

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15


农学院 助理教授


博士? 助理教授?? 硕导(植物保护)
1. 植物微量营养元素吸收与利用
2. 植物重金属胁迫响应与耐性
3. 污染土壤植物修复
课题组招聘条件:1. 具有农学相关专业博士学位;对植物营养分子遗传、土壤微生物生态、植物生理生化等领域有较深入的理解;2.有较好的外语水平或相关论文发表经验;3.要求能独立设计并开展研究工作;4. 协助课题组完成项目申请、参与研究生培养及实验室日常管理等。应聘者请将应聘材料(1)简历(2)自荐信(3)毕业论文或代表性成果发送至xierh25@mail.sysu.edu.cn
人才项目****?? ?
教育经历?? ?2013.09 至 2020.12?????? 浙江大学,环境与资源学院,博士
2014.06 至 2015.06?????? 加州大学戴维斯分校,植物科学系,访问****
2009.09 至 2013.06? ? ? ?南京农业大学 资源与环境科学学院,学士
工作经历2021-01 至今? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?中山大学,农学院,助理教授
科研成果?? ?发表论文:(#共同一作,*通讯作者)
1.Ruohan Xie, Jianqi Zhao, Lingli Lu, Judy Jernstedt, Jiansheng Guo, Patrick H. Brown*, Shengke Tian*. Spatial imaging reveals the pathways of Zn transport and accumulation during reproductive growth stage in almond plants. Plant, Cell & Environment 2021 (Epub) (IF5-year=7.044,中科院一区)
2.Ruohan Xie, Jianqi Zhao, Lingli Lu, Patrick H. Brown, Xianyong Lin, Samuel M. Webb, Jun Ge, Olga Antipova, Luxi Li, Shengke Tian*. Seasonal zinc storage and a strategy for its use in buds of fruit trees. Plant Physiology 2020. 183 (3): 1200-1212 (IF5-year=7.52,中科院一区)
3.Ruohan Xie, Jianqi Zhao, Lingli Lu, Jun Ge, Patrick H. Brown, Shuai Wei, Runze Wang, Yabei Qiao, Samuel M. Webb, Shengke Tian*. Efficient phloem remobilisation of Zn protects apple trees during the early stages of Zn deficiency. Plant, Cell & Environment 2019. 42(12): 3167-3181 (封面文章,IF5-year=7.044,中科院一区)
4.Ruohan Xie, Jianqi Zhao, Lingli Lu, Patrick H. Brown, Jiansheng Guo, Shengke Tian*. Penetration of foliar applied Zn and their impact on plant nutritional status in apple plants: in vivo evaluation by synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy. Horticulture research 2020. 7: 147 (IF5-year=5.57,中科院一区)
5.Shengke Tian, Ruohan Xie, Haixin Wang, Yan Hu, Jun Ge, Xinchen Liao, Xiaoyu Gao, Patrick Brown, Xianyong Lin, Lingli Lu*. Calcium deficiency triggers phloem remobilization of Cadmium in a hyperaccumulating species. Plant Physiology 2016. 172(4): 2300-2313. (IF5-year=7.52,中科院一区)
6.Shengke Tian, Ruohan Xie, Haixin Wang, Yan Hu, Dandi Hou, Xingcheng Liao, Patrick H Brown, Hongxia Yang, Xianyong Lin, John M Labavitch, Lingli Lu*. Uptake, sequestration and tolerance of cadmium at cellular levels in the hyperaccumulator plant species Sedum alfredii. Journal of Experimental Botany 2017. 68(9): 2387-2398. (IF5-year=7.011,中科院二区)
7.Lingli Lu, Ruohan Xie, Ting Liu, Haixing Wang, Dandi Hou, Yonghua Du, Zhenli He, Xiaoe Yang, HuiSun, Shengke Tian*. Spatial imaging and speciation of Cu in rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots using synchrotron-based X-ray microfluorescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Chemosphere 2017. 175:356-364. (IF5-year=5.705,中科院二区)
8.Shengke Tian, Lingli Lu, Ruohan Xie, Minzhe Zhang, Judith A Jernstedt, Dandi Hou, Cliff Ramsier, Patrick H Brown*. Supplemental Macronutrients and Microbial Fermentation Products Improve the Uptake and Transport of Foliar Applied Zinc in Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Plants. Studies Utilizing Micro X-ray Florescence. Frontiers in plant science 2015. 21,5:808. (IF5-year=5.207,中科院二区)
1.???? 田生科,谢若瀚,王海新,刘婷。一种叶面锌肥肥效的原位评价方法,ZL 2016 1 **. X,第**号,2017,中国

相关话题/深圳 中山大学