

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-16

孙九霞/Jiuxia SUN
珠江********/Chair Professor of the Pearl River Scholar Program of Guangdong Province
博士(中山大学)/Ph.D. (Sun Yat-sen University, 2004)
电邮/Email: sunjx@mail.sysu.edu.cn;@qq.com
研究领域/Research Fields
社区旅游与社区参与/Community Tourism and Community Participation
旅游人类学与社会学/Tourism Anthropology and Sociology
旅游与族群关系/Tourism and Ethnic Relations
旅游与社会空间/Tourism and Social Space
学术兼职/Membership in Academic Organizations
天津财经大学兼职教授/ Adjunct professor of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
金钟山旅游研究院副院长/ Deputy dean of JinzhongshanTourismAcademy
中国民族学会汉民族分会理事/Member of council , China Ethnology Institute(Han Nationality Branch)
广东历史唯物主义研究会常务理事、副秘书长/ Executive member of council, Deputy Secretary-General, Guangdong Historical Materialism Institute?
广东省精神文明学会理事会副秘书长/ Executive member of council, Deputy Secretary-General, Guangdong Spiritual Civilization Institute
广东省民族研究会理事/Member of council, Guangdong Ethnology Institute
广东社会学会理事/Member of council, Guangdong Sociology Institute
河源市人民政府旅游发展顾问/ Tourism development consultant of Heyuan Municipal Government
主讲课程/Current Courses
旅游社会学与人类学(本科生)/ Tourism Sociology and Anthropology(Undergraduate)
社区旅游(本科生)/Community Tourism(Undergraduate)
旅游消费者行为学(本科生)/Tourist Consumer Behavior(Undergraduate)
定性研究方法(研究生)/Qualitative Research Methods(Postgraduate)
主要学术奖励/Academic Award

Inheritance and Changes——the Ethnic Group and Culture in Tourism (Commercial Press, July 2012), awarded Third Prize for “2012-2013 excellent achievements of Guangdong Philosophy and Social Sciences” in book class (2015).
Sun Jiuxia, Inheritance and changes——the ethnic group and culture in tourism (Commercial Press, July 2012), awarded First Prize “2014 excellent tourism academic achievements of the national tourism administration” in book class
Sun Jiuxia& Zhou Yi, Place construction in the context of heritage tourism: the case of “Kaiping Diaolou and villages”, awarded excellent paper by the Conference of Heritage Tourism and Hospitality (2014)
[4] 孙九霞:旅游人类学的社区旅游与社区参与(商务印书馆,2009年版)获得“2011年国家旅游局优秀旅游学术成果”专著类“一等奖”。
Sun Jiuxia, community tourism and community participation of tourism anthropology, (Commercial Press, July 2009), awarded First Prize “2011 excellent tourism academic?
Tribune, 2 achievements of the national tourism administration” in book class
[5] 孙九霞,陈冬婕,事件重构文化符号的人类学解读,《旅游学刊》2009年11期。2010年9月获得2008-2009广州市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖“二等奖”广州市社会科学规划领导小组办公室.
Sun Jiuxia ,Chen Dongjie, event reconstruction of cultural symbols Anthropology, Tourism 009 11. September 2010, received Second Prize in 2008-2009 Philosophy and Social Science Research Excellence Award ,Guangzhou Social Science Planning Leading Group Office.
[6] 孙九霞:“族群文化的移植:‘旅游者凝视’视角下的解读”,《思想战线》2009年第4期。获得国家民委民族问题研究优秀成果奖(2010年度)三等奖。
SUN Jiu-xia, Transplantation of Ethnic Culture: a Perspective of tourists gaze Interpretation,Thinking,2009(4)37-42,Awarded Thirld Prize for outstanding achievements for The State Ethnic Affairs Commission Ethnic Studies (2010)?
[7] 主持国家社会科学基金“社区参与旅游开发与少数民族传统文化保护研究”(项目编号:06BMZ022)获全国社科基金项目“优秀”结项等级(证书号:**)(2009)。
Presided National Social Science Fund for “A study on community participating in tourism development and protection of ethnic minorities’ traditional culture” (06BMZ022), granted “excellent” project.(Certificate No:**)(2009)
[8] SUN JIUXIA AND BAO JIGANG. Anthropological Tourism Analysis on Community Participation ,The Case Study of Dai Village in Xishuangbanna. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology. SPRING 2007/VOL.39,NO.3获得“陈传康优秀旅游地理学术论文奖”,中国旅游地理专业委员会(2008年)。
SUN JIUXIA AND BAO JIGANG. Anthropological Tourism Analysis on Community Participation , The Case Study of Dai Village in Xishuangbanna. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology. SPRING 2007/VOL.39,NO.3 , Awarded for "excellent tourist Chen Chuankang Geography Paper Award", China Tourism Geography Commission, July 2008
[9] 《现代化背景下的民族认同与民族关系----以海南三亚凤凰镇回族为例》获得广东省民族研究学会第二届优秀成果评奖的一等奖(2008)。
“National identity and ethnic relations in the context of Modernization ---- Muslim Town, Sanya, Hainan Phoenix Case," awarded outstanding achievements of National Research Institute of Guangdong Province, the first prize (2008)
[10] 《社区参与旅游的中西差异》(第二作者,地理学报,4:401-413,2006)获得“吴传钧优秀人文地理论文奖”一等奖(2008年)。
"Community participation in tourism between China and the West" (second author, Geography , 4:401-413, 2006) in 2008, awarded First Prize "Wu Chuanjun Outstanding Paper Award, Human Geography"?
[11] 《珠江三角洲外来企业中的族群与族群关系》(《广西民族学院学报》2001年第3、4期)获中国都市人类学会组织的“中国都市人类学研究十年优秀论著评奖”的一等奖(2001)。
"Ethnic Group and theirs relationship in Foreign Enterprises in the Pearl River Delta " ("Guangxi University for Nationalities," 3,4th of 2001) an article awarded the first prize of "China Urban Anthropology of the best ten years " organized by China Urban Anthropology Association (2001).
其它奖项/ Other Awards
[12] 2010年、2013年获得珠海市两年度先进教师荣誉称号/ Zhuhai Advanced Teacher Title of Honor in 2010&2013
[13] 广东省高等学校“千百十工程”第五批校级培养对象/ The Fifth Batch University-level Cultivation Object of Guangdong Higher Education Institution “Qianbaishi Project”
[14] 广东省高等学校“千百十工程”第六批省级培养对象/ The Sixth Batch University-level Cultivation Object of Guangdong Higher Education Institution “Qianbaishi Project”
研究课题/Research Projects
Major Project of The National Social Science Foundation, "Conservation and Utilization of Traditional Ethnic Minority Villages in Southeast China". 2015.12-2018.12?
