杨 欣,女,教授,博士生导师,环境科学系系主任。
本科毕业于南开大学环境科学系,2002 年进入香港科技大学进行深造,2007 年获香港科技大学土木和环境工程系博士学位,后于北卡罗莱纳大学师从 Philip C. Singer 教授从事博士后工作。主要从事水污染控制技术和饮用水安全方面研究,包括消毒技术及消毒副产物形成机理与控制,微量污染物的迁移转化与控制技术等。主持包括国家自然基金优秀青年基金和广东省****基金在内的课题十余项。在国际重要学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文90余篇,5篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。任国际水协会中国青年委员会委员、中国环境科学学会环境化学分会委员,Water Science & Technology: Water Supply客座编辑,Bulletin Environmental Contamination and Toxicology亚洲区副编辑,Journal of Hazardous Materials编委。
★ 课题组欢迎本科生以及具有化学、微生物、工程等学科背景的硕士生、博士生及博士后等科研人员加入到我科研团队。欢迎邮件联系!
广州市番禺区外环东路132号中山大学环境科学与工程学院, **
E-mail: yangx36@mail.sysu.edu.cn???
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xin_Yang69
Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/authors//??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1998-2002,南开大学环境科学系????????????????????????? 学士学位
2002-2004,香港科技大学土木和环境工程系????? 硕士学位
2004-2007,香港科技大学土木和环境工程系????? 博士学位
2005.03-2005.06,Arizona State University, 访问****
2007.09-2009.03,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill环境科学与工程系,博士后
2014.11至今,中山大学环境科学与工程学院, 博导
2015.6-2015.9, University of New South Wales, 访问****
2016.1至今, 中山大学环境科学与工程学院,教授
1. 水的物理化学处理技术
2. 饮用水安全
2010 年,新世纪优秀人才支持计划
2011 年,中山大学合生珠江优秀青年教师奖励
2013 年,中山大学优秀青年教师培养计划
2014 年,第一批国家环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才
2014 年,中国环境科学学会第九届青年科技奖
2014 年,国际水协会青年****会议(IWA-YWP)最佳报告奖
2015 年,广东省****基金
新型含氮消毒副产物的生成机理与风险控制研究 ,广东省****基金,2015-2019。
复合二氧化氯在饮用水消毒中的应用改进与示范,广东省科技计划项目, 2017-2019。
太阳光联合氯灭活微生物和降解有机物的技术研究 ,广东省科技计划项目,2015-2017。
新型含氮消毒副产物卤代硝基甲烷(HNMs)的生成机理及控制研究,国家自然科学基金 ,2011-2013。
Pan, Y., Ruan, X.,?Garg, S., Waite, T. D., Lei, Y.?and Yang, X.* (2020) Copper Inhibition of Triplet-Sensitized Phototransformation of Phenolic and Amine Contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, 9980-9989.
Cheng, S., Lei, Y., Lei, X., Pan, Y., Lee, Y. and Yang, X.* (2020) Co-exposure degradation of purine derivatives in sulfate radical-mediated oxidation process. Environmental Science & Technology 54(2), 1186-1195.
Wang, Y., Pan, T., Yu, Y., Wu, Y., Pan, Y. and Yang, X.* (2020). A novel peroxymonosulfate ( PMS)-enhanced iron coagulation process for simultaneous removal of trace organic pollutants in water. Water Research accepted, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.116136
Wang, Y., Wu, Y., Yu, Y., Pan, T., Li, D., Lambropoulou, D. and Yang, X.* (2020). Natural polyphenols enhanced the Cu(II)/peroxymonosulfate (PMS) oxidation: The contribution of Cu(III) and HO?. Water Research 186, accepted, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.116326
Kong, Q., Lei, X., Zhang, X., Cheng, S., Xu, C., Yang, B. and Yang, X.* (2020). The role of chlorine oxide radical (ClO?) in the degradation of polychoro-1,3-butadienes in UV/chlorine treatment: Kinetics and mechanisms. Water Research, accepted, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.116056
Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Pan, T. and Yang, X.*, Oxidation of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) by peroxymonosulfate: The role of in-situ formed HOBr. Water Research, accepted, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2019.115202
Lei, Y., Cheng, S., Luo, N., Yang, X.* and An, T. (2019). Rate constants and mechanisms of the reactions of Cl? and Cl2?– with trace organic contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology 53(19), 11170-11182.
