

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19





2003年获湘潭大学数学系计算数学专业理学硕士学位,师从黄云清教授;2005年3月-2005年8月访问北京大学数学系张平文院士;2005年11月获香港浸会大学数学系哲学博士学位,师从汤涛院士;2005年新加坡国立大学做Research Fellow;2010 年获中山大学“****”引进回国;2011 年获首批广州“珠江科技新星”;2012 年获广东省“千百十工程”培养对象,为首批广东省首批引进创新科研团队“计算科学科研团队”核心成员,为“广东省计算科学重点实验室”核心成员。
主持了国家自然科学基金青年基金、重大研究计划培育及多项面上等国家自然科学基金项目;主持了多项广东省自然科学基金面上项目;主持了广州“珠江科技新星” 专项资助项目、教育部博士点基金项目、高校基本科研业务费“重点培育项目” 和 “重大项目培育和新兴交叉学科资助计划项目 ”等项目,作为核心成员参与科技部重点研发计划项目:高性能计算重点专项“适应于E级计算的可计算物理建模与新型计算方法”项目。长期从事科学计算、计算流体力学和偏微分方程数值解研究,在计算数学、物理和计算生物等方面作出了一系列工作,在国际权威期刊Journal of Computational Physics, SIAM? Journal on Scientific Computing, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,Journal of Scientific Computing,Chemical Engineering Science等刊物上发表论文近40篇。


【21】Weiyi Wang, Zhijun Tan, A Simple 3D Immersed Interface Method for the Stokes Equations with Singular Forces on Staggered Grids, Communications in Computational Physics, in press, 2021.
【20】 Zhijun Tan, Kang Li,Yanping Chen,Two-Grid Finite Element Methods of Crank-Nicolson Galerkin Approximation for a Nonlinear Parabolic Equation, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 10, 800-817 (2020).
【19】 Shubo Zhao, Xufeng Xiao, Zhijun Tan, and Xinlong Feng,Two types of spurious oscillations at layers diminishing methods for convection-diffusion-reaction equations on surface,Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications,74(7), 1-18 (2018)
【18】 Daozhi Han, Alex Brylev, Xiaofeng Yang, Zhijun Tan, Numerical analysis of second order, fully discrete energy stable schemes for phase field models of two-phase incompressible flows, Journal of Scientific Computing 70,965-989 (2017).
【17】 Ning Li, Zhijun Tan, Xinlong Feng, Novel two-level discretization method for high dimensional semilinear elliptic problems base on RBF-FD scheme, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals? 72, 349–360 (2017).
【16】 B. Wang, K.C. Khoo, Z.Q. Xie, Zhijun Tan, Fast Centroidal Voronoi Delaunay Triangulation for unstructured mesh generation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 280, 158-173 (2015).
【15】Duc-Vinh Le and Zhijun Tan, Hydrodynamic interaction of elastic capsules in bounded shear flow, Communications in Computational Physics 16, 1031-1055( 2014).
【14】Zhijun Tan, D.V. Le, K.M. Lim, B.C. Khoo,An Immersed Interface Method for the Simulation of Inextensible Interfaces in Viscous Fluids ,Communications in Computational Physics 11, 925-950 (2012).
【13】 Zhijun Tan,A decoupled augmented IIM strategy for incompressible two-phase flows with interfaces on irregular domains ,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 88 ,924-950 (2011).
【12】 Zhijun Tan, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Implementation of MAC grid-based IIM-Stokes Solver for Incompressible Two-phase Flows, Communications in Computational Physics 10, 1333-1362 (2011).
【11】 P.G. Jayathilake, G. Liu, Zhijun Tan and B.C. Khoo, Numerical study of a permeable capsule under Stokes flows by the immersed interface method, Chemical Engineering Science 66, 2080-2090 (2011).
【10】 Zhijun Tan, Y.Wang and D.S.Wang, A Jacobian-free-based IIM for Incompressible Flows Involving Moving Interfaces with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 83, 508-536 (2010).
【9】 P.G. Jayathilake, B.C. Khoo and Zhijun Tan, Effect of membrane permeability on capsule substrate adhesion: Computation using immersed interface method, Chemical Engineering Science 65, 3567-3578 (2010).
【8】 D.V. Le and Zhijun Tan, Large deformation of liquid capsules enclosed by thin shells immersed in the fluid, Journal of Computational Physics 229, 4097-4116 (2010).
【7】 Zhijun Tan, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Immersed Interface Method for Stokes Flows with Fixed/Moving Interfaces and Rigid Boundaries, Journal of Computational Physics 228, 6855-6881 (2009).
【6】 Zhijun Tan, D.V. Le, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Immersed Interface Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations with Discontinuous Viscosity Across the Interface, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31, 1798-1819 (2009).
【5】 Y. Wang, S.H. Song, Zhijun Tan and D.S. Wang , Adaptive Curve Smoothing Based on Level Set Method, Journal of Computational Physics 228, 6333-6348 (2009).
【4】 Zhijun Tan, D.V. Le, Zhilin Li, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo, An Immersed Interface Method for Solving Incompressible Viscous Flows with Piecewise Constant Viscosity Across a Moving Elastic Membrane, Journal of Computational Physics 227, 9955-9983 (2008).
【3】 Zhijun Tan, K.M. Lim and B.C. Khoo,An Adaptive Mesh Redistribution Method for the Incompressible Mixture Flows Using Phase-Field Model, Journal of Computational Physics 225, 1137-1158 (2007).
【2】Zhijun Tan, T. Tang and Z.-R. Zhang, A Simple Moving Mesh Method for One- and Two- Dimensional Phase-Field Equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 190, 252-269 (2006).
【1】 Zhijun Tan, Z.-R. Zhang, Y.-Q. Huang and T. Tang, Moving Mesh Methods with Locally Varying Time Steps, Journal of Computational Physics 200, 347-367 (2004).

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