

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20

基本介绍刘晔,教授,博士生导师。2008年于中山大学获资源环境与城乡规划管理专业学士学位;2010年于中山大学获人文地理学硕士学位;2013年于香港中文大学获地理与资源管理博士学位。2013年11月至2014年10月,在加拿大莱斯桥大学地理系从事博士后研究。2014年11月至2016年2月,在香港中文大学从事博士后研究,其后任副研究员职位。2016年2月至2016年12月,受聘于英国圣安德鲁斯大学,任研究员职位。2017年1月,获聘中山大学****副教授。2017年9月,晋升为教授,并获得博士生导师资格。至今主持国家自然科学基金基金2项,在Regional Studies、Population Space and Place、Urban Studies、Landscape and Urban Planning、Health & Place、Cities、Urban Geography、Computers, Environment and Urban Systems、Papers in Regional Science、Habitat International、Environmental Research、International Journal of Health Geographics、地理学报、城市规划、地理研究、地理科学、经济地理、城市规划学刊等SSCI/SCI及中文核心期刊上发表论文100余篇。六篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。为The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies编写词条“Rural?Migrants to the City”。曾获国际区域研究协会(Regional Studies Association)年度会议最佳论文奖、中国城市地理优秀论文一等奖、中国人文地理学术年会青年优秀论文奖、中国城市地理学术年会优秀青年论文奖等多个奖项。SSCI国际期刊Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy副主编,《世界地理研究》编委,并担任五十多个学术期刊的审稿专家。
?学历背景08/2010 - 10/2013,博士(Ph.D.),地理与资源管理学系,香港中文大学(导师:沈建法教授)?
09/2008 - 06/2010,理学硕士,地理科学与规划学院,中山大学(导师:李志刚教授)?
09/2004 - 06/2008,理学学士,地理科学与规划学院,中山大学
?工作经历09/2017 -??,中山大学地理科学与规划学院,教授,博士生导师
01/2017 -?08/2017,中山大学地理科学与规划学院,副教授(****人才引进)
02/2016 - 12/2016,英国University of St Andrews地理与可持续发展学系,研究员
01/2015 - 01/2016,香港中文大学深圳研究院助理研究员(兼任)?
11/2014 - 01/2016,香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系,博士后,副研究员?
11/2013 - 10/2014,加拿大University of Lethbridge地理系,博士后?
08/2010 - 09/2013,香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系,教学助理
?社会任职国际期刊Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy(SSCI)副主编??https://link.springer.com/journal/12061
国际期刊Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (SCI/SSCI), Frontiers in Public Health (SCI/SSCI)客座编辑
应邀作为Annals of Regional Science, Applied Geography, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Asian Geographers, BMC Public Health,?China Economic Review, Chinese Geographical Science, Cities, Environment and Planning A, Environmental Research, Frontiers in Public Health, Growth and Change, Habitat International, Health & Place, Housing Studies, Health and Social Care in the Community, Inquiry, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,?International Journal for Equity in Health, International Journal of Health Geographics, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,?Journal of Rural Studies, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Transport & Health, Journal of Urban Affairs, Land Use Policy, Palgrave Communications, Papers in Regional Science, Population and Environment, Population Space and Place, Regional Studies,?Science of the Total Environment, Small Bussiness Economics, The China Quarterly, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Urban Geography, Urban Policy and Research, Small Business Economics, Urban Studies等国际期刊和地理学报、地理科学、地理研究、地理科学进展、自然资源学报、人文地理、经济地理、热带地理、世界地理研究、生态学报、中国科学院大学学报等中文期刊的审稿人。?
