本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20
Submitted on 周一, 10/30/2017 - 21:01
CO2 capture 二氧化碳的生物捕获
Chemical perspective of carcinogenesis癌变机理的化学观点、鼻咽癌的致病原因
Chemical perspective of disease mechanisms疾病机理的化学观点(超共轭、范德华作用、化学次级键与疾病)
Chemical perspective of aging衰老机理的化学观点
Chemical perspective of epigenetics表观遗传学机理的化学观点
Chemical perspective of viral virulence病毒毒力的化学观点
Cancer and disease prevention癌症和疾病预防
Earthquake mechanism and earthquake prediction using anomaly of animal behavior地震机理与地震预报
Sand and dust storms沙尘暴的成因
1984/09—1991/06 美国Dartmouth College,生化系,博士,博士导师Jay C. Dunlap(现任美国科学院院士,哈佛大学博士,其以通讯作者发表过17篇CNS研究论文,其中6次CNS封面文章,一次NATURE封面,3次SCIENCE封面,2次CELL封面,另外发表CNS观点文章多篇,其发表CNS文章共计20余篇)。在Dunlap实验室从事粗糙脉孢霉(红色面包霉)的生物钟基因克隆研究。
1983/10—1984/05 中山大学,英语培训中心出国培训
1979/09—1983/07? 武汉大学,生物系生化专业本科,学士
在温室气体CO2捕获应对全球变暖研究方面取得重要进展。提出了氢键供体和受体与碱性氨基酸共同局部积累HCl导致癌变的假说,DNA利用氢键配对形成双链,单链时DNA能通过氢键结合质子形成盐酸而诱变。解释了醋厂癌症罕见(弱酸对抗强酸)、云南无海岸线鼻咽癌低发(低湿度氢键少)、红肉有一定致癌性和钙片防癌(中和强酸)的现象。鼻咽癌多出现于又湿又热的地方,温度高血液循环好,而血红蛋白具有约16%碱性氨基酸,因此鼻咽癌与血癌具有一些共同的风险因子。提出了利用稀释的弱有机酸如乙酸、乳酸强力预防和治疗癌症的观点。醋厂厂区周边居民患癌率也降低,醋厂的个别患癌病人肿瘤不恶性。癌细胞通过过量产生草酸以对抗局部盐酸,草酸扩散并对正常细胞产生压力和草酸钙导致死亡。提出了草酸钙是老年性疾病的主要致病因子,解释了适量饮酒延寿(类似物抑制),过量饮酒有致癌风险的现象(乙醇羟基能形成氢键)。提出了不溶性钙盐是老年痴呆和心脏病的致病因子(Pubmed: Qiuyun Liu heart disease; Qiuyun Liu Alzheimer's?disease or dementia)。水产品拥有的蛋白质含有较多氢键,可帮助溶解不溶性钙盐。朊蛋白含有约20%的甘氨酸,其羰基键长很长,导致羰基氧对二价阳离子有强亲和力,容易形成不溶性且坚硬钙盐,因此疯牛病患病动物排泄物坚硬为一特征。提出了必需氨基酸是进化的产物(http://science.sciencemag.org/content/351/6279/1339/tab-e-letters)。提出了几种必需氨基酸及碱性氨基酸在多种病毒的毒力形成中的作用,例如SARS病毒、狂犬病毒(http://science.sciencemag.org/content/355/6322/238/tab-e-letters)、塞卡病毒(http://science.sciencemag.org/content/353/6298/503/tab-e-letters)。提出DNA由于少了一个氧原子,少了一个氢键,减少了盐酸形成,而导致DNA病毒变异速率较RNA病毒慢。提出了疾病的化学统一理论(https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1**7846)。
在Science在线发表了161篇eletters(均为唯一通讯作者,Science eletters总数位列世界前列,Science eletters总数可能排名世界首位。其中51篇与地震机理与预报、地球物理和天体物理等相关)。在Science封面(影响因子32点,封面文章,第二作者)、Genetics(影响因子4点,第一作者)、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (影响因子3.154,农林科学1区、农业综合1区,共同通讯作者)、European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (2018影响因子 5.64,2018年发表28篇。2019年发表6篇,影响因子5.864。中科院2019,2020分区升级版医学一区。共39篇。均为唯一通讯作者)、Scientific Reports (2017IF4.122,共同通讯作者)、Chronobiology International (影响因子4点)、Am J Epidemiol (医学二区、2018影响因子4.473点,唯一通讯作者)、Brain Research Reviews (影响因子10.3点)、ACS?Chemical Neuroscience? (医学二区、2019影响因子4.486点,唯一通讯作者)、DNA Repair(2019影响因子3.339,唯一通讯作者)、 Cancer Control(2019影响因子3.103, 2篇,唯一通讯作者)、European Journal of Cancer Prevention (2019影响因子 2.413, 医学三区,7篇,均为唯一通讯作者)、Brazilian?Journal?of?Microbiology (2019影响因子2.428/Q2,?