本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19
? Xiangui Kang Received B.S. degree from Peking University, Beijing, China, and Ph.D. degree from Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. He was a visiting scholar with University of British-Columbia in 2014, with University of Maryland-College Park during 2011 – 2012, and with New Jersey Institute of Technology during 2004 – 2005. He is currently a professor with the school of data and computer science, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. His research interests include information forensics, watermarking, multimedia communication and security. He has published more than 80 research papers in major international academic journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings. Dr. Kang is the chair of Multimedia Security and Forensics Technical Committee of Asian-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (http://www.apsipa.org/TC/MSF.html?), and is a member of IEEE Signal Processing Society's Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee.
Associate Eidtor:?IEEE Signal Processing Signal Letters
Associate Eidtor: Signal Processing: Image Communication.
多年从事信息取证、 信息隐藏、区块链等信息安全方面的研究,主持各类科研项目20多项,包括主持国家自然科学基金面上以上项目5项和广东省自然科学基金重点项目1项,作为骨干成员参加国家973计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目和国家自然科学基金-广东省联合基金重点项目等多项,在数字多媒体信息安全方向发表论文80多篇(章),在IEEE/ACM Transactions权威期刊上以第一作者/通讯作者发表12篇论文,获得本领域国际学术会议论文最佳奖3项,作为骨干成员获教育部提名国家科学技术奖自然科学一等奖1 项,已经获得相关专利授权4项,研究成果Google学术被引用次数近2000多次。在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的2017年IEEE GlobalSIP盛会上做了深度学习与信息安全方面的杰出演讲(Distinguished Talk)和2019年本领域重要国际会议International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW)上作主旨演讲,且研究成果获得本领域重要国际会议International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW)的2008年、2013年及2018年共三次最佳论文奖。
毕业学生分配去向统计(截止到2021年5月):毕业博士生:高校(6名),毕业硕士生(40名):银行与证券(5), 网易(3), 腾讯(3),阿里(3),?IBM(2), 航管局(1),国家、广东省、广州市公务员(3),华为、字节跳动、唯品会、TPLINK等其他IT高科技公司(11),中国移动、南方电网、中国电信、中国联通等国企(11)。
新闻:1. 康显桂老师在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的2017年IEEE GlobalSIP盛会上做深度学习与信息安全方面的杰出演讲(Distinguished Talk);
3. 祝贺杜宗乘同学的毕业论文”基于LSTM神经网络的中国股票市场指数预测模型与分析”获得中山大学优秀毕业论文奖。
4. 康显桂老师2019年11月2日在本领域重要国际会议“ 2019 International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW)”上做特邀报告(Invited Talk)“Optimal Embedding with GAN"。
5.??康显桂老师在首届全国大数据与智能处理学术会议上作“基于GAN和深度学习的多媒体信息安全方法” 特邀报告, 西安, 2019-11-24至2019-11-25.
6.? 陈艺芳,康显桂等的论文“ “Automated Design of Neural Network Architectures with Reinforcement Learning for Detection of Global Manipulations,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 14, no. 5, Aug. 2020”获得第一届中国图像图形学会中国媒体取证与安全大会最佳论文报告奖。
?计算机科学与技术, ? 网络与空间信息安全,研究方向:
1. 深度学习、模式识别
2. 多媒体信息隐藏和信息取证方法与理论, 多媒体大数据处理与通信
3. 区块链与金融,金融与股票市场大数据挖掘与波动建模分析
2014/06 - 2014/09,加拿大? University of British Columbia 访问****,合作导师:Prof. Z. Jane Wang(IEEEfellow)
2011/08 – 2012/08,美国马里兰大学电气与计算机工程系访问****,合作导师:IEEE主席?Prof. K. J. Ray Liu(IEEEfellow)
2004/08 – 2005/09,美国新泽西理工学院(NJIT)电气与计算机工程系博士后, 合作导师:Prof. Yun Q. Shi (IEEE fellow)
1998/09 – 2004/03,中山大学计算机软件与理论专业博士研究生, 获理学博士