[2] 主持:国家自然科学基金:社区参与旅游发展过程中的社会空间再生产:跨学科视野下的多案例实证研究(**/D010202)/ National Natural Science Fund, “The Production of Social Space in the Process of Community Participation in Tourism Development: Interdisciplinary empirical study of Multiple cases(**/D010202)”.2012.1-2015.12
Pilot Project of Graduate Student Curricula Construction in SYSU, Core Curricula of Academic-training for Graduate Student Majored in Tourism Management, 2015-2016
[4] 主持:中山大学2010年教学改革研究一般资助项目立项“旅游管理专业实践性与研究性相结合的阳朔教学基地建设”/"Establishment in Yangshuo Bases for Tourism Management and research combining the practical teaching", Sun Yat-sen Education Reform project in 2010,funded projects generally.2010.1-12.
[5] 主持:广东省哲学社会科学规划项目“大型事件推动下的城市传统社区再造与空间再生产研究—以广州亚运会为例”(GD10CSH01)2011.1--2013.12.31/" Reconstruction and spatial reproduction of the traditional urban communities driven by large-scale events - A Case Study of Guangzhou Asian Games" Philosophy and Social Sciences of Guangdong Province Planning Project.(GD10CSH01)2011.1--2013.12.31
[6] 主持:中山大学青年教师培育项目“旅游对目的地族群文化和认同的影响”(4)2009.12-2012.12/Sun Yat-sen Youth Teacher Development Project "Tourist effects on ethnic culture and identity of destination."(4)2009.12-2012.12
[7] 主持:国家社会科学基金“社区参与旅游开发与少数民族传统文化保护研究”/ National Social Science Fund, "Community Participation in Tourism Development and Protection of Minority Culture"2006.6-2008.5
[8] 主持:中山大学文科青年教师科研基金“粤港澳旅游合作背景下的广州城市旅游成长机制研究” /"Guangdong and Macau Tourism Cooperation in the context of the growth mechanism of the Guangzhou Urban Tourism",Sun Yat-sen Fund of Arts young teachers. 2006.1-2007.7
[9] 主持:中山大学“博学工程”——“《旅游消费者行为学》教材建设的实践与探索” Sun Yat-sen "Knowledge Engineering "--"" Tourist consumer behavior," the practice and exploration of teaching materials " 2008.1-12
[10] 主持:国家民委“海南三亚民族关系研究”/ "Study of Ethnic Relations in Sanya, Hainan" ,State Ethnic Affairs Commission. 2001.12-2003.12
[11] 参与:国家自然科学基金?面上项目:2012-2015年,《旅游对区域人地关系主要构成因素影响机制的系统研究:以阳朔、喀纳斯、凤凰、西双版纳为例》(**/D010201)Participation:National Natural Science Fund?General Program, 2012-2015, “Studies on the Impact of Tourism on the Main Factors of Regional Man-Earth Relationship: Take Yangshuo, Fenghuang and Xishuangbanna as Example”(**/D010201)。
[12] 参与:国家自然科学基金“海岛型区域文化的形成及发展研究――以海南岛为例
Participation:“National natural science foundation of China "the formation and development of culture in beats district research take Hainan Island for example”.2004-2006
[13] 参与:国家社会科学基金“中国西南族群生物遗传多样性与区域文化研究”?
Participation: The National Social Science Foundation, "Genetic Diversity Ethnic Groups in Southwest China and Regional Cultural Studies". 2000-2002?
[14] 参与:美国LUCE基金“宗族、乡镇企业与乡村权力结构的变化”
Participation: U.S. LUCE Fund "Clan, village and township enterprises and rural power structure change". 1998-2001
[15] 参与:国家社科基金“中国藏族地区的传统文化与现代化研究”?
Participation: National Social Science Fund, "China's Tibetan areas of traditional culture and modernization". 1996-1998
[16] 参与:福特基金“中国农村人口流动与培训”?
Participation: the Ford Foundation, "China's Floating Population and training". 1997-1999
[17] 参与:台湾CCK基金“‘汉’的重新思考:广东的族群关系和地缘认同研究”
Participation: Taiwan CCK Fund, ''Han'' rethinking: Guangdong, ethnic relations and geo-Identity".1997-1998
[18] 参与:国家社会科学基金“社会人类学与华南田野调查”
Participation: The National Social Science Foundation, "Social Anthropology and South field survey"1996-1998
[19] 参与:澳门文化司署“澳门族群与省澳文化关系”
Participation: Macao Cultural Department, " Macao ethnic and Macao cultural ties with the province"1995-1996
学术成果/ Publications?

[1] 孙九霞,传承与变迁---旅游中的族群与文化,商务印书馆,2012年7月。
Sun Jiuxia, inheritance and changes——the ethnic group and culture in tourism, Commercial Press, July 2012
[2] 孙九霞,旅游人类学的社区旅游与社区参与,商务印书馆,2009年7月。
Sun Jiuxia, community tourism and community participation of tourism anthropology, Commercial Press, July 2009
Sun Jiuxia (chief editor), Tourism anthropology: theory and experience, Social Sciences Academic Press, August 2013.
Sun Jiuxia & Chen Ganghua (editor), Tourist Consumer Behavior, Northeast University of Finance and Economics Publishing House, August 2015.?
[1]孙九霞,刘相军:生计方式变迁对民族旅游村寨自然环境的影响----以雨崩村为例,广西民族大学学报,2015(3,78-85. / Sun Jiuxia & Liu Xiangjun, Influence of changes in livelihood means on the natural environment of the ethnic tourist villages: An tourism anthropological investigation of Yubeng village, Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities, 2015, 37(3):78-85. (CSSCI)
[2]孙九霞,张蔼恒:族群边界理论视角下旅游目的地东道主内部群体研究——以阳朔为例,旅游学刊2015(6):102—110. / Sun Jiuxia & Zhang Aiheng, Host of Destination from the Perspective of Ethnic Boundary Theory:The Case of Yangshuo[J], 2015,30(6):102-110. (CSSCI)
Sun Jiuxia. Interaction of Tourism Development and Civic Education. Tourism Tribune (Comments),2015(10): 16-17.?
