

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20

职位:博士,教授, 博士生导师,分析化学学科负责人
1982年9月—1986年6月 ? ? 中山大学化学系获理学学士学位;
1986年9月—1989年6月 ? ? 中山大学化学系获理学硕士学位;
1989年9月—1992年6月 ? ? ?中山大学化学系获理学博士学位。
1992年7月—1994年11月 ? ?中山大学化学系任讲师;?
1994年12月—2000年5月 ? ?中山大学化学系任副教授;?
2000年6月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?中山大学化学学院教授;?
1997年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?硕士研究生导师;?
2003年6月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?博士研究生导师;?
1994年8月—1996年2月 ? ? ?日本东海大学和日立仪器制作所作访问****;?
2001年11月—12月 ? ? ? ? ? ? 德国Duisburg大学分析化学系客座教授;?
2011年3月—4月 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 香港浸会大学化学系访问****;?
2001年—2013年 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 教育部高校化学化工学科指导委员会化学专业教学指导分委会委员;?
2013年—2017年 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 教育部高等学校化学类专业教学指导委员会委员;?
2008年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 国家自然科学基金委员会化学部分析化学学科专家评审组成员;?
2003年—2014年 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 中国色谱学会第四届、第五届常务理事;?
2014年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 中国化学会色谱专业委员会副主任;?
2010年12月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?中国化学会分析化学学科委员会委员;?
2011年4月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?中国仪器仪表学会分析仪器分会样品制备专业委员会副主任委员;?
2006年11月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?中国电子学会微波分会微波化学委员会常务理事;?
2009年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?广东省化学学会理事会理事,分析化学专业委员会副主任、主任;?
2009年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?广州市化学化工学会理事会常务理事,分析专业委员会主任;?
2010年10月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 广东省分析测试协会常务理事、色谱专业委员会主任;?
2015年3月— 2019年3月 ? ? ?广东省本科高校化学类专业教学指导委员会副主任委员 ;?
2011年12月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 广州市人民政府突发事件应急管理专家;?
2011年11月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 广东省轻工业协会科学技术奖励委员会委员;?
2015年1月—2017年12月 ? ? 广东省食品药品监督管理局食品药品安全社会监督员;?
2015年5月—2020年5月 ? ? ? 广州市重大行政决策论证专家;?
2015年9月-2020年9月 ? 广东省分析测试协会表面分析专业委员会 委员
2016年12月-2020年11月 ?广东省化妆品学会 第一届理事会 常务理事
2018年5月-2000年12月 ? 国家人体生物监测项目重点实验室学术委员会委员, 省疾控中心.。
2005年12月—2007年4月 ? ? 民进广东省第五届委员会委员,科技工作委员会委员;?
2003年4月—2007年4月 ? ? ? 广州市海珠区第十三届人民代表大会常务委员会委员;?
2007年12月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 民进广东省第六届、七届、八届委员会委员,资源环境工作委员会副主任;?
1998年1月—2000年12月 ? ? 中山大学化学学院分析化学教研室副主任;?
2001年1月—2005年8月 ? ? ? 中山大学化学学院分析科学研究所所长,应化系副主任;?
2005年9月—2009年3月 ? ? ? 中山大学化学学院分析科学研究所所长,应化系主任;?
2009年4月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 中山大学化学学院分析科学研究所所长。
2014年1月—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?《Journal of Separation Science》 副主编;?
1999年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《分析测试学报》编委;?
2001年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《光谱学与光谱分析》编委;?
2002年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《色谱》编委;?
2006年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《化学通报》编委;?
2007年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《分析科学学报》编委;?
2009年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《广州化工》编委;?
2010年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《中国无机分析化学》编委;?
2011年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《Journal of Chromatography A》编委;?
2009年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》编委;?
2012年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《食品安全质量检测学报》编委;?
2012年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《分析仪器》编委;?
2012年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《中国测试》编委;?
2014年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《大学化学》编委;?
2015年—至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《分析化学》编委;
2012年5月~至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?《中国测试》编委;
2014年6月~至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《大学化学》编委;
2015年5月~至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 《分析化学》编委;
2018年5月~2020年 ? ? ? ? ? ? 《光散射学报》编委;
2018年1月~至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?《Microchimica Acta》学术刊物编委
1. 本科生基础课:分析化学、分析化学实验、仪器分析等;
2. 研究生课程:现代化学研究方法与技术、现代光学分析、现代分离技术、分析仪器进展、色谱技术与食品药物分析、样品前处理技术及应用、生物分析化学、实验室管理与质量控制、中药现代化等课程。
(3)国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项:“等离激元增强拉曼光谱仪器研发与应用”项目九:PERS分析技术研发及其在食品安全检测中的应用(编号2011YQ**),2011.10-2016.12。 ?
(1) 面上项目:SPME-GC-MS联用分析海水有机物与赤潮的研究(编号**),2000.1-2002.12。?
4. 广东省科技厅项目?
(2)电子电器设备中含溴助燃剂的检测标准研究,(编号2005B** ),2006.01-2007.12。?
5. 其他项目?
(5)深圳市科委项目(第2主持人):深圳市光化学烟雾污染状况及控制战略研究, 2000.03-2001.03。?
(10)国家出入境检验检疫局科技项目:纺织品中有害VOC残留量的测定方法研究,2003 .09- 2005.08。?
(13)广东省文物考古研究所科技项目:“南海1号”沉船保护中的海洋理化及生物环境研究,2007.01-2007.12, 项目负责人之一。?
(14) 广东中烟工业有限责任公司项目:卷烟烟气中苯并[a]芘与烟草特有亚硝胺分析前处理方法研究(No.粤烟工[2010]科字第025号),2010.10-2012.05。?
(18)广东中烟工业有限责任公司-中山大学 ?烟草分析科学联合实验室项目I:2012.1-2016.12。?
(19)广东中烟工业有限责任公司-中山大学 ?烟草分析科学联合实验室项目II:2017.1-2021.12。
(20)广州白云山医药集团股份有限公司, 头孢硫脒(LM)质量研究,2017.1-2017.12。
1. 国家自然科学基金项目:自装光电二极管阵列-ICP发射光谱仪性能及应用研究(编号**),1990.01-1992.12。
2. 国家自然科学基金项目:ICP光源中基体干扰机理研究─应用CCD成象光谱仪(编号**),1993.01-1995.12。?
3. 国家自然科学基金项目:声光可调滤光器光谱仪的研制及其在分析上的应用研究(编号**),1999.01-2001.12。?
4. 国家教委博士点基金,提高和拓展自装CCD-ICP光谱仪分析性能和应用领域,1996.01-1998.12。?
5. 广东省科技厅项目:白藜芦醇的提取和药用研究(编号2KM04203S),2000.12-2002.12。?
6. 广东省科技厅重点科技攻关项目:光催化技术在空气净化领域中的产业化开发之二(编号2),2001.10-2003.10。?
7. 广东环保局科技开发项目:生活垃圾填埋场中挥发有机化合物成分、含量及其成因研究(编号粤环1997-11),1997.01-2000.05。?
8. 广州市科委科技开发资助项目:鲨鱼软骨中肿瘤抑制因子的提取及其理化性质研究,1998.11-2000.12。?
1. 国家教委“理科基地创建名牌课程”项目:化学基地《分析化学》课程教学改革的探讨, 1998.10-2003.10。 2.
2. 广东省教育厅教学研究项目:“分析化学”省级精品课程,2003.10-2008.12。?
3. 中山大学教学研究项目:“分析化学”校级精品课程,2003.10-2006.10。?
4. 中山大学教学研究项目:面向二十一世纪《分析化学》基础课教学的改革,1999-2000。?
5. 中山大学教学研究项目:分析化学创新人才培养的研究与实践,2002.12-2004.12。?
6. 中山大学教学研究项目:落实科学发展观,不断提高分析化学课程教学质量,培养化学创新人才,2005.07-2006.08。?
7. 中山大学研究生教学改革项目:以学制与学期改革为契机,探索分析化学创新人才的培养模式(编号ZGEI046),2009.10-2011.09。?
8. 中山大学分析检测专业研究生教育实践基地建设项目,2010.05-2013.06。 ?
9. 广东省出入境检验检疫局,2013年广东省联合培养研究生示范基地,化学(分析化学),2013年10月。?
10. 2013年广东省精品资源共享课建设项目:分析化学,2013.05-至今。?
11. 教育部化学类专业教指委教学研究课题:化学类本科毕业生就业情况调查,2014. 1-2017.6。
1990年,“石墨炉原子吸收分析法直接测定海水痕量元素及绝对分析法研究”科研项目获广东省高等教育厅科技进步二等奖, 广东省自然科学奖三等奖。
?2001年,“化学基地《分析化学》课程教学改革的探讨”教学研究项目获广东省高等学校第四 ? ?届省级教学成果一等奖,第一完成人,并被推荐申报国家级教学成果奖。
2003年,“广东省典型地区光化学污染状况及防治对策的研究”科研项目获广东省环境保护科 学技术三等奖,第一完成人。
?2008年12月,“以科学发展观指导分析化学课程建设,提高教学质量,培养化学创新型人才”, 获中山大学校级教学成果奖一等奖,第一完成人。
?2016年10月,被The analytical scientist评为分析科学界"2016最有影响力的50位女科学家"之一(The 2016 Power List and the Top 50 most influential women in the analytical sciences,https://theanalyticalscientist.com/power-list/2016/).
李攻科,胡玉玲,肖小华, 张卓旻, 胡玉斐, 张润坤, 杜甫佑.复杂体系分离富集新方法研究,广东省科学技术奖励三等奖,2018年2月粤府证:[2018] 1156号,证书编号:A02-3-01-R01,颁发单位:广东省人民政府,中山大学。
1. Wei Tianfu, Chen Zhengyi, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhuomin*. A monolithic column based on covalent cross-linked polymer gels for online extraction and analysis of trace aflatoxins in food sample. Journal of Chromatography A,2018,1548(5):27-36.
2. Du Yuanqi, Xia Ling, Xiao Xiaohua*, Li Gongke*, Chen Xiaoguang. A simple one-step ultrasonic-assisted extraction and derivatization method coupling to high-performance liquid ? chromatography for the determination of ε-aminocaproic acid and amino acids in cosmetics, Journal of ?Chromatography A, 2018,1554(15):37-44.
3.Chen Xiaoman#, Shi Zhaoxia#, Hu Yufei, Xiao Xiaohua*, Li Gongke*. A novel electrochemical sensor based on Fe3O4-doped nanoporous carbon for simultaneous determination of diethylstilbestrol and 17β-estradiol in toner. Talanta, 2018, 188:81-90.
4.Lin Zhenhua#, Yang Jiani#, Tang Zhijiao, Li Gongke*, Hu Yuling*. Nitrogen dots as reductant and stabilizer for the synthesis of AgNPs/N-dots nanocomposites for efficient surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection. Talanta, 2018,178:515-521.
5.Lei Haoyu, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. A dual-functional membrane for bisphenol A enrichment and resonance amplification by surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2018, 29: 509-512.
6.张华东,李攻科*, 胡玉斐*. 埃洛石纳米管在分离富集中的应用.化学进展, 2018, 30(2/3):198-205.
1. Chen Zhengyi, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhuomin*. Miniaturized thermal-assisted purge-and-traptechnique coupling with surface-enhanced Raman scattering for trace analysis of complex samples. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(17):9593-9600.
2. Tang Zhijiao, Lin Zhenhua, Li Gongke*, Hu Yuling*. Amino nitrogen quantum dots-based nanoprobe for fluorescence detection and imaging for cysteine in biological samples. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89:4238-4245.