1990/09 – 1993/07,南京大学硕士研究生, 获理学硕士
1986/09 – 1990/07,北京大学本科生, 获理学学士
2014/06 - 2014/09,加拿大?University of British Columbia 访问****,合作导师:Prof. Z. Jane Wang(IEEE fellow)
2011/08 – 2012/08,美国马里兰大学电气与计算机工程系访问****,合作导师:IEEE主席Prof. K. J. Ray Liu(IEEE fellow)
2004/08 – 2005/09,美国新泽西理工学院(NJIT)电气与计算机工程系博士后,?合作导师:Prof. Yun Q. Shi (IEEE fellow)
1) 获得本领域重要国际会议IWDW 2013的最佳学生论文奖 (Best Student Paper Award,论文通讯作者):Hui Zeng, 康显桂*, “Camera Source Identification Game with incomplete information,” in Proc. of International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking, IWDW 2013, 2013/10/01-2013/10/03, Auckland, New Zealand, 2013;
2) 获得本领域重要国际会议IWDW 2008的最佳学生论文奖 (Best Student Paper Award,论文通讯作者):Rui Yang, 康显桂*, Jiwu Huang. "Robust Audio Watermarking Based On Log-polar Frequency Index", in Proc. of International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking, IWDW 2008, Busan, Korea, 2008;
3) 稳健数字水印方法,教育部提名国家科学技术奖自然科学一等奖;
4) 2005年广东省优秀博士论文奖
5) 获得本领域重要国际会议IWDW 2018的最佳论文奖 (Best Paper Award,论文通讯作者):Huilin Zheng, Xuan Li, Danyang Ruan, Xiangui Kang, Yun Q. Shi, “Comparison of DCT and Gabor Filters in Residual Extraction of CNN Based JPEG Steganalysis,” in 17th Proc. of International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking, IWDW 2018, 2018/10/22 - 2018/10/24, Jeju, Korea, 2018.
6) 获得环太平洋国家信号与信息处理协会(APSIPA)2018年杰出讲者奖(distinguished lecturer)。
7)?陈艺芳,康显桂等的论文报告“ Automated Design of Neural Network Architectures with Reinforcement Learning for Detection of Global Manipulations”获得第一届中国图像图形学会中国媒体取证与安全大会最佳论文报告奖。
1) 主持:国家自然科学基金项目,基于深度学习的隐秘通信检测及其博弈安全性研究( 项目编号:**) , 在研(2018.01-2021.12);
2)? 主持:国家自然科学基金项目,深度伪造视频取证理论与方法的研究( 项目编号:**) ,在研,(2021.01-2024.12)
3) 主持:国家重点研发计划课题,多媒体内容取证关键技术研究,( 项目编号:2019QY2203), 在研,2019.12.01-2022.12.01。
4) 主持(联合单位主持人):国家自然科学联合基金重点项目,基于自然图像内容的信息隐藏检测理论、建模、系统实现以及安全性评价研究(项目编号:U**),已结题(2016.01-2019.12)。
5) 主持:中国电信委托研发项目,面向LTE的TELCO-OTT实时通信系统研究与开发, 已结题。
6) 主持:国家自然科学基金项目,信息取证关键技术及其安全性研究(项目编号:**), 已结题。
7)?主持:国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:**), 已结题。
8) 主持:广东省自然科学基金重点项目,图像信息取证方法的博弈学分析研究(项目编号:s8),已结题。
9) 主持:国家教育部博士点基金博导类项目,信息取证系统安全性和稳健性研究(项目编号:042),已结题。
10)主持:广东省自然科学基金项目(项目编号:9**0103), 已结题。
11)主持:广东省自然科学基金项目(项目编号:**), 已结题。
12)? 主持:国家自然科学基金项目,多媒体信息取证多目标优化分析( 项目编号:**) ,已结题
13) 主持:中山大学重大项目和前沿新兴交叉学科培育项目(项目编号:), 基于机器学习的隐秘通信检测研究,已结题。
1). 担任亚太国家信息与信号处理协会(APSIPA)信息取证与安全技术委员会的主席(http://www.apsipa.org/TC/MSF.html);
2). 国际著名期刊“IEEE Signal Processing Letters(JCR一区期刊)” 和“Signal Processing: Image Communication”(JCR二区期刊) 的编委;
3). 担任中国图像图形学会多媒体信息取证与安全专业委员会常务委员;
4). IEEE信号处理协会信息取证与安全技术委员会成员;
5).??担任多个重要国际会议如International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(ICASSP), IEEE International conference on Image Processing (ICIP),IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME), IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing Workshop(MLSP)等的技术委员会成员。
通信原理, 数字通信,数字信号处理,数字图像处理, 微型计算机组成原理,随机信号处理等。
J. Yang, D. Ruan, J. Huang, X. Kang*, Y. Q. Shi, “An embedding cost learning framework using GAN,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security, vol. 15, pp. 839-851, 2020.
