

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15


农学院 副教授


博士 副教授 硕导(植物保护)
课题组博士后及专职科研人员岗位招聘要求:1. 具有农学,生物信息学或基因组学等相关专业博士学位;2. 具有分子生物学,昆虫生理生化或生物信息学等领域专业背景;在本领域至少发表一篇专业期刊论文;3. 有较好的英文写作和阅读能力;4. 能够能独立设计并开展研究工作。应聘材料:(1)个人简历;(2)自荐信;(3)毕业论文或代表性成果;(4)应聘者认为其他必要的证明材料。应聘者请将上述应聘材料以PDF形式发送至zhugh8@mail.sysu.edu.cn
人才项目****?? ?
教育经历2012.09至2017.06? 南京农业大学,农业昆虫与害虫防治,博士
2008.09至2012.06? 河南农业大学,植物保护,学士
工作经历2021.01至今 ?中山大学,农学院,副教授
2017.09-2020.12? 肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky), 农业食品与环境学院(Collage of Agriculture, Food and Environment), 昆虫系(Department of Entomology),博士后

Zhu, G.-H., Albishi, N. M., Chen, X., Brown, R. L., Palli, S. R. *, (2021) Expanding the toolkit for genome editing in a disease vector, Aedes aegypti: development and testing of transgenic CRISPR/Cas9 method. The CRISPR Journal, doi.org/10.1089/crispr.2020.0052.
Zhu, G.-H., Chereddy, S.C., Howell, J.L., Palli, S.R. *, (2020) Genome editing in the fall?armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda: Multiple sgRNA/Cas9 method for identification of knockouts in one generation. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 122, 103373.
Zhu, G.-H., Jiao, Y., Chereddy, S.C., Noh, M.Y., Palli, S.R.*, (2019) Knockout of juvenile hormone receptor, Methoprene-tolerant, induces black larval phenotype in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. PNAS 116, 21501-21507.
Zhu, G.-H., Zheng, M.-Y., Sun, J.-B., Khuhro, S.A., Yan, Q., Huang, Y., Syed, Z., Dong, S.-L. *, (2019) CRISPR/Cas9 mediated gene knockout reveals a more important role of PBP1 than PBP2 in the perception of female sex pheromone components in Spodoptera litura. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 115, 10324
Zhu, G.-H., Peng, Y.-C., Zheng, M.-Y., Zhang, X.-Q., Sun, J.-B., Huang, Y., Dong, S.-L. *, (2017) CRISPR/Cas9 mediated BLOS2 knockout resulting in disappearance of yellow strips and white spots on the larval integument in Spodoptera litura. Journal of Insect Physiology 103, 29-3
Zhu, G.-H., Xu, J., Cui, Z., Dong, X.-T., Ye, Z.-F., Niu, D.-J., Huang, Y.-P., Dong, S.-L. *, (2016) Functional characterization of SlitPBP3 in Spodoptera litura by CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 75, 1-9.
Peng, Y., Zhu, G.-H. *, Wang, K., Chen, J., Liu, X., Zhao, C., Wu, W., Dong, S.-L., Haijun Xiao *, Palli, S. R., Han, Z. *, (2020) Knockout of SldsRNase1 and SldsRNase2 revealed their function in dsRNA degradation and contribution to RNAi efficiency in the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura. Journal of Pest Science, doi.org/10.1007/s10340-021-01335-w.
Chen, J., Peng, Y., Zhang, H., Wang, K., Tang, Y., Zhao, C., Zhu, G.-H., Palli, S. R., Han, Z. *, (2021) Off-target effects of RNAi correlate with the mismatch rate between dsRNA and non-target mRNA. RNA Biology, doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**
Xu, J., Liu, W., Yang, D., Chen, S., Chen, K., Liu, Z., Yang, X., Meng, J., Zhu, G.-H., Dong, S., Zhang, Y., Zhan, S., Wang, G. *, Huang, Y. *, (2020) Regulation of olfactory-based sex behaviors in the silkworm by genes in the sex-determination cascade. PLOS Genetics, 16 (6) e**.
Peng, Y., Wang, K., Zhu, G.-H., Han, Q., Chen, J., Elzaki, M.E.A., Sheng, C., Zhao, C., Palli, S.R., Han, Z. *, (2020) Identification and characterization of multiple dsRNases from a lepidopteran insect, the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Pesticide biochemistry and physiology 162, 86-95.
Peng, Y., Wang, K., Chen, J., Wang, J., Zhang, H., Ze, L., Zhu, G.-H., Zhao, C., Xiao, H., Han, Z., (2020) Identification of a double-stranded RNA-degrading nuclease influencing both ingestion and injection RNA interference efficiency in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 125, 103440.
Zhang, Y.-N. #*, Zhang, X.-Q.#, Zhu, G.-H., Zheng, M.-Y., Yan, Q., Zhu, X.-Y., Xu, J.-W., Zhang, Y.-Y., He, P., Sun, L. *, (2019) A Δ9 desaturase (SlitDes11) is associated with the biosynthesis of ester sex pheromone components in Spodoptera litura. Pesticide biochemistry and physiology 156, 152-159.
Dong, X.T., Liao, H., Zhu, G.-H., Khuhro, S.A., Ye, Z.F., Yan, Q., Dong, S.L. *, (2019) CRISPR/Cas9-mediated PBP1 and PBP3 mutagenesis induced significant reduction in electrophysiological response to sex pheromones in male Chilo suppressalis. Insect science 26, 388-399.
Khuhro, S.A., Yan, Q., Liao, H., Zhu, G.-H., Sun, J.-B., Dong, S.-L. *, (2018) Expression profile and functional characterization suggesting the involvement of three chemosensory proteins in perception of host plant volatiles in Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal Insect Science 18, 6.
Khuhro, S.A., Liao, H., Zhu, G.-H., Li, S.-M., Ye, Z.-F., Dong, S.-L. *, (2017) Tissue distribution and functional characterization of odorant binding proteins in Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal Asia-Pacific Entomology 20, 1104-1111.
Ye, Z.-F., Liu, X.-L., Han, Q., Liao, H., Dong, X.-T., Zhu, G.-H., Dong, S.-L. *, (2017) Functional characterization of PBP1 gene in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Scientific reports 7, 8470.
Zheng, M.-Y., Zhu, G.-H., Chen, Y., Han, Q., Yang, Y.-H., Dong, S.-L. *, (2018) A non-destructive method of genotyping individual insects from the exuviate of final instar larvae, or puparia. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology, 21.
科研成果PLOS Genetics, Genomics, Pest Management Science,? Journal of Hazardous Materials, Frontiers in Genetics等期刊审稿人

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