3. Zhang Runkun, Huang Wanting, Li Gongke*, Hu Yufei*. Noninvasive strategy based on real-time in vivo cataluminescence monitoring for clinical breath analysis. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89:3353-3361.
4. Zhou Chanyuan, Du Zhuo, Li Gongke*, Xiao Xiaohua*, Cai Zongwei. A hybrid monolithic column based on boronate-functionalized graphene oxide nanosheets for online specific enrichment of glycoproteins. Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1498:90-98.
5. Gao Jiamin, Zhao Cheng, Zhang Zhuomin*, Li Gongke*. An intrinsic internal standard ?substrate of Au@PS-b-P4VP for rapid quantification by surface enhanced Raman scattering. ?Analyst, 2017, 142, 2936-2944.
6.Zhang Chengjiang, Luo Xialin, Wei Tianfu, Hu Yufei, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhuomin*. Acylhydrazone bond dynamic covalent polymer gel monolithic column online coupling to high-performance liquid chromatography for analysis of sulfonamides and fluorescent whitening agents in food. Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1519:28-37.
7. ?He Jincan, Li Gongke*, Hu Yuling*. Aptamer-involved fluorescence amplification strategy ?facilitated by directional enzymatic hydrolysis for bioassays based on a metal-organic framework platform: Highly selective and sensitive determination of thrombin and ?oxytetracycline. Microchimica Acta, 2017, 184:2365-2373.?
8.Wei Tianfu, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhuomin*. A rapid determination method for trace semicarbazide in flour products by HPLC based on a nucleophilic substitution reaction, Journal of Separation Science, 2017,40(9):1993-2001.
9. Luo Xialin, Li Gongke*, Hu Yufei*. In-tube solid-phase microextraction based on NH2-MIL-53(Al)-polymer monolithic column for online coupling with high-performance liquid chromatography for directly sensitive analysis of estrogens in human urine. Talanta, ?2017, 165:377-383.
10. Zhang Zhuomin*, Zhan Yisen, Huang Yichun, Li Gongke*. Large-volume constant-concentration sampling technique coupling with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for rapid on-site gas analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2017,183: 312-318.
11. Zhong Zhixiong*,Li Gongke*. Current trends in sample preparation for cosmetic analysis. Journal of Separation Science, 2017, 40:152-169.
12. Zhong Zhixiong*, Li Gongke, Shao Yijuan, Zhu Binghui, Liu Zhe, Deng Jianchao, Mo ? Jingtian. Amino-functionalized graphene oxide/neutral alumina nanocomposite based solid-phase extraction coupled with ion chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of trace haloacetic acids in drinking water. Analytical Methods, 2017, 9:2425-2432.
12. Zhou Langjun, Peng Yi, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. In situ growth of flexible polyphenylene-conjugated microporous polymer films for fluorescence detection of the total quantity of developing agents and their oxidation products. Journal of Analysis and Testing, 2017, 1:1-7.
13.Fu Zhaofu, Huang Wanting, Li Gongke*, Hu Yufei*. A chemiluminescence reagent free method for the determination ?of ?captopril ?in ?medicine ?and ?urine ?samples ?by ?using ?trivalent ?silver. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis,2017,7: 252-257.
14.李子程,李攻科*,胡玉玲*. 刺激响应聚合物在生物医药中的应用,化学进展, 2017,29(12):1480-1487.
15. 谭 ?杰#, ?史朝霞#, ? 胡玉斐, ?肖小华*, ?李攻科*. 基于还原石墨烯/纳米银复料的电化学传感器测定双酚A, 分析化学,2017,45(12):2011-2017.
16.钟燕辉,卢晓钿,黄婉婷, 张润坤*,李攻科*,循环化学发光快速区分醇类化合物,分析化学,2017.11.15:1628-1634.
17.谭 ?杰,杜苑琪,肖小华*,李攻科*. 食品中霉菌毒素样品前处理及分析方法研究进展.分析测试学报,2017,36(6):829-840.
18.霍志铭,李攻科*, 肖小华*. 有机光致变色材料在快速可视化检测中的应用. 化学进展, 2017,29(2/3):252-261.
19.宋雯雯,罗夏琳,李攻科*,胡玉斐*. 整体柱在线微萃取-高效液相色谱分析化妆中痕量雌激素. 色谱,2017, 35(1):22-26.
20.雷皓宇,陈小曼,李攻科*,胡玉玲*.表面增强拉曼光谱法快速检测奶粉中三聚氰胺和二聚氰胺. 分析科学学报,2017, 33(3):312-316.
21.陈正毅,卢雅琳,梁 ? 豫,曾 ? 晨,张卓旻*,李攻科*. 表面增强拉曼光谱法快速测定干果类食品中的糖精钠.分析测试学报,2017,36(5):650-654.
23.周婵媛, ?杜苑琪, ?杜卓, ?李攻科*, ?肖小华*. 适配体功能化多壁碳纳米管整体柱选择性分离细胞色素C,分析科学报, 2017,33(5):631-636.
24.温海滨,胡玉玲*,李攻科*. 磁性聚亚苯基共轭微孔聚合物富集-SERS法测定水和土壤中多环芳烃,分析测试学报,2017,36(10): 1214-1218.
25. 王 晶*, 余建龙, 彭莹, 张子豪, 刘莹峰, 李全忠, 郑建国, 李攻科. 气相色谱-质谱法检测涂料中4 种苯并三唑类紫外线吸收剂, 分析试验室,2017,36(4):428-431.
26. 王晶, 李菊, 余建龙, 李春燕, 张子豪, 刘莹峰, 李攻科, 郑建国, 气相色谱-质谱法检测洗涤用品中高关注物质卡拉花醛及其同分异构体. 分析测试学报, ?2017,36(9): 1104 -1108.
1. Zhang Qianchun, Li Gongke*, XiaoXiaohua*, Zhan Song, CaoYujuan. Efficient and selective ? ? enrichment of ultratrace cytokinins in plant samples by magnetic perhydroxy -cucurbit[8] uril microspheres. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88 (7):4055-4062.
2.Zhou Langjun, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. Conjugated microporous polymers with built-in magnetic nanoparticles for excellent enrichment of trace hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in human urine. Analytical Chemistry, 2016,88(13):6930-6938.
3. Zhang Zhuomin*, Zhao Cheng, Li Gongke*. Sequential Determination of trace 4-aminoazobenzene in multiple textiles based on nanoarrayed functionalized polystyrene substrate by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Talanta, 2016, 154:346-353.
4.He Yuanyuan, Xiao Xiaohua?,Cheng Yingyi, Li Gongke?. Progress in field-assisted extraction and its application to solid sample analysis. Journal of Separation Science, 2016, 39, 177-187.
5.Chen Xiaoman, Yan Kuanglin, Xiao Xiaohua*, Li Gongke*. Analysis of forchlorfenuron and thidiazuron in fruits and vegetables by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy after selective solid-phase extraction with modified β-cyclodextrin. Journal of Separation Science, 2016, 39:2340-2346.
6. Huang Yipeng, Wu Zhenwei, Su Rihui, Ruan Guihua*, Du Fuyou, Li Gongke*. Current application of chemometrics in traditional Chinese herbal medicine research, Journal of Chromatography B, 2016,1026:27-35.
7.Fu Zhaofu, Li Gongke*, Hu Yufei*. Chemiluminescence of nitrogen-rich quantum dots in diperiodatoargentate(III) solution and its application in ferulic acid analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,2016,408(30):1-8.
8. ?Zhu Li, Yang Shitian, Li Gongke, Zhang Xieguang, Yang Jun, Lai Xiaofang, Yang Guowu. Simultaneous analysis of tocopherols, tocotrienols,phospholipids, g-oryzanols and b-carotene in rice by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a linear ion trap-orbitrap mass Spectrometer. Analytical Methods, 2016, 8:5628-5637.
9.罗夏琳, 李攻科*,胡玉斐*. 衍生化技术在食品安全色谱分析中的应用. 中国科学:化学, 2016, 46(3): 243-250.
10.张卓旻*,李攻科*. 化学分析实验课程全英文教学方法研究.大学化学,2016,31(4):12-16.
11. 陈小曼,陈 漾,李攻科*,胡玉玲,肖小华*.表面增强拉曼光谱法测定饮料中4-甲基咪唑和2-甲基咪唑. 分析化学,2016,44(5): 816-821.
12.陈小曼,张凯歌,胡玉玲,肖小华, 李攻科*.表面增强拉曼光谱法测定市售奶粉中的硫氰酸根. 分析科学学报,2016,32(3): 325-329.
13. 罗夏琳, 胡玉斐*, 李攻科*.微波辅助消解-电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱测定烟草中的重金属.分析科学学报,2016,32(2):249-252.
14. 张艳树,林振华,胡玉玲,李攻科*. 化妆品分析样品前处理方法研究进展.分析测试学报,2016,35(2): 127-136.
15.唐志姣,李攻科*, 胡玉玲*. 氮掺杂碳点的制备及在定量分析中的应用.化学进展,2016, 28(10): 1455 -1461.
16.彭毅,周朗君,胡玉玲*,李攻科*,共轭微孔聚合物及其复合材料的制备及应用.化学通报, 2016,79(8):699-706.
17.温海滨,胡玉玲*,李攻科*, 基于核壳型结构纳米粒子的SERS活性基底研究进展.分析测试学报,2016,35(8):1062-1070.
18. 陈小曼,雷皓宇,胡玉玲,肖小华,李攻科*. 固相萃取-表面增强拉曼光谱法测定奶粉中三聚氰胺. 分析测试学报, 2016,35(10): 1343-1346.
19. 孙帅,彭毅,李攻科*,胡玉玲*. 衍生化/表面增强拉曼光谱快速检测乳制品中亚硝酸盐. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2016, 7(9):3602-3607.
20. 林振华,胡玉玲,李攻科*. 贵金属纳米粒子/碳量子点复合材料的制备及应用. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2016, 7(10): 3865-3871.
21.高嘉敏,张卓旻*,李攻科*.表面增强拉曼光谱定量分析技术研究进展及其应用.分析测试学报, 2016,35(12):1647-1653.
22. 王晶*,张子豪,刘莹峰,李全忠,余建龙,彭莹,郑建国,李攻科. ?3类高关注紫外线吸收剂的前处理与检测技术研究进展. 分析测试学报,2016,35(11): 1505-1512.
1. Pan Jialiang, Jia Shu, Li Gongke*, Hu Yuling*. Organic building block based microporous network SNW-1 coating fabricated by multilayer interbridging strategy for efficient enrichment of trace volatiles. Analytical Chemistry, 2015,87(6):3373-3381.
2. Zhang Runkun, Li Gongke*, Hu Yufei*. Simple and excellent selective chemiluminescence -based CS2 on-line detection system for rapid analysis of sulfur-containing compounds in complex samples. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (11):5649-5655.
3. Hu Yuling, Lian Haixian, Zhou liangjun, Li Gongke*. In situ solvothermal growth of metal-organic framework-5 supported on porous copper foam for noninvasive sampling of plant volatile sulfides. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87:406-412.
4.He Jincan, Li Gongke*, Hu Yuling*. Aptamer recognition induced target-bridged strategy for proteins detection based on magnetic chitosan and silver/chitosan nanoparticles using surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 11039-11047.
5. Zhang Kaige, Li Gongke*, Hu Yuling*. In-situ loading of well-dispersed silver nanoparticles on nanocrystalline magnesium oxide for real-time monitoring of catalytical reactions by surface enhancement Raman spectroscopy. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 16952-16959.