Zhang, X., Zhai, J., Zhong, Y. and Yang, X.* (2019). Degradation and DBP formations from pyrimidines and purines bases during sequential or simultaneous use of UV and chlorine. Water Research 165, 115023.
Zhang, X., He, J., Lei, Y., Qiu, Z., Cheng, S. and Yang, X.* (2019). Combining solar irradiation with chlorination enhances the photochemical decomposition of microcystin-LR. Water Research 159, 324-332.
Gan, W., Huang, S., Ge, Y., Bond, T., Westerhoff, P., Zhai, J. and Yang, X.* (2019). Chlorite formation during ClO2 oxidation of model compounds having various functional groups and humic substances. Water Research 159, 348-357.
Gan, W., Ge, Y., Zhu, H., Huang, H. and Yang, X.* (2019). ClO2 pre-oxidation changes the yields and formation pathways of chloroform and chloral hydrate from phenolic precursors during chlorination. Water Research 148, 250-260.
Zhong, Y., Gan, W., Du, Y., Huang, H., Wu, Q., Xiang, Y., Shang, C. and Yang, X.* (2019). Disinfection byproducts and their toxicity in wastewater effluents treated by the mixing oxidant of ClO2/Cl2. Water Research 162, 471-481.
Wang, Y., Chen, S.Y., Yang, X.*, Wu, Y., Huang, X.F., He, E.K., Qiu, R.L. and Wang, S.Z.* (2019). Enhanced removal of Cr(VI) in the Fe(III)/natural polyphenols system: role of the in situ generated Fe(II). Journal of Hazardous Materials 377, 321-329.
Cheng, S., Zhang, X., Yang, X.* Shang, C., Song, W., Fang, J. and Pan, Y. (2018) The Multiple Role of Bromide Ion in PPCPs Degradation under UV/Chlorine Treatment. Environmental Science & Technology 52(4), 1806-1816.
Pan, Y., Garg, S., Waite, T.D. and Yang, X*. (2018) Copper Inhibition of Triplet-Induced Reactions Involving Natural Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology 52(5), 2742-2750.
Huang, S., Gan, W., Yan, M., Zhang, X., Zhong, Y. and Yang, X.* (2018) Differential UV–vis absorbance can characterize the reaction of organic matter with ClO2. Water Research 139, 442-449.
Pan, Y., Cheng, S., Yang, X.*, Ren, J., Fang, J., Shang, C., Song, W., Lian, L. and Zhang, X. (2017) UV/chlorine treatment of carbamazepine: Transformation products and their formation kinetics. Water Research 116, 254-265.
Wang, Y., Chen, S.Y., Yang, X.*, Huang, X.F., Yang, Y., He, E.K., Wang, S. and Qiu, R.L.* (2017) Degradation of 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) by a nano zerovalent iron-activated persulfate process: The effect of metal ions. Chemical Engineering Journal 317, 613-622.
Li, Y., Pan, Y., Lian, L., Yan, S., Song, W*. and Yang, X.* (2017) Photosensitized degradation of acetaminophen in natural organic matter solutions: The role of triplet states and oxygen. Water Research 109, 266-273.
Yang, X.*, Sun, J., Fu, W., Shang, C.*, Li, Y., Chen, Y., Gan, W., Fang, J. (2016) PPCP degradation by UV/chlorine treatment and its impact on DBP formation potential in real waters. Water Research, 98, 309-318.
Pan, Y., Tsang, D.C.W., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Yang, X.* (2016) The photodegradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in various environmental matrices: Kinetics and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 297, 74-96.
