

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15



科研项目 (Selected)
- “Fully Coupled Multiphysics Modeling of Burnup Dependent (U1-y, Puy)O2-x Fast Reactor Fuels Performance under Normal Operation and Reactor Transients”, GRF from the Research Grants Council, HKas PI,June 2016, HK$482,605, funded.
- “Fully Coupled Multiphysics Modeling of In-Vessel Corium Behavior with Experiments from KROTOS Test Facility” from Euro-Chinese Project ALISA (Access to Large Infrastructures on Severe Accidents in EU and China)as PI, October 2015, to perform experimental studies on prototypical UO2-coolant interaction and steam explosion at CEA Cadarache, France, funded.
- “Experimental and Analytical Studies on Nanofluids Vertical Tube Bundle Pool Boiling”, ECS from the Research Grants Council, Hong Kongas PI, July 2014, HK$706,737, funded.
- “Fully Coupled Multiphysics Modeling of Burnup Dependent (U1-y, Puy)O2-x Fast Reactor Fuels Performance under Normal Operation” from City University of Hong Kong as PI, September 2015, HK$100,000, funded.
- “Interdisciplinary Research and Education on Flow Visualization at CityU” from City University of Hong Kong as PI, March 2013, HK$2,300,000, funded.
- “Heat Transfer Enhancement and Physical Mechanisms Studies for Condensation and Pool Boiling in a Tube Bundle Passive Condenser” from City University of Hong Kong as PI, January 2013, HK$200,000, funded.
- “Infrastructure for Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics Research Platform” from City University of Hong Kong, May 2013, HK$1,000,000, funded.
- “Teaching and Learning Enhancement on Nuclear Reactor Safety with Three Dimensional Visualization and Display” from City University of Hong Kong as PI, July 2014, HK$180,000, funded.
期刊文章 (Selected)
(“*” refers corresponding author, and underline refers to students being advised directly)
1.Jie Wei, Wei Zhou, Song Li, Pei Shen, Shuai Ren, Alice Hu, Wenzhong Zhou*, Modified Embedded Atom Method Potential for Modeling the Thermodynamic Properties of High Thermal Conductivity Beryllium Oxide, ACS Omega, 2019, 4, 6339?6346.
2. Rong Liu, Jiejin Cai, Wenzhong Zhou, Multiphysics modeling of thorium-based fuel performance with a two-layer SiC cladding in a light water reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 136 (2020) 107036.
3. Jie Wei, Song Li, Wei Zhou, Pei Shen, Shuai Ren, Alice Hu, Wenzhong Zhou*, First principles investigation of water adsorption on FeCrAl (110) surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 465 (2019) 259-266.
4. Bin Han, Jie Wei, Feng He, Da Chen, Zhi Jun Wang, Alice Hu, Wenzhong Zhou, Ji Jung Kai, Elemental phase partitioning in the γ-γ″ Ni2CoFeCrNb0.15 high entropy alloy, Entropy, 2018, 20(12), 910.
5. Pei Shen, Wenzhong Zhou*, Christophe Journeau, Nathalie Cassiaut-Louis, Pascal Piluso, Yehong Liao, Corium Behavior and Steam Explosion Risks: a Review of Experiments, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 121 (2018) 162–176.
6. Wei Zhouand Wenzhong Zhou*, Enhanced thermal conductivity accident tolerant fuels for improved reactor safety - A comprehensive review, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 119 (2018) pp. 66-86.
7. Rong Liu and Wenzhong Zhou*, Jiejin Cai*, Multiphysics modeling of accident tolerant fuel-cladding combination U3Si2-FeCrAl performance in a light water reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 330 (2018) 106–116.
8. Wei Zhouand Wenzhong Zhou*, Thermophysical and mechanical analyses of UO2-36.4 vol% BeO fuel pellets with Zircaloy, SiC, and FeCrAl claddings, Metals, 2018, 8(1), 65, pp. 1-14; doi: 10.3390/met**.
9. Wenzhong Zhou*, Shripad T. Revankar, Rong Liu, Mehrdad Shahmohammadi Beni, Microstructure Based Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Behavior Modeling of Nuclear Fuel UO2-BeO, Heat Transfer Engineering, 39(2018):9, 760-774.