6.Zhang Kaige, Yao Su, Li Gongke*, Hu Yuling*. One-step sonoelectrochemical fabrication of gold nanoparticle/carbon nanosheet hybrids for efficient surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Nanoscale, 2015, 7:2659-2666.
7. ?Zhang Chengjiang, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhuomin*. A hydrazone covalent organic polymer based micro-solid phase extraction for online analysis of traceSudandyes in food samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2015, 1419:1-9.
8. ?Zhang Qianchun, Li Gongke*, Xiao Xiaohua*.Acrylamide-modified graphene for online ? micro-solid-phase extraction coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography for sensitive ? analysis of heterocyclic amines in food samples. Talanta, 2015, 131: 127-135.
9. Xiao Xiaohua*, Yan Kuanglin, Xu Xianfang, Li Gongke*. Rapid analysis of ractopamine in pig samples by dummy-template imprinted solid-phase extraction coupling with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Talanta, 2015,138:40-45.
10.Yao Su, Hu Yufei*, Li Gongke*. Flowing electrolytic synthesis of fluorescent carbon nanoparticles and carbon nanosheets. Electrochimica Acta, 2015,155: 305-311.
11. Liao Jia, Wang Dongmei, Liu Anqi, Hu Yuling *, Li Gongke*. Controlled stepwise- synthesis of core-shell Au@MIL-100(Fe) nanoparticles for sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection. Analyst, 2015, 140, 8165-8171.
12.Chen Yang, Feng Ting, Li Gongke*, Hu Yufei*. Molecularly imprinted polymer as a novel solid-phase microextraction coating for selective enrichment of trace imidazolinones in rice, peanut and soil samples. Journal of Separation Science, 2015, 38:301-308.
13. Yang Xiaoting, Hu Yufei, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhuomin*. Acrylamide-functionalized ?graphene micro-solid-phase extraction coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography ?for the online analysis of trace monoamine acidic metabolites in biological samples. Journal of Separation Science, 2015, 38, 1380-1387.
14. Ma Yunjian, Zhao Cheng, Zhan Yisen, Li Jianbin, Zhang Zhuomin*, Li Gongke*. Separation and analysis of trace volatile formaldehyde in aquatic products by a MoO3/ polypyrrole intercalative sampling adsorbent with thermal desorption gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science, 2015, 38, 1388-1393.
15.Cheng Gengjin Sheng, Li Gongke*, Xiao Xiaohua*. Microwave-assisted extraction coupled with counter-current chromatography and preparative liquid chromatography for the ?preparation of six furocoumarins from Angelica Pubescentis Radix. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015,141:143-149.
16.Fu Zhaofu, Li Gongke*, Hu Yufei*. A novel flow injection chemiluminescence method for the determination of indole-3-acetic acid in biological samples by using trivalent silver. Analytical Methods,2015, 7:4590 - 4595.
17.Hu Yuling*, Wang Dongmei, Li Gongke*. Mussel inspired redox surface for one step visual and colorimetric detection of Hg2+ during the formation of Ag@DOPA@Hg nanoparticles. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7, 6103-6108.
18.Zhang Qianchun, ChengYingyi, Li Gongke*, Xiao Xiaohua*. Porous boronate affinity monolith for on-line extraction coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography for sensitive analysis of heterocyclic aromatic amines in food samples. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2015, 26:1470-1477.
19.Chen Yahong, Li Gongke*,Hu Yufei*. A sensitive electrochemical method for the determination of 5-hydroxytryptophan in rats' brain tissue based on a carbon nanosheetsmodified electrode. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7:1971-1976.
20.Du Fuyou*, Guo Lin, Qin Qun, Zheng Xian, Ruan Guihua, Li Jianping, Li Gongke. Recent advances in aptamer-functionalized materials in sample preparation. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 67:134-146.
21. ?Zhong Zhixiong*,Li Gongke, Luo Jianbo, Chen Wensheng, Liu Liping, He Ping, Luo Zhibin. Proficiency testing for determination of lead and arsenic in cosmetics: comparison of analytical procedures and evaluation of laboratory performances. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7:3169-3177.
22.Zhong Zhixiong*, Li Gongke, Luo Zhibin, Liu Zhe, Shao Yijuan, He Wanwen, Deng Jianchao, Luo Xingling. Carboxylated graphene oxide/polyvinyl chloride as solid-phase extraction sorbent combined with ion chromatography for the determination of sulfonamides in cosmetics. Analytica Chimica Acta,2015, 888 :75-84.
23. 黄梅英,李攻科*,胡玉玲*. 表面增强拉曼光谱法定量检测食品中香豆素.分析化学,2015,43(8):1218 -1223.
24. 廖 ?佳, ?胡玉玲*, ?李攻科*. 基于贵金属纳米粒子的SERS活性基底研究进展. 分析科学学报, 2015,31(1):131-138.
25. 陈漾,李攻科*,胡玉玲*.表面增强拉曼光谱法快速定量分析食品中福美双二氰蒽醌和灭蝇胺的残留.分析科学学报,2015, 31(3): 307-312.
26. 刘安琪,李攻科*, 胡玉玲*. 表面增强拉曼光谱快速分析食品添加剂的研究进展.食品安全质量检测学报, 2015, 6(6): 2214-2223.
28. 扶昭富,李攻科*,胡玉斐*. 基于Ag(III)络合物的流动注射-化学发光法快速测定血清中的氢化可的松, 分析化学,2015,43(9): 1322 -1328.
29.扶昭富,李攻科*,胡玉斐*. 催化化学发光分析系统研究进展,光谱学与光谱分析,2015,35(9):2450-2456.
30. 唐志姣,李攻科*,胡玉玲*. 荧光碳点在分析检测中的研究进展,分析测试学报,2015,34(8):970-978.
31. 陈小曼,陈 漾,李攻科*,胡玉玲*, 肖小华. 微膜富集原位表面增强拉曼法测定蔬果中3 种残留杀菌剂. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2015,6(12):4894-4901.
32. 黄翼飞,蔡赞,吴君章,周瑢,肖小华*,李攻科*,定量结构-保留相关关系辅助气相色谱-谱法和气相色谱鄄红外光谱法定性分析香精中的醛酮酯类化合物. 分析化学,2015,43(10): 1558-1564.
33. 黄翼飞,蔡赞,胡静,林丽琼,肖小华*,李攻科*. 气相色谱-红外光谱联用技术及其研究进展,光谱学与光谱分析,2015,35(8):2130-2135.
34. 古君平,胡静,周朗君,陈静夷,胡玉玲*,李攻科,曾尊祥. 原子吸收光谱法测定烟叶中的重金属总量及形态分析. 分析测试学报,2015,34(1): 111-114.
1. Zhang Runkun, Hu Yufei*, Li Gongke*. Development of a cyclic system for chemiluminescence detection.Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86: 6080-6087.?
2. Zhang Zhuomin*, Huang Yichun, Ding Weiwei, Li Gongke*. Multilayer interparticle linking hybrid MOF-199 for non-invasive enrichment and analysis of plant hormone ethylene. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86: 3533-3540.?
3. Hu Yuling*, Liao Jia, Wang Dongmei, Li Gongke*. Fabrication of gold nanoparticles -embedded metal-organic framework for highly sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86:3955-3963.?
4. Yao Su, Hu Yufei*, Li Gongke*. A one-step sonoelectrochemical preparation method of pure blue fluorescent carbon nanoparticles under a high intensity electric field. Carbon, 2014,66:77-83.?
5. Yang Xiaoting, Hu Yufei*, Li Gongke*. Online micro-solid-phase extraction based on boronate affinity monolithic column coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of monoamine neurotransmitters in human urine. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1342:37-43.?
6. Zhang Chengjiang, Zhang Zhuomin*, Li Gongke*. Preparation of sulfonated graphene/ polypyrrole solid-phase microextraction coating by in-situ electrochemical polymerization for analysis of trace terpenes. ?Journal of Chromatography A, 2014,1346:8-15.?
7. Pan Jialiang, Zhang Chengjiang, Zhang Zhuomin*, Li Gongke*. Progress of online coupling of sample preparation techniques with liquid chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2014,815:1-15.?
8. Zhang Qianchun, Xiao Xiaohua*, Li Gongke*. Porous molecularly imprinted monolithic capillary column coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography for on-line analysis of trace antimicrobials in food samples. Talanta,2014,123:63-70.?
9. Zhang Zhuomin*, Zhao Cheng, Ma Yunjian, Li Gongke*. Rapid analysis of trace volatile formaldehyde in aquatic products by a derivatization reaction-based surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy.Analyst, 2014, 139 (14), 3614 -3621.?
10. Zhang Kaige, Liang Lizhen,Huang Meiying, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. Determination of iodate in iodized salt and water samples by shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Microchimica Acta, 2014, 181: 1301-1308.?
11. ?Lian Haixian, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. Novel metal-ion-mediated complex-imprinted solid-phase ?microextraction ?ber for the selective ?recognition of thiabendazole in citrus and ?soil samples. Journal of Separation Science, 2014, 37: 106-113.?
12. Hu Yufei, Feng Ting, Li Gongke*. A novel solid fluorescence method for the fast determination of quercetin in biological samples based on the quercetin-Al(III) complex imprinted polymer. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2014,118:921-928.?
13. Ruan Chong, Xiao Xiaohua*, Li Gongke*. Microwave-assisted extraction coupled with countercurrent chromatography for the rapid preparation of flavonoids from Scutellaria barbata D. Don. Journal of Separation Science, 2014, 37, 1364-1369.?
14. Hu Yuling*, Huang Zelin, Zhou Langjun, Wang Dongmei, Li Gongke*. Synthesis of nanoscale titania embedded in MIL-101 for the adsorption and degradation of volatile pollutants with thermal desorption gas chromatography and mass spectrometry detection,Journal of Separation Science, 2014, 37: 1482-1488.?
15. Xiao Xiaohua, Yuan Zhiquan, Li Gongke*. Separation and purification of steroidal saponins from Paris polyphylla by microwave-assisted extraction coupled with countercurrent chromatography using evaporative light scattering detection. Journal of Separation Science, 2014, 37: 635-641.?
16. He Jincan, Huang Meiying, Wang Dongmei, Zhang Zhuomin*, Li Gongke*.Magnetic separation techniques in sample preparation for biological analysis: A review. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2014, 101:84-101.?
17. Zhong Zhixiong*, Li Gongke, Wu Rong, Zhu Binghui, Luo Zhibin. Determination of aminophenols and phenol in hair colorants by ultrasound-assisted solid phase dispersion extraction coupled with ion chromatography. Journal of Separation Science, 2014, 37, 2208-2214.?
18. Zhong Zhixiong*, Li Gongke, Wu Rong, Luo Zhibin, Zhu Binghui, ShaoYijuan. Rapid determination of trace phenols migrating into drinking water from plastic-based pipe materials and household water treatment equipment using vortex-assisted emulsification microextraction. Analytical Methods, 2014, 6:3482-3489.?
19. 张润坤,胡玉斐,李攻科*.纳米材料催化发光分析研究进展,分析科学学报,2014,30(5):767-771.?
20. 张润坤,胡玉斐,李攻科*.流动注射分析系统的发展及其在过程监控中的应用.食品安全质量检测学报,2014,12(5):3975-3981.?
21. 张润坤,胡玉斐,李攻科*.循环化学发光检测系统的研制及应用研究.分析化学-NEWS,2014, 42 (8):1225-1225.?
22. 张仟春,肖小华*,李攻科*. 肉类食品中杂环胺检测的样品前处理及分析方法的研究进展. 色谱,2014, 32(9): 975-980.?