Gan. W.H., Bond, T., Yang, X.*? Westerhoff, P. (2015) Role of Chlorine Dioxide in N-Nitrosodimethylamine Formation from Oxidation of Model Amines. Environmental Science & Technology,? 49 (19),? 11429–11437.
Li, Y.Y., Song, W.H., Fu, W.J., Tsang, D.S.W., Yang, X.* (2015) The roles of halides in the acetaminophen degradation by UV/H2O2 treatment: Kinetics, mechanisms, and products analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 271, 214-222.
Gan, W.H., Sharma, V.K., Zhang, X., Yang, L., Yang, X.* (2015) Investigation of disinfection byproducts formation in ferrate(VI) pre-oxidation of NOM and its model compounds followed by chlorination. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 292, 197–204.
Guo, W., Shan, Y., Yang, X.* (2014) Factors affecting the formation of iodo-trihalomethanes during oxidation with chlorine dioxide. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 264, 91–97.
Deng, Z., Yang, X., Shang, C., Zhang, X.R. (2014) Electrospray Ionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Differentiating Chlorine Substitution in Disinfection Byproduct Formation. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(9), 4877-4884.
Yang, X.*, Guo, W., Zhang, X., Chen, F., Ye, T., Liu, W. (2013) Formation of disinfection by-products after pre-oxidation with chlorine dioxide or ferrate. Water Research, 47(15), 5856–5864.
Meng, F.*, Huang, G., Yang, X.*, Li, Z., Li, J., Cao, J., Wang, Z., Sun, L. (2013) Identifying the sources and fate of anthropogenically impacted dissolved organic matter (DOM) in urbanized rivers. Water Research, 47(14-15), 5027-5039.
Yang X.*, Shang C., Shen, Q.Q., Chen, B.Y., Westerhoff, P., Peng, J.F., Guo, W.H. (2012) Nitrogen Origins and the Role of Ozonation in the Formation of Haloacetonitriles and Halonitromethanes in Chlorine Water Treatment. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(23), 12832-12838.
Yang X.*, Peng, J.F., Chen, B.Y., Guo, W.H., Liang, Y.M., Liu W., Liu, L. (2012) Effects of Ozone and Ozone/Peroxide Pretreatments on Disinfection Byproduct Formation during Subsequent Chlorination and Chloramination. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 239-240, 348-354.
Yang X.*, Guo, W.H., and Shen, Q.Q. (2011) Formation? of? disinfection? byproducts? from? chlor(am)ination? of? algal organic matter. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 197, 378-388.
Yang X.*, Flowers, R.C., Weinberg H.S., and Singer, P.C. (2011) Occurrence and Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in an Advanced Wastewater Reclamation Plant. Water Research, 45(16): 5218-5228..
Yang X.*, Fan C.H., Shang C. and Zhao Q.? (2010) Nitrogenous disinfection byproducts formation and nitrogen origin exploration during chloramination of nitrogenous organic compounds, Water Research, 44(9),2691-2702.
Yang X.*, Shang C., Lee, W., Westerhoff, P. and Fan, C. (2008) Correlations between organic matter properties and DBP formation during chloramination, Water Research, 42(8-9), 2329-2339.
Yang X., Shang C. and Westerhoff, P. (2007) Factors affecting formation of haloacetonitriles, haloketones, chloropicrin and cyanogen halides during chloramination, Water Research, 41(6), 1193-1200.
Yang X., Shang C. and Huang J-C (2005) DBP formation in breakpoint chlorination of wastewater, Water Research, 39(19), 4755-4767.
Yang X. and Shang C. (2005) Quantification of aqueous cyanogen chloride and cyanogen bromide in environmental samples by MIMS, Water Research, 39(9), 1709-1718.
Yang X., Shang C. (2004) Chlorination byproduct formation in the presence of humic acid, model nitrogenous organic compounds, ammonia and bromide, Environmental Science & Technology, 38(19), 4995-5001.
