

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-30

范方辉 职务:食品科学与工程系副主任


范方辉,男,博士,助理教授,特聘副研究员,食品科学与工程系副主任。2011年本科毕业于甘肃农业大学,2013年于暨南大学取得食品工程硕士学位。同年,获国家留学基金委(CSC)全额奖学金资助在爱尔国立科克大学(NUI-UCC)食品与营养科学学院攻读博士学位。2017年9月作为海外高层次人才引进深圳大学化学与环境工程学院食品科学与工程系至今。主要从事不定形态食品材料吸湿、晶化、松弛、潮解等物性、流变特性及分子流动、时-空特征等方面的基础研究及食品工程、功能性载体研发等相关领域的应用基础研究。至今已在各类中英文期刊上发表论文十余篇,在大型国际会议上发表会议论文和作主题报告二十余次并获奖。2017年4月,被欧洲食品科技联盟(EFFoST)推选为优秀博士生并受邀在第11届欧洲食品科技博士论坛上做专题报告。主要的学术兼职有:担任Food Engineering Reviews, Journal of Food engineering, Journal of Dairy Science, LWT-Food Science and Technology, Food Research International, International Food Research Journal等著名国际期刊审稿人及欧洲食品科技联盟(EFFoST)和美国食品工程协会(SFE)等知名国际组织会员。主持和参与了国家留学基金委国际联合项目,爱尔兰农业部食品研发项目、国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、深圳市孔雀计划科研启动等多项课题。主要讲授食品质构与流变、食品工艺学等本科课程及高级食品化学等研究生课程。培养研究生7名,本科生20余名,并多次获得挑战杯、创新实验、国家级创新实验创业大赛等各类奖项。

Dr. Fanghui Fan is Assistant Professor of Food Technology (2017-) at Shenzhen University, Guangdong, China. He achieved his PhD in Food Technology (2017) at School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, National University of Ireland, University College Cork, Ireland. He is native of China with BA in Food Science and Engineering (2007-2011) from Gansu Agricultural University and MSc in Food Engineering (2011-2013) from Jinan University. His main research interests are in fundamental scientific problems and the understanding of physicochemical characteristics, i.e., glass transition, structure relaxations, viscous flow properties, and crystallization of amorphous multicomponent systems. The fundamental research done by him is innovative and demonstrates new features of relationship applicability in industries formulating and processing organic crystalline and noncrystalline materials. The data assist in formulation design to guide material performance in processes, such as dehydration and agglomeration, and stability control of resultant food and pharmaceutical materials. Dr. Fan has authored about 10 original, peer-reviewed papers in several leading journals and 20 abstract and presentation in international conferences. He has lead 1 project funded by China Scholarship Council as a project leader and 2 other projects respectively funded by SFI and NSFC as the main participator. Dr. Fan was a recipient of funding from China Scholarship Council (CSC)/Irish Universities Association Joint Scholarship for his studies at UCC. He has been awarded a poster prize for his studies in the CoFE2016 meeting at Ohio State University in September 2016 and been elected as a high-quality PhD student in food technology by EFFoST in 2017. He is also a reviewer of NSFC (General and Youth projects), many international journals, i.e., Food Engineering Reviews, Journal of Food engineering, Journal of Dairy Science, LWT-Food Science and Technology, Food Research International, International Food Research Journal, etc., and a member of EFFoST and SFE. Teaching courses are including Food Texture and Rheology, Food Processing Technology. He teaches undergraduate courses such as Food Texture and Rheology, Food Technology and postgraduate courses such as Advanced Food Chemistry. He has supervised 7 graduate students and more than 20 undergraduate students and won several awards.