23. 张成江,潘加亮,张卓旻*,李攻科*. 微孔有机聚合物在样品前处理技术中应用的研究进展, 色谱,2014,32(10):1034-1042.?
24. 陈漾,张凯歌,胡玉玲*,李攻科*. 重氮偶合表面增强拉曼光谱快速分析椰汁中西维因.分析测试学报,2014,33(4):432-436.?
25. 罗伟强,肖小华*,杜卓,李攻科*. 整体柱固相萃取-高效液相色谱法在线分析水果中的氯吡脲.色谱,2014,32(4): 407-412.?
26. 阮冲,肖小华,李攻科*. 天然产物有效成分提取分离制备方法研究进展.化学试剂,2014,36(3):193-200; 258.?
27. 严矿林,肖小华*,李攻科*. 表面增强拉曼光谱在食品安全分析中的应用.化学通报,2014,77(5):388-395.?
28. 周朗君,古君平*,施文庄,韩冰,李攻科,胡玉玲*. 食品中重金属元素形态分析前处理与检测研究进展. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2014,5(5):1261-1269.?
29. 石先哲,李攻科,梁振,郭志谋,叶明亮,闫竞宇,许国旺*. 色谱研究最新进展. 化学通报, 2014, 77(7):720-730.?
1. Hu Yuling, Pan Jialiang, Zhang Kaige, Lian Haixian, Li Gongke*. Novel application of molecularly imprinted polymer in sample preparation. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2013,43:37-52.?
2. Hu Yuling*, Huang Zelin, Liao Jia, Li Gongke*. Chemical bonding approach for fabrication of hybrid magnetic metal-organic framework-5: high efficient adsorbents for magnetic enrichment of trace analytes. Analytical Chemistry, 2013,85(14): 6885-6893.?
3. Zhang Zhuomin*, Ma Yunjian, Wang Qingtang, Chen An, Pan Zhuoyan, Li Gongke*. Preparation of novel alumina nanowire solid-phase microextraction fiber coating for ultra-selective determination of volatile esters and alcohols from complicated food samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013,1290:27-35.?
4. Hu Yuling*, Song Chaoyong, Huang Zelin, Li Gongke*.Water stable metal-organic framework packed microcolumn for online sorptive extraction and direct analysis of naproxen and its metabolite from urine sample. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013,1294:17-24.?
5. Pan Jialiang, Huang Yichun, Liu Li, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. A novel fractionized sampling and stacking strategy for building an online and ultrasensitive SPE/SPME-UHPLC detection platform. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013, 1316: 29-36. ?
6. Yuan Zhiquan, Xiao Xiaohua*, Li Gongke*. Dynamic pH junction high-speed counter -current chromatography coupled with microwave-assisted extraction for online separation and purification of alkaloids from Stephania cepharantha. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013,1317:203-210.?
7. Zhou Chanyuan, Du Zhuo*, Li Gongke*, Zhang Yukui, Cai Zongwei. Oligomers matrix-assisted dispersion of high content of carbon nanotubes into monolithic column for online separation and enrichment of proteins from complex biological samples. Analyst, 2013, 138 (19):5783-5790.?
8. Zhang Zhuomin*, Zhu Li, Ma Yunjian, Huang Yichun, Li Gongke*. Preparation of polypyrrole composite solid-phase microextraction fiber coatings by sol-gel technique for the trace analysis of polar biological volatile organic compounds. Analyst, 2013, 138 (4), 1156-1166.?
9. Huang Jianxiang, Hu Yufei, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. Disposable terbium (III) salicylate complex imprinted membrane using solid phase surface fluorescence method for fast separation and detection of salicylic acid in pharmaceuticals and human urine. Talanta,2013, 107 (4), 49-54.?
10. Zhang Kaige, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. Diazotization-coupling reaction-based selective determination of nitrite in complex samples using shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Talanta, 2013, 116:712-718.?
11. Zhang Suling, Du Zhuo*, Li Gongke*. Metal-organic framework-199/graphite oxide hybrid composites coated solid-phase microextraction fibers coupled with gas chromatography for determination of organochlorine pesticides from complicated samples. Talanta,2013,115:32-39.
12. Haixian Lian, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. Novel metal ion-mediated complex imprinted membrane for selective ?recognition and direct determination of naproxen in pharmaceuticals ?by solid surface? uorescence. Talanta, 2013,116 :460-467.?
13. Xiao Xiaohua, Yuan Zhiquan, Li Gongke*. Preparation of phytosterols and phytol from edible marine algae by microwave-assisted extraction and high-speed counter-current chromatography. Separation and purification technology, 2013, 104:284-289.?
14. Du Zhuo, Miao Liu, Li Gongke*.Novel magnetic SPE method based on carbon nanotubes filled with cobalt ferrite for the analysis of organochlorine pesticides in honey and tea. Journal of Separation Science, 2013, 36: 3387-3394.?
15. Zhong Qisheng, Hu Yufei*, Li Gongke*. A novel protocol for molecularly imprinted polymer ?laments online coupled to GC–MS for the determination of androgenic steroids in urine. Journal of Separation Science, 2013, 36:3903-3910.?
16. Hu Yufei, Li Gongke*. A novel flow injection chemiluminescence method for the determination of ractopamine in urine by using trivalent copper. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5 (3):678-683.?
17. Zhang Zhuomin*, Ma Yunjian, Li Gongke*. Progress on the analytical methodology for biological volatile organic compounds. Analytical Methods, 2013,5(1):20-29.?
18. Du Zhuo, Liu Miao, Li Gongke*. Development of a membrane solid-phase extraction method based on polyethyleneimine modified MWNTs for on-line extraction and preconcentration of acidic proteins in serum samples. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5 (18), 4921-4926. ?
19. Huang Jianxiang, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. A complex imprinted polymer membrane combined with solid phase fluorescence detection for selective analysis of L-phenylalanine in water-abundant samples. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5 (18), 4680-4686.?
20. Xiao Xiaohua, Chen Xiaoguang, Xu Xianfang, Li Gongke*. Co-precipitation assisted cloud point extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for the determination of estrogens in water and cosmetic samples. Analytical Methods. 2013, 5(22): 6376-6381.?
21. Zhong Zhixiong*, Li Gongke, Zhong Xiuhua, Luo Zhibin, Zhu Binghui. Ultrasound-assisted low-density solvent dispersive liquid-liquid extraction for the determination of alkanolamines and alkylamines in cosmetics with ion chromatography.Talanta, 2013, 115:518-525.?
22. Hu Yufei, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhujun. A novel luminol-based chemiluminescence method for the determination of amikacin sulfate in serum by using trivalent copper-periodate complex. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2013, 3(5):360-366.?
23. 钟启升, 胡玉斐*, 李攻科*. 样品前处理/色谱在线分析技术研究进展. 分析测试学报, 2013,32(5):643-652.?
24. 黄怡淳, 丁炜炜, 张卓旻*, 李攻科*. 食品安全分析样品前处理-快速检测联用方法研究进展.色谱, 2013, 31(7):613-619.?
25. 王春兰, 汪军霞*, 胡 ?静, 胡玉玲, 李攻科*. 加速溶剂/固液固萃取-气相色谱/质谱法分析卷烟烟气中苯并[a]芘的研究.分析化学, 2013,41(7):1069-1073.?
26. ?张仟春, 肖小华, 李攻科*.样品前处理-色谱在线分析农药残留的研究进展. 分析科学学报, 2013, 29(3): 573-578.?
27. 罗伟强, 肖小华*, 李攻科*. 蔬果中氯吡脲残留样品前处理及分析方法研究进展. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2013,4(4): 1089-1094.?
28. 杨晓婷,胡玉斐*,李攻科*.单胺类神经递质的样品前处理及分析方法研究进展. 分析测试学报, 2013, 32(11):1394-1400.?
29. 王松才, 李攻科*. 分子印迹技术及其在司法鉴定领域的应用. 中国司法鉴定, 2013,67(2):55-58.
1. Zhou Ting, Xiao Xiaohua*, Li Gongke*. Hybrid field-assisted solid-liquid-solid dispersive-extraction for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in tobacco with gas chromatography. Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84 (1):420-427.
2. Zhou Ting, Xiao Xiaohua*, Li Gongke*. Microwave accelerated selective soxhlet extraction for the determination of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides in ginseng with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 2012,84(13):5816-5822.?
3. Hu Yuling*, Fan Yifeng, Huang Zelin, Song Chaoyong, Li Gongke*. In situ fabrication of metal-organic hybrid gels in a capillary for online enrichment of trace analytes in aqueous samples. Chemical Communication, 2012, 48:3966-3968.?
4. Hu Yuling*, Fan Yifeng, Li Gongke*.Preparation and evaluation of a porous monolithic capillary column for microextraction of estrogens from urine and milk samples online coupled to high - performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2012,1228:205-212.?
5. Zhong Qisheng, Hu Yufei*, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Dynamic liquid-liquid-solid microextraction based on molecularly imprinted polymer filaments on-line coupling to high performance liquid chromatography for direct analysis of estrogens in complex samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1241(8):13-20.?
6. Zhang Suling, Du Zhuo*, Li Gongke*. Graphene-supported zinc oxide solid-phase microextraction coating with enhanced selectivity and sensitivity for the determination of sulfur volatiles in Allium species. Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1260(15):1-8.?
7. Pan Jialiang, Hu Yuling*, Liang Tingan, Li Gongke*.Preparation of solid-phase microextraction fibers by in-mold coating strategy for derivatization analysis of 24-epibrassinolide in pollen samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1262(2):49-55.?
8. Hu Yuling*, Song Chaoyong, Li Gongke*. Fiber-in-tube solid-phase microextraction with molecularly imprinted coating for sensitive analysis of antibiotic drugs by high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2012,1263(9):21-27.?
9. Xiao Xiaohua, Song Wei, Wang Jiayue, Li Gongke*. Microwave-assisted extraction performed in low temperature and invacuo for the extraction of labile compounds in food samples. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012,712:85-93.?
10. Zhang Zhuomin, Wang Qingtang, Li Gongke*. Fabrication of novel nanoporous array anodic alumina solid-phase microextraction fiber coating and its potential application for headspace sampling of biological volatile organic compounds. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 727:13-19.?
11. Zhang Zhuomin, Tan Wei, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*, Zan Song. Microwave synthesis of gibberellin acid 3 magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer beads for the trace analysis of gibberellin acids in plant samples by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry detection. Analyst,2012, 137 (4), 968-977.?
12. Jiao Zhe, Si Xiaoxi, Zhang Zhuomin*, Li Gongke*, Cai Zongwei. Compositional study of different soybean (Glycine max L.) varieties by 1H NMR spectroscopy, chromatographic and spectrometric techniques. Food Chemistry, 2012,135:285-291.?
13. Du Zhuo*, Zhang Suling, Zhou Chanyuan, Liu Miao, Li Gongke*. Dynamic Layer-by-layer self- assembly of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on quartz wool and its application on solid phase extraction of lysozyme from egg white. Talanta, 2012, 94:104-110.?
14. Zhuo Du**, Suling Zhang, Chanyuan Zhou, Miao Liu, Gongke Li*. L-histidine functionalized multi- walled carbon nanotubes for on-line affinity separation and purification of immunoglobulin G in serum. Talanta,2012, 99(15):40-49.?
15. Yao Su, Hu Yufei*, Li Gongke*, Zhang Yukui. Adsorption behavior of ractopamine on carbon nanoparticle modified electrode and its analytical application. Electrochimica Acta, 2012,77(8):83-88.?
