

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20

Professor Mark Jayne??? - 克·杰恩教授
Chair of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group
Deputy-Dean of the International School of Geography
School of Geography and Planning
Sun Yat Sen University
135 West Xiangang Road
Guangdong 510275
PR China
Email: jayne@mail.sysu.edu.cn
Research interests - 研究
Mark is a social and cultural geographer whose research interests include consumption, the urban order and city cultures published in 10 books and over 80 journal articles, book chapters and official reports. Mark has undertaken empirical research in the UK, Ireland, Slovakia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, USA and China. The key theoretical focus of his work includes:
Worlding urban theory - by developing new theoretical frameworks to study diverse and cosmopolitan urbanism. This work challenges urban studies paradigms that remain overly dominated by research focused large global cities in Europe and North America by focusing on small cities, urban theory ‘beyond the West’ and Chinese urbanism;
Consumption and consumer culture - including groundbreaking research on topics such as alcohol, drinking, drunkenness exploring how spatialities of consumption have been a defining feature of urban life since the late ninetieth century.
Distinctive and connected worlds - by advancing theoretical and empirical understanding of territorial and relational geographies which shedding light on economic and socio-cultural interconnections of people, capital, ideas, things etc.
Previously employed at the Universities of Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham, Cardiff and Staffordshire in the UK and having worked in Geography, Sociology and Cultural Studies departments, Mark is committed to the idea that geographic imaginations, research and teaching are an interdisciplinary project.
I am happy to supervise students interested in topics such as:
Alcohol, drinking, drunkenness
Chinese urbanism
Consumption and consumer culture
Everyday life
Small cities
Urban theory
Cultural and creative industries
City twinning
Urban governance
Urban regeneration
Please email me to discuss your research ideas.
1997–2001?? Staffordshire University
??????????????????????? PhD Sociology, Geographies of Consumption and Urban Regeneration: a Case Study of Stoke-on-Trent (Awarded Staffordshire University Studentship, 1997-2000)
1993 –1995? University of Sussex, MA Geography
1988 –1991? University of Keele
??????????????????????? BA (Hons) Geography, Sociology and Social Anthropology
??????????????????????? Upper Second Class Honours
博士? ????????????? 1998- 2001? ??? 英国??? ?? 斯塔福德郡大学? 社会学
硕士? ????????????? 1993-1995?? ??? 英国??? ?? 苏塞克斯大学???????? 地理学
学士??????????????? 1988-1991? ???? ?英国??? ?基尔大学?? 地理学、社会学和社会人类学
2015-2019??? Professor in Human Geography, Cardiff University
2013-2015 ?? Reader in Human Geography, Geography, University of Manchester
2011-2013 ?? Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Geography, University of Manchester
2005-2011 ?? Lecturer in Human Geography, Geography, University of Manchester
2005?????????????? Research Fellow, School of Geography, University of Leeds
2004?????????????? Research Associate, Department of Geography, University of Sheffield
2002-2004??? Creative Industries Development Project Leader, Cultural Trends Unit, Staffordshire University
2001-2002??? Teaching Fellow, Department of Cultural Studies and Sociology, University of Birmingham
2001-2002??? Research Associate, Cultural Trends Unit, Staffordshire University
1997-2001??? Lecturer, Department of Cultural Studies, Staffordshire University
教授??????????????? 2015-2019??? 英国??? 卡迪夫大学
副教授??????????? 2013-2015??? 英国??? 曼彻斯特大学??????????? ?
高级讲师??????? 2011-2013??? 英国??? 曼彻斯特大学??????????? ?
讲师??????????????? 2005-2011??? 英国??? 曼彻斯特大学
研究员??????????? 2005?????????????? 英国??? 利兹大学
助理研究员??? 2004?????????????? 英国??? 谢菲尔德大学
创意产业发展项目负责人??? 2002-2004??? 英国??? 斯塔福德郡大学
教师??????????????? 2001-2002??? 英国??? 伯明翰大学
讲师??????????????? 1997-2001??? 英国??? 斯塔福德郡大学???????
Publications -刊物????
Books -图书
???? ???? ???, ????? ? ????
Jayne, M. (2019) Cities and Consumption, translated into Persian.