1、含糖食品体系时-空特征规律及防潮和抗结晶调节机制研究。(Temporal-spatial properties of sugar-containing foods and its moisture-proof and anti-crystallization mechanism)
Compared to the traditional strategies, the understanding of the mechanism of temporal-spatial properties of moisture-proof and anti-crystallization in the sugar-containing food system can provide a simple and clear "master curve". Such curve can correspond to the control point of water absorption crystallization of the system under any processing and storage conditions, without the need for referencing of test data. We will verify this idea and provide technical reference for the depth processing of sugar-containing food.
2、满足特殊、极端及订制化加工要求的功能性含糖结构平台构建。(Construction of functional sugar-containing structural platforms to fulfill specific, extreme, and customized processing requirements)
The temporal-spatial properties and structural relations of the sugary-containing food under extreme temperature and humidity, low pressure, vacuum and other harsh processing environments were investigated. Explore and optimize the sugar-containing food formula suitable for special, extreme or customized processing environment with certain functions, and develop the sugar-containing structure platform with the characteristics of taste simulation, super long storage and so on. It provides theoretical basis and technical reserve for the research and development of special needed for manned spaceflight, emergency rescue, and etc.
3、天然营养素保护与传递智能载体研发。(Development of an intelligent carrier for protection and delivery of natural nutrients)
The temporal-spatial properties are used to control the isomorphic transformation of small molecule sugars in liquid crystal state. The effective loading and controllable release of natural nutrients can be realized by the change of three-dimensional morphology of different crystal shapes. We attempt to build a stable structure, crystal controllable, safe and non-toxic environmental impact of natural nutrient protection and delivery of intelligent carrier.

代表作/ Representative works
(1) Fanghui Fan; Yrj? H. Roos*; Glass Transition-Associated Structural Relaxations and Applications of Relaxation Times in Amorphous Food Solids: a Review, Food Engineering Reviews, 2017, 9: 257-270.
(2) Fanghui Fan; Yrj? H. Roos*; Structural relaxations of amorphous lactose and lactose-whey protein mixtures, Journal of Food Engineering, 2016, 173( 0): 105-115.
(3) Fanghui Fan; Tian Mou; Bambang Nurhadi; Yrj? H. Roos*; Water sorption-induced crystallization, structural relaxations and strength analysis of relaxation times in amorphous lactose/whey protein systems, Journal of Food Engineering, 2016, 196: 150-158.
(4) Wenli Liu; Yrj? H. Roos; Fanghui Fan*; Physicochemical properties and relaxation time in strength analysis of amorphous poly (vinyl-pyrrolidone) and maltodextrin: Effects of water, molecular weight, and lactose addition, Journal of Food Engineering, 2018, 226: 82-95.
(5) Fanghui Fan*; Yrj? H. Roos; Physicochemical properties, structural transformation, and relaxation time in strength analysis for honey powder models, Food Research International, 2019, 122: 137-148.
其它论文/Other Publications

