

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19

Born in the Rhineland at Bendorf/Rhein, Germany, Peter Rothenh?fer studied Ancient History, Classical Archaeology and Prehistory at the Universities of Cologne and Bonn and finished his PhD thesis on the Economic history of the Roman province of Germania Inferior (?Die Wirtschaftsstrukturen im südlichen Niedergermanien“) in 2004. He was awarded with the K?ln-Prize 2004 for his thesis.
Afterwards he was active at the Universities of Koblenz-Landau and Munich.
From 2006-2018 he did research at the Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy of the German Archaeolgical Institute at Munich, where he specialized on Latin epigraphy with a particular focus on inscriptions from the Hispanic provinces.
From 2007-2015 Co-director of the Centro CIL II at the University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain). Principal Investigator of the innovative research project on Roman lead ingots (the ?Corpus of Roman Lead Ingots“ will be published soon in a Chinese University Publication Series). Due to his specialization on Ancient Greek and Roman history he published various contributions on social, economic, military, legal, etc. topics.
From 2019-now?Professor and Doctoral supervisor of Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai, China.
Rothenhoefer is member of the international team working on the inscriptions from the conventus Gaditanus?to be published in CIL II2. Furthermore he works on the publication of wooden tablets of the Byzacena Archive, legal documents mainly from the 3rd and 4th century.
1、P. Rothenh?fer, F. Battistoni,Inschriften aus dem Raum Keles - Orhaneli,Epigraphica Anatolica?46, pp.101-165,2013
2、P. Rothenh?fer, M. Bode, N. Hanel, A. Hauptmann,Nach der Schlacht von Lugdunum(197 v.chr.):Britannisches Blei auf dem Weg nach Rom,Chiron 43,?pp.297-325,2013
3、P. Rothenh?fer,Fünf Weihinschriften aus dem r?mischen Rheinland,Bonner Jahrbücher?214, pp. 27-42,2014
4、P. Rothenh?fer, M. Bode,Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen der r?mischen Herrschaft im augusteischen Germanien,G.A. Lehmann, R. Wiegels (eds), über die Alpen und über den Rhein. Beitr?ge zu den Anf?ngen und zum Verlauf der r?mischen Expansion nach Mitteleuropa. Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu G?ttingen, Neue Folge 37, pp. 313-338,2015
5、P. Rothenh?fer, H. Bl?nsdorf,sana mente sanaque memoria testamentum feci – Eine testamentarische Verfügung vom 12. April 340 n. Chr.,Gephyra?13, pp. 153-163,2016
6、P. Rothenh?fer,Neue Beobachtungen zu einer alten Inschrift: Die monumentale Bauinschrift der puente romano de las Alcantarillas (Utrera, SE),J. Carbonell, H. Gimeno (eds.), A baete ad fluvium Anam: Cultura epigráfica en la Bética occidental y territorios frontizeros, Homenaje al profesor José Luis Moralejo Alvarez, Alcalá de Henares, pp. 177-194,2016
7、P. Rothenh?fer,R?mische Offiziere auf einer tabella defixionum. Ein au?ergew?hnliches Dokment magischen Schadenzaubers gegen einen Legionskommandeur und weitere Mitglieder des Offizierkorps,Epigraphica?78, pp. 235-251,2016
8、P. Rothenh?fer,Zwei Belege für numeri legionis,Epigraphica?80, pp. 209-222,2018
9、P. Rothenh?fer,Mantias – An Eye Doctor of Emperor Tiberius,Gephyra?15, pp. 191-195,2018
10、P. Rothenh?fer,Ein epigraphisches Zeugnis aus?den Sklavenkriegen Roms,Hermes 146,?pp.290-297,2018

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