本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19
张志文,中山大学国际关系学院副教授、博士生导师,国际关系学系主任,美国政治学会(APSA)、美国经济学会(AEA)、美国西部经济学会(WEAI)、中国留美经济学会(CES)会员。2008年获中山大学经济学博士学位,曾先后到国际货币基金组织(IMF)和哈佛大学访问研究。长期致力于国际政治经济学、国际金融和中美贸易等方面的研究,在International Organization?(SSCI, LEAD ARTICLE)、Economic Modelling?(SSCI)、The Singapore Economic Review(SSCI, LEAD RESEARCH PAPER)、《经济研究》和《国际金融研究》等国内外国际关系学、经济学、金融学权威期刊上发表论文十余篇,在中国金融出版社出版个人学术专著1部。曾获教育部第七届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)经济学类论文奖二等奖1项、省级金融学会优秀科研及调研论文一、二等奖共3项。主持教育部人文社会科学研究基金项目2项。多次受邀参加重要国际学术会议并发表专题学术演讲,在全球经济治理、国际储备与本币国际化等方面的原创性研究受到国际著名经济学家和国际政治经济学家的关注和好评。
Updated JULY 2020
Zhiwen ZHANG(张志文)
Associate Professor
Chair of Department of International Relations
School of International Relations, Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU)
Email: gmszzw@mail.sysu.edu.cn.
Educational Background:
Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University, P.R. China
?? Ph.D. in Economics (Finance), June 2008
Dissertation: “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Some International Empirical Investigations”
Yunnan University, P. R. China
?? M.A., International Relations, June 1997
?? B.A., Anthropology, June 1994
Academic Positions:
05/2016-Present: Chair of Department of International Relations, School of International Relations, SYSU
07/2015-Present: Associate Professor, School of International Relations, SYSU
06/2015-10/2015: Senior Fellow, Institute of Advanced International Studies, SYSU
01/2011-06/2015: Associate Professor, School of Asia-Pacific Studies, SYSU
12/2007-12/2010: Assistant Professor, School of Asia-Pacific Studies, SYSU
10/2001-12/2007:Assistant professor, Department of International Relations, School of Government, SYSU
07/1997-09/2001: Teaching Assistant and Assistant Research Fellow, Institute for Southeast Asia Studies, SYSU
Visiting Positions:
07/2015-09/2015:Visiting scholar, The International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington D.C., USA.
01/2010-12/2010: ?Visiting scholar, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. ?
01/2006-07/2006: Visiting scholar, The International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington D.C., USA. ?
Research Interests:
International Finance (Currency Internationalization and Exchange Rate Pass-through)
International Political Economy (World Order, Belt & Road Initiative, Trade Politics, etc.)
Sino-US Trade Relations
Macroeconomics (Inflation)
Financial Development and Economic Growth
Application of Game Theory in International Studies
Major Academic Activities:
Member of American Economic Association (AEA) since April 2020
Member of Chinese Economist Society (CES) since April 2020
Member of American Political Science Association (APSA) since August 2018
Member of Western Economic Association International (WEAI ) in the USA since January 2012
Advisor for M.A. Program (since July 2009): International Relations (Economic and Financial Relations in Asia-Pacific Region)
Chair the Asia-Pacific Forum (11/2008-11/2009; 2011-): A regular seminar/lecture series hosted by the School of Asia-Pacific Studies, SYSU
Referee: ?The Singapore Economic Review (SSCI)
Courses Taught:
Undergraduate Teaching: Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics, Selected Topics in International Finance, International Political Economy
Graduate Teaching: Selected Topics in International Finance and Trade
Selected Presentations:
In English:
“Why Hasn’t a Rising Renminbi Narrowed the China-US Trade Surplus?”, paper presented the 92nd Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), San Diego, California, USA, on June 29-July 3, 2017. (Paper Presenter and Discussant)
“The Puzzle between RMB Appreciation and the China-US Trade Surplus: An Empirical Investigation”,paper presented the 91st Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), Portland, Oregon, USA, on June 29-July 3, 2016. (Paper Presenter and Discussant) ?
“The Puzzle between RMB Appreciation and the China-US Trade Surplus: An Empirical Investigation”paper presented at the 6th International Conference of Growth, Trade and Dynamics, Taipei, Taiwan, on June 24 -25, 2016.