ジェーン、 Gヴァレンタイン、ホロウェイ(2019)?アルコール?飲酒?酩酊―(無)秩序の空間
Jayne, M., Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. L. (2019) Alcohol, Drinking,
Drunkenness: (Dis)Orderly Spaces, translated into Japanese.
Jayne, M. (ed.) (2018) Chinese Urbanism: Critical Perspectives, Routledge,
Jayne, M. and Ward, K. (eds.) (2017) Urban Theory: New Critical Perspectives,
Routledge, London.
Jayne, M. and Valentine, M. (2016) Childhood, Families, Alcohol, Aldershot:
Edensor, T. and Jayne, M. (eds.) (2012) Urban Theory Beyond ‘The West’: A World
of Cities, London: Routledge.
Jayne, M., Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. L. (2011) Alcohol, Drinking,
Drunkenness: (Dis)Orderly Spaces, Aldershot: Ashgate.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (eds.) (2006) Small Cities: Urban Experience Beyond the
Metropolis, London: Routledge.
Jayne, M. (2005) Cities and Consumption, London: Routledge.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (eds.) (2004) City of Quarters: Urban Villages in the
Contemporary City, Aldershot: Ashgate.
??? ???
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Journal Articles - 期刊文章
Jayne, M. and Hall, S. M. (2019) ‘Urban assemblages, (in)formality and housing in
the Global North’, Annals of the American? Association of Geographers, 109 (3),
Jayne, M. and Valentine, G. (2017) "‘It makes you go crazy’: children’s knowledge
and experience of alcohol consumption’, Journal of Consumer Culture, 17 (1), 85-
Jayne, M. and Valentine, G. (2016) ‘Alcohol-related violence and disorder: new
critical perspectives’, Progress in Human Geography, 40 (1): 67-87.
Hall, S. M. and Jayne, M. (2016) ‘Make, mend and befriend: austerity, crafting and friendship in contemporary cultures of dressmaking’ Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 23 (2) 216-237.
Jayne, M. and Leung, H.H. (2015) ‘Embodying Chinese urbanism: towards a
research agenda’, Area, 46 (3), 256-267.
Jayne, M. and Ferencuhova, S. (2014) ‘Comfort, identity and fashion in the post–socialist city’: Assemblages, materialities and context’, Journal of Consumer Culture, 15 (3): 329-350.
Ferencuhova, S. and Jayne, M. (2014) ‘Ka?dodenná spotreba a prisposobovanie si socialistického sídliska‘, (Everyday consumption in the socialist city), Cesky Lid, 100 (3), 313-318.
Jayne, M.? (2013) ‘Ordinary urbanism - neither trap nor tableaux: a response to Richard G. Smith’, Environment and Planning A, 45, 2305-2313.
Valentine, G., Jayne, M. and Gould, M. (2013) ‘The proximity effect: the role of the affective space of family life in shaping children’s knowledge about alcohol and its social and health implications’ Childhood: a Journal of Global Child Research 21 (1), 103-118.
Jayne, M., Hubbard, P. and Bell, D. (2013) ‘Twin cities: territorial and relational
geographies of worldly Manchester’, Urban Studies, 50 (2), 239-254.
Jayne, M., Gibson, C., Waitt, G and Valentine, G. (2012) ?‘Drunken ?mobilities: alcohol, backpackers and ‘doing’ place’, Tourist ?Studies, 12 (3) 1-21.
Jayne, M., Valentine, G. and Gould, M. (2012) ‘Family life and alcohol consumption:? the transmission of ‘public’ and ‘private’ drinking cultures’, Drugs: Education, Policy and Prevention, 19 (3), 192-200.
Jayne, M. (2012) ‘Mayors and urban governance: discursive power, identity and local politics’, Social and Cultural Geography, 13 (1), 29-47.
Jayne, M. (2012) ‘From actor to avatar: the place of mayors in theories of urban governance’, Geography Compass (5), 801-810.
Valentine, G., Jayne, M. and Gould, M. (2012) As I say, or as I do? The affective space of family life and the generational transmission of drinking cultures’, Environment and Planning A 44, 776-792.
Jayne, M., Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. L. (2011) ‘What use are units? Critical geographies of alcohol policy’, Antipode 44 (3) 828-846.