中国地理学会人口地理专业委员会委员(2018 - )
国家自然科学基金通信评审专家(2016 - )
中山大学地理科学与规划学院院长助理(2020 - )
中山大学地理科学与规划学院学术委员会委员(2019 - )
中山大学地理科学与规划学院专职科研系列人员和博士后聘用考核小组成员(2020?- )
中山大学地理科学与规划学院国外教师引进工作小组副组长(2019 - )
中山大学地理科学与规划学院城市与区域规划系教工党支部书记(2019 - )
广州市规划和自然资源局评审专家(2018 - )
广州南沙经济技术开发区规划和自然资源局评审专家(2019 -)
论著专利Google Scholar总被引次数:1960,H-index:27
?代表性英文期刊论文??* corresponding author45.? ?Ye Liu, Tong Xiao, Yuqi Liu*, Yao Yao, Ruoyu Wang.?Natural outdoor environments and subjective well-being in Guangzhou, China: Comparing different measures of access. (2021) Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 59: 127027. (SCI/SSCI)
44.? ?Baishi Huang, Tong Xiao, George Grekousis*, Hongsheng Zhao, Jiarui He, Guanghui Dong, Ye Liu*. Greenness-air pollution-physical activity-hypertension association among middleaged and older adults: Evidence from urban and rural China. (2021) Environmental Research. 195: 110836. (SCI)
43.? ?Hengyu Gu, Ye Liu*, Hanchen Yu, Tiyan Shen.?Analyzing Distribution of Researchers in China: An Approach using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression. (2021) Growth and Change. 52(1): 443-459. (SSCI)?
42.? ?Hengyu Gu, Francisco Rowe, Ye Liu*, Tiyan Shen. Geography of Talent in China During 2000–2015: An Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Negative Binomial Approach. (2021) Chinese Geographical Science. 31(2): 297-312. (SCI)
41.? ?Yuqi Liu, Ye Liu*, Yanliu Lin. Upward or downward comparison? Migrants' socioeconomic status and subjective wellbeing in Chinese cities. (2021) Urban Studies. 1-24 DOI: 10.1177/4780 (SSCI)
40.? ?Baishi Huang, Cuiying Huang, Zhiqiang Feng, Jamie Pearce, Hongsheng Zhao, Zehan Pan*, Ye Liu*.?Association between residential greenness and general health among older adults. (2021) Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 59: 126907. (SCI/SSCI) (复旦人与城公众号推送:绿化有利于老年人健康吗?居住地绿色植被覆盖度与中国城乡老年人自评健康的关系研究?https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XvgOvN8RNW0OQUB-8XB9tQ)
39.? ?Xu Huang, Dongsheng He, Ye Liu*, Shenghua Xie, Ruoyu Wang, Zhilei Shi.?The Effects of Health on the Settlement Intention of Rural–Urban Migrants: Evidence from Eight Chinese Cities. (2021) Applied Spatial Analysis & Policy. 14: 31-49. (SSCI)
38.?? Ye Liu, Zhuolin Pan, Yuqi Liu*, Hongsheng Chen, Zhigang Li. Where your heart belongs to shapes how you feel aboutyourself: Migration, social comparison and subjective well-being in China. (2020) Population Space and Place. e2336. (SSCI)
37.? ?Ye Liu, Xiaoge Wang, Suhong Zhou, Wenjie Wu*.?The association between spatial access to physical activity facilities within home and workplace neighborhoods and time spent on physical activities: evidence from Guangzhou, China. (2020) International Journal of Health Geographics. 19: 22. (SCI/SSCI) (澎湃市政厅推送:广州体育设施调研:距离社区和单位越近,居民锻炼越多吗?https://m.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_**)?
36.? ?Baishi Huang, Ye Liu*, Yongxin Chen, Hong Wei, Guanghui Dong, Marco Helbich.?Establishing associations between residential greenness and markers of?adiposity among middle-aged and older Chinese adults through multilevel?structural equation models. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 230: 113606. (SCI)?
