本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-16
PhD Human Environmental Science
?????Emphasis: Hospitality Administration ? 7/2013
?????Dissertation: The Impact of Reference Group Influences in Travel Destination Brand Equity????
?????Advisor: Dr. Hailin Qu
Master of Tourism Administration (MTA)
?????Emphasis: Event and Meeting Management ? 3/2009
?????Thesis: Meeting Planners’ Supplier Selection Behaviors through Industrial Buyer’s Perspectives????
?????Advisor: Dr. Vicky (Soyoung) Boo
Advanced post diploma of Tourism Management
?????GEORGIAN COLLEGE, Barrie, ON, Canada?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?6/2006
Bachelor of English Language & Literature
?????SAMYHOOK UNIVERSITY, Seoul, South Korea ? 2/2003
Research Interests
Consumer behavior in marketing, event and meeting management, and destination brand marketing.
Publications?(Referred Journal Articles)
Kim, M.?& Qu. H. (2014). Travelers’ Behavioral Intention toward Hotel Self-Service Kiosks Usage.?International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(2), 225-245.
Kim, M.?& Qu. H. (2012). A Refined Model of Relationship Selling between Meeting Planners and Suppliers.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29(2), 105-118.
Kim, M.?& Boo, S. (2010). Understanding Supplier-Selection Criteria: Meeting Planners' Approaches to Selecting and Maintaining Suppliers.?Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(5), 507-518.
Boo, S. &?Kim, M.?(2010). The Influencing Factors of Convention Center’s Performance on Hotel Room-Nights.Journal of Travel Research,?49(3), 297-309.
Boo, S.,?Kim, M., & Jones, D. (2009). Comparative analysis of travel-related characteristics between special event attendees and non-attendees in a metropolitan city. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism,?10(1), 50-71.?
Conference Papers?(Referred Presentations)
Travelers Loyalty Formation in Travel Destination Brand Equity. 2013 International Council on hotel, restaurant, and institutional education (I-CHRIE). July 25, 2013 – St. Louis, Missouri
A Customer-Based Brand Equity Model for Upper-Midscale Hotels.??The 17th annual graduate student research conference in hospitality and tourism. January 5, 2013- Seattle, Washington
The Moderating effects of Personal Innovativeness and Gender Differences on Hotel Self-service Kiosks Usage Behavior. 2012 International Council on hotel, restaurant, and institutional education (I-CHRIE).
August 1-4, 2012 - Westin Providence, Rhode Island.
A Study of Travelers’ Behavioral Intention toward Hotel Self-Service Kiosks Usage. The 17th annual graduate student research conference in hospitality and tourism. January 7, 2012- Auburn, Alabama
Meeting Planners’ Perspectives on Relationship Selling in MICE Industry. The 16th?annual graduate student research conference in hospitality and tourism. January 7, 2011-Houston, Texas.
Meeting Planners' Perspectives on Relationship Selling in the U.S.A and Europe. 2010 International Council on hotel, restaurant, and institutional education (I-CHRIE). July 29, 2010- San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Meeting planner’s vendor selection from consumer’s perspectives: An application of the Howard-Sheth model of buyer behavior. 2008 International Council on hotel, restaurant, and institutional education (I-CHRIE). July 31, 2008- Atlanta, Georgia.
Distribution channels and decision factors among meeting planners’ supplier selection behaviors. The 14th annual graduate student research conference in hospitality and tourism. January 6, 2009- Las Vegas, Nevada.Nominated as a “Best Paper”
Projects in Process
Kim, M.?Attendees’ Perspectives on Mobile Marketing Application. Preparing for a referred journal submission.
Kim, M.?& Qu. H. Travelers Loyalty Formation in Travel Destination Brand Equity. Preparing for a referred journal submission.
Kim, M.?& Qu. H. A Reference Group Influences in Asian Pleasure Tourists’ Destination Brand Equity. Preparing for a referred journal submission.
?OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, Stillwater, OK, USA ?9/2009- 12/2012
Assistant Professor
SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China ? 9/2013-Present
** Cross-Cultural Communication ? ? ? ? ?Fall 2013
·??????????2+2 program (2 yrs in China & 2 yrs in Australia program) undergraduate students (Sophomore)
·??????????Lectures in English
** Consumer Behavior ? ? ? ? ? ?Spring 2014
·??????????2+2 program (2 yrs in China & 2 yrs in Australia program) undergraduate students (Sophomore)
·??????????Lectures in English
** Cross-Cultural Communication ? ? ? ? ? ?Fall 2014
·??????????2+2 program (2 yrs in China & 2 yrs in Australia program) undergraduate students (Sophomore)
·??????????Lectures in English
** Meeting Planning & Organization ? ? ? Fall 2014
·??????????2+2 program (2 yrs in China & 2 yrs in Australia program) undergraduate students (Sophomore)
·??????????Lectures in English
** Meeting Planning & Organization ? ? Fall 2014
·??????????3rd?year undergraduate students?