Jayne, M., Hubbard, P. and Bell, D. (2011) ‘Worlding a city: Twinning and urban
theory’, City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy and Action, 15 (1),
Jayne, M., Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. L. (2010) ‘Emotional, embodied and
affective geographies of alcohol, drinking and drunkenness’, Transactions of the
Institute of British Geographers 35 (4), 540-554.
Jayne, M., Gibson, C., Waitt, G and Bell, D. ?(2010) ’The cultural economy of small cities’, Geography Compass, 4 (9), 1409-1417.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2010) ‘The creative countryside? Policy and practice in the UK rural cultural economy’, Journal of Rural Studies 26, 209-218.
Valentine, G., Jayne, M. and Holloway, S. L. ?(2010) ‘Generational patterns of
alcohol consumption: continuity and change’, Health and Place 16, 916-925.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2009) ‘Small cities? Towards a research agenda’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33 (3), 683-699.
Holloway, S. L., Valentine, G., and Jayne, M. (2009) ‘Masculinities, femininities and the geographies of public and private drinking landscapes’, Geoforum, 40 (5), 821-831.
Valentine, G, Jayne M. and Holloway, S. L. (2009) ‘Contemporary cultures of abstinence and the night–time economy: Muslim attitudes towards alcohol and the implications for social cohesion’, Environment and Planning A. 42 (1), 8-22.
Holloway, S. L., Jayne, M. and Valentine, G. (2008) ‘‘‘Sainsbury’s is my local’’:
English alcohol policy, domestic drinking practices and the meaning of home’.
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 33, 532-547.
Jayne, M., Valentine, G., and Holloway S.L. (2008) ‘Geographies of alcohol, drinking and drunkenness: a review of progress’, Progress in Human Geography, 32 (2), 247-263.
Jayne, M., Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. L. (2008) ‘Fluid boundaries – ‘British’
binge drinking and ‘European’ civility: alcohol and the production and consumption
of public space’, Space and Polity, 12 (1), 81-100.
Jayne, M., Valentine, G., and Holloway S.L. (2008) ‘The place of drink:
geographical contributions to alcohol studies’, Drugs: Education, Prevention and
Policy, 1-14.
Valentine, G., Holloway, S. L., Knell, C. and Jayne, M. (2007) ‘Drinking places: young people and cultures of alcohol consumption in rural environments’, Journal of Rural Studies, 24, 28-40.
Jayne, M., Holloway, S. L. and Valentine, G. (2006) ‘Drunk and disorderly: alcohol, urban life and public space’, Progress in Human Geography, 30 (4), 451-468.
Jayne, M. (2006) ‘Cultural geography, consumption and the city’, Geography: An International Journal, 91 (1), 34-42.?
Jayne, M. ?(2006) ‘Creative industries: the regional dimension?’ Environment and Planning A ??23, 537-556.6
Jayne, M. (2004) ‘Culture that works: creative industries development in a working–class city’, Capital and Class, 84, 199-210.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2003) ‘Assessing the role of design in local and regional economies’, The International Journal of Cultural Policy, 9 (3), 285-304.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2003) ‘Design–led urban regeneration: a critical perspective’, Local Economy, 18 (2), 121-134.
Jayne, M. (2003) ‘Too many voices, ‘‘too problematic to be plausible’’: Representing multiple responses to local economic development strategies?’, Environment and Planning A, 35 (6), 959–981.
Book Chapters – 籍章
Jayne, M. (2020) ‘Consuming places’, in Edensor, T., Kothari, U. and Kalindides, A.
(Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Place London: Routledge.
Hall, S. M. and Jayne, M. (2020) ?‘Friendship and crafting’, in Luckman, S. and
Thomas, N. (Eds.) The Craft Economy: Making, Materiality and Meaning. London:
Jayne, M. (2020) ‘Urban Geography: Urban Order’, in Ho, E (Ed) The International
Encyclopedia of Human Geography, London: Elsevier.
Jayne, M. (2018) ‘An introduction to critical perspectives on Chinese urbanism’, in
Jayne, M. (ed). Chinese Urbanism: Critical Perspectives, London: Routledge.
Jayne, M. and Leung, H. H. (2018) ‘Embodying Chinese urbanism’, in Jayne, M.
(ed). Chinese Urbanism: Critical Perspectives, London: Routledge.
Jayne, M. (2018) ‘Afterword: critical Chinese urbanism for the twenty-first century’, in Jayne, M. (ed). Chinese Urbanism: Critical Perspectives, London: Routledge.