16. Qiu Heyuan, Xiao Xiaohua, Li Gongke*. ?Separation and purification of furanocoumarins from Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. by microwave-assisted extraction coupled with high-speed counter-current chromatography. Journal of Separation Science, 2012,35(7):901-906.?
17. Xiao Xiaohua, Si Xiaoxi, Yuan Zhiquan, Xianfang Xu, Li Gongke*. Isolation of fucoxanthin from edible brown algae by microwave-assisted extraction coupled with high-speed counter-current chromatography. Journal of Separation Science, 2012, 35(5):2313-2317.?
18. Zhong Qisheng, Hu Yufei*, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Online desorption of molecularly imprinted stir bar sorptive extraction coupled to high performance liquid chromatography for the trace analysis of triazines in rice. Journal of Separation Science,2012, 35, 3396–3402.?
19. Tong Xing, Zhou Ting, Xiao Xiaohua*, Li Gongke*. A consecutive preparation method based upon accelerated solvent extraction and high-speed counter-current chromatography for isolation of aesculin from Cortex fraxinus.Journal of Separation Science, 2012, 35, 3609-3614.?
20. Zhou Ting, Xiao Xiaohua, Wang Jiayue, Chen Jinling, Xu Xianfang, He Zhifeng, Li Gongke*. Evaluation of microwave‐assisted extraction for aristolochic acid from Aristolochiae Fructus by chromatographic analysis coupled with nephrotoxicity studies. Biomedical Chromatography, 2012, 26: 166-171.?
21. ?Xiao Xiaohua, Si Xiaoxi, Tong Xing, Li Gongke*. Ultrasonic microwave-assisted extraction coupled with high-speed counter-current chromatography for the preparation of nigakinones from picrasma quassioides (D.Don) benn.Phytochemical Analysis, 2012, 23, 540-546.?
22. Xu Zhigang, Du Zhuo, Hu Yuling, Pan Yingpeng, Li Gongke*. Preparation of trimethoprim molecularly imprinted coatings for stir bar sorptive extraction and its application for trace analysis of trimethoprim and sulfonamides in complex samples. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 40(7): 1002-1010.?
23. Xu Zhigang, Du Zhuo, Lian Haixian, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Metsulfuron-methyl molecularly imprinted stir bar sorptive extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for trace sulfonylurea herbicides analysis in complex samples. Chemical Research of Chinese Univesities, 2012, 28(4): 594-599.?
24. Zhong Zhixiong*, Li Gongke, Zhu Binghui, Luo Zhibin, Huang Li, Wu Ximei.A rapid distillation method coupled with ion chromatography for the determination of total sulphur dioxide in foods. Food Chemistry, 2012,131: 1044-1050.?
25. Zhong Zhixiong*, Li Gongke, Luo Zhibin, Zhu Binghui. Multi-channel purge and trap system coupled with ion chromatography for the determination of alkylamines in cosmetics. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012,715: 49-56.?
26. Zhong Zhixiong?, Li Gongke, Wu Yanhong, Luo Zhibin, Zhu Binghui. Ultrasound-assisted matrix solid-phase dispersive liquid extraction for the determination of intermediates in hair dyes with ion chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012,752 (11): 53-61.?
27. 冯 ?婷, 胡玉斐*, 李攻科*. 鲁米诺-铁氰化钾化学发光体系快速分析生物样品中莱克多巴胺. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2012, 32(1):74-77.?
28. 黄健祥, 胡玉玲, 胡玉斐, 李攻科*. 配位印迹聚合物在分析化学中的应用进展.分析化学, 2012,40(4):643-650.?
29. 刘 ?苗, 杜 ?卓, 李攻科*. 磁性纳米材料在分析样品前处理中的应用进展. 分析科学学报, 2012,28(3):417-422。?
30. 张素玲, 杜 卓*, 李攻科*. 氧化石墨和石墨烯的制备及其在样品前处理中的应用. 分析测试学报, 2012,31(9):1178-1183.?
31. 肖小华, 周思, 李攻科*. 莱克多巴胺ELISA快检技术样品前处理方法研究. 食品安全质量检测技术, 2012, 3(5), 485-489.?
32. 张凯歌, 胡玉玲, 胡玉斐, 李攻科*. 分子印迹微萃取技术的研究进展 .色谱, 2012,30(12):1220-1228.?
?1. Zhang Suling, Du Zhuo*, Li Gongke*. Layer-by-layer fabrication of chemical-bonded graphene coating for solid-phase microextraction. Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83(19): 7531-7541.?
2. Zhang Zhuomin, Tan Wei, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Simultaneous determination of trace sterols in complicated biological samples by β-sitosterol magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer bead extraction coupled with GC-MS.Journal of Chromatography A, 2011,1218:4275-4283.?
3. Zhou Ting, Xiao Xiaohua, Li Gongke*,Cai Zongwei. Study of polyethylene glycol as a green solvent in the microwave-assisted extraction of flavone and coumarin compounds from medicinal plants. Journal of Chromatography A, 2011,1218:3608-3615.?
4. Xu Zhigang, Song Chaoyong, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Molecularly imprinted stir bar sorptive extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for trace analysis of sulfa drugs in complex samples. Talanta, 2011,85:97-103.?
5. Huang Jianxiang, Hu Yufei, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. Development of metal complex imprinted solid-phase microextraction fiber for 2,2′-dipyridine recognition in aqueous medium. Talanta, 2011, 83:1721-1729.?
6. Hu Yuling*, Li Yuanwen, Liu Ruijin, Tan Wei, Li Gongke*. Magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer beads prepared by microwave heating for selective enrichment of β-agonists in pork and pig liver samples.Talanta,2011,84:462-470.?
7. Hu Yuling, Li Yuanwen, Zhang Yi, Li Gongke*, Chen Yueqin. Development of sample preparation method for auxin analysis in plants by vacuum microwave-assisted extraction combined with molecularly -imprinted clean-up procedure. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011,399:3367-3374.?
8. Tong Xing, Xiao Xiaohua, Li Gongke*. On-line coupling of dynamic microwave-assisted extraction with high-speed counter-current chromatography for continuous isolation of nevadensin from Lyeicnotus pauciflorus Maxim.Journal of Chromatography B, 2011, 879:2397-2402.?
9. Xiao Xiaohua, Si Xiaoxi, Tong Xing, Li Gongke*. Preparation of flavonoids and diarylheptanoid from Alpinia katsumada Hayata by microwave-assisted extraction and high-speed counter-current chromatography. Separation and purification technology, 2011,(81):265-269.?
10. Hu Yuling, Li Jiawei, Li Gongke*.Synthesis and application of a novel molecularly imprinted polymer -coated stir bar for microextraction of triazole fungicides in soil. Journal of Separation Science, 2011, 34, 1190:1190-1197.?
11. Hu Yufei, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhujun. A flow injection chemiluminescence method for the determination of lincomycin in serum using a diperiodato-cuprate (III)-luminol system. Luminescence, 2011, 26:313-318.?
12. Du Fuyou, Xiao Xiaohua, Li Gongke*. Ionic liquid aqueous solvent-based microwave- assisted hydrolysis for the extraction and HPLC determination of myricetin and quercetin from Myrica rubra leaves. Biomedical Chromatography, 2011,25:472-478.?
13. Hu Xiaogang, Pan Jialiang, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Development of multiple bulk co-polymerization method for molecularly imprinted polymer-coated solid-phase microextraction fiberpreparation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011,120(3):1266-1277.?
14. 许志刚, 胡玉玲, 李攻科*. 搅拌棒吸附萃取技术的研究进展. 分析化学, 2011, 39(11):1766-1773.?
15. 潘加亮, 谭 ?微, 李攻科*, 胡玉玲. 油菜素甾醇激素分析的研究进展. 色谱, 2011, 29(2):105-110.?
16. 周婵媛, 杜 ?卓*, 李攻科*. 功能化有序介孔二氧化硅材料在分析样品前处理中的应用. 中国无机分析化学, 2011, 1(2):20-30.?
17. 邱贺媛, 肖小华, 李攻科*. 微波辅助提取-高效液相色谱分析制备鸡骨草中相思子碱和下箴刺桐碱的研究. 分析科学学报, 2011, 27(3):284-288.?
18. 张素玲, 杜卓, 李攻科*. 碳纳米管在样品前处理中的应用. 化学通报, 2011, 74(3):201-208.?
19. 许志刚, 练海贤, 李攻科*, 胡玉玲. β2-兴奋剂样品前处理与分析检测方法研究进展. 分析测试学报, 2011, 30(4):465-472.?
20. 周思, 肖小华*, 李攻科*. 食品安全快速检测方法研究进展. 色谱, 食品安全检测专刊, 2011,29(7):580-586.?
21. 冯 ?婷, 胡玉斐*, 李攻科*. 分子印迹整体柱在样品前处理及色谱分析中的应用. 分析测试学报, 2011, 30(10):1191-1198.?
22. 司晓喜, 袁智泉, 邱贺媛, 肖小华*, 李攻科*. 海藻有效成分的提取分离研究进展. 延边大学学报(自), 2011, 37(2):103-110.?
23. 王明祖, 杨暹, 何生根*, 李攻科. 菜豆果实发育过程中多胺氧化酶活性与多胺含量的变化. 仲恺农业工程学院学报, 2011,24(4):12-15.?
1. Xu Zhigang, Hu Yufei, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Investigation of ractopamine molecularly imprinted stir bar sorptive extraction and its application for trace analysis of β2-agonists in complex samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2010,1217:3612-3618.
2. Zhang Zhuomin, Zhang Yi, Tan Wei, Li Gongke*, Hu Yuling. Preparation of styrene-co-4-vinylpyridine magnetic polymer beads by microwave irradiation for analysis of trace 24-epibrassinolide in plant samples using high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2010, 1217:6455-6461.?
3. Zhang Yi, Li Yuanwen, Hu Yuling*, Li Gongke*. Chen Yueqin, Preparation of magnetic indole-3 - acetic acid imprinted polymer beads with 4-vinylpyridine and β-cyclodextrin as binary monomer via microwave heating initiated polymerization and their application to trace analysis of auxins in plant tissues. Journal of Chromatography A, 2010,1217:7337-7344.?
4. Zhang Zhuomin, Li Gongke*, Luo Lin, Chen Guonan*.Study on seafood volatile profile characteristics during storage and its potential use for freshness evaluation by headspace solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatograpy-mass spectrometry.Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 659:151-158.?
5. Jiao Zhe, Si Xiaoxi, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhuomin, Xu Xinping.Unintended Compositional Changes in Transgenic Rice Seeds (Oryza sativa L.) Studied by Spectral and Chromatographic Analysis Coupled with Chemometrics Methods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58:1746-1754.?
6. Hu Yuling, Wang Yangyang, Chen Xiaoguang, Hu Yufei, Li Gongke*. A novel molecularly imprinted solid-phase microextraction fiber coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for analysis of trace estrogens in fishery samples. Talanta, 2010,80(5):2099-2105.?
7. Hu Yufei, Zhang Zhujun*, Li Gongke*. A novel chemiluminescence method for the determination of ergometrine maleate in serum sample without chemiluminescence reagent. Talanta, 2010, 81:499-504.?
8. Hu Yuling, Li Jiawei, Hu Yufei, Li Gongke*.Development of selective and chemically stable coating for stir bar sorptive extraction by molecularly imprinted technique. Talanta, 2010, 82:464-470.?
9. Jiao Zhe, Deng Jianchao, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhuomin , Cai Zongwei.Study on the compositional differences between transgenic and non-transgenic papaya (Carica papaya L.). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis,2010,23:640-647.?
10. Zhang Zhuoming, Li Gongke*.A review of advances and new developments in the analysis of biological volatile organic compounds. Microchemical Journal, 2010, 95:127-139.?