[4]廖婧琳,孙九霞:旅游发展与少数民族家庭变迁:从单一性到复杂性[J].贵州社会科学,2015(05):119. / Liao Jinglin & Sun Jiuxia. Tourism Development and the Change of Ethnic Minority Families: from Unicity to Complexity[J]. Guizhou Social Science, 2015 (05):119.(CSSCI)
[5]孙九霞,张士琴:民族旅游社区的生活空间生产研究——以海南三亚回族旅游社区为例,民族研究,2015(2):68-77. / Sun Jiuxia & Zhang Shiqin, The Social Space Production in Ethnic Tourism Community: A Case Study from the Hui Community in Sanya, Hainan[J], Ethno-national Studies,2015(2):68-77.(CSSCI)
[6]孙九霞,吴韬:民族旅游地文化商品化对文化传承的影响:以小黄侗族大歌为例,华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)2015(2):73-82. / Sun Jiuxia & Wu Tao, The Influence of Culture Commercialization on Culture Inheritance in Ethnic Tourism Areas: A Case Study of Xiaohuang Kam Grand Chorus, Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition), 2015(2):73-82+190. (CSSCI)
[7]王学基,孙九霞:民族旅游地的文化展示与“旅游域”建构[J]. 旅游论坛, 2015(02). / Wang Xueji & Sun Jiuxia, Culture Exhibitionand Constructionofthe Tourist Spherein EthnicTourism Destination:ACase Studyof Areca Valley in Sanya[J], Tourism Forum, 2015,8(2):23-30. (CSSCI)
[8]孙九霞,王学基:民族文化“旅游域”多元舞台化建构——以三亚槟榔谷为例[J]. 思想战线, 2015(01):97-105. / Sun Jiuxia & Wang Xueji, The Multi-staged Construction of Ethnic Cultural “Tourism Field”: A Case Study of Areca Valley in Sanya[J], Thinking, 2015(01):97-105. (CSSCI)
[9]孙九霞,张皙:民族旅游社区交往空间研究——以西双版纳傣族园景区为例[J]. 青海民族研究, 2015(01):1-8. / Sun Jiuxia & Zhang Xi, The Study of Interaction Space of Ethnic Tourism Community: Take the Dai Garden in Xishuangbanna as an Example[J], Qinghai Journal of Ethnology, 2015,26(1):1-8.(CSSCI)
[10]Sun Jiuxia & Zhang Xi. Interactions between Economic and Social Capitals of Tourist Communities: A Case Study of Dai Park in Xishuangbanna[J]. Anthropologist, 2014,18(3):1029-1039.(SSCI)
[11]孙九霞,苏静:旅游影响下传统社区空间变迁的理论探讨——基于空间生产理论的反思[J]. 旅游学刊, 2014(05):78-86. / Sun Jiuxia & Su Jing, Traditional Community Space Change under the Influence of Tourism:A Reflective Study Based on Space Production Theory[J], Tourism Tribune, 2014, 2(5):78-86. (CSSCI)
[12]孙九霞:民居文化变迁中的“虚无”与“实在”——以丽江古城客栈为例[J].广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2014,06:67-74. / Sun Jiuxia, The “Nothing” and “Something” during the Cultural Changes in residence: A Case Study of Inns in Lijiang Ancient Town, Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2014, 36(6):67-74. (CSSCI)
[13]孙九霞,周一:日常生活视野中的旅游社区空间再生产研究——基于列斐伏尔与德塞图的理论视角[J].地理学报,2014,10:1575-1589. / Sun Jiuxia & Zhou Yi, Study on the reproduction of space of tourism communityfrom the perspective of everyday life:Based on theories of Lefebvre and De Certeau, Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014,69(10):1575-1589.
[14]孙九霞,刘相军:地方性知识视角下的传统文化传承与自然环境保护研究——以雨崩藏族旅游村寨为例[J].中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版),2014,06:71-77. / Sun Jiuxia & Liu Xiangjun, Traditional culture inheritance and natural environment protection in the perspective of local knowledge: A case study of the Tibetan village Yubeng, Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Sciences),2014,34(06):71-77. (CSSCI)
[15]孙九霞:传统文化与现代消费导向下的旅游伦理多元化[J].旅游学刊,2014,12:7-8. / Sun Jiuxia, The traditional culture and modern consumption-oriented diversity of tourism ethic[J], Tourism Tribune, 2014,29(12):7-8. (CSSCI)
[16]孙九霞,苏静:《多重逻辑下民族旅游村寨的空间生产——以岜沙社区为例》,《广西民族大学学报》2013年第6期。/ Sun Jiuxia & Su Jing, Space production under multiple logic in ethnic tourist villages, Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2013,35(6):96-102. (CSSCI)
[17]孙九霞,吴丽蓉:《龙脊梯田社区旅游发展中的利益关系研究》,《旅游论坛》2013年第6期。Sun Jiuxia & Wu Lirong, Research on Interest Relationship of Community Tourism Development in Longji Terrace[J], Tourism Forum, 2013,6(6):28-44. (CSSCI)
[18]孙九霞,廖婧琳:在反思与对话中前行---“旅游景观与边地旅游”国际学术研讨会综述,《旅游学刊》2013年第11期,第125-128。/ Sun Jiuxia & Liao Jinglin, Moving on in reflection and conversation: A review of the international conference of “Tourism landscape and tourism in marginal areas”, Tourism Tribune, 2013,28(11):125-128. (CSSCI)
[19]孙九霞.社区参与旅游与族群文化保护:类型与逻辑关联.思想战线. 2013,(3) : 97-102./Sun Jiuxia. Community Participation in Tourism and Ethnic Culture Protection: Types and Logical Relationships. Thinking, 2013,(3): 97-102. ( CSSCI)
[20] 孙九霞,马涛.旅游发展对当地族群文化的影响.中国社会科学文摘. 2013, (1): 137-138./Sun Jiuxia Ma Tao. Impacts of Tourism on the Local Ethnic Culture. China Social Sciences Digest, 2013, (1): 137-138. ( CSSCI)
[21] 孙九霞.旅游中的主客交往与文化传播.旅游学刊.2012,(12):20-21./Sun Jiuxia. The Host-Guest Interaction and Cultural Diffusion in Tourism.Tourism Tribune,2012(12):20-21. ( CSSCI)
[22] 孙九霞,马涛.旅游发展中族群文化的再地方化与去地方化——以丽江义尚社区为例.广西民族大学学报. 2012, (4) :60-67./Sun Jiuxia Ma Tao. Relocalization and Delocalization of Ethnic Culture in Tourism Development: A Case Study of Naxi Yishang Community of Lijiang, Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities, 2012, (4):60-67. ( CSSCI)
[23] 孙九霞,陈浩.旅游对目的地族群认同的影响---以海南三亚回族为例.地理研究, 2012, (4) :759-768./Sun Jiuxia Chen Hao.The impact of tourism on ethnic identity for destination community: A case study of Hui Nationality. Geography Research, 2012, (4):759-768.
[24] 孙九霞,史甜甜.旅游商业化的社区治理研究---以新疆喀纳斯社区为例.中南民族大学学报.2012,32 (3):47-53./Sun Jiuxia Shi Tiantian.Study on the Governance of Tourism commercialization communities---Take Kanas as Example. Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities, 2012,32 (3):47-53. ( CSSCI)
[25] 孙九霞,刘国果.广州居民对亚运会影响的社会表征研究.旅游论坛,2012(3) :75-79./Sun Jiuxia Liu Guoguo. A Study on the Social Representation of Guangzhou Residents’ Cognition towards the Impact of the Asian Games. Tourism Forum, 2012, (3):75-79.