生物学三区,共同通讯作者)、Medical Hypotheses(5篇,均为通讯作者,2019影响因子1.375点)、Journal of International Medical Research(为唯一通讯作者,2019影响因子1.287点)、 Current Science(通讯作者)、 Natural Product Communications(唯一通讯作者)、J Rapid Methods Autom Microbiol (共7篇,通讯作者)、Indian J Animal Sci (通讯作者)、MethodsX(ESCI,通讯作者)、Biochemistry Insights(ESCI,3篇,唯一通讯作者)等国际刊物已发表SCI论文与SCI收录文章85篇(其中75篇为通讯作者或共同通讯作者。81篇SCI和SCIE、4篇ESCI。35篇中科院分区一区文章为通讯作者,其中一篇并列通讯作者。57篇SCI杂志文章为医学分区文章,其中56篇为通讯作者。影响因子5分以上36篇)。发表国内论文30余篇,预印本17篇,教学论文2篇。申请专利10余个,已获得授权10个(其中9个排名第一)。
近期部分SCI,SCIE, ESCI以及部分eletters、preprint、综述、教学论文(*通讯作者)(More complete lists can be found at PubMed: Qiuyun Liu; or Google: Qiuyun Liu Science eletter; Web of Science 核心合集:Liu Qiuyun & Sun Yat-sen University和Liu Qiu-yun & Sun Yat-sen University):
1.?? ?Shanshan An, Lipeng Liao, Yuhan Lin, Ying Zhang, Min Fu, Qiuyun Liu* Widespread hydrogen bonding in the proteins of HIV-1 may confer carcinogenic risks to AIDS patients. DNA Repair. 2021. 101:103101.?
2.?? ?Chanyuk Lam, Lipeng Liao and Qiuyun Liu*. Why RNA viruses evolve more quickly than DNA viruses? A concern for cancer patients during the current pandemic. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2021. DOI: 10.1097/CEJ.0672
3.?? ?Xiaoqian Ma, Yuan Wang, Qiuyun Liu*. Hydrogen bonding capacity in DNA attracts protons and prompts the formation of mutagenic and carcinogenic HCl. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2021. DOI: 10.1097/CEJ.0673
4.?? ?Ying Zhang, Yuan Wang, Qiuyun Liu*. The role of zinc in antiviral remedy for cancer patients. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2021. DOI: 10.1097/CEJ.0659.
5.?? ?Meng Xing, Xiaoxia Li, Shanshan An, Chongfeng Lan, Min Fu, Yunfan Shi, Yan Huang, Man Tang, Yulin Wan, Yuchuan Wang, et al. Anticancer nanometre-biomissiles carrying a leucine insulator and an antibody complementarity-determining region. Current Science. 2021. 120 (01):177-185.
6.?? ?Zhang X, Ma X, Gan T, Shi Y, Wang Y, Liu Q*. Secondary Chemical Bonding between Insoluble Calcium Oxalate and Carbonyl Oxygen Atoms of GLY and VAL Residues Triggers the Formation of Aβ Aggregates and Their Deposition in the Brain. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2020; 11:4007-4011.