10. Rong Liu and Wenzhong Zhou*, Multiphysics modeling of novel UO2-BeO sandwich fuel performance in a light water reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 109 (2017) 298–309.
11. Rong Liu, Wenzhong Zhou*, Andrew Prudil, and Paul K. Chan, Multiphysics modeling of UO2-SiC composite fuel performance with enhanced thermal and mechanical properties, Applied Thermal Engineering, 107 (2016) 86–100.
12. Rong Liu, Andrew Prudil, Wenzhong Zhou* and Paul K. Chan, Multiphysics Coupled Modeling of Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 91 (2016) 38-48.
13. Rong Liu, Wenzhong Zhou*, Wei Zhou, Fully coupled modeling of burnup-dependent (U1-y, Puy)O2-x mixed oxide fast reactor fuels performance, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E: Materials for Energy Systems, doi: 10.1007/s40553-015-0065-6, volume 3E, pp. 18-27, March 2016.
14. R. Liu, W. Zhou*, P. Shen, A. Prudil, P.K. Chan, Fully Coupled Multiphysics Modeling of Enhanced Thermal Conductivity UO2-BeO Fuel Performance in a Light Water Reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 295 (2015) 511–523.
15. Wenzhong Zhou*, Rong Liu, Fully Coupled Simulation of Oxygen and Heat Diffusion for (U, Pu)O2 Fuel in Both FBR and LWR, The ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 1(4), doi: 10.1115/1.** (2015).
16. Chonglei Hao, Jing Li, Yuan Liu, Xiaofeng Zhou, Yahua Liu, Rong Liu, Lufeng Che, Wenzhong Zhou, Lawrence Li, Dong Sun, Lei Xu, and Zuankai Wang, Superhydrophobic-like tunable droplet bouncing on slippery liquid interfaces, Nature Communications, 6:7986 doi: 10.1038/ncomms8986 (2015).
17. Wenzhong Zhou*, Rong Liu, Shripad T. Revankar, Fabrication methods and thermal hydraulics analysis of enhanced thermal conductivity UO2-BeO fuel in light water reactors, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 81(2015), 240–248.
18. Shripad T. Revankar, Wenzhong Zhou, Performance of Vertical Tube Passive Condenser with the Effects of Noncondensable and Secondary Cooling Water, Heat Transfer Engineering, 36(4), 368-377, 2015.
19. Zhou, W.*, Wolf, B., Revankar, S., Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.3 condensation models for the tube bundle condensation in the PCCS of ESBWR, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol 264, pp. 111-118, 2013.
20. Sungki Kim, Wonil Ko, W. Zhou, Shripad T. Revankar, Yanghon Chung and Sungsig Bang, The Credit Analysis of Recycling Beryllium and Uranium in BeO-UO2 Nuclear Fuel, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Volume 49, No. 3, pp. 298-309, March 2012.
21. Wenzhong Zhou, Gavin Henderson, Shripad T. Revankar, Condensation in a vertical tube bundle passive condenser - Part 1: Through flow condensation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (2010), pp. 1146–1155.
22. Gavin Henderson, Wenzhong Zhou, Shripad T. Revankar, Condensation in a vertical tube bundle passive condenser- Part 2: Complete condensation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (2010), pp. 1156–1163.
23. Shripad T. Revankar, Seungmin Oh, Wenzhong Zhou, and Gavin Henderson, Condensation correlation for a vertical passive condenser system, Nuclear Technology, 170 (2010), pp. 28-39.
24. S.K. Kim, W.I. Ko, H.D. Kim, S.T. Revankar, W. Zhou, D. Jo, Cost-benefit analysis of BeO-UO2 nuclear fuel, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume: 52, Issue: 8, pp. 813- 821, November 2010.
25. Shripad T. Revankar, Seungmin Oh, Wenzhong Zhou, Gavin Henderson, Scaling of passive condenser system for separate effect testing, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 239 (2009), pp. 1870–1878.
1. Wenzhong Zhou, Multidimensional Multiphysics Simulation of Fast Reactor Fuels Performance under Extreme Conditions, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization, Hong Kong, China, January 7-9, 2015.