[26] 孙九霞,王心蕊.丽江大研古城文化变迁中的“虚无”与“实在”:以酒吧发展为例[J].旅游学刊,2012(9):73-83./Sun Jiuxia Wang Xinrui. the “Nothing” and “Something” during the Cultural Changes in Lijiang Ancient Town: A Case Study of Ancient Town’s Bars. Tourism Tribune, 2012,(9):73-83. ( CSSCI)
[27] 孙九霞.旅游: 世界文化遗产保护与发展的多赢平台[J].旅游学刊,2012, (6):5-6./Sun Jiuxia. Tourism: Platform for Protection and Development of World Cultural Heritage. Tourism Tribune, 2012, (6):5-6.( CSSCI)
[28] 孙九霞.以可持续旅游统筹城乡:城乡间平等“互哺”.旅游学刊, 2011, (12):9-10./Sun Jiuxia. Make Balance of Urban and Rural Development by Sustainable Tourism: "Feed each other" Between Urban and Rural Areas. Tourism Tribune, 2011, (12):9-10. (CSSCI)
[29] 孙九霞,陈浩.旅游对目的地社区族群关系的影响--以海南三亚回族为例.思想战线, 2011,(6):25-30./Sun Jiuxia Chen Hao. The impact of tourism on ethnic relationships for destination community: A case study of Hui Nationality. Thinking, 2011,(6):25-30. (CSSCI)
[30] 孙九霞,张倩.旅游对傣族物质文化变迁及其资本化的影响,广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2011, (3):7-13./Sun Jiuxia Zhang Qian. The Influence of Tourism on the Changes of the Dai People's Material Culture and Its Capitalization---Taking the Dai's Dwelling Houses for Example. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2011, (3):7-13.(CSSCI)
[31] 孙九霞,苏静.人类学与社会学视野中的旅游:对话与思辨.旅游学刊,2011, (11):93-94./Sun Jiuxia Sujing. Tourism in Anthropology and Sociology: Dicussion and Speculation. Tourism Tribune, 2011, (11):93-94. (CSSCI)
[32] 孙九霞.外部利益相关者视角下的族群文化原真性研究----以从江岜沙苗族为例.广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2011,(1):18-25./Sun Jiuxia. Studies on Authenticity of Ethnic Cultures from the Perspective of External Stakeholders:A Case Study of the Miao People in Basha,Congjiang. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition) ,2011,(1):18-25. (CSSCI)
[33] 孙九霞.旅游发展与边疆的去边缘化.中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版),2011,(2):6-11./SUN Jiu-xia. Tourism development and de-marginalization in Xinjiang, Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Sciences) ,2011,(2):6-11.(CSSCI)
[34] 孙九霞,陈冬婕.事件重构文化符号的人类学解读──以“西关小姐”评选活动为例.旅游学刊, 2009, 24(11): 57-63./SUN Jiu-xia, CHEN Dong-jie. On Anthropological Study of Event Reconstructing Cultural Symbols——A Case Study of "Miss Xiguan" Competition.Tourism Tribune, 2009, 24(11): 57-63. (CSSCI)
[35] 孙九霞.中国旅游发展笔谈:旅游作为文化遗产保护的一种选择.旅游学刊,2010,(5):10-11./SUN Jiu-xia,the notes of Chinese tourism development:tourism a choose of culture heritage protection,Tourism Tribune,2010,(5):10-11. (CSSCI)
[36] 孙九霞.旅游对目的地社区族群认同的影响──基于不同旅游作用的案例分析.《旅游管理》(《旅游管理》人大复印报刊资料,2010年第5期。(《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》2010年第1期。)/SUN Jiu-xia.The impact of Ethnic Identity in tourism destination community:based on different case studying. Tourism Management , Information and Data ,2010(5),Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University(Social Science Edition),2010,(1). (CSSCI)
[37] 孙九霞.徘徊于自我与他者之间的文化展示性旅游移民----深圳民俗村的民族演员.亚洲研究第60期(香港),2010.02:215-230/SUN Jiu-xia. the tourism immigrants of cultural show Wandering between the self and the other: National actors Folk Village in Shenzhen.Asian Studies(Hong Kong) 2010.02:215-230
[38] 孙九霞,史甜甜.茶叶经济主导下的社区参与旅游发展——基于社会交换理论的案例分析.旅游论坛. 2010(3).299-305./SUN Jiu-xia, SHI Tian-tian. Community Participation in Tourism Development of a Tea Village——A Case Study Based on Social Exchange Theory. Tourism Forum,2010(3).299-305(CSSCI)
[39] 孙九霞.旅游对目的地社区族群认同的影响──基于不同旅游作用的案例分析.中山大学学报(社会科学版),2010,(1):170-177./SUN Jiu-xia. the impact of Ethnic Identity in tourism destination community:based on different case study. Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University(Social Science Edition),2010,(1):170-177. (CSSCI)
[40] 孙九霞.族群文化的移植:“旅游者凝视”视角下的解读.思想战线, 2009,(4):37-42./SUN Jiu-xia. Transplantation of Ethnic Culture: a Perspective of tourists gaze Interpretation. Thinking ,2009,(4):37-42. (CSSCI)
[41] 孙九霞,马涛.巴卡小寨民族生态博物馆的命运解读:社区参与的视角.原生态民族文化学刊,2010,2(1):90-95./SUN Jiu-xia,MA Tao. Community Participation: Analyzing the Fate of Jinuo Ethnic Ecological Museum. Journal of Original Ecological National Culture,2010,2(1):90-95.
[42] 孙九霞.参编文化人类学概论(周大鸣主编,秦红增副主编).中山大学出版社2009年2月,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,第十八章“旅游人类学”。/SUN Jiu-xia. participate the Introduction to Cultural Anthropology,Zhongshan University Press,2009.02,Chapter XVIII, "Anthropology of Tourism"
[43] 孙九霞,马涛.旅游对目的地社会文化影响研究新进展与框架.求索,2009,(7):72-74 ./SUN Jiu-xia, Ma Tao.the New Development and Framework of Social and cultural impact on the tourism destination.Seek,2009,(7):72-74.(CSSCI)
[44] 孙九霞.旅游拯救民族与文化?.中国社会科学报,2009.27(18)/Sun Jiuxia.Tourism Save Ethic and Culture?Chinese social sciences today,2009.27(18). (CSSCI)
[45] 孙九霞,陈冬婕.事件重构文化符号的人类学解读.旅游学刊, 2009,(11):57-63./SUN Jiu-xia, CHEN Dong-jie .On Anthropological Study of Event Reconstructing Cultural Symbols——A Case Study of "Miss Xiguan" Competition. Tourism Tribune,2009,(11):57-63. (CSSCI)
[46] 孙九霞.社区旅游中的主客交往与文化传播:傣族园案例.乔健主编《异文化与多元媒体》,世新大学2009年10月。/SUN Jiu-xia.Community Tourism in the subject-object contact and cultural transmission: Dai Park Case, Qiao Jian, editor of "cross-cultural and pluralistic media". Shixin University, October 2009
[47] 孙九霞. 赋权理论与旅游发展中的社区能力建设. 旅游学刊,2008(9):22-27./Sun Jiuxia. Empowerment Theory and the Construction of Community Capability in the Development of Tourism. Tourism Tribune, 2008(9):22-27. (CSSCI)
[48] 保继刚,孙九霞.雨崩村社区旅游:社区参与方式及其增权意义. 旅游论坛,2008(1):58-65./ Bao Jigang, Sun Jiuxia. Community Participation in Tourism of Yubeng Village:Means of Participation and its Significance for Empowerment. Tourism Forum, 2008(1):58-65.(CSSCI)
[49] 孙九霞,陈浩.粤港澳合作背景下的广州城市旅游成长机制研究. 思想战线,2008(3):129-130./ Sun Jiuxia, Chen Hao. Guangzhou Urban Tourism Growth Mechanism under the background of Tourism Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. Thinking, 2008(3):129-130. (CSSCI)
[50] Sun Jiuxia, Bao Jigang. Community Participation in Tourism in China: The Case Studies Across Regions. Tourism and Community Development Asian Practices .World Tourism Organization2008. pp23-55.