35.? ?Wenjie Wu, Yiyi Chen, Ye Liu*.?Perceived spillover effects of club-based green space: Evidence from?Beijing golf courses, China. (2020) Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 48: 126518. (SCI/SSCI)
34.? ?Ruoyu Wang, Zhixin Feng, Ye Liu*, Yingzhi Qiu.?Is lifestyle a bridge between urbanization and overweight in China? (2020) Cities. 99: 102616 (SSCI)
33.? ?Ruoyu Wang#,?Boyi Yang#, Yao Yao, Michael Bloom,?Zhiqiang Feng, Yuan Yuan, Jinbao Zhang, Penghua Liu, Yi Lu, Gergo?Baranyi, Rong Wu, Ye Liu*, Guanghui Dong*.?Residential greenness, air pollution and psychological well-being?among urban residents in Guangzhou, China. (2020) Science of the Total Environment. 711: 134843. (SCI)
32.? ?Yuqi Liu, Yongping Zhang*, Scarlett Ting Jin, Ye Liu*. Spatial pattern of leisure activities among residents in Beijing, China: exploring the impacts of urban environment. (2020) Sustainable Cities and Society, 52: 101806 (SCI)
31.? ?Ye Liu, Ruoyu Wang,??Yang Xiao*, Baishi Huang, Hongsheng Chen, Zhigang Li*.?Exploring the linkage between greenness exposure and depression among Chinese people: Mediating roles of physical activity, stress and social cohesion and moderating role of urbanicity. (2019) Health & Place. 58: 102168 (SCI/SSCI)
30.? ?Ye Liu, Ruoyu Wang, George Grekousis, Yuqi Liu, Yuan Yuan*, Zhigang Li*.?Neighbourhood greenness and mental wellbeing in Guangzhou, China: What are the pathways? (2019) Landscape and Urban Planning.?190: 103602?(SCI/SSCI)(定量群学公众号推送:城市社区绿化对居民心理健康的影响机制:基于“生理-心理-社会”的多维度视角 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zDAAkCw8zRg-lPhGHxPQ-w)
29.? ?Ye Liu, Baishi Huang, Ruoyu Wang, Zhixin Feng*, Yuqi Liu, Zhigang Li*. Exploring the association between urbanization and self-rated health of the older adults in China: Evidence from a national population sample survey. (2019) BMJ Open, 9: e029176?(SCI)
28.? ?Ruoyu Wang#, Marco Helbich#, Yao Yao, Jinbao Zhang, Penghua Liu, Yuan Yuan*, Ye Liu*.?Urban greenery and mental wellbeing in adults: Cross-sectional mediation analyses on multiple pathways across different greenery measures. (2019) Environmental Research. 176: 108535?(SCI)(城市化研究公众号推送:城市社区绿化暴露对心理健康的影响研究:基于街景数据和遥感影像数据的分析?https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/r8ZvpsL99-kHUEulw67slg)
27.? ?Ruoyu Wang, Ye Liu*,?Yi Lu, Yuan Yuan, Jinbao Zhang, Penghua Liu, Yao Yao*.?The linkage between the perception of neighbourhood and physical activity in Guangzhou, China: Using street view imagery with deep learning techniques. (2019)?International Journal of Health Geographics.?18:18 (SCI/SSCI)(IGEODATA公众号推送:社区环境感知对居民体力活动影响研究:基于街景数据和深度学习视角 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MtuNAKdOmT7ijsB0XClNNw)
26.? ?Jingyuan Zeng, Wenjie Wu*, Ye Liu*, Chenguang Huang, Xiufeng Zhao, Dehai Liu.?The local variations in regional technological evolution: Evidence from the rise of Transmission and digital information technology in China's technology space, 1992-2016. (2019)?Applied Geography. 112: 102080 (SSCI)?
