E-mail: chenshaoqing@mail.sysu.edu.cn
主要研究方向:在社会经济代谢视角下,系统性揭示城市系统特有的代谢结构、机制和模式,并应用于城市碳排放控制、能源效率提升和多资源耦合问题的优化,为国家宏观资源环境管理提供决策支持。包括:(1)城市资源代谢过程追踪与模拟?(systemic tracking and modelling of urban resources’metabolism);(2)城市及城市群能-水-碳-经济社会协同管理决策支持?(decision making support for energy-water-carbon-socioeconomics nexus in cities and urban agglomerations)。
在Nature Communications, Nature Food, Environmental Science & Technology, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy,Earth’s Future、《中国人口?资源与环境》、《生态学报》等国内外主流刊物上发表论文50余篇,总被引2400余次。研究成果已被IPCC评估报告、国家级资源环境交易平台、省市级政府部门决策中采纳应用。担任中国系统工程学会生态环境系统工程专委会副秘书长、Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 副主编、Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 编委、以及Applied Energy和Sustainability等主流期刊客座编辑。主持2项国家自然科学基金,1项广东省自然科学****基金,并作为骨干成员参与多项国家级项目。
Nature Energy, One Earth, Environmental Science & Technology, ?Water Research, Ecological?Applications,?Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, ?Applied Energy, ?Energy Policy, ?Journal of Industrial Ecology, ?Journal of Environmental Management, ?Journal of Cleaner Production, ?Economic Systems Research, ?Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Ecological Economics, ?Journal of Environmental Management, ?Ecological Indicators, ?Ecological Modelling , Ecological Informatics, ?Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, ?Frontiers of Earth Science, ?Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, Journal of Urban Technology, ?Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, Energy, Ecology and Environment, ?Urban Planning,《生态学报》,《中国人口·资源与环境》,《地理研究》,《资源科学》&《环境科学学报》
国际SCI期刊Ecological Modelling杰出审稿人
Most Citied Papers in?Ecological Modelling (Ranking 3rd?of all papers since 2012)
Most Citied Papers in?Ecological Modelling (Ranking 23rd?of all papers since 2012)
ESI?热点论文Hot Paper (Top 0.1%)
ESI高引用论文Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%)
Elsevier环境领域高引用文章Highly Cited Paper
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 副主编(Associate Editor):
?? Research Topic on“Building More Sustainable and Resilient Urban Energy Infrastructures”Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, June, 2020
Applied Energy 客座编辑 (Guest Editor)
?? Special Issue on “Advanced approaches and applications of energy footprints to promote global sustainability” Applied Energy, January, 2019
Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 客座编辑 (Guest Editor)
Special Issue on “Modelling and Quantification of Resilience in Complex Human-Environmental Systems” Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, December, 2020
Sustainability客座编辑 (Guest Editor)
?? Special Issue on“Applications of Urban Metabolism and the Progress towards Sustainable Cities”Sustainability, April, 2019
Chen, S.Q. (独立一作), Chen, B.*, Feng K., et al. (2020). Physical and virtual carbon metabolism of global cities. Nature Communications 11, 182 (Nature子刊, IF=12.11)
Liang S, Yu Y, Kharrazi A, Fath B D, Feng C, Daigger G T, Chen, S.Q., et al (2020). Network resilience of phosphorus cycling in China has shifted by natural flows, fertilizer use and dietary transitions between 1600 and 2012. Nature Food 1: 365–375 (Nature子刊)
Chen, S.Q*., Long H., Brian D. Fath, Chen B* (2020). Global urban carbon networks: linking inventory to modelling. Environmental Science & Technology 54(9), 5790?5801 (中科院一区, IF=7.86).
Chen, S.Q., Chen, B (2017). Changing urban carbon metabolism over time: historical trajectory and future pathway.?Environmental Science & Technology,?51 (13), 7560–7571?(中科院一区, IF=7.86).
?Chen, S.Q., Chen, B (2016). Tracking inter-regional carbon flows: a hybrid network model.?Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (9), 4731–4741?(中科院一区, IF=7.86).
Chen, S.Q., Chen, B., Su M.R.?(2015). Non-zero-sum relationships in mitigating urban carbon emissions: a dynamic network simulation.?Environmental Science & Technology,?49 (19), 11594–11603 (中科院一区, IF=7.86).
?Chen, S.Q., Chen, B. (2012). Network environ perspective for urban metabolism and carbon emissions: A case study of Vienna, Austria.?Environmental Science & Technology?46(8), 4498?4506.??(中科院一区, IF=7.86)
陈绍晴,?房德琳,?陈彬?(2015).?基于信息网络模型的生态风险评价.?生态学报, 35(7), 2227-2233.