7.?? ?Wang, Y., Liao, L., Lin, Y., David, C. L., Ouyang, J. L., Fu, M., & Liu, Q*. (2020, October 29). Methyl group, hyperconjugation and human diseases. OSF Preprints. osf.io/xp5eu. https://osf.io/xp5eu
8.?? ?Sirui Yan, Kaiqiao Yang, Man Tang, Yuan Wang, Xia Huang, Jess L. Ouyang, Min Fu, et al. 2020. High Oxalate Levels-a Potential Biomarker for Intense Exercise. OSF Preprints. September 23, 2020. osf.io/vkpqu. https://osf.io/vkpqu
9.?? ?Kaiqiao Yang, Yue Du, Yuan Wang, Man Tang, and Qiuyun Liu*. 2020. Earthquakes: Slope Coefficient, Potential Energy Coefficient or Latitude Coefficient? OSF Preprints. 2020, August 28. osf.io/vuczg. https://osf.io/vuczg
10.?? ?Yulin Wan, Xiaoqian Ma, Yin Li, et al. Local strong acids: A driving force for metastasis, Medical Hypotheses (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2020.110221
11.?? ?严思睿,安珊珊,万雨林,杨凯乔,徐欢,刘秋云*。分子遗传学教学中二项式分布与泊松分布的应用和分析。高校生物学教学研究(电子版)。2020. 10(3):23-28
12.?? ?Xiaoyong Lu, Haili Ran, Ruohan Zheng, Ting Zeng, Cui Yang, and Qiuyun Liu*. 2020. The Revolution of the Earth Around the Sun Causes the Vortex-induced Vibration of South-north Trending Bridges and Impacts Seismic Activities. OSF Preprints. 2020. osf.io/ycjhz. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/ycjhz
13.?? ?Zeng, Ting, Huan Xu, and Qiuyun Liu*. 2020. Decreasing Gravitational Pulls Caused by the Loss of Mass in the Form of Emitted Photons and Cosmic Particles Set the Expanding Universe in Motion. OSF Preprints. doi:10.31219/osf.io/4a3bq. https://osf.io/4a3bq
14.?? ?Ran, Haili, Xiaoyong Lu, Ruohan Zheng, Cui Yang, and Qiuyun Liu*. 2020. Vortex-induced Vibration: The Slower Deceleration of the West Bank Leads to the Shortening of the Humen Bridge in Guangdong, China. OSF Preprints. doi:10.31219/osf.io/3t4a6. https://osf.io/3t4a6
15.?? ?Zheng, Ruohan, Wentao Jin, Ting Zeng, Xiaoyong Lu, Haili Ran, Yuhan Yang, and Qiuyun Liu*. 2020. The Uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: The Driver Behind the Scene. OSF Preprints. 2020. DOI: 10.31219/osf.io/hpvk7. https://osf.io/hpvk7
16.?? ?Shanshan An, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Yunfan Shi, Jiaming Zhang, Yulin Wan, Yuchuan Wang, Ying Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*. High glycine content in TDP-43 - A potential culprit for Limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy. Journal of International Medical Research. 2020. 48(6):9853. DOI: 10.1177/9853
17.?? ?Shanshan An, Xiaoxia Li, Man Tang, Meng Xing, Ying Zhang, Jingli Peng, Li Xu, Qiuyun Liu*. The role of acetate in the antagonism of oxalate - A potential causative molecule for heart disease and cancer death. Natural Product Communications. 2020. 15(3): 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1177/**X**
18.?? ?Li X, Lei T, Zhang Y, Tang M, Xing M, Peng J, Fu M, Xu L, Zhou W, Liu Q*. Cancer Cells’ Low Sensitivity to Oxalate. Preprints 2020, (doi: 10.20944/preprints202003.0390.v1).