25.?? George Grekousis, Ye Liu*.?Where will the next emergency event occur? Predicting ambulance demand in emergency medical services using artificial intelligence. (2019) Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 76: 110-122 (SSCI)
24.? ?Wenjie Wu, Yiyi Chen, Mark Stephens, Ye Liu*. Long working hours and self-rated health: Evidence from Beijing, China. (2019) Cities. 95: 102401?(SSCI)(定量群学公众号推送:长时间工作与个体自评健康的关联:基于北京市的实证分析 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/pHx6lNjur_PF3WLmcrIx3w)
23.?? Baishi Huang, Ye Liu*, Zhiqiang Feng, Jamie Pearce, Ruoyu Wang, Yina Zhang, Jie Chen. Residential exposure to natural outdoor enviornments and general health among older adults in Shanghai, China. (2019) International Journal for Equity in Health, 18: 178. (SSCI)
22.? ?Yiyang Yang, Dongsheng He, Zhonghua Gou, Ruoyu Wang, Ye Liu*, Yi Lu*. Association between Street Greenery and Walking Behavior in Older Adults in Hong Kong. (2019) Sustainable Cities and Society, 51: 101747 (SCI)
21.?? Ruoyu Wang, Ye Liu*, Desheng Xue*, Marco Helbich.?Depressive symptoms among Chinese residents: how are the natural, built, and social environments correlated? (2019) BMC Public Health,?19:887 (SCI)
20.? ?Ruoyu Wang, Zhixin Feng, Desheng Xue, Ye Liu*, Rong Wu.?Exploring the links between population density, lifestyle, and being overweight:?Secondary data analyses of middle-aged and older Chinese adults. (2019) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 17(1): 100 (SCI)
19.? ?Jingyuan Zeng, Ye Liu*,?Ruoyu Wang, Peiyu Zhan.?Absorptive Capacity and Regional Innovation?in China: an Analysis of Patent?Applications, 2000–2015. (2019) Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 12: 1031-1049?(SSCI)
18.?? Ruoyu Wang, Yi Lu, Jinbao Zhang, Penghua Liu, Yao Yao*, Ye Liu*. The relationship between visual enclosure for neighbourhood street walkability and elders’ mental health in China: Using street view images. (2019) Journal of Transport & Health, 12: 90-102?(SSCI)(IGEODATA公众号推送:基于街景图像研究街区街道步行的可视范围与中国老年人心理健康的关系 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/lHZWM5q-64cSrx8TWBrOxA)
17.?? Ruoyu Wang, Ye Liu*, Desheng Xue*, Yao Yao, Penghua Liu, Marco Helbich. Cross-sectional associations between long-term exposure to particulate matter and depression in China: The mediating effects of sunlight, physical activity, and neighborly?reciprocity. (2019) Journal of Affective Disorders, 249: 8-14 (SCI)
16. ??Yuqi Liu, Fangzhu Zhang,?Ye Liu*, Zhigang Li, Fulong Wu. Economic disadvantages and migrants' subjective well‐being in China: The mediating effects of relative deprivation and neighbourhood deprivation.?Popululation Space and Place. (2018), 25(2): e2173 (SSCI)
15. ? David McCollum,?Ye Liu*, Allan Findlay, Zhiqiang Feng, Glenna Nightingale.?Determinants of occupational mobility: The importance of place of work. (2018)?Regional?Studies. 52(12): 1612-1623?(SSCI)
14.? ?Ruoyu Wang, Desheng Xue,?Ye Liu*, Hongsheng Chen, Yingzhi Qiu. The relationship between urbanization and depression in China: The mediating role of neighborhood social capital. (2018) International Journal for Equity in Health, 17:105 (SSCI)
13. ? Ruoyu Wang, Desheng Xue,?Ye Liu*, Penghua Liu, Hongsheng Chen. The relationship between air pollution and depression in China: is neighbourhood social capital protective? (2018)?International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15(6): 1160 (SSCI/SCI)
12.???Ye Liu*, Wei Xu, Jianfa Shen and Guixin Wang. Market expansion, state intervention and wage differentials between economic sectors in China: A multilevel analysis. (2017)?Urban Studies, 54(11): 2631-2651?(SSCI)
11.???Ye Liu,?Jianfa Shen*. Modeling Skilled and Less-Skilled Interregional Migration in China, 2000-2005. (2017)?Population Space and Place, 23(4): 1-17 (SSCI)
10.???Ye Liu*,?Jianfa Shen, Wei Xu and Guixin Wang. From School to University to Work: Migration of Highly Educated Youths in China. (2017)?Annals of Regional Science, 59(3): 651-676?(SSCI)? (人口青专会公众号推送:毕业后去哪了?中国高校入学新生与毕业生的跨省流动研究?https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/dIsFINpdINr5wEpxULnR9A)
9.? ??Ye Liu*?and Wei Xu. Destination choices of permanent and temporary migrants in China, 1985-2005. (2017)?Population, Space and Place, 23(1): 1-17?(SSCI)
8.? ? Hongsheng Chen,?Ye Liu*, Zhigang Li and Desheng Xue.?Urbanization, economic development and health: evidence from China’s labor-force dynamic survey. (2017)?International Journal for Equity in Health, 16(207): 1-8?(SSCI)??
