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宇航工程系 教授


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中山大学●航空航天学院●高分遥感大数据与人工智能应用研究实验室 广州大学城外环东路 132 号 510006
电话: ● 手机: ** ● zhangqling@mail.sysu.edu.cn
现任中山大学航空航天学院教授,曾任中科院深圳先进技术研究院研究员及空间信息 研究中心副主任,耶鲁大学研究助理研究员和研究科学家。Remote Sensing 学术期刊客座 编辑。已经和正在主持多项美国和中国政府部门资助的科研项目。发表学术专著 1 部及 SCI 文章 10 多篇(总影响因子 42.779),总引用数 400 多次,其中两篇一作文章被遥感 领域顶级期刊环境遥感刊出并被其它 SCI 期刊引用超过 200 次。研发了 MODIS 反照率产 品空洞填充算法并被美国航空航天局(NASA)采用;提出了多源遥感影像同化融合算法, 建立了 VANUI 城市指数和 NDUI 城市指数,被广泛用于城市化及其环境响应研究。作为 核心研究人员参与和协助主持完成 NASA 土地覆盖/利用变化专项基金“中印城市群发展 的多尺度多传感器分析”项目;为 NASA Suomi NPP 卫星 2014 年科学家团队评委及 REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 等十多个 SCI 期刊审稿人; 应邀为美国地质调查局
(USGS)专著 Remote Sensing Handbook 中“夜光城市遥感”章节主要编写人。中山大 学 2018 年度“****”学术带头人、中国科学院 2015 年度“****”海外学术帅
才以及深圳市 2015 年度海外高层次“孔雀人才”获得者。
中山大学航空航天学院高分遥感大数据与人工智能应用研究学术带头人 中山大学“****”(2018)入选者
15. Pueppke, Steven G.; Zhang, Qingling; Nurtazin, Sabir T. 2018. "Irrigation in the Ili River Basin of Central Asia: From Ditches to Dams and Diversion." Water 10, no. 11: 1650.
14. Bhartendu Pandey, Qingling Zhang & Karen C. Seto (2018), Time series analysis of satellite data to characterize multiple land use transitions: a case study of urban growth and agricultural land loss in India, Journal of Land Use Science, DOI: 10.1080/**X.2018.**
13.? Bhartendu Pandey, Qingling Zhang, Karen C. Seto, “Comparative evaluation of relative calibration methods for DMSP/OLS nighttime lights”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 195, 15 June 2017, Pages 67-78, ISSN 0034-4257, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.04.011(Impact factor 6.265)
12. Noam Levin, Qingling Zhang, “A global analysis of factors controlling VIIRS nighttime light levels from densely populated areas”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 190, 1 March 2017, Pages 366-382, ISSN 0034-4257, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.01.006. (Impact factor 6.265)
11. Zhang, Qingling*, Bhartendu Pandey, and Karen C. Seto. "A Robust Method to Generate a Consistent Time Series from DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data" , IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 2016, 54(10):5821-5831. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2016.** (Impact factor 4.942)
10. Zhang, Qingling*, Bin Li, David Thau, and Rebecca Moore. "Building a Better Urban Picture: Combining Day and Night Remote Sensing Imagery." Remote Sensing, 7, no. 9 (2015): 11887-11913. (Impact factor 3.244)
9. Proud, S.R., Zhang, Q., Schaaf, C., Fensholt, R., Rasmussen, M.O., Shisanya, C., Mutero, W., Mbow, C., Anyamba, A., Pak, E., Sandholt, I., "The Normalization of Surface Anisotropy Effects Present in SEVIRI Reflectances by Using the MODIS BRDF Method," Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on , vol. PP, no. 99 (2014): 1-14. (Impact factor 4.942)
8. Zhang, Qingling*, Crystal Schaaf, and Karen C. Seto. "The Vegetation Adjusted NTL Urban Index: A new approach to reduce saturation and increase variation in nighttime luminosity." Remote Sensing of Environment. 129 (2013): 32-41. (Impact factor 6.265, cited 67 times)
7. Zhang, Qingling*, and Karen C. Seto. "Mapping urbanization dynamics at regional and global scales using multi-temporal DMSP/OLS nighttime light data." Remote Sensing of Environment. 115, no. 9 (2011): 2320-2329. (Impact factor 6.265, cited 142 times)
6. Zhao, Feng, Xiaoyuan Yang, Mitchell A. Schull, Miguel O. Román-Colón, Tian Yao, Zhuosen Wang, Qingling Zhang et al. "Measuring effective leaf area index, foliage profile, and stand height in New England forest stands using a full- waveform ground-based lidar." Remote Sensing of Environment. 115, no. 11 (2011): 2954-2964. (Impact factor 6.265)
5. Yao, Tian, Xiaoyuan Yang, Feng Zhao, Zhuosen Wang, Qingling Zhang, David Jupp, Jenny Lovell et al. "Measuring forest structure and biomass in New England forest stands using Echidna ground-based lidar." Remote sensing of Environment. 115, no. 11 (2011):? 2965-2974. (Impact factor 6.265)
4. Liu, Jicheng, Crystal Schaaf, Alan Strahler, Ziti Jiao, Yanmin Shuai, Qingling Zhang, Miguel Roman, John A. Augustine, and Ellsworth G. Dutton. "Validation of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) albedo retrieval algorithm: Dependence of albedo on solar zenith angle." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 114, no. D1 (2009): 1984–2012. (Impact factor 3.318)
3.?? Zhang, Qingling*, Chu-Qun Chen, and Ping Shi, Kedong Yin. Characteristics of K_d
(490) around Nansha Islands in the South China Sea. Marine Science Bulletin, 2004, 6(1):9-17.