“The Root Causes of Persistent Widening of Sino-US Trade Surplus: An Empirical Investigation”, paper to be presented at the 12th International Conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), Singapore on January 7-10, 2016.
“Yen Internationalization and Japan’s International Reserves”, paper presented at the APD Discussion Forum of the IMF, Washington DC, USA, on September 21, 2015. (Personal Seminar)
“The Size of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Local Currency Internationalization: Cross-Country Evidence”, paper presented at The Singapore Economic Review Conference 2013, Singapore, on August 6-8, 2013. (Paper Presenter)
“Exchange Rate Volatility and Local Currency Internationalization: An Empirical Study on the Australian Dollar”, paper presented at the 7th International Conference on East Asian Studies entitled “New World Order and East Asia”, cosponsored by the Osaka University of Economics and Law, Peking University and Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, on September 7-9, 2012. (Paper Presenter)
“International Reserves and Local Currency Internationalization: An Empirical Study on the Japanese Yen”, presented at the 87th Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), San Francisco, California, USA, on June 29-July 3, 2012. (Paper Presenter and Discussant)
“International Reserves and Local Currency Internationalization: An Empirical Study on the Japanese Yen,”(see HERE) presented at the China Lunchtime Seminar co-sponsored by Harvard University’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and Harvard University’s Program on US-Japan Relations of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Cambridge, USA, on October 22, 2010 (Seminar Chair: Richard Cooper, Professor of Economics at the Harvard Economics Department); It is reported by Sun Yan-sen University’s Official Website (see HERE).
“Financial Development and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study on China”, presented at the personal seminar for economists at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington D.C., USA, June 22, 2006;
“Bond Market Development and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study on China”, presented at the International Conference on Contemporary China Studies held by the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, January 5-7, 2007 ;
In Chinese:
“Why Has the US Not Experienced Higher Inflation until Now”, presented at the Asia-Pacific Forum (No.69), Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, April 20, 2014.
“The Size of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Local Currency Internationalization: Cross-Country Evidence”, presented at the Sun Yat-sen University Center for Hong Kong, Macau and Pearl River Delta Studies, Guangzhou, September 22, 2013.
“The Determinants of Inflation: An Empirical Study on China”, presented at the Conference on China and the U.S.: The Mutual Recognition and Bilateral Relations co-sponsored by The History Department and The School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, March 31-April 2, 2011;
“The Size of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Local Currency Internationalization: An Empirical Study on the Japanese Yen,” (with Qinxian BAI), presented by Qinxian BAI at the Third Session of Chinese Financial Development Advanced Forum co-sponsored by Liaoning University and the Editorial Office of the Economic Research Journal, Shenyang, Liaoning, China, September 10, 2010;
“Financial Development and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study on China,” presented at the Asia-Pacific Forum (No.2) hosted by the School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, December 15, 2008 .
Recent Research Projects (Chaired/Participated):
06/2014-07/2020: The Root Causes of the Widening Sino-US Trade Surplus and China’s Policy Options;
01/2011-12/2013: “The Root Causes of Sino-US Trade Surplus Persistent Expansion and A Study on Dynamic Game Equilibrium of RMB Exchange Rate Appreciation”, supported by The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities;
12/2009-12/2012: “Games on International Monetary System Reform among Major Powers and China’s Policy Options,” the 2009 Youth Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research granted by the Ministry of Education of China;
01/2010-12.2012: “A Study on Global Financial Crisis and International Monetary and Financial System Reform,” the 2009 Specially Commissioned Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research granted by the Ministry of Education of China;
2007-2010: “The Road to a Financial Power: Cross Country Comparisons and the Case of China”, a sub-topic of the Key Project granted by the NSSF;
2007-2009: “Principles of Macro-Economics”, a bilingual teaching program granted by the Dean’s Office, SYSU.
Selected Publications:
Peer Reviewed International Journal Articles (SSCI):
J. Lawrence BROZ (co-first author), Zhiwen ZHANG (co-first author and sole corresponding author) and Gaoyang WANG (2020), “Explaining Foreign Support for China’s Global Economic Leadership”, International Organization, Vol. 74, Issue 3 (Summer). (LEAD ARTICLE: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-organization/latest-issue.)