7.? ? Hongsheng Chen,?Ye Liu*, Zhenjun Zhu and Zhigang Li. Does where you live matter to your health? Investigating factors that influence the self-rated health of urban and rural Chinese residents: Evidence drawn from Chinese General Social Survey data. (2017)?Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 15: 78 (SSCI)
6.? ? Yuqi Liu, Fangzhu Zhang,?Ye Liu*, Fulong Wu and Zhigang Li.?The effect of neighbourhood social ties on migrants' subjective wellbeing in Chinese cities. (2017)?Habitat International, 66: 86-94. (SSCI)
5.????Ye Liu, Zhigang Li*, Yuqi Liu and Hongsheng Chen. Growth of rural migrant enclaves in Guangzhou, China: Agency, everyday practice and social mobility. (2015)?Urban Studies, 52(16): 3086-3105. (SSCI)
4.????Ye Liu*?and Jianfa Shen. Jobs or amenities? Location Choices of Interprovincial Skilled Migrants in China, 2000-2005. (2014)?Population, Space and Place, 20(7): 592-605. (SSCI)
3.????Ye Liu*?and Jianfa Shen. Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Skilled Internal Migration in China, 2000-2005. (2014)?Papers in Regional Science, 93(4): 749-771. (SSCI)
2.? ??Ye Liu*, John Stillwell, Jianfa Shen and Konstantinos Daras. Interprovincial migration, regional development and state policy in China, 1985-2010. (2014)?Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 7(1): 47-70. (SSCI)
1.????Ye Liu*, Zhigang Li and Werner Breitung. (2012) The Social Networks of New-Generation Migrants in China's Urbanized Villages: A Case Study of Guangzhou.?Habitat International, 36(1): 192-200. (SSCI)
?代表性中文期刊论文? *?通讯作者28.? ? 刘晔,徐楦钫,马海涛*.?中国城市人力资本水平与人口集聚对创新产出的影响——基于287个地级及以上城市面板数据的分析,地理科学,2021
27.? ? 袁媛,陈玉洁,刘晔*,丁凯丽.?社区绿化环境对居民自评健康的邻里影响研究——以广州为例,地理学报,2021
26.? ? 黄柏石,刘晔*,潘泽瀚.?中国城镇化对老年人健康的影响——基于全国2805个县区的实证分析,热带地理,2021
25.? ? 吴蓉,潘卓林,李志刚,刘晔*,刘于琪.?城市绿地对居民地方依恋的影响研究——以广州市为例,地理科学进展,2021,40(3): 441-456.
24.? ? 刘晔,肖童,刘于琪*,邱婴芝,刘义,李志刚.?城市建成环境对居民幸福感的影响研究——基于15min步行可达范围的分析,地理科学进展,2020,39(8): 1270-1282.?(城市化研究公众号推送:城市建成环境对广州市居民幸福感的影响 ——基于15 min 步行可达范围的分析?https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wwsPaO7SS3psOhg9XYugEQ)
23.? ? 刘晔*,李志刚,刘于琪,陈宏胜.?中国大城市流动人口聚居区的形成机制与社会影响:以广州“湖北村”为例,城市与区域规划研究,2020,(2)
22.? ? 武荣伟,王若宇,刘晔*,古恒宇.?2000~2015年中国高学历人才分布格局及其影响机制,地理科学,2020,40(11): 1822-1830.
21.? ? 陈明星,周园,汤青,刘晔*.?新型城镇化、居民福祉与国土空间规划应对,自然资源学报,2020,35(6): 1273-1287. (自然资源学报公众号推送:以人民为中心的国土空间规划:管制与福祉 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LBRTk0KEq8HcFUqVQyl2uA)
20.? ? 潘卓林,刘晔*,刘于琪,李志刚. 基于场域理论的城中村村民市民化研究——以广州猎德复建房社区为例,热带地理,2020(城市化研究公众号推送:基于场域理论的城中村村民市民化研究——以广州猎德复建房社区为例?https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nNduv9mSZ-39W794X3-FQw)
19.? ? 黄柏石,李思思,仝广乾,林宇敏,刘晔*.? 2005-2015年中国老年人口自评健康水平的空间分异及影响因素研究,人文地理,2020,35(3): 37-47.
18.? ? 王若宇,黄柏石,潘卓林,刘晔*.?中国居民食源性疾病的地理分布及影响因素分析,世界地理研究,2020,29(1): 168-180.