11. Hu Yuling*, Liu Ruijin, Li Yuanwen, Li Gongke*. Investigation of ractopamine imprinted polymer for the extraction and analysis of β-agonists in pig tissues. Journal of Separation Science, 2010, 33:2017-2025.?
12. Deng Jianchao, Xiao Xiaohua, Tong Xing, Li Gongke*.Preparation of bergenin from Ardisia crenata sims and Rodgersia sambucifolia hemsl based on microwave-assisted extraction/ high-speed counter-current chromatography. Separation and Purification Technology, 2010,74 (2):155-159.?
13. Xiao Xiaohua, Yin Yi, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*.Microwave-assisted extraction coupled with single drop microextraction and high-performance column liquid chromatography for the determination of trace estrogen adulterants in soybean isoflavone dietary supplements.?
Journal of AOAC International, 2010, 93(3):849-854.?
14. Du Fuyou, Xiao Xiaohua, Xu Panpan, Li Gongke*. Ionic liquid-based microwave-assisted extraction and HPLC analysis of dehydrocavidine in Corydalis saxicola Bunting. Acta Chromatographica, 2010, 22(3):459-471.?
15. 童星, 肖小华, 邓建朝, 王家玥, 李攻科*. 低温微波技术在化学研究中的应用. 化学进展, 2010, 22(12):2642-2648.?
16. Zhang Zhuomin, Guo Zongning, Ruan Guihua, Deng Jianchao, Xiao Xiaohua, Li Gongke*.Study on chromatographic fingerprint of sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) by microwave-assisted extraction coupled to HPLC/DAD.Academic Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2010,22(4):211-217.?
17. 肖小华, 蔡积进, 胡玉玲, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取-气相色谱/质谱分析室内空气中的苯系物. 分析试验室, 2010,29(5):40-43.?
18. 肖小华, 蔡积进, 胡玉玲, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取-气相色谱/质谱联用检测室内空气中挥发性有机化合物. 环境污染与防治(网络版), 2010, ?(1):1-7.?
19. 钟志雄*, 李攻科, 朱炳辉, 罗志彬, 吴西梅. 离子色谱法同时测定化妆品中的铵和6种烷基胺. 色谱, 2010, 28(7):702-707.?
1. Zhang Yi, Liu Ruijin, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Microwave heating in preparation of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer beads for trace triazines analysis in complicated samples. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81(3):967-976.?
2. Hu Xiaogang, Pan Jialiang, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Preparation and evaluation of propranolol molecularly imprinted solid-phase microextraction fiber for trace analysis of β-blockers in urine and plasma samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009, 1216(2):190-197.?
3. Hu Yuling*, Wang Yangyang, Hu Yufei, Li Gongke*. Liquid-liquid-solid microextraction based on membrane -protected molecularly imprinted polymer fiber for trace analysis of triazines in complex aqueous samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009, 1216:8304-8311.?
4. Xiao Xiaohua, Wang Junxia, Gang Wang, Wang jiayue, Li Gongke*. Evaluation of vacuum microwave-assisted extraction technique for the extraction of antioxidants from plant samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009, 1216(51):8867-8873.?
5. Du Fuyou, Xiao Xiaohua, Luo Xuejun, Li Gongke*. Application of ionic liquids in the microwave-assisted extraction of polyphenolic compounds from medicinal plants. Talanta, 2009, 78(3): 1177-1184.?
6. Hu Yuling*, Liu Ruijin, Zhang Yi, Li Gongke*. Improvement of extraction capability of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer beads in aqueous medium via dual-phase solvent system. Talanta, 2009, 79(4):576-582.?
7. Xiao Xiaohua, Guo Zongning, Deng Jianchao, Li Gongke*. Separation and purification of isofraxidin from Sarcandra glabra by microwave-assisted extraction coupled with high-speed counter-current chromatography. Separation and purification technology, 2009, 68(2):250-254.?
8. Zhang Zhuomin, Wu Wenwei, Li Gongke*. Study of the alarming volatile characteristics of Tessaratoma papillosa using SPME-GC-MS. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2009,47(4):291-296. ?
9. Deng Jianchao,Xiao Xiaohua, Li Gongke*, Ruan Guihua. Application of microwave-assisted extraction coupled with high-speed counter-current chromatography for separation and purification of dehydrocavidine from Corydalis saxicola Bunting. Phytochemical Analysis, 2009, 20, 498-502.?
10. 潘加亮, 胡玉玲, 李攻科*. 生物相容性分离介质在样品前处理中的应用. 分析化学, 200 37(10):1539-1546.?
11. 许志刚, 胡玉玲, 罗学军, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取涂层制备方法研究进展. 分析测试学报, 2009, 28(2):250-256.?
12. 黄健祥, 胡玉斐, 潘加亮, 许志刚, 李攻科*. 分子印迹样品前处理技术的研究进展.中国科学 B辑: 化学, 2009, 39(8):733-746.?
13. 胡玉玲, 常蓓蓓, 罗学军, 李攻科*. 液相微萃取-高效液相色谱法分析葡萄汁中多酚类化合物. 分析试验室, 2009, 28(8):22-25.?
14. 胡玉斐, 李攻科*. 分子印迹技术在化学发光分析中的应用. 分析测试学报, 2009, 28(8):989-994.?
15. 肖小华, 吴文威, 李攻科*. 微波辅助萃取-GC/MS联用分析竹子中氨基酸. 分析试验室, 2009, 28(9):1-4.?
16. 邓建朝, 肖小华, 李攻科*. 逆流色谱仪器装置的研究进展. 化学通报, 2009, 72(10): 860-870.?
17. 钟启升, 胡玉斐, 李攻科*, 胡玉玲.样品前处理-色谱分析在线联用技术的研究进展. 色谱, 2009, 27(5):690-699.?
18. 胡玉玲, 常蓓蓓, 李攻科*. 液相微萃取/高效液相色谱法分析竹叶中牡荆素. 天然产物研究与开发, ?2009, 21(增):90-93.?
19. 周婷, 王家玥, 肖小华, 李攻科*. 天然产物样品前处理分离分析联用技术研究进展. 世界科学技术-中医药现代化, 2009, 11(1):147-152, 133.
20. 胡玉玲*, 朱飞, 李家威, 李攻科. 特丁津分子印迹整体萃取棒的研制及其萃取性能, 分析化学, 2009,37(3):466-470.
21. 钟志雄*, 李攻科. 海产品中氟、溴、碘与硫的电导-紫外串联检测离子色谱法分析. 分析测试学报, 2009, 28(5):572-575.
22. 钟志雄*, 李攻科. 离子色谱法测定海产品中磷酸盐、焦磷酸盐、偏磷酸盐和总磷. 色谱, 2009, 27(4):499-504.?
1. Wang Junxia, Xiao Xiaohua, Li Gongke*.Study of vacuum microwave-assisted extraction of polyphenolic compounds and pigment from Chinese herbs. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008,1198-1199:45-53.?
2. Hu Xiaogang, Pan Jialiang, Hu Yuling, Huo Yin, Li Gongke*. Preparation and evaluation of solid-phase microextraction fiber based on molecularly imprinted polymers for trace analysis of tetracyclines in complicated samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008,1188(2):97-107 ..?
3. Zhang Zhuomin, Zeng Dandan, Li Gongke*. Study of the volatile composition of tomato during storage by a combination sampling method coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2008, 88(1): 116-124.?
4. Zhang Zhuomin, Zeng, Dandan, Li Gongke*. The study of the volatile profile characteristics of longan during storage by a combination sampling method coupled with GC/MS. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2008, 88(6): 1035 -1042. ?
5. Zhang Zhuomin, Wu Wenwei, Li Gongke*. A GC-MS study of the volatile organic composition of straw and oyster mushroom during maturity and its relation to antioxidant activity. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2008, 46(8):690-696.?
6. 张 ?毅, 胡玉玲, 李攻科*. 分子印迹技术在生化分离分析中的应用. 分析测试学报, 2008, 27(2):215-221.?
7. 黄健祥, 胡玉玲, 李攻科*. 选择性固相微萃取涂层的研究进展. 分析科学学报, 2008, 24(1):97-102.?
8. 阮贵, 李攻科*. 苍耳子的化学成分及其分析研究进展. 中成药, 2008, 30(3):421-426.?
9. 吴文威, 肖小华, 李攻科*.竹的化学成分研究进展. 天然产物研究与开发, 2008,20:408-414.
10. 杨运云, 刘玉竹, 李攻科, 牟德海*. 微波辅助萃取-气相色谱/质谱法对电子电气产品中多溴二苯醚的测定. 分析测试学报, 2008, 27(7):762-765.?
1. Du Fuyou, Xiao Xiaohua, Li Gongke*.Application of ionic liquids in the microwave-assisted extraction of trans-resveratrol from Rhizma Polygoni Cuspidati. Journal of Chromatography A, 2007, 1140(1-2):56-62.?
2. Hu Xiaogang, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Development of novel molecularly imprinted solid phase microextraction fibers and its application for the determination of triazines in complicated samples coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2007, 1147(1) :1-9.?
3. Hu Yuling, Zheng Yanjie, Zhu Fei, Li Gongke*. Sol-gel coated polydimethylsiloxane /β-cyclodextrin as novel stationary phase for stir bar sorptive extraction and its application to analysis of estrogens and bisphenol A. Journal of Chromatography A, 2007, 1147(3):16-22.?
4. Ruan Guihua, Li Gongke*. The study on the chromatographic fingerprint of Fructus xanthii by microwave assisted extraction coupled with GC-MS. Journal of Chromatography B, 2007, 850:241-248.?
5. Zhang Zhuomin, Li Gongke*. A preliminary study of plant aroma profile characteristics by a combination sampling method coupled with GC-MS. Microchemical Journal, 2007, 86(1):29-36.?
6. Zhang Zhuomin, Zeng Dandan, Li Gongke*. The study of the aroma profile characteristics of durian using during storage by the combination sampling method coupled with GC-MS. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2007, 22:71-77.?
7. Hu Xiaogang, Hu Yuling, Li Gongke*. Preparation and characterization of prometryn molecularly imprinted solid-phase microextraction fibers. Analytical Letters, 2007, 40(4): 645-660.?
8. 范华均, 肖小华, 李攻科*. 微波辅助提取石蒜和虎杖中有效成分动力学模型的研究. 高等学校化学学报, 2007, 28(6): 1049-1054.?
9. 杜甫佑, 肖小华, 李攻科*. 离子液体微波辅助萃取石蒜中生物碱的研究. 分析化学, 2007, 35(11): 1570-1574.?
10. 阮贵华, 陈 ?皓, 肖小华, 李攻科*. 微波辅助提取/GC-MS联用分析苍耳子中油脂成分. 分析试验室, 2007, 26(3):21-25.?
11. 杜甫佑, 肖小华, 李攻科*. 离子液体在样品预处理中的应用研究. 化学通报, 2007, 70(9):647-654.?
12. 李攻科*, 杜甫佑, 肖小华. 微波辅助萃取技术在中药现代化中的应用. 精细化工, 2007, 24(12):1184-1191.?
13. 肖小华, 尹怡, 胡玉玲, 李攻科*. 水中酚类化合物的液-液-液微萃取/高效液相色谱联用分析研究. 分析测试学报, 2007, 26(6):797-801.?
14. 肖小华, 尹怡, 胡玉玲, 李攻科*. 液相微萃取-高效液相色谱联用分析化妆品中痕量雌激素. 色谱, 2007, 25(2):234-237.?