Y. Chen, Z. Wang, X. Kang*, Z. J. Wang, Automated Design of Neural Network Architectures with Reinforcement Learning for Detection of Global Manipulations,?IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 14, no. 5, , pp. 997~1011, Aug. 2020.
X. Lin, X. Kang*, “Robust electricnetwork frequency estimation with rank reduction and linear prediction,” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, vol.14, No.4, Article 84, 2018.
H. Zeng, J. Liu, J. Yu, X. Kang*, Z. J. Wang, Y. Q. Shi, “A framework of camera source identification Bayesian game,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 47, no.7, pp. 1757-1768, Jul. 2017.?
X. Lin, J. Liu, X. Kang*, “Audio recapture detection with convolutional neural networks,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.18, no.8, pp. 1480~1487, Aug. 2016.
X. Kang, M. C. Stamm, A. Peng, K. J. R. Liu, “Robust median filtering forensics using an autoregressive model,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 1456-1468, Sept. 2013.
X. Kang, Y. Li, Z. Qu, J. Huang, “Enhancing source camera identification performance with a camera reference phase sensor pattern noise,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 393-402, Apr. 2012.
X. Kang, J. Huang, W. Zeng, “Efficient general print-scanning resilient data hiding based on uniform log-polar mapping,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-12, Mar. 2010.
X. Kang, R. Yang, J. Huang, “Geometric invariant audio watermarking based on an LCM feature,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.13, no.2, pp.181-190, Apr. 2011.
X. Kang, J. Huang, Y. Q. Shi, Y. Lin, “A DWT-DFT composite watermarking scheme robust to affine transform and JPEG compression,” IEEE Transactions on Circuit and System for Video Technology, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 776-786, Aug. 2003.
X. Kang, J. Huang, W. Zeng, “Improving robustness of quantization-based image watermarking via adaptive receiver,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 953-959, Oct. 2008.
J. Chen, X. Kang*, Y. Liu, Z. J. Wang, “Median filtering forensics based on convolutional neural networks,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no.11, pp. 1849-1853, Nov. 2015.(代码: https://github.com/XianguiKang/Media-Filtering-Forensics_DL)
C. Hu, X. Kang*,Y. Zhang, “Three-step general discrete-time Zhang neural network design and application to time-variant matrix inversion,” Neurocomputing, vol. 306, pp. 108-118, Sep. 2018. (JCR一区期刊)
H. Zeng, J. Yu, X. Kang*, S. Lyu, “Countering JPEG anti-forensics based on noise level estimation,” Science in China: Series F, vol. 61, no. 3, Article 032103, Mar. 2018. (CCF A类期刊)
H. Zeng, X. Kang*, A. Peng, “A multi-purpose countermeasure against image anti-forensics using autoregressive model,” Neurocomputing, vol. 189, pp. 117-122, May. 2016. (JCR一区期刊)
X. Kang, J. Huang, “Non-ambiguity of blind watermarking: a revisit with analytical resolution,” Science in China: Series F, vol. 52, no.2, pp. 267-285, Feb. 2009. (CCF A类期刊)