Jayne, M. (2017) ‘Sharon Zukin’, in Latham, A. and Koch, R. (Eds) Key Thinkers on
Cities, Sage London. 249-255.
Jayne, M. and Ward, K. (2017) ‘Afterword’, in Jayne, M and Ward, K. (Eds). Urban
Theory: New Critical Perspectives, London: Routledge. 302-305.
Jayne, M. and Ward, K. (2017)‘A twenty-first century introduction to urban theory’ in
Jayne, M and Ward, K. (Eds). Urban Theory: New Critical Perspectives, London:
Routledge. 1-17.
Jayne, M., Hubbard, P. and Bell, D. (2017) ‘Twin cities: territorial and relational
geographies of worldly Manchester’, in Hannigan. J. and Richards, G. (eds) SAGE
Handbook of New Urban Studies, Sage: London. 63-77,
Jayne, M. and Valentine, G. (2017) ‘Rounds and relationships: alcohol, reciprocity
and ethics of care and sharing’, in Hall, S. M and Ince, A. (Eds.), Sharing, Gifting,
Reciprocity: Everyday Moral Economies and Politics of Crisis, Routledge: London.
Jayne, M. and Valentine, G. (2016) ‘Drinking dilemmas: making a difference?, in
Thurnell-Read, T. (Ed). Drinking Dilemmas: Sociological Approaches to Alcohol
Studies, Routledge: London. 205-218.
Jayne, M. and Valentine, G. (2016) ‘Alcohol consumption and geographies of
childhood and family life’, in Skelton, T, Horton, J., and Evans, B. (Eds),
Geographies of Children and Young People: Play Recreation, Health and Well-
being, Springer: London. 545-560.
Jayne, M, Valentine, G, and Holloway, S. L. (2016) ‘Consumption and Context’, in
Kolind, T., Thom, B. and Hunt G. (Eds) Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies:
Social Science Perspectives, Sage: London. 352-364.
Jayne, M, Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. L. (2016) ‘Geographical perspectives on
drug and alcohol studies’, in Kolind, T., Thom, B. and Hunt G. (Eds) Handbook of
Drug and Alcohol Studies: Social Science Perspectives, Sage: London. 117-132.
Edensor, T. and Jayne, M. (2011) ‘Afterword: A World of Cities’ in Edensor, T. and
Jayne, M (Eds). Urban Theory Beyond ‘The West’: A World of Cities, London:
Routledge, 1-28.
Edensor, T. and Jayne, M. (2011) ‘Introduction: Urban Theory Beyond ‘The West’ in
Edensor, T. and Jayne, M (Eds). Urban Theory Beyond ‘The West’: A World of
Cities, London: Routledge, 329-333.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2009) ‘Urban Geography: Urban Order’, in Kitchin, R. and Thrift, N. (Eds) The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, London: Elsevier 20-28.
Jayne, M., Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. L. (2008) ‘Fluid boundaries - ‘British’ binge drinking and ‘European’ civility: alcohol and the production and consumption of public space’, in Rumsford, C. (Ed) Boundaries and Europe, London: Routledge, 81-100. ?
Bell, D., Holloway, S.L., Jayne, M. and Valentine, G. (2008) ‘Pleasure and leisure’, in Hubbard, P., Hall, T. and Short, J-R., (Eds) The Sage Companion to the City, London: Sage, 167-184. ?
Dodge, M., Jayne, M., Mackian, S., Perkins, C and Smyth, F. (2008) ‘EBL from the very first day: developing new senses of place’, in Case Studies: Centre for Excellence in Enquiry Based Learning- Supported Projects, 2006–07, Centre for Excellence in Enquiry Based Learning: University of Manchester, 47–87.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2006) ‘Conceptualizing small cities’, in Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (Eds.) Small Cities: urban experience beyond the metropolis, London: Routledge, 1-18.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2006) ?‘Afterword: sizing up small cities’ Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (Eds) (2006) Small Cities: urban experience beyond the metropolis, London: Routledge, 245-248.