19.?? ?Yan S, Du, Y, Xu H, Xu B, Chen L, Gao Y, An S, Liu W, Cao W, Liu Q. (2020, March 7). Filtering out non-specific animal behavior to better predict impending earthquakes. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/bs3qd
20.?? ?刘秋云*,万雨林,徐欢,杜悦,运用特异的动物异常现象预报地震,产业与科技论坛,2020.3,19(1):63-64
21.?? ?Yulin Wan, Shanshan An, Yanchao Zhou, Man Tang, Qiuyun Liu*. A solo dance or a tango? Biochemistry Insights. 2019. 12: 1**6280. ?
22.?? ?Shanshan An, Jiaming Zhang, Yuchuan Wang, Ying Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*. The roles of N6-Methyladenosine in human diseases. Biochemistry Insights. 2019. 12:1**3248. https://doi.org/10.1177/1**324
23.?? ?Yulin Wan, Jiaming Zhang, Xiaoxia Li, Yuchuan Wang, Qiuyun Liu*. Cellular states and secondary chemical bonding: a biochemical view of major human diseases. Biochemistry Insights. 2019. 12: 12:1**7846. ?https://doi.org/10.1177/1**7846.?
24.?? ?Li Chen, Qiuyun Liu*. The use of search engines in earthquake predictions. Science, 2018, http://science.sciencemag.org/content/354/6308/88/tab-e-letters
25.?? ?Yanchao Zhou, Lan Ouyang, Xiao Yi, et al. Microbial Cells Harboring a Mitochondrial Gene Are Capable of CO2 Capture. BioRxiv. 2018.9.7. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/411090
26.?? ?Sirui Yan, Xingjian Wang, Jinhuan Qi, Qiuyun Liu*. Volcanoes or earthquakes: Wrist wrestling. Science, 2019. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/358/6370/1520/tab-e-letters
27.?? ?Yulin Wan, Ling Wen, Qiuyun Liu*. Who will benefit from colorectal cancer prevention measures? European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2019 Sep;28(5):459-460.?
28.?? ?Yulin Wan, Xiaoyi Hu, Qiuyun Liu*. Protection of Cancer in Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2019 Sep;28(5):459.
29.?? ?Yunfan Shi, Shanshan An, Yulin Wan, Fan Yang, Qiuyun Liu*. How to best use acetic acid for the prevention of heart disease and cancer. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.2019, 26(4): 437–438.
30.?? ?Yue Du, Min Fu, Jingli Peng, Shanshan An, Qiuyun Liu*. How to alleviate cancer-caused secondary heart disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(15):1675.
31.?? ?Sirui Yan, Jing Li, Qiuyun Liu*. Earthquakes-an intricate trio dance of gravitation. Science, 2018, http://science.sciencemag.org/content/354/6315/1027/tab-e-letters
32.?? ?Shanshan An, Xiaoyi Hu, Li Chen, Qiuyun Liu*. The origin of the sand-dust storms. Science, 2018, http://science.sciencemag.org/content/298/5594/817/tab-e-letters#
33.?? ?Yulin Wan, Li Xu, Jinhuan Qi, Tao Gan, and Qiuyun Liu. Shared preventive strategies between cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(8):881-882.
34.?? ?Jing Li, Zijin Li, Fan Feng, Yunfan Shi and Qiuyun Liu*, Calcium supplement is a major concern for patients with cardiovascular diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(6): 641.?
35.?? ?Juntong Zou, Yulin Wan, Zhenxiao Zhuang, Han Wan and Qiuyun Liu*. Re: "Active and Passive Smoking and Risk of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Population-Based Case-Control Study in Southern China". American Journal of Epidemiology. 2018;187(2):398.
36.?? ? Man Tang, Yanchao Zhou, Jiayang Gao, et al. Heat conjugation of antibacterial agents from amino acids and plant oil. Scientific Reports. 2017. 7(1): 10852.?
37.?? ?Yulin Wan, Juntong Zou, Yunfan Shi, Ying Zhang and Qiuyun Liu*. How to avoid cardiac sudden death. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017, 24(16): 1790.?