1. Hu Yuling, Fu Yueli, Li Gongeke*. Preparation of AMTEOS / PDMS sol-gel coatings for solid-phase microextraction of aromatic compounds. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006, 567(2):211-217.?
2. Fu Yueli, Hu Yuling, Zheng Yanjie, Li Gongke*. Preparation and application of poly(dimethylsiloxane)/?-cyclodextrin solid-phase microextraction fiber. Journal of Separation Science, 2006, 29:2684-2691.?
3. 胡小刚, 李攻科*. 分子印迹技术在样品前处理中的应用. 分析化学, 2006, 34(7):1035-1041.?
4. 范华均, 林广欣, 肖小华, ?李攻科*. 微波辅助提取石蒜和虎杖中有效成分的动力学机理研究. 分析化学, 2006,34(9):1260-1264.?
5. 范华均, 林广欣, 肖小华, 李攻科*. 微波辅助提取石蒜和虎杖中有效成分的热力学机理研究. 高等学校化学学报, 2006,27(12):2271-2276.?
6. Zhang Zhuomin, Zeng Dandan, Li Gongke*. The study of the aroma characteristics of Chinese mango cultivars by GC/MS with solid phase microextraction. Journal of Plant Sciences, 2006, 1(1):98-105.?
7. Zhang Zhuomin, Wu Wenwei, Li Gongke*. HSSPME-GC/MS study of the aroma volatiles of Allium species and chemometric interpretation for the aroma characteristics. Journal of Plant Sciences, 2006, 1(4): 315-323 . ?
8. 张卓旻, 李攻科*. 生物体产生挥发性有机物分析的研究进展. 化学通报, 2006, 69(1):w002, 1-8.?
9. 张卓旻, 李攻科*, 刘 ?丽, 刘志红, 李 ?英, 刘胜利. 顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用分析纺织品中挥发性有机物. 分析试验室, 2006, 25(1):103-106.?
10. 范华均, ?栾 ?伟, 李攻科*. 微波辅助提取/HPLC分析石蒜中的生物碱. 分析测试学报, 2006, 25(3):27-30.?
11. 范华均, 肖小华, 刘玉竹, 李攻科*. 微波辐射溶剂回流法提取石蒜中石蒜碱、力可拉敏和加兰他敏. 中山大学学报, 2006, 45(3):46-49, 53.
12. 汪军霞, 李攻科*. 微波辅助萃取装置研究进展. 化学通报, 2006, 69(6):w061,1-9.?
13. 刘佩红, 李攻科, 吴宏海.公交车厢内的空气污染及控制. 环境监测管理与技术, 2006, 18(2):42-43.?
14. 王超英, 李碧芳, 郝金声, 李攻科. 红枫湖及其污染源中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的测定. 贵州教育学院学报, 2006, 17(4):42-44.?
15. He Xiaoqing, Li Gongke, Luo Meizhong, Zhang Zhanxia. Using GC to determinate polychlorinated biphenyls in soil after pretreated with microwave-assisted alkaline degradation method. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2006, 13(5):549-553.
1. Hu Yuling, Yang Yunyun, Huang Jianxiang, Li Gongke*. Preparation and application of poly(dimethylsiloxane)/β-cyclodextrin solid-phase microextraction membrane. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2005, 543(1-2):17-24.?
2. Zhang Zhuomin , Cai Jijin, Ruan Guihua, Li Gongke*. The study of fingerprint characteristics of the emanations from human arm skin using the original sampling system by SPME-GC/MS. Journal of Chromatography B, 2005,822(1-2): 244-252.?
3. 范华均, 李攻科*, 栾 ?伟, 蔡沛祥. 微波溶样-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定石蒜中的镉铬铅. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2005, 25(9):1503-1506.?
4.王超英, 李碧芳, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取-高效液相色谱联用分析环境水样中邻苯二甲酸酯. 分析测试学报, 2005, 24(5):35-38.?
5. 范华均, 李攻科*, 黎蔚波. 石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定口服液中的铬铅镉. 分析试验室, 2005, 24 (3):36-39.
1. Hu Yuling, Zheng Yuexing, Li Gongke*. Solid-phase microextraction of phenol compounds using a novel fiber coated with a cyclodextrin bonded silica stationary phase. Analytical Sciences, 2004, (4):667-671.
2. 唐宝英 李玉洁, 谢小丹, 李攻科*等. 微波消解-冷原子吸收光谱法测定电池中汞. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2004,24(5):622-624.?
3. 杨 ?云, 栾 ?伟, 罗学军, 李攻科*. 微波辅助萃取-固相微萃取联用GC-MS法测定土壤中的扑草净. 分析化学, 2004,32(6):775-778. ?
4. 胡玉玲, 钟伟健, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取-高效液相色谱联用分析环境水样中的氨基甲酸酯农药. 中山大学学报(自), 2004,43(3):124-127.?
5. 李碧芳, 胡玉玲, 赖丛芳, 李攻科*. 自制聚二甲基硅氧烷/二乙烯基苯固相微萃取膜富集水样中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物. 中山大学学报(自), 2004,43(3):121-123, 127.?
6. Zhao Mingqiao, Li Gongke*, Zhang Zhanxia. Study on the characteristic organic compounds in red tide by factor analysis method. Marine Science Bulletin, 2004,6(2):74-82.?
7. 李 核, 李攻科, 张展霞. 密闭系统中微波辅助萃取机理探讨. 分析测试学报, 2004, 23(5):12-16.?
8. 李 核, 李攻科, 张展霞. 密闭式微波系统的微波辅助萃取动力学模型. 中山大学学报(自), 2004,43(3):40-44.
1.李 核, 李攻科*, ?张展霞. 微波辅助萃取技术的进展. 分析化学, 2003, 31(10):1261-1268.?
2. 赵明桥, 李攻科*, 张展霞. 应用多元回归法研究赤潮特征有机物与赤潮关系. 中山大学学报, 2003, 42(1):1-5.?
3. ?杨云, 李攻科*. 土壤中痕量水胺硫磷的微波辅助萃取-固相微萃取/GC-MS法测定. 分析测试学报, 2003, 22(4):13-16.?
4. 杨 ?云, 栾 ?伟, 李攻科*. 微波辅助萃取气相色谱-质谱联用测定蔬菜中的扑草净. 分析试验室, 2003, 22(4):75-78.?
5. 王新平, 杨 ?云, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用分析环境水样中痕量有机磷农药. 分析试验室, 2003, 22(5):5-9.?
6. 李碧芳, 王超英, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取-高效液相色谱联用测定水样中的痕量苯并(k) 荧蒽. 分析试验室, 2003, 22(5):25-28.?
7. 赵明桥, 李攻科*, 张展霞. 应用因子分析法研究赤潮特征有机物. 海洋环境科学, 2003,22(3):1-6.?
8. 赵明桥, 李攻科*, 陈 ?皓, 张展霞. 超声波振荡协助SPME-GC-MS联用测定海水中2, 6-二特丁基对苯醌. 分析试验室, ?2003,22(6):60-63.?
9. 陶敬奇, 王超英, 李碧芳, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取-高效液相色谱联用分析环境水样中痕量多环芳烃, 色谱, 2003, 21(6):599-602.?
10. 陈洪伟, 李攻科*, 李 核, 张展霞, 王伯光, 李 拓, 罗海鲲. 广州地区大气中挥发性有机物的污染状况. 环境化学, 2003, 22(1):96-99.?
11. 李 核, 李攻科, 张展霞. 影响微波辅助萃取虎杖中白藜芦醇产率的一些重要操作参数. 分析化学, 2003, 31(11):1341-1344.?
1. 李 核, 李攻科*, 陈洪伟, 张展霞, 李拓, 王伯光. 微波辅助萃取-GC-MS法测定大气可吸入颗粒物中痕量多环芳烃. 分析化学, 2002, 30(9) :1058-1062.
2. 王超英, 陶敬奇, 李碧芳, 马志玲, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取--高效液相色谱联用分析环境水样中痕量屈. 色谱, 2002, 20(1):59-62.?
3. 杨云, 关碧晖, 李攻科*. 固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用分析水中的痕量扑草净. 分析试验室, 2002, 21(4):19-22.?
4. 杨 ?云, 张卓旻, 李攻科*. 微波辅助萃取/气相色谱-质谱联用分析蔬菜中有机磷农药. 色谱, 2002, 20(5):390-393.?
5. 赵明桥, 李攻科*, 陈 ?皓, 张展霞. 海水中雪松醇的SPME-GC-MS测定及其与赤潮关系, 分析测试学报, 2002, 21(6):5-8.
1. ?李攻科*, 何小青, 杨云, 张展霞. 生物样品中的多氯联苯的微波皂化萃取气相色谱法测定. 分析测试学报, 2001, 20(1):1-3.
2. ?栾天罡, ?李攻科*, 张展霞. 固相微萃取-衍生化法与GC-MS联用分析葡萄酒中多酚类化合物. 中山大学学报(自), 2001, (1):54-57.?
3. 陶敬奇, 李攻科*, 王超英, 李碧芳, 张展霞. 固相微萃取-高效液相色谱联用技术的进展. 分析测试学报, 2001, 20(6):80-84.?
4. ?陈洪伟, 李攻科*, 李核, 张展霞等. 大气环境中挥发性有机化合物的测定. 色谱, 2001, 19(6):544-548.?
5. ?阮小林, 李攻科*. ?辉光放电灯在分析中的应用. 分析测试技术与仪器, 2001,7(3):156-162.?
1. 李攻科*, 何小青, 张展霞. 微波辅助衍生化GC-MS测定食用油中脂肪酸. 分析实验室, 2000, 19(1):16-19.?
2. 何小青, 李攻科*, 熊国华,张展霞. 微波碱解法消除土壤样品多氯联苯测定中有机氯药干扰研究. 分析化学, 2000, 28(1):26-30.?
3. 李攻科*, 赵明桥, 张展霞. SPME-GC-MS联用快速检测赤潮海水中的有机物. 环境化学, 2000, 19(1):73-78.?
4. 李攻科*, 杨秀环, 张展霞. GFAAS 中理论原子化效率与原子化温度的关系的研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2000, 19(1):76-78.?
5. 李攻科*, 何小青, 张展霞. 微波辅助衍生化GC-MS测定血浆中脂肪酸的研究. 分析测试学报, 2000, 19(1):16-18.?
6. 李攻科*, 李晓东, 马亭, 鲍伦军, 张展霞. 固相萃取GC-MS法同时测定葡萄酒中顺反式白黎芦醇的研究. 中山大学学报(自), 2000, (1):63-67.
7. 李攻科*, 何小青, 杨云, 张展霞. 微波皂化萃取气相色谱法测定生物样品中的多氯联苯. 分析化学, 2000, 28(9):1186.?
8. 赵明桥, 李攻科*, 栾天罡, 张展霞. SPME-GC-MS法测定海水中Pes及与赤潮关系. 中山大学学报(自), ?2000, (3):54-58.?
9. 李攻科*, 何小青, 张展霞. 微波消解-衍生化气相色谱-质谱法测定鲨鱼软骨中的脂肪酸. 色谱, 2000, 18(4):337-339.?
10. 马亭, 李攻科*, 李晓东, 田学梅, 张展霞, 鲍伦军 周辉棠. 葡萄酒中白黎芦醇的固相萃取GC/MS法测定及其生理活性的初步研究. ?高等学校化学学报, 2000, 21(7):1023-1027.?
11. 赵明桥, 李攻科*, 栾天罡, 张展霞. 固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用法测定海水中角鲨烯及其与赤潮的关系. 分析化学, ?2000, 28(11):1326-1330.?