Jayne, M. (2004) ‘Globalization and third-tier cities: the European experience’, in Eckardt, F. and Hassenpflug, D. (Eds), Urbanism and globalization, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 65–86.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2004) ‘Conceptualizing the city of Quarters’, in Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (Eds) (2004): City of quarters: urban villages in the contemporary city, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1-14.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2004) ‘Afterword: thinking in quarters’, in Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (Eds) (2004): City of quarters: urban villages in the contemporary city, Aldershot: Ashgate, 249–256.
Jayne, M. (2001) ‘The cultural quarter: (Re)locating urban regeneration in Stoke-on-Trent - a ‘city’ in name only’, in Edensor, T. (Ed), Reclaiming Stoke–on–Trent: leisure, space, and identity in The Potteries, Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University Press, 19-41.
Holliday, R. and Jayne, M. (2001) ‘The potters holiday’, in Edensor, T. (Ed), Reclaiming Stoke-on-Trent: leisure, space, and identity in The Potteries. Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University Press, 177-200.
Jayne, M. (1999) ‘Imag(in)ing a post–industrial Potteries’, in Bell, D. and Haddour, A. (Eds) City visions. Harlow: Prentice Hall, 8-19.
Official Reports – 政府研究
Jayne, M., Williams, A., Webb, D. (2019) Faith In Recovery: Service User
Evaluation of Alcohol Treatment, London, Alcohol Change UK.
Valentine, G., Jayne, M. and Gould, M and Keenan, J. (2010) Family Life and Alcohol Consumption: The Transmission of Drinking Cultures, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Valentine, G., Holloway, S. L., Jayne, M. and Knell, C. (2008) Drinking places: Where people drink and why. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hill, J., Jayne, M. and Bell, D. (2005) Bridging the Gap: Knowledge and skills for neighbourhood renewal, Neighbourhood Learning in deprived Communities Evaluation Report, Stoke-on-Trent 2003/04, Stoke-on-Trent: Learning and Skills Council.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2005) Regen School Feasibility Study, Stoke-on-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyme NHS/Health Action for Stoke.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2004) Staffordshire University Regional Strategy,? Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2004) Creative Industries Development in Shropshire, Shrewsbury: Shropshire County Council.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2003) A Study of Creative Industries Development Initiatives in Staffordshire, Stafford: Staffordshire County Council.
Jayne, M. and Bell, D. (2003) Stoke-on-Trent: a Creative City? Stoke-on-Trent, StokeWorks/Advantage West Midlands..
Jayne, M. and Bell, D. (2003) A Creative Economy: Creative Industries Development in Stafford Borough, Stafford: Stafford Borough Council/ Advantage West Midlands.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2002) Culture that Works: Stoke-on-Trent’s Local Cultural Strategy 2003-08, Stoke-on-Trent: Stoke-on-Trent City Council.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2002) Lichfield District Council’s Local Cultural Strategy. Lichfield: Lichfield District Council.
Bell, D. and Jayne, M. (2001) North Staffordshire Design Initiative:? Stoke-on-Trent City Council/Advantage West Midlands.
PhD student’s -博士生
2020-2024??? Wu Chenhui ‘Memory, Heritage and Identity: the case study of Hainan Island’, Full-Time
2016-2021??? Amy Walker, ‘Post-memory and industrial heritage’, ESRC 1+3 Open Award. Full-time.
2016-2019??? Liu Cao, ‘Historic Chinese urbanism: governance and public participation - a case study of Laochengnan District, Nanjing, Full-time (Minor Corrections).
2015-2019??? Jennifer Owen, 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' - The Hidden Life of Belongings: Self-storage, Attachment and Divestment’. ESRC 1+3 Open Award. Full-time. (Minor Corrections)
2013-2018??? Julia Mills, ‘Geographies of alcoholic recovery: space, place, networks and identities’, Leverhulme Scholarship and ESRC +2 Open Award. Part-time. (Minor Corrections)
2012-2016??? Clancy Wilmott, ‘Mapping the postcolonial city’, (with Dr. C. Perkins), University of Manchester Scholarship. Full-time. (Minor Corrections)
2010-2016??? Alexandra Buckland-Wright,’Transnational retail in Southeast Asia: Transformation and Regulation in the national retail markets of Malaysia and Thailand’, (with Dr. M. Hess). University of Manchester Scholarship. Part-time (Minor Corrections).
2010-2016??? Dawn Cole, ‘Housing Biographies in North Manchester’,
(with Prof. K. Ward). Self-funded/Oldham Rochdale Housing Market Renewal. Part-time (Minor Corrections).