17.? ? 何格,肖扬,吴蓉,刘晔*. 社会公平视角下广州市城市公园可达性研究,风景园林,2020,27(1): 90-96.
16.????刘晔,王若宇,薛德升*,曾经元. 中国高技能劳动力与一般劳动力的空间分布格局及其影响因素,地理研究,2019,38(8): 1949-1964.?(人口青专会公众号推送:中国高技能劳动力与一般劳动力的空间分布格局及其影响因素?https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qZyAOh4v8AwYMOUlcDzjDA)
15.? ? 刘晔,曾经元*,王若宇,詹佩瑜,潘卓林.?科研人才集聚对中国区域创新产出的影响,经济地理,2019,39(6): 139-147.?
14.? ? 刘晔,田嘉玥,刘于琪,李志刚*.?城市社区邻里交往对流动人口主观幸福感的影响——基于广州的实证,现代城市研究,2019,(5),64-70.
13.? ? 王若宇,黄旭,薛德升,刘晔*. 2005~2015年中国高校科研人才的时空变化及影响因素分析,地理科学,2019,32(9),1199-1207.
12.??? 刘晔, 潘卓林, 冯嘉旋, 陈宏胜*, 刘于琪.?中国大城市保障房居民情绪幸福感影响因素——以广州为例,热带地理,2019,39(2): 180-187.
11.??? 吴蓉,潘卓林,刘晔*,李志刚. 深圳市新移民社会空间分异,热带地理,2019,39(4): 721-731.
10.??? 邱婴芝, 陈宏胜, 李志刚, 王若宇, 刘晔*, 覃小菲. 基于邻里效应视角的城市居民心理健康影响因素研究——以广州市为例,地理科学进展,2019, 38(2): 283-295.(城市化研究公众号推送:基于邻里效应视角的城市居民心理健康影响因素研究——以广州市为例?https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/96iJwJEIBj5Du2uI2pWU3g)
9.? ? 陈宏胜,王兴平*,刘晔,李志刚. 家庭视角的流动人口城市定居意愿及其影响机制——基于中国8个城市的实证分析,热带地理,2019, 39(1): 58-68.
8.? ? 王若宇,刘晔*,薛德升.?2000-2010年中国地区人才优势度与经济发展的空间特征及耦合协调度分析,热带地理,2018,38(2):1-12.
7.? ??刘于琪,刘晔*,李志刚.?居民归属感、邻里交往和社区参与的机制分析——以广州市城中村改造为例,城市规划,2017,41(9):38-47.(城市化研究公众号推送:居民归属感、邻里交往和社区参与的机制分析 ——以广州市城中村改造为例 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TLmt_gOd-oUYCam3bKsgUg)
6.??????刘晔*,沈建法,刘于琪.?西方高端人才跨国流动研究述评,人文地理,2013,28(2): 7-12.
5.??????刘晔,刘于琪,李志刚*.?“后城中村”时代村民的市民化研究——以广州猎德为例,城市规划,2012,36(7): 81-86. (城市化研究公众号推送:城中村改造 = 市民化?广州猎德安置房社区的村民市民化状况调查研究 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NSIMjgJvwYCibGXqXNlYnA)
4.??????李志刚,刘晔.?中国城市“新移民”社会网络与空间分异,地理学报,2011,66(6): 785-795.
3.? ? ??李志刚,刘晔,陈宏胜.?中国城市“新移民”的乡缘社区:特征,机制和空间性——以广州“湖北村”为例,地理研究,2011,30(10): 1910-1920.
2.? ? ?刘晔*,李志刚.?20世纪90年代以来封闭社区国内外研究述评,人文地理,2010,25(3): 10-15.
1.? ? ?刘晔*,李志刚,吴缚龙. 1980年以来欧美国家应对城市社会分化问题的社会与空间政策述评,城市规划学刊,2009,(6):72-78.
参编及书中章节6.? ? ? ? ?Zhuolin Pan, Ye Liu*, Yang Xiao and Zhigang Li (2021).?Social Polarization and Socioeconomic?Segregation in Shanghai, China:?Evidence from 2000 and 2010 Censuses. In M van Ham, T Tammaru, R Ubareviciene and HJ Janssen (Eds.) Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality: a Global Perspective. Springer International Publishing. 171-189.