12. 李攻科*, 杨云, 张展霞. 石墨炉原子吸收光谱绝对分析法及其应用. 现代科学仪器(增), 2000, 73:48-50.?
13. Luan Tiangang, Li Gongke, Zhao Mingqiao, Zhang Zhanxia. Rapid detection of tetrame- thylenedisulfotetramine in human blood by SPME/gas Chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2000, (404):329-334.?
14.Zhang Zhanxia, ?Xiong Guohua, Li Gongke, ?He Xiaoqing. Environmental sample pretreatment with microwave-assisted techniques. ?Analytical Sciences, 2000,16(2):221-224.?
15.邹世春,李攻科,张淑娟,张展霞,王新明,张干,盛国英.广州大田山垃圾填埋场空气中微量挥发有机污染物组成. 环境科学学报,2000,20(6):803-806.?
16.Luan Tiangang, Li Gongke, Zhang Zhanxia.Gas-phase postderivatization following SPME for rapid determination of trans-resveratrol in wine by GC-MS. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2000, 424:19-25.
1. 李攻科*, 张展霞.原子吸收光谱分析. 分析实验室. 1999, 18(3):98-108.?
2. 李攻科*, 何小青, 熊国华, 张展霞. 微波消解气相色谱法测定鱼组织中的有机氯农药. 分析测试学报,1999, 18(4):5-8.?
3. 李攻科*, 何小青, 杨云, 张展霞. 微波辅助皂化GC-MS测定血清中的胆固醇. 分析测试学报, 1999, 18(3):15-18.?
4. Zhang Zhanxia, Xiong Guohua, Li Gongke, He Xiaoqing. Environmental sample pretreatment with microwave-assisted techniques. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 1999(20):542.?
5. 何小青, 李攻科*, 廖祝华. 氢化物-无色散原子荧光光谱法测定血液中的硒. 深圳大学学报(理工版),1999, 16(2/3):89-93.?
6. 李攻科*, 张展霞, 杨秀环. 石墨炉原子吸收光谱中有机基体改进剂消除海水基体干扰的研究. 光谱学与光谱分析,1995, 15(3):91-96,102.?
7. 李攻科, 张展霞 杨秀环. 石墨炉原子吸收分析法直接测定海水痕量元素及绝对分析法研究Ⅰ, 消除基体干扰, 分析测试学报, 1994,13(2):1-6.?
8. 李攻科, 张展霞, 杨秀环. 石墨炉原子吸收分析法直接测定海水痕量元素及绝对分析法研究Ⅱ, 各种因素对元素特征质量实验值的影响. 分析测试学报, 1994,13(5):1-9.?
9. 李攻科, 张展霞 杨秀环. 石墨炉原子吸收分析法直接测定海水痕量元素及绝对分析法研究III, 元素特征质量实验值的稳定性. 分析测试学报, 1994,13(1):44-49.?
10. 李攻科, 张展霞, 杨秀环. 石墨炉原子吸收分析法直接测定海水痕量元素及绝对分析法研究Ⅳ,实际样品分析. 分析测试学报, 1994,13(4):7-12.?
11. 张展霞, 李攻科. 石墨炉原子吸收光谱法绝对分析. 分析测试学报, 1993,12(2):1-7.?
12. 张展霞, 李攻科. 原子吸收光谱法在痕量元素分析中的应用. 痕量分析, 1992,8(2):1-24.?
13. 李攻科, 唐宝英, 黄卓尔 刘均焯, 杨秀环, 张展霞. 塞曼石墨炉原子吸收法直接测定海水镉. 分析测试通报, 1991, 10(5):11-16.?
14. 李攻科, 黄卓尔, 杨秀环, 张展霞. 塞曼石墨炉原子吸收法直接测定海水中的铜. 热带海洋, 1991,10(2): 93-97.?
15. 杨秀环, 李攻科, 唐宝英, 张展霞. 塞曼石墨炉原子吸收法直接测定海水中的铬. 热带海洋, 1991, 10(3):101-105.?
16. 张展霞, 黄卓尔, 李攻科, 杨秀环.GFAAS测定海水痕量元素中有机基体改进剂作用机理. 分析测试通报, 1991, 10(4):1-10.?
17. 李攻科, ?黄卓尔, 杨秀环, 张展霞. 塞曼石墨炉原子吸收法直接测定海水锰. 中山大学学报(自)论丛, 1990, 9(1):194-199.?
18. 张展霞, 杨秀环, 黄卓尔, 李攻科. 石墨炉原子吸收直接法测定海水铅的研究. 中山大学学报(自)论丛, 1990, 9(1):177-182.?
1. 李攻科.关于基础课教师培养若干问题的思考. 改革与实践, 中山大学本科教学改革论文集(五),中山大学出版社,1999,279-282.?
2. 李攻科.分析化学课程体系和教学内容改革的探讨. 改革与实践, 中山大学本科教学改革论文集(六),中山大学出版社,1999,72-78.?
3. 李攻科,黄滨,陈焕光. 关于加强高校分析化学实验室建设的思考. ?中山大学学报论丛,1999, 社51(3):83-85.?
4. 彭秧,李攻科. 吸取基地经验,促进教学改革. 高校化学教学成果撷英,中国化学会全国第六届大学教学研讨会论文选集,2000年9月,西北大学出版社,pp470-472. ISBN7-5604-1508-3/O.95?
5. 李攻科,彭秧.分析化学教学中综合素质的培养. 高校化学教学成果撷英,中国化学会全国第六届大学教学研讨会论文选集,2000年9月,西北大学出版社,pp634-636,ISBN7-5604-1508-3/O.95?
6. Li Gongke, Zou Xiaoyong, Ma Zhiling, Huang Bin. Study on the Training of Innovative Talents in ? ?Analytical Chemistry Teaching, Proceeding of 17th IUPAC international conference on chemical education, 2002, August, Beijing, K-14, P32.?
7. 李攻科. 加入WTO后高校分析化学教学改革的探讨. 教学研究与实践,中山大学教务处编,2002年8月,中山大学出版,35-38.?
8. 邹小勇,阮文江,马志玲, 黄滨, 李攻科. 分析化学课程网络考试系统的构建. 大学化学,2004,19(2):36-39.?
9. 甘峰,李攻科. 谈谈酸碱滴定教学中新知识的引进. 大学化学,2005,20(3):51-55.?
10. 邹小勇,马志玲,黄滨,胡玉玲,李攻科. 分析化学实验教学改革探讨. 大学化学,2006,21(4):30-32.?
11. 焦 ?哲,李攻科*. 转基因食品及其安全性评价研究. 大学化学,2007,22(4):31-37.?
12. 肖小华,李攻科. 药学专业分析化学课程教学探讨. 教学研究与实践,2008.?
13. 肖小华,李攻科. 开设综合设计实验、激发兴趣培养能力. 实验教学改革与探索(八),中山大学出版社,2008,28-31.?
14. 占达东,柏文良,李攻科,甘峰.计算机辅助配位滴定实验教学的若干实例. 大学化学,2010,25(2):32-35,70.?
15. 胡玉斐,赖瑢,李攻科*.关于化学发光演示实验的探讨. 大学化学,2011,26(6):48-51.?
16. 张卓旻,朱丽,李攻科*. 生物“气味”研究进展. 大学化学,2011, 26(4):1-6.?
17. 戴宗,肖小华,胡玉玲,凌连生,谢天尧,朱芳,邹小勇,李攻科,陈六平. 线性扫描伏安法测定废水中镉离子的教学实践. 大学化学,2011,26(2):19-20.?
18. 张卓旻,李攻科. 化学分析课程的全英教学实践. 大学化学,2013,28(2):18-21.?
1. 李攻科 参编面向21世纪课程教材及“九五”国家级重点教材《分析化学》,高等教育出版社, 2000年3月, 214-240页,272-306页, ISBN 7-04-007952-6.?
2. 李攻科, 参编面向21世纪课程教材,《分析化学》(第五版),高等教育出版社, 2006年7月, 第4章(78-109页),第9章(282-311页), ISBN 7-04-019382-5.?
3. 李攻科, 胡玉玲, 阮贵华等编著,《样品前处理仪器与装置》,化学工业出版社,2007年5月,书号:ISBN 978-7-122-00060-6.
4. 庄乾坤, 刘虎威, 陈洪渊主编. 分析化学学科前沿与进展,北京:科学出版, 2012年4月. 刘虎威,梁鑫淼,张丽华,张玉奎,李攻科,邹汉法,许国旺,白玉. 第2章 色谱和毛细管电泳分析, pp26-91.
5. 李攻科参编,“十二五”普通高等学校本科国家级规划教材,《分析化学》(第六版)(上册),武汉大学主编,高等教育出版社, 2016年12月, 第4章(76-109页),第9章(287-316页),ISBN978-7-04-046532-7。
6. 李攻科参编,《现代分离科学》,刘震主编,化学工业出版社,2017年8月,第7章,现代样品制备技术(273-348页),胡玉玲,肖小华, 张卓旻, 胡玉斐,杜卓,李攻科,ISBN 978-7-122-30157-4
1.李攻科, 胡小刚,胡玉玲. 一种分子印迹固相微萃取涂层的制备方法,发明专利号ZL 0.1
2.李攻科,张毅,胡玉玲.微波辅助分子印迹磁性微球的制备方法和应用,发明专利号:ZL 7.9.
3.李攻科,阮贵华,肖小华,邓建朝. 微波辅助提取-高速逆流色谱联用方法及其装置,发明专利号:ZL 9.X。
4.胡玉玲,李攻科,王阳阳. 分子印迹固相微萃取-中空纤维液相微萃取联用装置、方法及应用,发明专利号:ZL 8.3。
5.李攻科,邓建朝,肖小华. 加速溶剂萃取-高速逆流色谱联用方法及其装置,发明专利号:ZL 4.2。
6.李攻科,许志刚,李家威,胡玉玲. 分子印迹吸附萃取搅拌棒的制备方法及其应用,发明专利号:ZL6.2。
7.李攻科,钟启升,胡玉斐,胡玉玲. 动态液液固印迹微萃取-液相色谱在线联用系统,发明专利号:ZL6.X。?
8.李攻科,钟启升,胡玉斐,胡玉玲.解吸池及分子印迹搅拌棒微萃取-高效液相色谱在线联用装置,发明专利号:ZL 5.6
9.李攻科,周婷,肖小华. 微波辅助索氏固相萃取联用装置、方法及应用,发明专利号:ZL 9.3。
10.李攻科,潘加亮,胡玉玲. 在线富集-分步聚焦进样-超高效液相色谱联用系统及应用,发明专利,发明专利号:ZL 4.8。
11. 张卓旻,李攻科,马云建, 赵城,田中群.表面增强拉曼光谱快速检测挥发性甲醛的方法及其应用,发明专利号:ZL 8.9。
12.李攻科,杨晓婷,胡玉斐.硼酸亲和整体柱固相微萃取-高效液相色谱在线联用系统,发明专利号 ZL 0.9。
13.李攻科,张凯歌,胡玉玲. ?表面增强拉曼光谱快速检测亚硝酸根方法及其应用,发明专利号ZL3.6.
14.李攻科,张润坤,胡玉斐.在线检测二硫代氨甲基酸酯类杀菌剂残留的装置及方法,发明专利号ZL 7.2。
15.张卓旻,李攻科,黄怡淳,田中群.一种表面增强拉曼光谱测定果蔬气态氛围中乙烯的方法,发明专利号ZL 9.9。
16. ?李攻科,韦天富,张卓旻.一种衍生化-色谱分析面粉及面制品中残留氨基脲的方法,发明专利号ZL3.4。

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