2010-2015??? Laura Pottinger, ‘Cultivating alternatives: crafting, sharing and propagating seed-saving practices in the UK’, (with Prof. N. Castree and Dr. S. M. Hall). University of Manchester Scholarship. Full-time. (Minor Corrections)
2012-2015??? Samantha Wilkinson, ‘Young people, alcohol and urban life’, (with Dr. F. Smyth and Dr. B. Evans). ESRC CASE award. Full-time. (Minor Corrections)
2012-2015??? Catherine Wilkinson, ‘Connecting communities though youth-led radio’ (with Dr. B. Evans). ESRC CASE award. Full-time. (Minor Corrections)
2010-2014??? Jana Wendler, ‘Experimental Urbanism: alternatives spaces, learning and innovation in the city’ (with Dr. J. Evans). Brian Robson Scholarship. Full-time. (Minor Corrections)
2009-2014??? Nadia Von Benzon, ‘Disabled Children’s experiences and perceptions of nature’ (with Dr. F. Smyth). ESRC Funded (Open Competition), Part-time. (Minor Corrections)
2009-2013??? Yue Wang, 'Exploring retail transnational corporations (TNCs) and supply chains transformation in Shanghai, China', (with Prof. N. Coe and Dr. M. Hess). University of Manchester Scholarship. Full-time. (Minor Corrections)
PhD Examiner –博士生面
2018???????? Yajing Ning, ‘Artists and Gentrification in Post-Reform Shanghai’
???????????????? National University of Singapore.
2018??????? Pin-Cu Chen, ‘The exploration of urban daily life: practicing the??
??????????????? cultural life circuit in East Asian Urban redevelopment’,
??????? ????????Durham University
2018??????? Junseon Han, ‘Relations, viewpoints, knowledge and boundaries in?
??????????????? the multicultural city: a study of London and Seoul,
??????????????? Swansea University
2018? ???????Peta Wolfison, ‘Sydney at night: people, places and policies of the?
???????????????? neoliberal city’, University of New South Wales, Australia
2017???????? Ningning Chen, ‘Rethinking rurality: the reproduction of lineage landscapes in Rural Wenzhou’, China’, National University of Singapore.
2016????????? Junfang Xie, ‘Urban Planning and Everyday Use of Green Space: A Cast Study of Huangpu District, Shanghai ’, University of Sheffield
2015 ???????? Frederik B?hling, 'Desires of the Night: and ethnography of urban alcohol and other drug assemblages.' Centre for Drug and Alcohol Research, Aarhus University, Denmark.
2015????????? Donald Poland, ‘Hospitality and consumption in a small city: the case study of Hartford, Connecticut’, University College London.
2011????? ??? Soren Smidt–Jenson, ‘Danish medium–sized cities and the place??? based experience economy’, Copenhagen University, Denmark.?
Peter Campbell, ‘A catacherisis of creativity? Liverpool 2008 and the inevitability of the creative industries’ University of Liverpool.
2010????????? Susan Fitzpatrick, ‘Constructing Creative Communities: Negotiation of the creative Act Amongst Multiple Publics, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Journal Editorships and Board Memberships – 期刊编委
2012-2015 ?? Editor, Geography Compass – Urban Section
2012-2016??? Reviews Editor, Journal of Consumer Culture
Editorial board member: Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy
Editorial board member: Geography Compass – Urban Section
Guest Editor, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. Special Edition entitled, ‘The place of drink: Geographical contributions to alcohol studies
Honorary and Visiting Fellowships 访问****
2018????????????? Visiting Fellow, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University, China).
2014????????????? Visiting Fellow, Department of Geography, University College London, (until 2015).
2014?????????????????????????? Visiting Fellow, School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, New Zealand (July–September), Funded by Massey University.
2014?????????????????????????? Visiting Fellow, Department of Sociology, State University of New York, Oneonta, USA (April),
2012?????????????????????????? Honorary Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Liverpool (until 2016).
2012?????????????????????????? Visiting Fellow, Marie Curie Research Fellow, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Nanjing University, China (June-July), Funded by FP7 Euro-Chinese Urban and Regional Bi- Continental Research Scheme (ECURBS).
Visiting Fellow, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong, Australia (September-October). Funded by the GeoQuest Research Centre, University of Wollongong.