彭安杰, 曾辉, 康显桂*, “基于多方向差分的重采样取证技术,” 中国科学: 信息科学, vol. 46, pp. 627-642, 2016. (CCF A类期刊)
彭安杰, 康显桂*, “基于滤波残差多方向差分的中值滤波取证技术,” 计算机学报, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 503-515, 2016. (CCF A类期刊)
康显桂, 黄继武, 曾文军, 施云庆, “数字媒体水印非协议模糊性,” 中国科学(F辑:信息科学), vol. 39, no. 04, pp. 397-404, 2009. (CCF A类期刊)
赵慧明, 康显桂, 黄继武, “基于非对称数据结构实现信息隐藏通信的方法研究,” 电子学报, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 1362-1366, 2009. (国内一级期刊)
康显桂, Zhuang Xin-Hua, “视频流质量控制中保持信噪比不变的比特率分配方法,” 电子与信息学报, vol. 29, no. 10, pp 2444-2447, 2007. (国内一级期刊)
杨群生, 黄继武, 康显桂, 王舟, “图像处理中直方图加权滤波,” 电子学报, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 1108-1111, 2004. (国内一级期刊)
康显桂, 黄继武, 林彦, 杨群生, “抗仿射变换的扩频图象水印算法,” 电子学报, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 8-12, 2004. (国内一级期刊)
康显桂, 黄继武, “对几何变换鲁棒的图像水印算法,” 自动化学报, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 709-715, 2003. (国内一级期刊)
Y. Chen, X. Kang*, Y. Q. Shi, Z. J. Wang, “A multi-purpose image forensic method using densely connected convolutional neural networks,” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, vol.16, no. 3, pp. 725-740, Jun. 2019. (JCR二区期刊)
J. Yang, X. Kang*, E. K. Wong, Y.-Q. Shi, “JPEG steganalysis with combined dense connected CNNs and SCA-GFR,” Multimedia Tools and Applications (IF: 1.5), vol. 78, no. 7, pp. 8481-8495, Apr. 2019. (JCR二区期刊)
X. Lin, X. Kang*, “Exposing speech tampering via spectral phase analysis,” Digital Signal Processing (IF: 2.3), vol. 60, pp. 63-74, Jan. 2017. (JCR二区期刊)
H. Zeng, Y. Zhan, X. Kang*, X. Lin, “Image splicing localization using PCA-based noise level estimation,” Multimedia Tools and Applications (IF: 1.5), vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 4783-4799, Feb. 2017. (JCR二区期刊)
H. Zeng, X. Kang*, “Fast source camera identification using content adaptive guided image filter,” Journal of Forensic Science (IF: 1.3), vol. 61, no. 2, pp.520-526, Mar. 2016.
J. Liu, X. Kang*, H. Liu, Z. J. Wang, “Forensics and counter anti-forensics of video inter-frame forgery,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 75, no. 21, pp. 13833–13853, Nov. 2016. (JCR二区期刊)
X. Kang, J. Chen, K. Lin, A. Peng, “A context-adaptive SPN predictor for trustworthy source camera identification,” EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (IF: 1.7), no.1, Article 32, Apr. 2014.
X. Kang, A. Peng, X. Xu, X. Cao, “Performing scalable lossy compression on pixel encrypted images,” EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (IF: 1.7), no.1, Article 32, 2013.
X. Kang, W. Zeng, J. Huang, “A multi-band wavelet watermarking scheme,” International Journal of Network Security, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 121-126, 2008.
X. Kang, J. Huang, Y. Q. Shi, “Image data hiding robust to both geometric distortion and JPEG compression,” Multimedia Security Handbook, chapter 18, CRC press, Jan. 2005 (book chapter).