2. Wenzhong Zhou, Equation-Based Modeling of Nuclear Fuels Performance under Extreme Conditions using COMSOL Multiphysics, COMSOL Conference 2014, Shanghai, China, October 29, 2014.
1. Wenzhong Zhou, Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling and Simulations for Accident Tolerant Fuels with Improved Reactor Safety, The fourth International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology (ICMST 2018), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, October 23 – 26, 2018.
2. Wenzhong Zhou, Nuclear Engineering at CityU, Hong Kong and Beyond, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, October 24, 2018.
3. Wenzhong Zhou, Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling and Simulations for Accident Tolerant Fuels with Improved Reactor Safety, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, China, August 31, 2018
4. Wenzhong Zhou, Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling and Simulations for Accident Tolerant Fuels with Improved Reactor Safety, The 2nd Youth Forum of Frontier Nuclear Science and Technology, Quanzhou, China, August 22-24, 2018.
5. Wenzhong Zhou, Multiphase and Multiphysics for Improved Nuclear Reactor Safety, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, May 27, 2018.
6. Wenzhong Zhou, Nuclear and Risk Engineering @ City University of Hong Kong, 2017 Joint Meeting for Nuclear Engineering Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education of China and Nuclear Engineering Deans/Heads of Colleges and Universities in China, Wuhan, China, November 15-17, 2017.
7. Wenzhong Zhou, Multiphase and Multiphysics for Improved Nuclear Reactor Safety, The 1st Youth Forum of Frontier Nuclear Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, May 18-19, 2017.
8. Wenzhong Zhou, Multiphase and Multiphysics in Nuclear Applications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, September 9, 2016.
9. Rong Liu, Wenzhong Zhou*, CAMPUS: Fully coupled multiphysics modeling and simulation of LWR and FBR nuclear fuel behavior, the Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors (NFSM 2016) Embedded Topical Meeting, 2016 ANS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 12–16, 2016.
10. Wenzhong Zhou, Fully Coupled Multiphysics Modeling of Enhanced Thermal Conductivity UO2-BeO Fuel Performance in a Light Water Reactor, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland, June 3, 2015.
11. Wenzhong Zhou, Nuclear Reactor Safety Research at CityU, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, ON Canada, November 21, 2014.
12. Wenzhong Zhou, Nuclear Reactor Safety in the United States: Approaches, Successes and Challenges, in Nuclear Safety and Risk Workshop on the Latest Development in Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Industry, Hong Kong, January 8, 2013.
13. Wenzhong Zhou, The Future of Nuclear Energy: Promising Prospects and Challenges, in Nuclear Symposium on Nuclear Safety and Impact on Future Energy Mix, Hong Kong, September 16, 2013.
Associate Editor:? ?????????? Journal of Power Technologies, Sections: “Nuclear Fuels” and??????
??????????????????? ????????????????????????“Nuclear Reactor Safety”, since 2011?????
Associate Editor: ???????????? Energy and Environment Research, since 2011
Associate Editor: ???????????? Mechanical Engineering Research, since 2011
? Track co-chair for “Track 2 Nuclear Fuel and Material, Reactor Physics and Transport Theory” of the 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE26), London, England, 2018
? Track co-chair for “Track 16 Student Paper Competition” of the 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE26), London, England, 2018
? Session chair for Session “Nuclear Fuel Safety and Performance Analysis” under “Track 2 Nuclear Fuel and Material, Reactor Physics and Transport Theory” of the 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE26), London, England, 2018
? Session chair for Session “Reactor Physics: Methodology Development” under “Track 2 Nuclear Fuel and Material, Reactor Physics and Transport Theory” of the 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE26), London, England, 2018
? Session chair for Session “Nuclear fuel design and modeling” under “Track 2 Nuclear Fuel and Material, Reactor Physics and Transport Theory” of the 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE25), Shanghai, China, 2017
? Member of Technical Program Committee, the International Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health (ICERP2016), Oct. 21st - 23rd, 2016, Shenzhen, China.
? Session Chair, Session 7: Modelling & Computer Code Development - Fuel & Pellet, the 13th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, August 15-18, 2016, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
? Session chair for Session “Actinide and MOX Fuel Development” under “Nuclear Fuel and Materials” of the 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE23), Chiba, Japan, 2015

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