, University of London, London, UK?
PhD (Measurement and Information in Medicine), 2000-2002, City, University of London (School of Informatics), London, UK
ITDP Cert. (ITDP-Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Programme for University Lecturers, accredited by the UK Higher Education Academy), 2003-2004, University of Bath, Bath, UK
N.B.: Pre-university (primary/preparatory/secondary): Jesuits French education at College de la Sainte Famille, Cairo, EG
Professor Kamel Boulos has over 150 peer reviewed publications (including 71 publications indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE as of 2018) in the inter-related fields of Medical/Health and Public Health Informatics/Information Systems (Digital Medicine and Digital Health), in leading high-impact international journals, textbooks, World Health Organization publications, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) publications, and international conferences (many of which as invited keynote speaker); such as?JMIR?(J Med Internet Res),?JMIR Serious Games,?Methods of Information in Medicine,?International Journal of Medical Informatics,?Journal of Biomedical Informatics,?EMBO Reports?(Nature Publishing Group),?Medical Oncology,?Annals of Pharmacotherapy,?BMC Public Health, ASPRS (American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)?Manual of Geographic Information Systems?- 2009 (Prof. Kamel Boulos contributed Chapter 49 and DVD material),?IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2012),?WHO/Europe 2014 International Healthy Cities Conference, Athens, Greece, October 2014?(as invited keynote speaker by the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe to deliver a plenary keynote address), etc. See full 'List of Publications' at?http://healthcybermap.org/publications/publications.doc
"100-Talent Programme", Sun Yat-sen University in 2018
Professor Kamel Boulos' research received wide UK and international press and media coverage, e.g., in?BBC News?(multiple times),?Daily Mail,?The Guardian, and?The Times, among many others. Examples and links can be found in his online CV at?http://healthcybermap.org/publications/MNKB_CV.pdf
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