Zhiwen ZHANG, Anthony MAKIN and Qinxian BAI (2016), “Yen Internationalization and Japan’s International Reserves”, Economic Modelling, Vol.52, Part B, January, pp.452-455. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2734)
Zhiwen ZHANG (2016), “The Size of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Local Currency Internationalization: Cross-Country Evidence”, the Singapore Economic Review, Vol.61, Issue 5, December.(LEAD RESEARCH PAPER: http://www.worldscientific.com/toc/ser/61/05)
Academic Book (Authored, in Chinese)
“Financial Development and Economic Growth: Some International Empirical Investigations”. The Financial Publishing House(中国金融出版社), Beijing, China, November 2008.
Papers Published in Key Academic Journals Listed by SYSU (in Chinese):
Qinxian BAI and Zhiwen ZHANG (2011), “The Size of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Local Currency Internationalization: An Empirical Study on the Japanese Yen”, the Economic Research Journal (经济研究), (the best journal of economics, finance and management in Mainland-China,and a double-blind peer reviewed journal) , October (see HERE). It was reprinted by The World Economy (F8) issued by People’s University of China’s Social Sciences Information Center (人大复印资料《世界经济导刊》全文转载), January, 2012, and major academic networks like Chinese Social Sciences Network (中国社会科学网) and the State Council of the People’s Republic China’s Development Research Center Information Network (国务院发展研究中心信息网), etc. This paper won The Second Place of the 7th Higher Learning Institutions’ Excellent Economic Research Paper Award rewarded by the Chinese Ministry of Education (2015), and it also won both The Second Place of the Guangdong Finance Association’s 8th Excellent Financial Research Paper Award rewarded by Guangdong Finance Association and People’s Bank of China Guangzhou Branch (2013), and The First Place of the 2011 Liaoning Province Excellent Research Paper Award rewarded by Liaoning Province Finance Association and People’s Bank of China Shenyang Branch.
Zhiwen ZHANG and Qinxian BAI (2013), “Exchange Rate Volatility and Local Currency Internationalization: An Empirical Study on the Australian Dollar”, The Studies of International Finance(国际金融研究), April (Front Cover Paper; Peer-reviewed journal). (see HERE)Reprinted by The Finance and Insurance issued by People’s University of China’s Social Sciences Information Center (人大复印资料《金融与保险》全文转载), July, 2013.
Qinxian BAI and Zhiwen ZHANG (2011), “The Pass-Through of RMB Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Changes into CPI Inflation”, The Studies of International Finance(国际金融研究), December (Corresponding author; Front Cover Paper; Peer-reviewed journal) (see HERE). This paper won The First Place of the 2011 Liaoning Province Excellent Research Paper Award rewarded by Liaoning Province Finance Association and People’s Bank of China Shenyang Branch.
Zhiwen ZHANG (2007), “Financial Development and Economic Growth in Malaysia: The Perspective of Bond Market,” The Studies of International Finance(国际金融研究), July (Front Cover Article No.2. The first article is a Chinese Version of Ronald I. McKinnon’s paper, who is a professor of finance at Stanford University and a representative figure of financial development theories). Reprinted by the Asia-Pacific Review, Issue 1-2, 2007. (see HERE)
Zhiwen ZHANG and Qinxian BAI (2007), “Corporate Bond Market Development and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study on South Korea,” The Economist(经济学家), June.
Zhiwen ZHANG and Qinxian BAI (2005), “Asian Bond Market Development: Ideas, Problems and Prospects,” Contemporary International Relations(现代国际关系), June.
Zhiwen ZHANG and Qinxian BAI (2011), “The Determinants of Inflation: An Empirical Study on China”, The Journal of Shanghai Finance (上海金融), June.
Xianbo ZHOU and Zhiwen ZHANG (2010), “The Effect of WTO on the Bilateral Trade: Based on the Estimation and Test of the Gravity Model with Endogenous Dummy Variables”, Statistics and Policy-Making, July (Issue 14).
Qinxian BAI and Zhiwen ZHANG (2008), “Financial Development and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study on China,” The South China Journal of Economics (南方经济), September (Double-blind Peer Reviewed Journal, Corresponding Author).
Zhiwen ZHANG and Qinxian BAI (2004), “Economic Integration in East Asia: Trade and Investment Liberalization and Monetary and Financial Cooperation,” Journal of Shanghai Finance(上海金融), April.
Zhiwen ZHANG (2000), “The Status Quo of APEC’s Competition Policy-Making and Its Key Problems,” World Economy Studies(世界经济研究), December.