[51] 孙九霞.旅游人类学在中国. 中国社会科学文摘,2008,3:144-145./ Sun Jiuxia. Anthropology of Tourism in China. China Social Sciences Digest, 2008,3:144-145. (CSSCI)
[52] 孙九霞.新农村法制建设:社区参与旅游发展的视角. 广西民族研究,2007,4:179-184./Sun Jiuxia. Socialism New Countryside Legal System Construction: View of Community Participation in Tourism Development. Study of Ethnics in Guangxi, 2007,4:179-184. (CSSCI)
[53] 孙九霞.旅游人类学在中国. 广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2007,6:2-11./ Sun Jiuxia. Anthropology of Tourism in China. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2008,3:144-145. (CSSCI)
[54] BAO JIGANG AND SUN JIUXIA .Differences in Community Participation in Tourism Development between China and the West .Chinese Sociology and Anthropology. SPRING 2007/VOL.39,NO.3. (SSCI)
[55] Sun Jiuxia, Bao Jigang. Anthropological Tourism Analysis on Community Participation, the Case Study of Dai Village in Xishuangbanna. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology. SPRING 2007/VOL.39,NO.3. (SSCI)
[56] Sun Jiuxia, Bao Jigang. Anthropological Tourism Analysis on Community Participation, the Case Study of Yulong River in Yangshuo. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology. SPRING 2007/VOL.39,NO.3. (SSCI)
[57] Sun Jiuxia, Bao Jigang. Anthropological Tourism Analysis on Community Participation, the Case Study of Arcadia in Yangshuo. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology. SPRING 2007/VOL.39,NO.3. (SSCI)
[58] 陈志钢,孙九霞.城市边缘区乡村旅游化动力机制分析. 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版), 2007(3):206-209./Chen Zhigang, Sun Jiuxia. Analysis of Countryside Tourist Motive Mechanism in the Suburb of a City. Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Humanities and Social Science), 2007(3):206-209.
[59] Sun Jiuxia, Bao Jigang. The Community Participation Model of Tourism: an Empirical Study of Yunnan and Guangxi. China Tourism Research, 2006,2(1-2):137-145.
[60] Bao Jigang, Sun Jiuxia. The Impact of Tourism Development on the Preservation of Traditional Minority Culture , International Conference on Cultural Tourism and Local Communities, 2006.
[61] 孙九霞,保继刚. 从缺失到凸显:社区参与旅游发展研究脉络. 旅游学刊,2006,7:63-68./ Sun Jiuxia, Bao Jigang. From Absence to Distinction: the Research Context of Community Participation in Tourism Development. Tourism Tribune, 2006,7:63-68. (CSSCI)
[62] 孙九霞. 守土与乡村社区旅游参与――农民在社区旅游中的参与状态及成因.思想战线, 2006,5:59-64./ Sun Jiuxia. Land-watching and Participation in Village Tourism: A Study of the Farmer s Participation in Communal Tourism and its Causes. Thinking, 2006,5:59-64. (CSSCI)
[63] 保继刚,孙九霞. 社区参与旅游发展的中西差异. 地理学报,2006,4:401-413./ Bao Jigang, Sun Jiuxia. A Contrastive Study on the Difference in Community Participation in Tourism between China and the West. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006,4:401-413.
[64] 孙九霞. 旅游发展与傣族园社区的乡村都市化. 中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2006,2:40-44./ Sun Jiuxia. Tourism Development and Rural Urbanization of Daizuyuan Community. Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2006,2:40-44. (CSSCI)
[65] 孙九霞. 藏区城镇、农业、牧业社区文化比较研究――以甘南夏河县为例. 青海民族研究, 2006,3:33-41./ Sun Jiuxia. Comparative Study on Community Culture among Town, Farm Belt and Pasturing Area of Tibetan——Case Study of Xiahe County Gannan. Nationalities Research in Qinghai, 2006,3:33-41.
[66] 孙九霞,保继刚. 社区参与的旅游人类学研究――阳朔世外桃源案例. 广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2006,1:82-90./ Sun Jiuxia, Bao Jigang. Community Participation in the Perspective of Tourism Anthropology ——A Case Study of the Peach Resort in Yangshuo. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2006,1:82-90. (CSSCI)
[67] 孙九霞,保继刚. 社区参与的旅游人类学研究――阳朔遇龙河案例. 广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2005,1:86-92./ Sun Jiuxia, Bao Jigang. On Tourism Anthropology Involving Community Participation: A Case Study of the Yulong River in Yangshuo, Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2005,1:86-92. (CSSCI)
[68] 孙九霞. 社区参与旅游发展研究的理论透视. 广东技术师范学院学报,2005,5:89-92./ Sun Jiuxia. Theory Analysis on Community Participation in Tourism Development. Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, 2005,5:89-92.
[69] 孙九霞. 社区参与旅游对民族传统文化保护的正效应. 广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版), 2005,4:35-39./ Sun Jiuxia. Positive Effects of Community Participation in Tourism upon the Protection of Ethnic Traditional Culture. Journal of Guangxi University For Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2005,4:35-39. (CSSCI)
[70] 孙九霞. 现代化背景下的民族认同与民族关系――以海南三亚凤凰镇回族为例. 民族研究, 2004,3:61-67./ Sun Jiuxia. The Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Relationship in the Background of the Modernization: with an Example of the Hui People in Fenghuang Town of Sanya, Hainan. Ethno-national Studies, 2004,3:61-67. (CSSCI)
[71] 孙九霞,保继刚. 社区参与的旅游人类学研究――以西双版纳傣族园为例. 广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2004,6:129-136./ Sun Jiuxia, Bao Jigang. Tourist Anthropology Analysis on Community Participation——A Case Study of Dai Village in Xishuangbanna. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2004,6:129-136. (CSSCI)
[72] 孙九霞. 节日符号在民族旅游开发中的问题及运用. 中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版,2003,6: 134-137/ Sun Jiuxia. Applying Festival Symbols to the Exploitation of Ethnic Tourism. Journal of South-central University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science), 2003,6: 134-137.(CSSCI)
[73] 保继刚,孙九霞. 旅游规划的社区参与研究――以阳朔遇龙河风景旅游区为例. 规划师, 2003,6:132-138./Bao Jigang, Sun Jiuxia. On the Community Participation in Tourism Planning. Planners, 2003,6:132-138.