38.?? ?Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Kai Wang, Ying Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*. Can acetic acid substitute ethanol for the reduction of cardiovascular disease risks? European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017, 24(17): 1889–1890.
39.?? ? Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Yuchuan Wang, Kai Wang, Qiuyun Liu*. Mechanism underlying gender difference in heart disease risks and corresponding preventive measures. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017. 24(17):1807–1808.?
40.?? ?Yanchao Zhou, Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Zi-Wei Ye, Qiuyun Liu*. Why the Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of heart disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017, 24(16): 1788–1789.?
41.?? ?Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Yanchao Zhou, Zi-Wei Ye, Qiuyun Liu*. Why various wines reduce the risks of heart diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017. 24(15): 1646-1647.?
42.?? ?Yanchao Zhou, Yulin Wan, Zi-Wei Ye, Zhumei He, Qiuyun Liu*, Yunfan Shi*, How Hepatitis B virus causes cirrhosis and liver cancer, Medical Hypotheses. 2017, 108:52-53
43.?? ?Hongyu Zhong, Min Fu, Wanquan Liu, Qiuyun Liu*. Integrated system for earthquake predictions. Science, 2017; http://science.sciencemag.org/content/356/6334/eaam7194/tab-e-letters
44.?? ?Hongyu Zhong, Jing Li, Yan Huang, Xiaoxuan Wu, Bo Yu, Qiuyun Liu*. The secret of longevity. Science, 2017; http://science.sciencemag.org/content/347/6228/1319/tab-e-letters#
45.?? ?Yulin Wan, Yunfan Shi, Zhining Li, Kai Wang, Qiuyun Liu*, How focal depth is generated? Science, 2017; http://science.sciencemag.org/content/354/6315/1027/tab-e-letters
46.?? ?Yulin Wan, Jieyu Wu, Sheng Li, Wanquan Liu, Shuli Wang, Qiuyun Liu*, Landslides and anomaly of animal behavior. Science, 2017; http://science.sciencemag.org/content/351/6269/134.14/tab-e-letters
47.?? ?Yulin Wan, Guangchuang Yu, Juntong Zou, Wanquan Liu, Qiuyun Liu*, Why animals have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami? Science, 2017; http://science.sciencemag.org/content/356/6340/841/tab-e-letters
48.?? ? Man Tang, Shaoping Weng, Guangchuang Yu, Kai Yang, Mengjia Pan, Shuying He, Qiuyun Liu*, RE: Sequence features of the virulence protein VP24 of Ebola virus, Science, 2017; ?http://science.sciencemag.org/content/351/6279/1339/tab-e-letters
49.?? ? Qiuyun Liu*, Jiayang Gao, Wen Pan, Xiang Zhu, Fan Yang, Weiguo Cao, Differentia in decelerations of masses: when the Earth meets lunar and solar pulls, Science, 2017; http://science.sciencemag.org/content/354/6315/1027/tab-e-letters
50.?? ?Yue Du, Jianguo He, Vito De Pinto, Shaoping Weng, Ye Gao, Juntong Zou, Li Chen, Qiuyun Liu*, Earthquake prediction based on Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels, Science, 2017; http://science.sciencemag.org/content/354/6308/88/tab-e-letters
51.?? ?Man Tang, Xiaoxia Li, Qizhang Li, Yanchao Zhou, Wen Pan, Jiayang Gao, Ziwei Ye, Shaoping Weng, Qiuyun Liu*, Jianguo He*, Zhumei He*, Conditional potency is a hallmark of viral protein-derived toxic peptides, Medical Hypotheses, 2017,100:2-3
52.?? ?Chen Yu, Li Xu, Wenxian Piao, et al. Ligation Based Assembly and PCR-based Assembly for Extraordinary Adenine/Thymine Rich DNA, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. . 2018. 88(3):1063.
53.?? ?Man Tang, Yanchao Zhou, Yiqi Li, Juntong Zou, Beicheng Yang, Li Cai, Xuelan Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*, Hydrogen donors and acceptors and basic amino acids jointly contribute to carcinogenesis, Medical Hypotheses, 2017, 98:42–44.?