5.?????????Ye Liu?and Yuqi Liu (2019). Rural migrants to the city. In A Orum, D Judd, M Cabeza, P Piew and B Roberts (Eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies.?John?Wiley & Sons: 1-5.?DOI: 10.1002/46.eurs0275.
4.?????????Ye Liu, Yuqi Liu, Jiaxuan Feng and Zhigang Li (2016). Emotional Well-being of Social Housing Residents in Guangzhou, China: How Does Neighborhood Context Matter? In D Wang and S He (Eds.) Mobility, Sociability and Well-being of Urban Living. Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 249-264.
3.?????????Shuying Leng, Canfei He, Zhigang Li, Ying Wang, Fengkui Qian, Desheng Xue, Geng Lin,?Ye Liu?and Yuqi Liu (2017). Human Geography. In S Leng (Eds.) The Geographical Sciences during 1986—2015: From the Classics to the Frontiers. Singapore: Springer Singapore. 59-125.
2.? ? ? ? ?刘于琪,刘晔,李志刚. 社会融合的历程:从接纳、融入到认同 (2017). 转型期中国城市的社会融合. 吴缚龙,宁越敏等著. 北京:科学出版社: 15-24.
1.? ? ? ? ?刘于琪,李志刚,刘晔. 城市新移民的定居意愿 (2017). 转型期中国城市的社会融合. 吴缚龙,宁越敏等著. 北京:科学出版社: 64-76.?
其他1.???? 姜炎鹏, 王腾飞, 陈明星, 刘晔, 沈洁, 马仁锋, 张凡, 宁越敏, Paul Waley, Zhao X.B. Simon,全球城市研究热点与进展——首届“全球城市与城市区域”青年****学术研讨会会议综述,世界地理研究,2019,28(1): 40-46.
2.? ? ?陈明星, 陆大道, 唐常春, 刘承良, 叶玉瑶, 丁建军, 王姣娥, 刘晔, 唐志鹏, 孙中伟, 陈东, 李钢, 孙伟, 李鹤, 潘峰华, 张圆刚, 李玉恒, 李裕瑞, 魏冶, 赵建吉, 彭立, 高菠阳, 胡志丁, 钱丽芸, 姜炎鹏, 董冠鹏, 杨传开, 虞虎, 安宁, 戚伟,人文与经济地理学的传承与创新:青年****的行动,地理研究,2018,37(10):2096-2124.
科研项目主持科研课题海外高层次人才引进计划青年项目,100万元,2018.01 – 2020.12
国家自然科学基金面上项目(**),城市微观地理环境对流动人口幸福感的时空效应研究,57.5万元,2019.01 - 2022.12
国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(**),1990年以来中国人才分布的时空演变及对区域创新的影响机制研究,24万元,2016.01- 2018.12
高校基本科研业务费中山大学青年教师重点培育项目,30万元,2020.01 - 2021.12
中山大学“****”引进人才科研启动费,40万元,2017.01 – 2018.12
英国经济和社会研究委员会资助项目(ESRC),Centre for Population Change,2016.01~2018.12,526万英镑,研究员
香港政府研究资助局资助项目(CUHK449013),A Comparative Analysis of Skilled and Unskilled Interregional Migration in China 2000-2005,2014.01~2016.06,51万港元,博士后
德国科学基金会(DFG)重点项目(BR 3546/1-2),Governability, Borders and Urban Citizenship: Investigating Practices and Impacts of Spatial Differentiation on the Governance of Mega-Urban Development in the PRD,2009.01~2011.12,9.8万欧元,研究助理
?其他课题? ? ?1. 东莞市水乡功能区人口发展与公共服务设施优化配置研究,东莞水乡功能区管委会自然资源局,主持
? ? ?2. 广州市城市规划管理“一张图”平台数据库集成与优化利用研究,广州市规划和自然资源局,参与
2016年,The Regional Studies Association (RSA), Award for Best International Conference Paper?
2013年,获世界大学网络学术交流项目资助(Worldwide University Network Exchange Programme Award),赴英国利兹大学地理系进行四个月的学术交流?

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