[74] 孙九霞.港澳旅游业比较研究.余振主编.双城记――回归后港澳的政治、经济及社会发展.澳门:澳门社会科学学会,2003./Sun Jiuxia. Comparative Research on Tourism Industry between Hong Kong and Macao.In Yu Zhen(Ed). A Tale of Two Cities: politics, economy and culture of Hong Kong and Macao. Macao: Maocao Social Science Institute, 2003
[75] 孙九霞. 澳门土生葡人认同解析. 广西民族研究,2003,3:104-110./ Sun Jiuxia. The Identify Analysis to the Portuguese Born in Macao. Study of Ethnics in Guangxi, 2003,3:104-110. (CSSCI)
[76] 孙九霞. 珠江三角洲企业中的族群与族群关系. 中国社会科学文摘,2001,5:72-73. / Sun Jiuxia.The Ethnic Groups and their Relations in the Foreign-invested Enterprises of Pearl River Delta. China Social Sciences Digest, 2001,5:72-73. (CSSCI)
[77] 孙九霞. 澳门文化资源的旅游价值及开发. 思想战线,2002,5:51-55./ Sun Jiuxia. The Value of Macao’s Cultural Resources in Tourism and Their Development. The Ideological Front, 2002,5:51-55. (CSSCI)
[78] 孙九霞. 珠江三角洲外来企业中的族群与族群关系——以深圳中成文具厂为例(上). 广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2001,3:10-21. / Sun Jiuxia.Racial Groups and Racial Group Relationship in the Enterprises from Outside in the Perl River Delta. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2001,3:10-21. (CSSCI)
[79] 孙九霞. 珠江三角洲外来企业中的族群与族群关系——以深圳中成文具厂为例(下). 广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2001,4:39-46./ Sun Jiuxia. The Ethnic Group Components of Foreign Enterprises in the Pearl River Delta. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2001,4:39-46. (CSSCI)
[80] 孙九霞. 民族服饰文化与宗教文化关系. 民族问题研究(人大复印报刊资料), 2001,3./Sun Jiuxia. The Relationship between Ethnic Dress and Religion Culture. Ethnic Issues Research(Duplicated Materials by People's University), 2001,3.
[81] 孙九霞. 外来人口对粤文化的吸纳与整合. 中南民族学院学报(人文社会科学版),2001,5:49-52./ Sun Jiuxia. Nonnatives Assimilation of and Conformity with the Guangdong Culture. Journal of South-central University For Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science), 2001,5:49-52. (CSSCI)
[82] 孙九霞. 澳门族群与族群文化研究. 开放时代,2000,3:74-78./ Sun Jiuxia. Research on Macao Ethnic Groups and Ethnic Culture. Open Times, 2000,3:74-78.
[83] 孙九霞. 论影响澳门族群关系的三个主要因素. 中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 1999,4:7-12/The Three Major Factors Impacting the Ethnic Group Relations of Macao. Journal of the Central University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 1999,4:7-12. (CSSCI)
[84] 孙九霞. 试论族群与族群认同. 中山大学学报(社会科学版),1998,2:23-30./ Sun Jiuxia. Ethnic Groups and Ethnic Group Identity. Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition), 1998,2:23-30. (CSSCI)
[85]周大鸣,孙九霞. 史前人类的文化与生态.南方文物,1997, 3:48-52./ Zhou Daming, Sun Jiuxia. Prehistoric Human Culture and Ecology. Relics Form South, 1998,2:23-30.
[86] 周大鸣,孙九霞. 澳门人口与族群.南方人口,1996,3:45-48./ Zhou Daming, Sun Jiuxia. The Population and Ethnic Groups in Macao. South China Population, 1996,3:45-48.
会议发言/论文/Conference Papers & Presentations
[1] 2015年10月24-25日,参加北京联合大学主办的“2015《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会”。/2015 “Tourism Tribune” the Annual Conference of China’s Tourism Research, Beijing, Oct, 2015.
[2] 2015年9月19—22日,参加“2015年中国人文地理学术年会”,并作会议发言,西安。/2015Annual Conference of Human Geography of China, Xi’an, Sep, 2015
[3] 2015年7月16日-20日,参加2015年中国地理学会“社会文化地理”国际高级研修班,昆明。/2015International Senior Seminar of “Social-cultural Geography”, Kunming, July, 2015?
[4]2015年5月24日—25日,作为会议特邀嘉宾参加第四届国际工商人类学研讨会,并作了题为“民族旅游社区家庭旅馆中的社会空间研究”的大会主题演讲,天津。/ 4th International Conference on Business Anthroplogy, Tianjin, May, 2015
[5] 2015年5月20日—23日,参加中国地理学会旅游地理专业委员会2015年学术年会暨第十届旅游前沿国际学术研讨会,并发表了题为“遗产旅游语境中的地方建构研究”的小组报告,三清山。/2015 Annual Meeting of Tourism Geography Committee, Sanqingshan, May, 2015
[6] 2014年11月6至9日,参加遗产旅游与接待业管理国际会议,发表了题为“遗产旅游语境中的地方建构研究——以“开平碉楼与村落”为例(Study on Place Construction in the Context of Heritage Tourism: Taking the “Kaiping Diaolou and Villages” as an Example )的演讲,并获优秀论文奖,土耳其伊斯坦布尔。/2014Conference of Heritage Tourism and Hospitality, Istanbul, Nov, 2014
[7] 2012年5月18-19,参加北京联合大学主办的“2012《旅游学刊》中国旅游研究年会”,并做了会议发言。/2012 “Tourism Tribune” the Annual Conference of China’s Tourism Research, Beijing, May, 2012.
[8] 2012年4月21日-22日,参加中国旅游研究院主办的“2012中国旅游科学年会(第四届)”,做了“旅游人类学的社区旅游与社区参与”的主题发言。北京。/2012 Annual Conference of China’s Tourism Science, Beijing, April, 2012.
[9] 2012年11月30日-12月2日,参加中国社会科学院社会与文化人类学研究中心,中央民族大学“985工程”民族学人类学理论与方法研究中心主办的“文化认同与文化保护的亚洲实践”国际学术研讨会,并做了“社区参与旅游与族群文化保护:类型与逻辑关联”会议发言。北京。/The Asian Practice of Cultural Identity and Cultural Protection, Beijing, Nov, 2012.
[10] 2011年6月23-25日,参加 “文化中国与文化认同”学术研讨会,浙江省文化艺术研究院主办,做了题为“旅游对目的地族群关系的影响—以三亚回族社区为例”的大会发言。杭州。/Cultural China and Cultural Identidy, Hanzhou, June, 2011.
[11] 2011年7月13-15日,第七届国际旅游前沿学术研讨会“旅游与人地环境”,中山大学、中国地理学会旅游地理专业委员会、国际地理联合会旅游游憩运动专业委员会,张家界。提交论文“旅游商业化的社区治理研究——以喀纳斯图瓦人社区为例”。广州。/Tourism and Man-Earth Environment, Guangzhou, July, 2011.
[12] 2011年7月20-23日, “第二届中国民族旅游论坛”中国人类学民族学分会、青海民族大学。主题发言:“民族地区乡村城市化的第三条道路:旅游发展”。西宁。/The Second China’s Ethnic Tourism Forum, Xining, July, 2011.
[13] 2011年7月24-25日,中国地理学会学术年会,乌鲁木齐。中国地理学会,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所承办。“旅游地理学创新与发展”专题分会,召集人:保继刚、杨兆萍。/The Recreation and Development of Tourism Geography, Urumchi, July, 2011.
[14] 2011年9月22-24日,主办“人类学与社会学视野中的旅游”学术研讨会(桂林?阳朔)。/Tourism in Anthropology and Sociology, Guilin, Sept, 2011.