Zhiwen ZHANG (1998), “The Impacts of Asian Financial Crisis on the Trade and Investment Liberalization of APEC,” Asia-Pacific Economic Review(亚太经济), October. Reprinted in International Economics (F8) issued by the People’s University of China Social Sciences Information Center, December, 1998.
Zhiwen ZHANG (2002), “Financial Crisis in Argentina: Causes and Lessens”. Finance Forum(金融论坛), June.
Zhiwen ZHANG (2001), “Institutionalization Building: The Key of APEC’s Vitality,” Asia-Pacific Economic Review(亚太经济), May.
Zhiwen ZHANG (2000), “The Status Quo of APEC’s Competition Policy Formation and Its Key Problems,” Asia-Pacific Economic Review(亚太经济), December.
Other Papers:
Zhiwen ZHANG and Anyong LI (2008), “Bond Market Development: The Case of China,” The Asia-Pacific Review(亚太评论), Issue 1-2.
Zhiwen ZHANG(2005),“A Study on Asian Bond Market Development,” The Asia-Pacific Review(亚太评论), June.
Zhiwen ZHANG and Qinxian BAI (2004) “Asian Bond Market Development: A Long Way to Go,” Foreign Exchange(中国外汇管理), December.
Zhiwen ZHANG (2004), “A Study on the Relationship of Trade and Investment between China and ASEAN after East Asia Financial Crisis,” The Asia-Pacific Review(亚太评论), January.
Zhiwen ZHANG (2003) “The American Financial War against Terrorism and Its Enlightenments to China’s Regulations on Capital Flights,” in International Anti-Terrorism and Asia-Pacific Security, Xinsheng WANG (eds.), Hong Kong TianMa Books Co. Ltd, January.
Zhiwen ZHANG (1999), “Can APEC Still Survive?,” Journal of Southeast Asia(东南亚学刊), March.
Zhiwen ZHANG (1998), “Problems and Prospects of APEC’s Ecotech,” Journal of Southeast Asia(东南亚学刊), January.
Zhiwen ZHANG (1997), “China’s Policy Options on APEC Process,” Journal of Southeast Asia(东南亚学刊), February.
Zhiwen ZHANG (1998), “The Politicalization of APEC and China’s Countermeasures,” International Affairs Symposium of Yunnan University, March.
Zhiwen ZHANG (1998), “Regional Economy,” (Chinese version) part of Encyclopedia on International Relations, in Contemporary Western Theories and Practices on International Relations, Xian XIAO (eds.), Yunnan University Press, July.
Media Interviews:
Recent interviews:
Interview on the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (November 17 , 2014, see HERE) (by the Xinhua News Agency,新华社)
Interview on the APEC in 2014 (November 16, 2014, see HERE) (by the PHOENIX TV, 凤凰卫视);
The BRICS’ 4th Annual Summit in India (April 4th , 2012, see HERE) (by the PHOENIX TV (凤凰卫视);
European Debt Crisis (September 17th, 2011, see HERE, right after the program related to air-condition market) (by the PHOENIX TV (凤凰卫视);
Interviewed by correspondents of Guangdong TV and Guangzhou Daily on issues of Chinese Yuan Appreciation, China’s Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Development as well as the Current Global Financial Crisis.
Research Awards:
2015: The Second Place of the7th Higher Educational Institutions’ Excellent Economic Research Paper Award rewarded by the Chinese Ministry of Education.
2013: The Second Place of the Guangdong Finance Association’s 8th Excellent Financial Research Paper Award rewarded by Guangdong Finance Association and People’s Bank of China Guangzhou Branch.
2011:The First Place of the 2011 Liaoning Province Excellent Research Paper Award rewarded by Liaoning Province Finance Association and People’s Bank of China Shenyang Branch
2011:The First Place of the 2011 Liaoning Province Excellent Research Paper Award rewarded by Liaoning Province Finance Association and People’s Bank of China Shenyang Branch
Teaching Awards:
2018: Excellent Teacher Award rewarded by Sun Yat-sen University
2017: Excellent Teacher Award rewarded by Sun Yat-sen University
2015: Excellent Teacher Award rewarded by Sun Yat-sen University
2012: Excellent Teacher Award rewarded by Sun Yat-sen University
2007: Excellent Teacher Award rewarded by Sun Yat-sen University.
Research Interests: International Finance; International Political Economy; Sino-US Trade Relations
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