J. Yang, H. Zheng, X. Kang*, Y. Q. Shi, “Approaching optimal embedding in audio steganography with GAN,” in proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2020 (ICASSP 2020), Barcelona, Spain, 2020-5-02 to 2020-05-04. (CCF B类)
Y. Wei, Y. Chen, X. Kang*, Z. J. Wang, L. Xiao, “Auto-generating neural networks with reinforcement learning for multi-purpose image forensics," in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2020 (ICME 2020), London, UK, 2020-7-06 to 2020-7-10. (CCF B类,论文接受率<30%)
S. Cui, E. Li, X. Kang*, “Autoregressive model based smoothing forensics of very short speech clips,” in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2020 (ICME 2020), London, UK, 2020-7-06 to 2020-7-10. (CCF B类,论文接受率<30%)
J. Yang, D. Ruan, X. Kang*, Y. Q. Shi, “Towards automatic embedding cost learning for JPEG steganography,” in proc. of ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec’19), Paris, France, 2019-7-01 to 2019-7-03. (本领域顶级会议)
L. Wang, X. Kang*, “Revealing the processing history of pitch-shifted voice using CNNs,” In proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security 2018 (WIFS 2018), 2018-12-11 to 2018-12-15. (IEEE旗舰会议)
Y. Chen, Z. Lyu, X. Kang*, Z. J. Wang, “A rotation-invariant convolutional neural network for image enhancement forensics,” in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2018 (ICASSP 2018), Calgary, Canada, 2018-4-15 to 2018-4-20. (CCF B类)
Y. Chen, X. Kang*, Z. J. Wang, Q. Zhang, “Densely connected convolutional neural network for multi-purpose image forensics under anti-forensic attacks,” in proc. of ACM conference on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec’18), Innsbruck, Austria, 2018-6-20 to 2018-6-22. (本领域顶级会议)
H. Zheng, X. Li, D. Ruan, X. Kang*, Y.-Q. Shi, “Comparison of DCT and Gabor filters in residual extraction of CNN based JPEG steganalysis,” in proc. of 17th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2018), Jeju, Korea, 2018-10-22 to 2018-10-24. (Best Paper Award)
Y. Luo, Q. Zhang, X. Kang*, “Anti-forensics of JPEG compression using generative adversarial networks", in proc. of European Signal and Information Processing Conference 2018 (EUSIPCO 2018), Roma, Italy, 2018-9-3 to 2018-9-8 (Invited paper).
X. Lin, X. Kang*, “Supervised audio tampering detection using an autoregressive model,” in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2017 (ICASSP 2017), New Orleans, USA, 2017-3-5 to 2017-3-9. (CCF B类)
Y. Zhan, Y. Chen, Q. Zhang, X. Kang*, “Image forensics based on transfer learning and convolutional neural network," in proc. of ACM conference on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec’17), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2017-6-20 to 2017-6-22. (本领域顶级会议)
G. Liang, Qi Li, X. Kang*, “Pedestrian detection via a leg-driven physiology framework,” In proc. of 2016 IEEE International conference on Image Processing 2016 (ICIP 2016), Atlanta, USA, 2016-9-25 to 2016-9-28. (IEEE旗舰会议)
A. Peng, H. Zeng, X. Lin, X. Kang*, “Countering anti-forensics of image resampling,” in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2015 (ICIP 2015), Quebec City, Canada, 2015-9-27 to 2015-9-30. (IEEE旗舰会议)
H. Zeng, X. Kang*, “Removing camera fingerprint to disguise photograph source,” in proc. of IEEE international conference on image processing 2015 (ICIP 2015), Quebec, Canada, 2015-9-27 to 2015-9-30. (IEEE旗舰会议)
H. Zeng, X. Kang*, “Countering anti-forensics of median filtering,” in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2014 (ICASSP 2014), Florence, Italy, 2014-5-4 to 2014-5-9. (CCF B类)
H. Zeng, X. Kang*, J. Huang, “Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in the camera source identification game,” in proc. of 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2013 (ICIP 2013), Melbourne, Australia, 2013-9-15 to 2013-9-18. (IEEE旗舰会议)
Z. Qu, X. Kang*, J. Huang, Y. Li, “Forensic sensor pattern noise extraction from large image dataset,” in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2013 (ICASSP 2013), Vancouver, Canada, 2013-5-26 to 2013-5-31. (CCF B类)
H. Zeng, X. Kang*, “Camera source identification game with incomplete information,” in proc. of International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking 2013 (IWDW 2013), Auckland, New Zealand, 2013-10-01 to 2013-10-03. (Best Student Award)
G. Wu, X. Kang*, K. J. R. Liu, “A context adaptive predictor of sensor pattern noise for camera source identification,” in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2012 (ICIP 2012), Orlando, USA, 2012-9-30 to 2012-10-03. (IEEE旗舰会议)
X. Kang, X. Xu, A. Peng, W. Zeng, “Scalable lossy compression for pixel-value encrypted images,” in proc. of IEEE Data Compression Conference 2012 (DCC 2012), Snowbird, Utah, USA, 2012-4-10 to 2012-4-12. (CCF B类会议)
R. Yang, X. Kang*, J. Huang. “Robust audio watermarking based on log-polar frequency index,” in proc. of International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking 2008 (IWDW 2008), Busan, Korean, 2008-11-10 to 2008-11-12 (Best Student Award).