Visiting Fellow, Division of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Czech Republic (November). Funded by EU Erasmus Staff Mobility.
Research Grants – 主持的科研
2019????????????? The Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), ‘Human geography of South China Sea and Its Surrounding Countries: process and apparatus’, No:99, ¥10,000,000, Co-Investigator
2018?????????????? ‘Mobilities theory and practice in contemporary western criticism’ with Dr Jie Zhang, Chinese National Social Science Foundation funding (Western project), 18XZW004’. ¥300,000 RMB
2018????????????? Sun Yat-Sen University, Visiting Scholar Research ‘Young people and alcohol consumption in China’, School of Geography and Planning, Fund ¥60,000 RMB. (with Dr Liu Chen), Principal Investigator
2017?????????????? Faith in recovery? Service-user evaluation in faith-based alcohol treatment. Project value £60,000, Alcohol Research UK/Alcohol Concern, Principal Investigator (with Dr A Williams, Cardiff University).
2014?????????????? Alcohol Consumption and older people: a study of everyday life in Manawatu, New Zealand. Project value $6000, Massey University Research Fund, Principal Investigator.
2014????????????? Live-in-Guardians, housing, young people and middle-class austerity: A pilot study of London, Dublin and New York, Faculty of Humanities. Project value £16,000, Strategic Investment Research Fund, University of Manchester, Principal Investigator (with Dr S. M. Hall, University of Manchester).
Family life and alcohol consumption: a study of the transmission
of drinking practices. Project value £100,000, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Co-Investigator (with Prof. G. Valentine and Dr. M. Gould, University of Leeds).
Twin cities: geographies of global Manchester. Project value £3,000, School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester, Research Support Fund, Sole Principal Investigator.
European Commission Fellowship in Urban Studies. Project Value £2,500, European Commission, Sole Principal Investigator.
Drinking Places: Social Geographies of Consumption. Project value: £120,000. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Research Fellow (Led by Prof. G. Valentine and Prof. S. L. Holloway).
An Evaluation of Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities. Project value £15,000. Learning and Skills Council, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
Regen School Feasibility Study. Project value £24,000, Newcastle-under-Lyme NHS/Health Action for Stoke, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
Staffordshire University Regional Strategy. Project value £5,000, Staffordshire University, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
Creative Industries Development in Shropshire. Project value £20,000, Shropshire County Council, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
A Study of Creative Industries Development Initiatives in Staffordshire. Project Value £9,000, Staffordshire County Council, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D.Bell).
Stoke-on-Trent Creative Industries Development, Project value £62,000, StokeWorks/Advantage West Midlands, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
Culturegen: Creative Industries Development in Stafford Borough. Project Value £6,000, Stafford Borough Council/ Advantage West Midlands, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s Local Cultural Strategy, Project Value, £14,000, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
Lichfield District Council’s Local Cultural Strategy, Project Value £11,000, Lichfield District Council, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
Staffordshire’s County–Wide Local Cultural Strategy, Project Value £20,000, Staffordshire County Council, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
North Staffordshire Design Initiative, Project Value £56,000, Advantage West Midlands, Joint Principal Investigator (with Dr. D. Bell).
Keynote Lectures –议主旨报告
2017?????????????? ‘Theorising urbanism beyond the metropolis’, Secondary Cities: The Urban Middle Ground, University of Basel, 5-6th May.
2016?????????????? ‘Alcohol consumption, sharing and ‘urban crisis’, RGS-IBG Urban Geography Research Group Annual Conference, 7-8th April.
2016 ????????????? What use are units? Critical geographies of alcohol policy. Alcohol Warning Labels: theoretical and policy debates, Bangor University Jan 20th.
2015?????????????????????????? ‘Urban theory: new critical perspectives’, We Have Never Been Urban, Institute for European Anthropology and the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies, Vienna, 7-9th October.
2014?????????????????????????? ‘Live-in-Guardians: housing, young people and middle-class austerity’, (with Dr. S.M. Hall) Empty Property - What is it Costing You? 4th Annual Vacant Property Conference, Hatton Garden, London. 12th June.
2014?????????????????????????? ‘Hospitality and city twinning: territorial and relational urbanism’, City Development, Preservation and Hospitality’, 4C5M Studio, UNESCO World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for Asia and the Pacific Region, College of Architecture and Urban Planning Tongji University and Shanghai Urban Planning Design Institute, Tongli Town, China. 13-15th June.
