2006-2010? ?本科? ?上海交通大学物理与天文系,光信息科学与技术专业
2010-2015? ?博士? ?上海交通大学物理与天文系,理论物理专业
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 导师: 陈列文教授
1. Title Nuclear matter fourth-order symmetry energy in nonrelativistic mean-field models
Authors Jie Pu, Zhen Zhang and Lie-Wen Chen
Journal Phys. Rev. C 96, 054311 (2017)
2. Title Medium effects on pion production in heavy ion collisions
Authors Zhen Zhang and Che Ming Ko
Journal Phys. Rev. C 95, 064604 (2017).
3. Title Extended Skyrme interactions for nuclear matter, finite nuclei and neutron stars
Authors Zhen Zhang and Lie-Wen Chen
Journal Phys. Rev. C 94, 064326 (2016).
4. Title Isospin splitting of nucleon effective mass from giant resonances in 208Pb
Authors Zhen Zhang and Lie-Wen Chen
Journal Phys. Rev. C 93, 034335 (2016).
5. Title Electric dipole polarizability in 208Pb as a probe of the symmetry energy and
neutron matter around 0/3
Authors Zhen Zhang and Lie-Wen Chen
Journal Phys. Rev. C 92, 031301(R) (2015).
6. Title Constraining the density slope of nuclear symmetry energy at subsaturation densities
using electric dipole polarizability in 208Pb
Authors Zhen Zhang and Lie-Wen Chen
Journal Phys. Rev. C 90, 064317 (2014).
7. Title Form factor effects in the direct detection of isospin-violating dark matter
Authors Hao Zheng, Zhen Zhang and Lie-Wen Chen
Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 08, 011 (2014).
8. Title Constraining the symmetry energy at subsaturation densities using isotope binding
energy difference and neutron skin thickness
Authors Zhen Zhang and Lie-Wen Chen
Journal Phys. Lett. B 726, 234 (2013). (Web of science 引用数53
2017? ?RVUU description
Transport 2017: International Workshop on Transport Simulations for Heavy Ion
Collisions under Controlled Conditions, Michigan, USA
2016? ?Medium effects on pion production in heavy ion collisions
CUSTIPEN Mini-Workshop on Nuclear Reactions, Texas, USA
2015? ?Extended Skyrme interactions for neutron stars
11th Workshop on QCD Phase Transition and Relativistic Heavy-ion Physics, 哈尔滨
2015? ?Electric dipole polarizability in 208Pb as a probe of the symmetry energy and
neutron matter around 0/3
第十届全国核反应大会, 贵阳
2015? ?Constraining the density slope of the symmetry energy at subsaturation densities
using electric dipole polarizability in 208Pb
2015? ?Symmetry Energy International Workshop, 衡阳
2014? ?Constraining the density slope of the symmetry energy at subsaturation densities
using electric dipole polarizability in 208Pb
2014? ?Constraining the density slope of the symmetry energy at subsaturation densities
using electric dipole polarizability in 208Pb
2014? ?国际重离子碰撞研讨会, 兰州
2013? ?Constraining the Symmetry Energy at Subsaturation Densities from Neutron Skin
Thickness and Isotope Binding Energy Difference
第九届全国核反应大会, 深圳
2012? ?Constraining the Symmetry Energy at Subsaturation Densities from Neutron Skin
Thickness and Isotope Binding Energy Difference
2012? ?国际重离子碰撞研讨会,深圳
2012? ?A Phenomenological Momentum Dependent Many-body Nuclear Force
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15
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