

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-16


中山大学大气科学学院 副教授

Emai: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?xiexx25@mail.sysu.edu.cn
通讯地址: ? ? ? ?广东省珠海市唐家湾中山大学珠海校区大气科学学院
2020.07 - 至今 ? ? ? ? ? ?中山大学大气科学学院,副教授,硕士生导师
2016.10 - 2020.06 ? ?? 上海航天测控通信研究所,高级工程师
2013.02 - 2016.03 ? ?? 德国波恩大学,博士后(雷达遥感方向)
2010.09 - 2012.09 ? ?? 德国科隆大学,博士(微波遥感专业)
2006.09 - 2013.01 ? ?? 北京航空航天大学,博士(电磁场与微波技术专业)
2002.09 - 2006.07 ? ?? 北京航空航天大学,本科(信息工程专业)
2019 - 2021年 ? ??国家自然科学基金“微波成像仪升降轨偏差订正方法研究”,主持
2018 - 2022年 ? ??国家重点研发项目“国产多系列遥感卫星历史资料再定标技术”,参与
2017 - 2019年 ? ??上海市浦江人才计划项目“基于微波辐射传输计算的星载微波成像仪在轨定标方法研究”,主持
2017 - 2018年 ? ? 国家人力资源与社会保障部归国留学人员创业启动支持计划创新支持子项目(重点类)“风云三号微波成像仪在轨定标新方法研究”,主持
2013 - 2016年 ? ? 德国联邦教育及研究部项目“High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Advancing Climate Prediction?S7: Precipitation Generation”,主持
担任Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics(MAAP)副主编
担任Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Letter, Water Resources Research等期刊审稿人
Xie, X., W. Meng, J. He, W. Yu, X. Li.?In-Orbit Calibration Uncertainty of?Microwave Radiation Imager onboard FengYun-3C. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2021, accepted.
Xie, X., W. Meng, K. Dong, S. Gu, X. Li. In-Orbit Calibration of FengYun-3C Microwave Radiation Imager: Characterization of Backlobe Intrusion for the Hot-Load Reflector. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021, accepted.?
Xie, X., K. Dong, W. Yu, W. Meng and S. Gu.?In-Orbit Calibration of FengYun-3C Microwave Radiation Imager: Nonlinearity Correction. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, accepted.
董克松,谢鑫新,李雪,刘伟亮。FY-3D微波成像仪非线性特征及计算方法优化。遥感学报,?2020, 24(3), 226-232.
Xie, X., S. Wu, H. Xu, W. Yu and J. He. Ascending-Descending Bias Correction of Microwave Radiation Imager on board FengYun-3C. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(6), 3126-3134.
Heinze, R., A. Dipankar, C. C. Henken, C. Moseley, O, Sourdeval, S.Tromel, X. Xie, P. Adamidis, F. Ament, H. Baars, C. Barthlott, A. Behrendt, U. Blahak, S. Bley, S. Brdar, M. Brueck, S. Crewell, H. Deneke, P. Di Girolamo, R. Evaristo, J. Fischer, C. Frank, P. Friederichs, T. Gocke, K. Gorges, L. Hande, M. Hanke, A. Hansen, H-C. Hege, C. Hoose, T. Jahns, N. Kalthoff, D. Klocke, S. Kneifel, P. Knippertz, A. Kuhn, T. van Laar, A. Macke, V. Maurer, B. Mayer, C. I. Meyer, S. K. Muppa, R. A. J. Neggers, E. Orlandi, F. Pantillon, B. Pospichal, N. Rober, L. Scheck, A. Seifert, P. Seifert, F. Senf, P. Siligam, C. Simmer, S. Steinke, B. Stevens, K. Wapler, M. Weniger, V. Wulfmeyer, G. Z?ngl, D. Zhang, and J. Quaas. Large-eddy simulations over Germany using ICON: A comprehensive evaluation. Quarterly?Journal?of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2017, 143, 69 – 100.
Macke, A., P. Seifert, H. Baars, C. Barthlott, C. Beekmans, A. Behrendt, B. Bohn, M. Brück, J. Bu?hl, S. Crewell, T. Damian, H. Deneke, S. Du?sing, A. Foth, P. Di Girolamo, E. Hammann, R. Heinze, A. Hirsikko, J. Kalisch, N. Kalthoff, S. Kinne, M. Kohler, U. L?hnert, B. L. Madhavan, V. Maurer, S. H. Muppa, J. Schween, I. Serikov, H. Siebert, C. Simmer, F. Sp?th, S. Steinke, K. Tr?umner, S. Tr?mel, B. Wehner, A. Wieser, V. Wulfmeyer, X. Xie. The HD(CP)2 Observational Prototype Experiment HOPE – An Overview, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017,17, 4887-491
Xie, X., R. Evaristo, C. Simmer, J. Handwerker and S. Tr?mel. Precipitation and Microphysical Processes Observed by Three Polarimetric X-Band Radars and ground instrumentation during HOPE. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 16, 7105–7116.
Xie, X., R. Evaristo, S. Troemel, P. Saavedra, C. Simmer and A. Ryzhkov. Radar Observation of Evaporation and Implications for Quantitative Precipitation and Cooling Rate Estimation, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2016, 33, 1779-1792.
Xie, X., S. Crewell, U. Loehnert, C. Simmer, and J. Miao. Polarization signatures and brightness temperatures caused by horizontally-oriented snow particles at microwave band: Effects of Atmospheric absorption. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2015, 12, 6145-6160, doi:10.1002/2015JD023158.
Xie, X., U. Loehnert, S. Kneifel, and S. Crewell. Snow particle orientation observed by ground-based microwave radiometry. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012, 117(D02206), doi:10.1029/2011JD016369.
Xie, X., J. Miao. Polarization difference due to nonrandomly oriented ice particles at millimeter/submillimeter waveband. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2011, 112(6), 1090-1098.
Xie, X., J. Miao, and W. Wang. Microwave radiative transfer in scattering atmosphere: Effects of complex permittivity of ice spherical crystals. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2009, 110(13), 1124-1131.

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