2014???????? ???? ‘Family life and alcohol consumption’, Inaugural meeting of the Families and Alcohol Alliance, (led by two major UK charities Alcohol Concern and Families, Drugs and Alcohol), London. 11th
2013?????????????????????????? ‘Drinking dilemmas: making a difference?’, Drinking Dilemmas: Social and Cultural Approaches, British Sociological Association? Alcohol Study Group Annual Conference, Cardiff, 10-13th December.
2012?????????????? ‘Place luck and lifestyle? The cultural economy of small cities’, Quality City: The Challenges of Developing Small Cities, Academy of Social Sciences in Cixi, Zhejiang, China, June 4th-7th.
2012?????????????? ‘Children, alcohol and family life: influencing attitudes and behaviour towards alcohol’ (with Prof. G. Valentine), Drinkaware Trust Research Seminar, University of Leeds, 14th July.
2011?????????????? ‘Alcohol and the family: continuity and change’, (with Prof. G. Valentine, G.) 2nd Annual Symposium, Drink and the Lifecycle, Warwick Drinking Studies Network, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Warwick, 23rd September.
2011?????????????? ‘What use are units? Critical geographies of alcohol policy’, BSA
?Sociology of Alcohol Study Group Inaugural Conference, Imperial?? Wharf, London, 2nd December.
‘Family life and alcohol consumption’ (with Prof. G. Valentine), Drinkaware Trust Annual Conference, February 16th.
‘Alcohol Controversies’, (with Prof. G. Valentine) Royal Geographical Society, House of Commons, 8th December.
‘Where people drink and why’, Home Drinking: responding to shifts in consumption, AERC Alcohol Academy and the Department of Health, Government Office for the West Midlands, 2nd Dec.
‘As I say, or as I do? Parenting, family life and alcohol consumption (with Prof. G. Valentine) Generation Alcohol: Is drinking damaging childhood? Alcohol Concern Annual Conference, 2nd Nov
‘Why there is no such thing as a medium-sized city: critical geographies of urbanity’, The Future of Australia's Mid-Sized Cities - Policy Workshop , La Trobe University, Australia, 28-30th September.
‘Cultural economy beyond the metropolis’, The Future of Australia's Mid-Sized Cities - Policy Workshop, La Trobe University, Australia, 28-30th September.
‘Alcohol policy in the UK’ (with Prof. G. Valentine), Drinking Spaces and Places: Environment and Society Forum, 10th February, Royal Geographical Society, London, UK.
Refereeing and reviewing – 期刊评审专家和科研评审专
I have refereed articles for Antipode, Progress in Human Geography, Social and Cultural Geography, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Journal of Consumer Culture, Sociology, Geoforum, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Urban Studies, Cities, Environment and Planning C: Planning and Policy, Environment and Planning A, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Geografiska Annaler B, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, European Urban and Regional Studies, Geography Compass, City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy and Action, Body and Society, Local Government Studies, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, Health and Place, Food, Culture and Society, Annals of Leisure Review, Ageing and Society, City and Society, Gender, Place and Culture, City, Culture and Society, ACME: An International E–Journal for Critical Geographies, Journal of Australian Studies, Planning Theory and Practice, Addiction Research and Theory, Leisure Studies, Habitat International, International Journal of Social? Research Methodology, Ageing and Society, Journal of Consumer Culture, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Journal of Adolescent Health, Emotion, Space and Society, Tourism Studies, the British Journal of Sociology, Crime, Law and Social Change and the Journal of Contemporary Asia.
I have reviewed book series, proposals and/or manuscripts for Routledge, and Polity Press, Sage, Ashgate, Palgrave, Manchester University Press, University of North Carolina Press and Wiley-Blackwell.
I have also been reviewed research proposals and raptor evaluations for the:
Economic and Social Research Council
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Leverhulme Trust
National Lottery BIG research??
Austrian Research Council
Australian Research Councils,
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Council for the Humanities
Swiss National Science Foundation
Polish National Science Centre
US Geography and Spatial Sciences, Program at the U.S. National Science Foundation
I have also acted as a reviewer of the Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers ‘Hong Kong Research Grants’.

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