[15] 2011年10月21-23日,参加“第十届人类学高级论坛暨第二届客家文化高级论坛”,作了题为“族群间主客互动与旅游目的地社区发展”的主题发言,赣州。/ The Tenth Senior Anthropology Forum and The Second Senior HaKKa Culture Forum, Ganzhou, Oct, 2011.
[16] 2011年10月29-31日,的“纪念中国人类学学会成立三十周年学术研讨会”,中国人类学学会和厦门大学人文学院主办,于厦门大学隆重召开。参加会议并做了关于“亚运会背景下的传统社区再造事件”的大会发言。厦门./ The 30th Anniversary of the Founding of Anthropological Society Academic Seminar, Xiamen, Oct, 2011.
[17] 2011年12月18日,参加“中国新城市空间的生产与演变:市场、国家与社会”国际学术沙龙,做了题为“亚运会背景下的社会空间再造:基于西关大屋和猎德两个社区的比较”的发言,广州。/The Production and Evolution of New Urban Space in China: Market, Government and Society, Guangzhou, Dec, 2011.
[18] 2010年12月,杭州,“人类学视野里的文化与艺术”(浙江省文化艺术研究所和南京大学主办)会议论文:“丽江大研古城文化变迁中的“虚无”与“实在”:以古城酒吧发展为例”。/ Anthropology View of the Culture and Art, Hangzhou, Dec. 2010
[19] 2010年11月,桂林,“首届旅游高峰论坛”(桂林金钟山旅游研究院),会议论文:“旅游对傣族物质文化变迁及其资本化的影响——以傣楼景观为例”。/The First Tourism Summit Forum, Guilin, Nov. 2010
[20] 2010年10月,北京,“边疆发展中国论坛”(中央民族大学中国少数民族研究中心),会议论文:“旅游发展与边疆的去边缘化”。/Forum of Frontier Development China, Beijing, Oct. 2010
[21] 2010年7月,厦门,“海峡两岸旅游观光研讨会两岸旅游发展:交流与合作“(厦门大学、北京第二外国语学院、高雄餐旅大学等),会议论文:“旅游对目的地社区族群认同的影响---以三亚回族为例”。/The Third Strait Tourism Sightseeing Symposium, Xiamen, Jul. 2010
[22] 2010年6月,凯里,“第九届人类学高级论坛”(凯里学院)。主题发言“基于利益相关者视角下的文化本真性研究:以从江岜沙苗族社区为例”。/The Ninth Senior Anthropology Forum, Kali, Jun. 2010
[23] 2009年8月21-35,“草原文明与农业文明:第八届人类学高级论坛”,呼和浩特,内蒙古大学。/The Eighth Senior Anthropology Forum, Huhehaote, Aug. 2009
[24] 2009年7月26-31日,“国际人类学与民族学第十六届大会”,昆明,国家民委、云南大学。/The 16th Congress of International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Kunming, Jul. 2010
[25] 2009年7月11-13日,“可持续和可替代性旅游国际研讨会”,阳朔,中山大学、中国地理学会旅游地理专业委员会、国际地理联合会旅游游憩运动专业委员会。/ International Conference on Sustainable Tourism and substitutability, Yangshuo, Jul. 2009
[26] 2008年8月24-26日,“2008’“中国社会与中国研究”国际学术研讨会,南京,南京大学。International Symposium on China Society and China Research, Nanjing, Aug. 2008
[27] 2008年5月16-18日,台湾世新大学异文化研究中心主办的“异文化与多元媒体学术研讨会”(台北)。International Symposium on Different Culture and Multiple Media, Taipei, May 2008
[28] 2008年10月19-21日,“第七届人类学高级论坛”,贵阳。/ The Seventh Senior Anthropology Forum, Guiyang, Oct. 2008
[29] 2007年10月26-29日,参加北京师范大学民俗典籍文字研究中心、区域地理研究实验室、日本国立民族学博物馆主办的“自然环境与民俗地理学”(北京)。Sino-Japanese Symposium on Natural Environment and Folk Geography, Beijing, Oct. 2007
[30] “中国社会与中国研究”国际学术研讨会。中国社科院、南京大学主办,2007,南京。/ International Symposium on China Society and China Research, Nanjing, 2007
[31] “遗产与旅游”国际研讨会,中山大学、国际地理联合会旅游游憩运动专业委员会等主办,2007,广州。/International Symposium on Heritage and Tourism, Guangzhou, 2007
[32] “当代中国的旅游、认同与全球化”研讨会,香港大学社会学系主办,2006,香港。/”Contemporary China's tourism, Recognition and Globalization” Symposium, Hong Kong, 2006
[33] “纪念费孝通教授江村调查70周年暨社会主义新农村建设研讨会”,上海大学主办,2006,吴江。/ Memorial seminar for the 70th anniversary for Professor Fei Xiaotong’s Field Study in Jiang Cun and the Construction of the New Socialistic Countryside, Wujiang, 2006
[34] “文化多样性与当代世界”国际学术研讨会,中山大学等主办,2006,广州。” Cultural Diversity and the Contemporary World” International Symposium, Guangzhou, 2006
[35] “人类学第三届高级论坛” 国际学术会议,中南民族大学主办,2005,武汉。/The Third Senior Anthropology Forum, Wuhan, 2005
[36] “边境旅游与社区旅游”国际研讨会,中山大学、国际地理联合会旅游游憩运动专业委员会等主办,西双版纳景洪,2005。/”Community Tourism and Border Tourism” International Symposium, Jinghong, 2005
[37] “第二届香港理工大学中国旅游论坛暨第三届中国旅游学术论坛年会国际学术会议”,香港理工大学、中山大学主办,2005,广州。/The Second PolyU Tourism Forum and Third China Tourism Academic Annual Conference, Guangzhou, 2005
[38] “人类学第二届高级论坛” 国际学术会议,宁夏大学主办,2004,银川。/ The Second Senior Anthropology Forum, Yinchuan, 2004
[39] “第15届世界人类学与民族学联合会国际大会”,世界人类学与民族学联合会主办,2003意大利佛罗仑萨。The 15th International Conference of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Union, Florence, 2003
[40] “事件旅游与目的地组织管理国际学术研讨会”,中山大学、国际地理联合会旅游游憩运动专业委员会等主办,2003,宜昌。/International Symposium on Event tourism and Destination Management, Yichang, 2003
[41] “第十四次粤澳关系研讨会”,澳门社会科学联合会主办,2002,澳门。/ The 14th Conference on the Relation of Guangdong and Macao, Macao, 2002
[42] “人类学高级论坛”国际学术会议,广西民族学院主办,2002,南宁。/The First Senior Anthropology Forum, Nanning, 2002
[43] “族群理论与族际交流”国际学术研讨会,中南民族学院主办,2001,武汉。” Ethnic Theory and the Internationalities Exchanging” International Symposium, Wuhan, 2001
[44] “城市可持续发展与中国人类学百年”国际学术研讨会,中山大学、中国都市人类学会主办,2001,广州)。”Sustainable Development of City and Hundred Years of Chinese Anthropology ” International Symposium, Guangzhou, 2001
[45] “国际人类学与民族学联合会中期会议”,中国都市人类学会、国家民委等主办,2000,北京/The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Interim Conference, Beijing, 2000.