徐建; 杨欣; 戴树桂; 刘广良 (2003) 涕灭威在水体悬浮颗粒物上的吸附行为 ,环境科学, 02期, pp 87-91.
程双双,第九届全国环境化学大会优秀墙报奖(2017年)、? 第十四届全国水处理化学大会优秀口头报告奖 (2018年)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19
相关话题/中山大学 环境科学
基本情况中山大学"****"第一类引进人才,博士生导师。1993年在美国怀俄明大学任教,1998年成为该校终身教授,2002年成为该校正教授。“美国土壤学会杂志”(SSSAJ)、国际“环境质量杂志”(JEQ)、国际“水文学杂志”(J.Hydrology)的编委和国际“土壤与沉积物杂志”(J.Soil ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-曹越
曹越,副教授,硕士生导师联系方式地址:广州番禺大学城外环东路132号中山大学环境科学与工程学院A603E-mail:caoy85@mail.sysu.edu.cn教育背景2010.09–2016.06南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院博士2006.09–2010.06南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院学士工 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-章涛
章涛中山大学“****”引进人才,教授,博士生导师国家优秀青年科学基金获得者性别:男国籍:中国从事专业:环境科学最高学位:理学博士Email:zhangt47@mail.sysu.edu.cn**常年招收环境化学、分析化学、微生物学、分子生物学或医学等背景的硕士或博士研究生;**常年招收环境化学、分 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-肖叶
基本情况肖叶,副教授,硕士生导师联系方式地址:广州市番禺区大学城外环东路132号中山大学环境科学与工程学院,510006Email:xiaoy299@mail.sysu.edu.cn教育经历2014.09-2018.06,卡尔加里大学,化学与石油工程系,博士2010.09-2013.07,清华大学, ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-舒龙飞
基本情况舒龙飞,苏黎世联邦理工学院博士,中山大学“****”引进副教授。主要研究人类活动导致的全球与环境变化对生物多样性的影响及污染生态学,揭示微生物生态学过程及其调控机制,为环境治理与生态安全提供科学支撑。在生态与环境的主流期刊TheISMEJournal,eLife,PLOSBiology,Mo ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈绍晴
基本情况陈绍晴,副教授、博士生导师,环境科学系联系方式办公地点:中山大学南校区地环大楼地址:广州市海珠区新港西路135号E-mail:chenshaoqing@mail.sysu.edu.cn*长期欢迎有志于从事城市可持续发展、环境经济、全球气候变化研究的本科生、硕士、博士、博士后和副研究员加入团队 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-曹建平
基本情况曹建平,男,博士,“****”副教授,硕士生导师,环境科学专业,中山大学青年教师专职辅导员。研究方向:室内空气品质,瞄准国际室内空气领域研究前沿和我国严峻的室内空气污染问题,针对室内空气污染物的迁移转化规律、便捷监测技术及综合控制策略等开展系列研究。相关研究成果在EnvironmentalS ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-晁元卿
基本情况晁元卿,男,副教授,硕士生导师.联系方式地址:广州番禺大学城外环东路132号中山大学环境科学与工程学院邮编:510006E-mail:chaoyuanq@mail.sysu.edu.cn教育经历2009/09-2013/08香港大学土木工程系哲学博士2005/09-2008/07北京大学环境 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-曹英杰
基本情况曹英杰,男,副教授,博士生导师。主要从事同位素水文学及同位素生物地球化学循环研究,并负责学院环境及生态系统元素循环示踪平台建设,示踪平台仪器设备配备齐全,涵盖质谱(包括同位素质谱)、色谱、能谱及光谱分析子平台。目前主要开拓方向为同位素有机地球化学及传统同位素的非传统应用,欢迎相关方向学生及科 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19中山大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-黄璜
基本情况黄璜,女,副教授。联系方式·广州市海珠区新港西路135号中山大学环境科学与工程学院,510275·e-mail:huangh46@mail.sysu.edu.cn教育经历·2008/09-2013/07,清华大学,环境学院,博士;·2011/09-2012/08,美国耶鲁大学,化学与环境工程 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19