54.?? ?Yue Xiao, Qiongsi Zhang, Yiquan Luo, Ying Zhang, Xi Luo, Yuchuan Wang, Weiguo Cao, Vito De Pinto, Qiuyun Liu*, and Gang Li*, Neurospora crassa tox-1 Gene Encodes a pH- and Temperature-Tolerant Mini-Cellulase, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2016, 64 (23):4751–4757. (SCI农林科学大类一区,农业综合小类一区)
55.?? ? Xu Z, Wu J, Feng F, Zhang X, Ma X, Tang M, Huang Y, Zhang Y, Cao Y, Cao W, He R, Gao Y, Liu Q*. Isolation of novel sequences targeting highly variable viral protein hemagglutinin. MethodsX. 2015;2:64-71.
56.?? ? Ran He, Liang Cui, Yan Cao, et al. A combinatorial yeast overlay method for the isolation of antibacterial oligopeptides, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2014, 84(4):1069–1075?
57.?? ?Wenwen Yu, Xinming Yang, Ye Gao, et al. Batch isolation of novel sequences targeting regions of rapid viral variations, The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82 (7): 665–670 and online supplement: 1-38. 2012?
58.?? ? Pregueiro AM, Liu Q, Baker, C. L., Dunlap*, J. C. & Loros*, J. L. The Neurospora Checkpoint Kinase 2: A Regulatory Link Between the Circadian and Cell Cycles,Science. 313(5787):644-649. (封面文章,影响因子30.9点,第二作者,第三单位,Aug. 4, 2006). 2006
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卢丹琪Submittedon周一,10/30/2017-21:02性别女工作电话电子邮件ludanqi@mail.sysu.edu.cn职称副教授导师类型硕士生导师学历博士学科方向0710生物学-04水生生物学研究方向所从事的研究领域为水生生物免疫学,主要围绕水生生物抗菌免疫应答机制和水生生物健康养 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20中山大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙彩云
孙彩云Submittedon周一,10/30/2017-21:03性别女工作电话电子邮件suncaiy@mail.sysu.edu.cn职称副教授导师类型硕士生导师学历博士学科方向0710生物学-04水生生物学研究方向1.基础研究方面,从分子内分泌,神经内分泌和生理学的角度研究鱼类摄食、生长、代谢和 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20中山大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-梁普平
梁普平Submittedon周一,07/02/2018-09:07性别男电子邮件liangpp5@mail.sysu.edu.cn职称副教授导师类型硕士生导师学历理学博士学科方向0710生物学-10生物化学与分子生物学研究方向基因编辑技术开发、基因编辑治疗、分子定向进化个人经历2006.09-201 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20中山大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王永繁
王永繁Submittedon周一,10/30/2017-21:04性别男工作电话电子邮件lsswyf@mail.sysu.edu.cn职称副教授导师类型硕士生导师学历博士学科方向0713生态学研究方向地球生命系统的演化机制生物多样性与生态系统功能、稳定性的关系生物多样性的维持机制讲授课程基础生态学( ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20中山大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王瑾雯
王瑾雯Submittedon周一,10/30/2017-21:03性别女电子邮件wangjinw@mail.sysu.edu.cn职称副教授导师类型硕士生导师学历博士学科方向0710生物学-10生物化学与分子生物学研究方向基因表达与调控:杆状病毒分子生物学及非编码RNA功能研究讲授课程(1)生物技术 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20中山大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王酉石
王酉石Submittedon周一,10/30/2017-21:04性别女电子邮件wangysh25@mail.sysu.edu.cn职称副教授导师类型硕士生导师学历博士研究生学科方向0713生态学研究方向植物生态学,生物多样性与生态系统功能关系,全球变化生态学个人经历2000.09-2004.06, ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20中山大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王永刚
王永刚Submittedon周一,10/30/2017-21:04性别男工作电话电子邮件@qq.com职称副教授研究方向天然(岭南植物)药物的研究开发 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20