

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19

性 ? ?别: 女?? ?
导 ? ?师: 博士导师,硕士导师
学科专业: 免疫学?? ?
? ? 2002年获微生物学博士学位;2002-2004年,于美国弗吉尼亚州立大学(VCU)接受博士后培训;2005-2008年,在美国加利福尼亚大学(UCSB)任研究助理。2009年作为“****”引进人才,受聘于中山大学中山医学院。研究方向是宿主细胞与登革病毒之间的相互作用,及细胞抗病毒感染的固有免疫应答调控机制。
1. ? ? ? ?Xiaoyan Chen, Jun Xia, Qirui Zhao, Yi Wang, Jingyu Liu, Lianqiang Feng, Junfang He*, Ping Zhang*. Eukaryotic initiation factor 4AI interacts with NS4A of Dengue virus and plays an antiviral role. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2015, 461 (2015): 148-153
2. ? ? ? ?Yuye Li, Siyu Wu, Jieying Pu, Xi Huang, Ping Zhang*. Dengue Virus Upregulates Expression of Notch Ligands Dll1 and Dll4 Through IFN-β Signaling Pathway. Immunology, 2015, 144(1):127-38
3. ? ? ? ?Peifen Zhang#, Yuye Li#, ?Jun Xia, Junfang He, Jieying Pu, Jiong Xie, Siyu Wu, Lianqiang Feng, Xi Huang, Ping Zhang*. IPS-1 plays an essential role in dsRNA-induced stress granule formation by interacting with PKR and promoting its activation. Journal of Cell Science, 2014, 127: 2471-2482
4. ? ? ? ?Siyu Wu, Li He, Yuye Li, Tinglong Wang, Lianqiang Feng, Lifang Jiang, Ping Zhang*, Xi Huang*. miR-146a facilitates replication of dengue virus by dampening interferon induction by targeting TRAF6. Journal of Infection. 2013, 67, ( 4): 329–341
5. ? ? ? ?Yuye Li, Jiong Xie, Siyu Wu, Jun Xia, Peifen Zhang, Chao Liu, Ping Zhang*, Xi Huang*. Protein Kinase Regulated by dsRNA Downregulates the Interferon Production in Dengue Virus- and dsRNA-stimulated Human Lung Epithelial Cells. PLoS One. 2013, 8(1):e55108
6. ? ? ? ?Ping Zhang,Siyu Wu, Lietao Li, Zhaoduan Liang , Yuye Li, Lianqiang Feng, Xi Huang*. Adjuvant PIKA protects hepatoma cells from dengue virus infection by promoting TBK-1 dependent innate immune response. Archives of Virology, 2013, 158(4):829-38
7. ? ? ? ?Zhaoduan Liang, Siyu Wu, Yuye Li, Li He, Minhao Wu, Lifang Jiang, Lianqiang Feng, Ping Zhang*, Xi Huang*. Activation of Toll-Like Receptor 3 Impairs the Dengue Virus Serotype 2 Replication through Induction of IFN-b in Cultured Hepatoma Cells. PLoS One. 2011, 6(8):e23346
8. ? ? ? ?Minhao Wu, Anping Peng, Mingxia Sun, Qiuchan Deng, Linda D. Hazlett, Jin Yuan, Xialin Liu, Qianying Gao, Lianqiang Feng, Junfang He, Ping Zhang*, Xi Huang*. TREM-1 Amplifies Corneal Inflammation after Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection by Modulating Toll-Like Receptor Signaling and Th1/Th2-Type Immune Responses. Infection and Immunity. 2011, 79(7):2709-16.
9. ? ? ? ?Ping Zhang, Jeffrey Langland, Bertram Jacobs, Charles Samuel*. Protein Kinase PKR-Dependent Activation of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Occurs through Mitochondrial Adapter IPS-1 and Is Antagonized by Vaccinia Virus E3L. Journal of Virology, 2009, 83: 5718-5725. ?
10. ? ?Ping Zhang, Charles Samuel*. Induction of protein kinase PKR-dependent activation of interferon regulatory factor 3 by vaccinia virus occurs through adapter IPS-1 signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2008, 283: 34580-34587.
11. ? ?Ping Zhang, Bertram Jacobs,Charles Samuel*. Loss of protein kinase PKR expression in human cells complements the vaccinia virus E3L deletion mutant phenotype by restoration of viral protein synthesis. Journal of Virology, 2008, 82: 840-848.
12. ? ?Ping Zhang, Charles Samuel*. Protein Kinase PKR Plays a Stimulus- and Virus-dependent Role in Apoptotic Death and Virus Multiplication in Human Cells. Journal of Virology, 2007, 81: 8192-8200.
13. ? ?Christopher McAllister, Ann Toth, Ping Zhang, Patricia Devaux, Roberto Cattaneo, Charles E. Samuel*. ?Mechanisms of Protein Kinase PKR-Mediated Amplification of Beta Interferon Induction by C Protein-Deficient Measles Virus. Journal of Virology, 2010, 84(1):380-386.
American Society for Virology 会员
1. ?Notch受登革病毒调控的分子机制及其对固有免疫和病毒复制的影响: 张萍
负责人:张萍 参与人: 经费:70.0000 万元 年份:2013
2. ?PKR在登革病毒固有免疫中的调控作用: 张萍
负责人:张萍 参与人: 经费:30.0000 万元 年份:2012
3. ?PKR在登革病毒诱导干扰素合成过程中的调控作用与分子机制: 张萍
负责人:张萍 参与人: 经费:58.0000 万元 年份:2011
4. ?广州管圆线虫病的免疫调节机制研究: 张萍
负责人:张萍 参与人: 经费:35.0000 万元 年份:2009
5. ?与PKR相互作用的先天免疫调控蛋白的鉴定和功能分析: 张萍
负责人:张萍 参与人: 经费:5.0000 万元 年份:2009
6. ?与 PKR相互作用的先天免疫相关蛋白的鉴定和功能分析: 张萍
负责人:张萍 参与人: 经费:23.0000 万元 年份:2009

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