X. Kang, X. Zhong, J. Huang, W. Zeng, "An efficient print-scanning resilient data hiding based on a novel LPM," in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2008 (ICIP 2008), San Diego, CA, USA, 2008-10-12 to 2008-10-15. (IEEE旗舰会议)
. X. Kang, J. Huang, Y. Q. Shi, “Robust quantization-based watermarking with adaptive receiving,” in proc. of IEEE international conference on image processing 2004 (ICIP 2004), Singapore, 2004-10-24 to 2004-10-27. (IEEE旗舰会议)
相关话题/中山 大学计算机
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:教授E-mail:issldy@mail.sysu.edu.cn教师简介:中山大学计算机科学系教授,博士生导师。研究领域:信息安全、理论计算机科学、量子信息处理教育背景:1981年12月获湖南师范大学数学系学士学位;1986年6月获兰州大学数力系硕士学位;2 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学计算机学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘宁
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:教授E-mail:liuning2@mail.sysu.edu.cn办公地点:计算机学院-A212室个人主页:https://www.sysu-imsl.com/教师简介:中山大学计算机学院教授,博士生导师。主要研究兴趣为:智能场景感知、智能终端自主导航与定 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学计算机学院导师教师师资介绍简介-骆伟祺
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:教授办公电话:(86)E-mail:luoweiqi@mail.sysu.edu.cn办公地点:广州大学城中山大学实验中心B501教师简介:2008年博士毕业于中山大学信息科学与计算机学院,现为中山大学数据科学与计算机学院教授,博士生导师。IEEESenio ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学计算机学院导师教师师资介绍简介-卢伟
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:教授E-mail:luwei3@mail.sysu.edu.cn办公地点:东校区北学院楼A303教师简介:卢伟,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,籍贯河南中山大学计算机学院网络空间安全研究所所长2002年7月毕业于东北大学自动化专业,获工学学士学位;2005年3月 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学计算机学院导师教师师资介绍简介-倪江群
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:教授办公电话:E-mail:issjqni@mail.sysu.edu.cn办公地点:中山大学(东校区)工科大楼301个人主页:研究领域:机器学习与模式识别,多媒体信息安全:包括信息隐藏、隐 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学计算机学院导师教师师资介绍简介-马啸
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:教授E-mail:maxiao@mail.sysu.edu.cn办公地点:中山大学(东校区)国家保密学院A302个人主页:http://sdcs.sysu.edu.cn/coin/index.html教师简介:马啸,工学博士,中山大学数据科学与计算机学院党委 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学计算机学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张方国
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:教授E-mail:isszhfg@mail.sysu.edu.cn个人主页:https://sites.google.com/site/sysufgzh/教师简介:张方国,博士,中山大学计算机学院教授、博士生导师。广东省信息安全技术重点实验室副主任;中国密码 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学计算机学院导师教师师资介绍简介-余顺争
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:教授E-mail:syu@mail.sysu.edu.cn教师简介:长期从事网络空间安全领域的教学科研工作。曾主持国家高技术研究发展计划863项目、国家自然科学基金-广东联合基金重点项目、广东省科技计划重大专项项目等,发表论文200多篇。研发经费充裕,并拥有 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学计算机学院导师教师师资介绍简介-龚杰
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:副教授E-mail:gongj26@mail.sysu.edu.cn办公地点:广州大学城外环东路132号中山大学计算机学院个人主页:http://sdcs.sysu.edu.cn/coin/~gj/index.html教师简介:龚杰,中山大学计算机学院副教授 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学计算机学院导师教师师资介绍简介-方艳梅
所属研究所、院系:网络空间安全研究所职称:副教授E-mail:fangym@mail.sysu.edu.cn办公地点:中山大学东校区实验中心大楼B502个人主页:教师简介:博士、副教授。2004于中山大学信息科学与技术学院,计算机软件与理论专 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19