社会服务/Social Services
[1] 主持:喀纳斯千湖?黑湖景区旅游综合规划(2014)/ Team Leader:Kanas Qian Lake and Black Lake Scenic Area Overall Tourism Plan (2014)
[2] 主持:万山海岛旅游专题研究(2014)/Team Leader:Monographic tourism study of Wanshan Islands (2014)
[3] 主持:“南京市夫子庙-秦淮河风光带旅游产业发展规划(2012-2013)”/Team Leader: Nanjing Confucius temple - Qinhuai River Scenic Belt Tourism Industry Development Master Plan(2012-2012).
[4] 主持:蕉岭旅游产业发展总体规划及重点项目概念规划(2012-2013)/ Team Leader: Jiaoling Tourism Industry Development Master Plan and Major Programs Plan(2012-2013).
[5] 主持:河源万绿旅游产业园总体规划(2012)/Team Leader: Heyuan Wanlv Tourism Industrial Park Master Plan(2012).
[6] 副组长:国家旅游局与地方政府:《大喀纳斯旅游区旅游发展总体规划修编提升》(2012-2013)/Assistant Team Leader: Great Kanas Tourism Area Tourism Development Master Plan Revision and Ascension (2012-2013).
[7] 副组长:国家旅游局:《文化旅游示范区建设与运营规范》(2012-2013)/ Assistant Team Leader: Cultural Tourism Demonstration Area Construction and Operation Specification (2012-2013).
[8] 副组长:阳朔和喀纳斯可持续旅游指标检测项目(2012-2015)/Assistant Team Leader: Yangshuo and Kanas Sustainable Tourism Development Monitoring Index (2012-2015).
[9] 主持:临沂汤泉旅游度假区总体规划及核心项目概念规划(2011-2012)/Team Leader: Linyi Hot Spring Tourism Resort Master Plan and Major Programs Plan(2011-2012).?
[10] 主持:云浮新兴禅文化旅游休闲度假区总体规划(2011-2012)/Team Leader: Yunfu Xinxiang Zen Culture Tourism Recreation Resort Master Plan(2011-2012).
[11] 主持:河源万绿生态旅游度假区总体规划(2011-2012)/ Team Leader: Heyuan Wanlv Eco-tourism Resort Master Plan(2011-2012).
[12] 主持:萍乡武功山旅游发展总体规划及概念规划(2011-2012)/ Team Leader: Pingxiang Wugong Mountain Tourism Development Master Plan(2011-2012).
[13] 主持:“五莲温泉旅游度假区总体规划(2011-2012)”/Team Leader: Wulian Hotspring Tourism Development Master Plan (2008-2009).
[14] 主持:“安康瀛湖景区旅游总体规划(2008-2009)”/Team Leader: Ankang Ying Lake Tourism Development Master Plan (2008-2009).
[15] 副组长:“河源万绿湖生态旅游度假区策划(2009-)”/Assistant Team Leader: Heyuan Wanlv Lake Eco-tourism Holiday Resort Master Plan (2009-).
[16] 参与:“张家界市旅游产业规划(2008-2009)”/Participation: Zhangjiajie Tourism Industry Development Master Plan (2008-2009).
[17] 参与: “桂林市旅游发展规划(修编)(2008-2009)”/Participation: Guilin Tourism Development Master Plan (Revision)?
[18] 参与:“林芝地区四县旅游发展规划(2008-2009)”/Participation: Tibet Nyingchi County Tourism Development Master Plan (2008-2009).
[19] 副组长:“山东省日照市涛雒地区旅游发展总体规划(2008)”/ Assistant Team Leader: Shandong Rizhao Taoluo District Tourism Development Master Plan (2008)
[20] 参与:“山东日照涛雒镇雒园文化旅游区控制性及修建性详细规划(2008)” /Participation: Shandong Rizhao Taoluo Cultural Tourism Area Control and Construction Plan (2008).
[21] 副组长:新疆哈巴河县桦林景区、白沙湖-鸣沙山景区概念性规划(2008)/ Assistant Team Leader: Xinjiang Habahe County Birch Forest, Pasir Puteh-Singing Sands Mountain Area Planning(2008).
[22] 副组长:“新疆哈巴河县旅游发展总体规划(2008)” Assistant Team Leader: Xinjiang Habahe County Tourism Development Master Plan (2008).
[23] 副组长:“阳朔可持续旅游发展指标监测(2006-2009)” /Assistant Team Leader: Yangshuo Sustainable Tourism Development Monitoring Index (2006-2009).
[24] 参与:“新疆喀纳斯禾木村文化景观保护规划(2007-2008)”/Participation: Xinjiang Kanas Hemu Village Cultural Landscape Protection Planning (2007-2008).
[25] 参与:新疆喀纳斯铁列克提、海流滩旅游分区总体规划(2007-2008))/ Participation: Xinjiang Kanas Tielieketi, Hailiutan Tourism Area Master Plan(2007-2008).
[26] 副组长:“香格里拉生态旅游区规划(2006-2008)”/ Assistant Team Leader: Xianggelila Eco-tourism Area Development Plan (2006-2008).
[27] 副组长:“莱芜市莱城区旅游发展整合提升规划(2007-2008)”/ Assistant Team Leader: Laiwu Laicheng District Tourism Development Integration Ascension Planning (2007-2008)
[28] 参与:“新疆喀斯特湖旅游发展规划(2005-2006)”/Participation: Xinjiang Kanasi Lake Tourism Development Master Plan (2005-2006).
[29] 参与:“武陵源旅游发展总体规划(2006-2007)” /Participation: Wulingyuan Tourism Development Master Plan (2006-2007).
[30] 参与:“蒙山旅游区整合提升规划(2005-2006)” /Participation: Mengshan Tourism Development Integration Ascension Planning (2005-2006).
[31] 参与:“黄山市旅游发展总体规划(2004-2005)” /Participation: Huangshan Tourism Development Master Plan (2004-2005).
[32] 参与:“桂林阳朔县旅游发展总体规划(2004-2005)” /Participation: Guilin Yangshuo Tourism Development Master Plan (2005-2006).
[33] 参与:“西双版纳在澜湄次区域旅游合作中的战略研究(2003-2004)” /Participation: Xishuangbanna Tourism Cooperation Strategy Research in Lanmei Sub-region (2005-2006)
[34] 参与:“西部旅游投资规划(西南片)(2002-2003)”/ Participation: Western China Tourism Investment Planning (Southwest Area)(2002-2003).
[35] 参与:阳朔遇龙河景区旅游开发总体规划(2002)/ Participation: Yangshuo Yulong River Area Tourism Development Master plan(2002).
[36] 参与:“海南五指山生态旅游区总体规划(2002)” / Participation: HainanWuzhi Mountain Eco-tourism Area Development Master Plan(2002).
[37] 参与:“贵州省赤水市旅游发展总体规划及十丈洞景区、四洞沟景区、竹海桫椤景区总体规划(2002)” / Participation: Guizhou Chishui Tourism Development Master Plan, Shizhang Cave、Sidonggou、Zhuhaishaluo Scenic Spot Tourism Development Master Plan(2002).

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