·??????????Lectures in English
** Cross-Cultural Communication ? ?Spring 2015
·??????????3rd?year undergraduate students
·??????????Lectures in English
** Consumer Behavior ? ? ? ? Spring 2015
·??????????2+2 program (2 yrs in China & 2 yrs in Australia program) undergraduate students (Sophomore)
·??????????Lectures in English
Graduate Teaching Assistant
????OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, Stillwater, OK, USA (Officially) 1/2011- 5/2011
(Unofficially) 1/2011-5/2012
·?????????Graded units and final exams for 3 undergraduate and 2 graduate courses
·?????????Upper division undergraduate courses: 3000-4000 level; Graduate courses: 5000 level in course digits
HRAD5813 Research method in Hospitality & Tourism ? ? ? ? ?Spring 2012
Assisted with course evaluation (grading) and test proctoring
HRAD4163 Hospitality Marketing ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Fall 2011
Assisted with course evaluation (grading) and test proctoring?????????????????????????????????
HRAD5850 Research Seminar II ? ? ? ? ? Spring 2011
Assisted with course evaluation (grading) and test proctoring???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
HRAD4523 Capstone Seminar ? ? ? ? Spring 2011
???????Evaluated final group projects (grading)
HRAD3623 Hospitality Cost control ? ?Spring 2011
???????Assisted with course evaluation (grading)
Certified to Teach by Oklahoma State University
???????Passed the international teaching assistant (ITA) exam ? ? 1/2012
OSU’s Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ITLE)??????????????
·?????????ITA: Beyond Language Barriers: Strategies to Build Teaching Self-Efficacy (October 2012)
·?????????ITA: Organizing and Presenting Ideas Cohesively in the Classroom (October 2012)
·?????????GTA: Strategies for Interacting with Your Students to Promote Collaborative Learning (October 2012)
·?????????Teaching & Learning Series: Cool Tools to Enhance Your Presentations (February 2012)
·?????????Assessment Series: Alternative and Effective Assessment Practices (February 2012)
·?????????Instructional Design: Engaging Students through Higher Order Thinking Skill (March 2011)
·?????????Instruction Technology Applications– Best Practices for Using Technology in the Classroom (February 2010)
Advisor of undergraduate students’ theses
SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China ? ?9/2014-Present
Housekeeping attendant?(“Employee of the Month” (August))???4/2005 – 9/2005?
????Responsibilities and Duties:
·?????????Maintaining guestrooms for overall cleanness
·?????????Assisting front desk receptionists during peak seasons
·?????????Assisting event and meeting managers to ensure events and meetings that scheduled at a location??proceed as planned
Conference assistant?4/2004 – 9/2005
???????Responsibilities and Duties:
· Serving as a contact for conferences needs in/out of conference sites
·Assisting with conference sites preparations prior to the arrival of conference attendees
· Interpreting/translating international conference attendees needs and wants to the company via both online (i.e., email) and offline
Risk Management Plan?(Group Project)
– The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society DC Light the Night 2009, U.S.A.
· ?Creating a risk management plan for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society DC Light the Night 2009 and participating the event as volunteers
Understanding how to minimize the impact of risk, crisis, and disaster on event organizers, facilities, and vendors including choosing a safe event destination and venue, developing contingency plans for events, accommodating attendees’ special needs, special planning for high risk events and activities, and insurance requirements
Convention Portfolio?(Group Project)
– National Association of Bank Executives Annual Meeting 2009, U.S.A.
· Proposing a convention portfolio that deals with planning the National Association of Banking Executives (NABE) Annual Meeting 2009
· Understanding how to plan an annual association meeting process from identifying the city and facilities to planning out the program schedule, tradeshow and activities
Entertainment Portfolio?(Group Project)
– 2008 American Society of Naval Engineers Annual Convention, U.S.A.
· Examining the impact and effect of entertainment on the overall success of the 2008 American Society of Naval Engineers Annual Convention???
· Understanding of process and practice of securing, staging, and managing entertainment elements of an event
Event Portfolio?(Group Project)
– The 6th Annual Reserved Officers Association US FreedomWalk Festival? 2007, U.S.A.
· ?Producing an event portfolio of the 6th Annual Reserved Officers Association US FreedomWalk Festival? 2007 and participating the event as volunteers
· Understanding of a significant portion of the research, design, planning, coordination and evaluation processes of an event including administration, marketing, and legal, ethical, and risk management issues
Action Plan?(Group Project)
- The Sainte Marie among the Hurons 2006, CANADA
· Developing a strategic planning report that deals with attracting the domestic Asian market to Sainte ~ Marie among the Hurons
· Understanding tourism strategic planning assessment procedures through completed analysis of the current business operation?
Young teachers starting funding??(2013-2014), Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China
HRAD supplementary fellowship (Fall, 2009-Fall, 2012), College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University
Tuition award (2008), Department of tourism and hospitality management, George Washington University
Tourism Management (2014-Present):?Ad-Hoc reviewer
The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (2013-Present):?Ad-Hoc reviewer
The 18th annual graduate student research conference in hospitality and tourism (2013):?Referee
The International Journal of Hospitality Management (2012-Present):?Ad-Hoc reviewer
The Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism (2011-Present):?Ad-Hoc reviewer
The 16th annual graduate student research conference in hospitality and tourism (2011):?Referee
Hotel and Restaurant Administration Graduate Student Association (HRADGSA)- A graduate student member (2009-present) & served as a?secretary?(2010-2011)
The L’arche Association of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?(2000):?Volunteer
EISA, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?(2000):?Volunteer
Meeting Professionals International (MPI) ?2007-Present
Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) ?2007-Present
International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (I-CHRIE) ?2007-Present
Language: Korean (native), English (fluent)
Computer: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS, and LISREL?????????????
人才队伍 专职师资
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