2. Dai, Zhijun, Li, Chunchu, & Zhang, Qingling. “Fractal analysis of shoreline patterns for crenulate-bay beaches, Southern China.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 61 (2004): 65-71. (Impact factor 2.057)
1.?? 张清凌*,陈楚群,施平 (2003). 南沙水域水体漫衰减系数 K(490)的特性研究,《热
带海洋》,第 22 卷第 1 期,9-16 页.
1. Qingling Zhang, Kai Chen, Qian Jing, Xi Chen. " Automatic invalid Landsat image pixel screening on the Google Earth Engine platform," Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, July 10-16, 2016 | Beijing, China: P2384-2387.
Zhang, Qingling. (2012). A Gap-filled MODIS BRDF Database to Improve Surface Characterization,? Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 80.
Zhang, Qingling, Noam Levin, Christos Chalkias, & Husi Letu (2014). Nighttime lights remote sensing -- Monitoring human societies from outer space. In Volume III: Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping, Remote Sensing Handbook. Edited by Prasad S. Thenkabail.
8. Zhang, Q., Li B., Thau D., Moore R. (2016), Enhancing Urban Areas: Combing day and night remote sensing imagery. Association of American Geographers 2016 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. (Oral).
7. Zhang, Q., Schaaf C., Seto K. (2014), The vegetation adjusted NTL urban index: A new approach to reduce saturation and increase variation in nighttime luminosity. Association of American Geographers? 2014 Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida,
U.S.A. (Oral).
6.? Zhang, Q., Seto K. (2012), Mapping urbanization dynamics at regional and global scales using multi-temporal DMSP/OLS nighttime light data. Association of American Geographers? 2012 Annual Meeting, New York, New York, U.S.A. (Oral).
5. Zhang, Q., Seto K., Frakias M., Schneider A., Liu J., Joshi P., Deng X., Prakash V., Wallace J., Zhang Q., Kim D., Christensen P., Jiang L., Shughrue C. (2011), Multi-scale and multi-sensor analysis of urban cluster development and agricultural land loss
in China and India. 2011 NASA Workshop on Land Cover Land Use Change, Southeast Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam.(Oral).
4.? Schaaf C., Song, Q., Zhang, Q., Wang Z., Zhao F., Strahler A., King M., Platnick S., Moody E., Gao F. (2011), Snow-Free Gap-filled MODIS Reflectance Anisotropy, Nadir Reflectance and Albedos for Land Modelling Applications. 2011 NASA?Carbon Cycle & Ecosystem Join Science Workshop, Alexandria, VA, U.S.A.(Poster).
3. Zhang, Q., Schaaf C., Strahler A., King M., Moody E. (2008).? Global? statistics retrieved from the MODIS BRDF products for each IGBP class. 2008 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, July 6-11, 2008 | Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (Poster).
2.?Zhang Q., Schaaf C., Strahler A., Liu J., Shuai Y., Jiao Z., Román-Colón M., Hodges J., Fensholt R., Sandholt I., Stisen S., Rasmussen M., and Roy D. (2006), Daily BRDF and albedo retrieval from MSG observations using the MODIS operational algorithm (A53E- 0254), AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. (Poster).
1.?Zhang Q., Schaaf C. B., Strahler A. H., Woodcock C., Baccini A., Ozdogan M., From Landscape Snapshots to Regional Portraits of Forest Change: Extending Traditional Remote Sensing Analyses, IUFRO Canopy Processes Workshop, 6-13 October, 2006. (Oral).
(2017YFB**)课题四“‘一带’核心区域生态环境安全监测 与应急响应示范”,科技部国家重点研发计划,2017YFB**, 901 万元,主持
基础研究自由探索项目, 30 万元,主持。
2016-2017?基于云计算的中亚天山跨区域农业灾害监测和预警关键技术与示范 应用,中国哈萨克斯坦政府间科技合作项目,10 万元,主持。
中国科学院****, 260 万元,主持。
2015-2016?基于云计算的海量遥感影像快速去云算法研究,人力资源和社会保 障部 2015 年度留学回国人员科技择优支持项目,3 万元,主持。
2011-2014?中印城市群发展与农业用地流失的多尺度多传感器分析,美国国家 航空航天管理局土地覆盖和土地利用变化项目,NNX11AE88G,129 万美元,参与。
Guest editor of "Remote Sensing of Night Lights – Beyond DMSP", A special issue of Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292)
1.?Remote Sensing of Environment
2.?. International Journal of Remote Sensing
3.?IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
4 .? Remote Sensing Letters
5.?International Journal of Digital Earth
6.?Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences
7.?ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
8.?ASPRS Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS)
9.?Remote Sensing
10.?Annals of the Association of American Geographers
11.?Landscape and Urban Planning
12.?Scientific Reports
1. Peer review panel for the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) Science Team (ST), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), USA, 2014
2.?? 澳门科学技术发展基金

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