?Zhang, Y., Hou, S., Chen, S.Q*, Long, H., et al (2020). Tracking flows and network dynamics of virtual water in electricity transmission across China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 110475 (中科院一区, IF=12.11)
Chen, S.Q.,?Chen, B., Fath B.D (2015).?Assessing the cumulative environmental impact of hydropower construction on river systems based on energy network model.?Renewable?&?Sustainable Energy Reviews?42, 78-92.?(中科院一区, IF=12.11)
?Chen, S.Q., Chen, B. (2012). Sustainability and future alternatives of biogas-linked agrosystem (BLAS) in China: An emergy-based analysis.?Renewable?&?Sustainable Energy Reviews?16(6), 3948–3959.?(中科院一区, IF=12.11)
Chen, S.Q., Chen B., Liu Z., et al. (2019). Dynamic carbon emission linkages across boundaries. Earth’s Future 7,197–209. (中科院一区, IF=6.14).
Wei, T., Chen, S.Q*. (2020) Dynamic energy and carbon footprints of urban transportation infrastructures: differentiating between existing and newly-built assets. Applied Energy 277, 115554 (中科院一区, IF=8.85).
Chen, S.Q.*, Kharrazi, A., Liang, S., et al. (2020). Advanced approaches and applications of energy footprints towards global sustainability. Applied Energy 261, 114415 (中科院一区, IF=8.85).
Chen, S.Q.*, Long H., Chen, B. et al. (2019) Urban carbon footprints across scale: important considerations for choosing system boundaries. Applied Energy 259, 114201 (中科院一区, IF=8.85).
Chen, S.Q*., Tan Y., Liu Z* (2019). Direct and embodied energy-water-carbon nexus at an inter-regional scale. Applied Energy 251, 113401 (中科院一区, IF=8.85).
Chen, S.Q., Zhu F (2019). Unveiling key drivers of urban embodied and controlled carbon footprints. Applied Energy, 235, 835-845 (中科院一区, IF=8.85).?
?Chen, S.Q., Xu, B., Chen, B (2018). Unfolding the interplay between carbon flows and socioeconomic development in a city: what can network analysis offer??Applied Energy, 211, 403–412?(中科院一区, IF=8.85).
Chen, S.Q.,?Chen, B?(2015).?Urban energy consumption: different insights from energy flow analysis, input-output analysis and ecological network analysis.?Applied Energy?138, 99-107.?(中科院一区, IF=8.85;ESI Highly Cited Paper; ESI Hot Paper)
Chen, S.Q., Chen, B (2017). Coupling of carbon and energy flows in cities: a meta-analysis and nexus modeling.?Applied Energy?194, 774–783.?(中科院一区, IF=8.85;ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Chen, S.Q., Chen, B (2016). Urban energy-water nexus: a network perspective.?Applied Energy?184, 905–914?(中科院一区, IF=8.85;ESI Hot Paper/ ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Chen, S.Q.*, Zhu F, Yang J (2019). Energy footprint controlled by urban demands: how much does supply chain complexity contribute? Energy 183, 561-572 (中科院二区Top, IF=6.08).
Wang, XR., Chen, S.Q* (2020). Urban-rural carbon footprint disparity across China from essential household expenditure: survey-based analysis, 2010-2014. Journal of Environmental Management 267, 110570 (中科院二区Top, IF=5.65)
陈绍晴,?宋丹,?杨谨,?陈彬?(2012).?户用沼气模式生命周期减排清单与环境效益分析.?中国人口?资源与环境. 22(8), 76-83.
陈绍晴,?陈彬,?宋丹?(2012).?沼气农业复合生态系统能值分析.?中国人口?资源与环境. 22(4), 80-89.
(1).?Chen, S.Q.,?Chen, B. (2015).“Life cycle Assessment of Biogas Systems”, Chapter 14, in Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, Ed., Yan J.Y., John Wiley & Sons.
(2).?Chen, S.Q.,?Chen, B. (2014).“Sustainable Urban Metabolism”, in Encyclopedia of Environmental Management. Ed., J?rgensen S.E., Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1081/E-EEM-.
(3).??Chen, S.Q.,?Chen, B. (2014).“Extending the Application of Network Analysis to Ecological Risk Assessment for Aquatic Ecosystems”, Chapter 6, in Developments in Environmental Modelling, Volume 26, Ecological Modelling and Engineering of Lakes and Wetlands, Eds., J?rgensen S.E., Chang N.B., Xu F.L., Elsevier.
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