(1) 范方辉*; 崔婷婷; 伍耀文. 小分子糖时-空特征及在高糖食品加工保藏中应用的研究进展, 食品工业科技, 2021.
(2) Yaowen Wu; Tian Mou; Keying Ma; Fanghui Fan*. Color-based clustering algorithm as a novel image analytical method for characterizing maltose crystallinity in amorphous food models. Food Research International, 2021, 144, 110367.
(3) Yaowen Wu; Wanling Huang; Tingting Cui; Fanghui Fan*; Crystallization and strength analysis of amorphous maltose and maltose/whey protein isolate mixtures, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2020.
(4) Fanghui Fan; Pengyu Xiang; Liqing Zhao*; Vibrational spectra analysis of amorphous lactose in structural transformation: Water/temperature plasticization, crystal formation, and molecular mobility, Food Chemistry, 2020, 341: 128215.
(5) Fanghui Fan; Yrj? H. Roos*; Structural strength and crystallization of amorphous lactose in food model solids at various water activities, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2016, 40: 27-34.
(6) Fanghui Fan; Yrj? H. Roos*; Crystallization and structural relaxation times in structural strength analysis of amorphous sugar/whey protein systems, Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 60(0): 85-97.
(7) Fanghui Fan; Yrj? H. Roos*; Structural strength and crystallization in amorphous food models at low water activities, 29th EFFoST International Conference, 雅典,希腊, 2015-11-10至2015-11-12.
(8) Fanghui Fan; Yrj? H. Roos*; X-ray diffraction analysis of lactose crystallization in freeze-dried lactose–whey protein systems, Food Research International, 2015, 67: 1-11.
(9) 黄明泉*; 刘廷竹; 范方辉; 孙宝国; 田红玉; 食品中氯丙醇酯的研究进展, 食品安全质量检测学报, 2014, 12: 3962-3970.
(10) F.H. Fan; Q. Ma; J. Ge; Q.Y. Peng; William W. Riley; S.Z. Tang*; Predic tion of texture characteristics from extrusion food surface images using a computer vision system and artificial neural networks, Journal of Food Engineering, 2013, 118: 426-433.
(11) 范方辉; 陈翠桃; 卓鹏飞; 张永慧; 陈静; 唐书泽*; 基于小鼠饥饿模型筛选应急食品基础配方, 食品科技, 2013, 07: 47-52.
(12) 刘以娟; 范方辉; 王芳兵; 唐书泽*; 葡萄籽提取物体外抗氧化活性的研究, 食品工业科技, 2012, 18: 143-146.
范方辉*; 崔婷婷; 一种应急食品及其配方制备方法, 2021-2-26, 中国, ** 17723.7.
(1) Fan. F. Glass Transition, Crystallization, and Strength Analysis of Water in Food Systems. Food & Beverage [Oral]. Webinar, August 2020.
(2) Huang, W., & Fan F*. Strength Analysis of Amorphous Water and Lactose Containing Water Solutions [Oral]. IFT20, Webinar, July 2020
(3) 范方辉. 非晶态食品“软特征”精确调控在新型功能因子运载体结构设计中的应用, 第四届中国食品科学青年论坛[Invited Speaker], 北京, 2019.09.
(4) 范方辉. 小分子糖Tg附近分子流动控制在玻璃化含糖食品加工保藏中的新应用, 第四届食品科学与人类健康国际研讨会[Invited Speaker], 杭州, 2019.08.
(5) Xiang, P., & Fan, F*. Raman spectra analysis of lactose in the glass and crystalline state at various water activities using 2-D covariance spectrum method [ORAL]. 32nd The European Federation of Food Science & Technology (EFFoST) International Conference, Nantes, France, 06-08 November 2018
(6) Fan, F., & Roos, YH. Innovative Uses of Relaxation Times in Formulation and Design for Honey Powder Structure and Stability at Various Water Activities. [ORAL]. 31st The European Federation of Food Science & Technology (EFFoST) International Conference, Sitges, Spain, 12-16 November 2017
(7) Fan, F. Structural Relaxation Times in Food Structural Engineering. [ePoster]. IFT17, Las Vegas, 25-28 June 2017
(8) Fan, F. Innovative Uses of Relaxation Times in Formulation and Design for Amorphous Food Solids Structure and Stability. [ORAL]. EFFoST 11th PhD-Work Shop, Singen, Germany, 28-29 April 2017
(9) Roos, YH., Fan, F., & Nurhadi, B. Food Stability Analysis Using Dynamic Dewpoint Isotherms. [ORAL in WEBINAR]. METER FOOD Webinar – Simplify Your Approach to Product Stability Analysis in Powders, 12 February 2017.
(10)Fan, F. Food structure engineering and its relevant applications of food solids. [ORAL]. International Forum for Academic and Elites, Guangzhou, P. R. China, 18-20 December 2016
(11) Fan, F., & Roos, YH. Structural Relaxations, Strength Analysis and Crystallization of Amorphous Lactose/PolyvinylPyrrolidone Mixtures. [POSTER]. Conference of Food Engineering (COFE), Columbus, Ohio State University, USA, 12-14 September 2016
(12) Fan, F., & Roos, YH. Water-Induced Relaxation in Amorphous Food Solids: Water Sorption Isotherms, Crystallization and Structural Strength. [ORAL]. International Symposium On the Properties Of Water (ISOPOW XIII), Lausanne, Switzerland, 26-29 June 2016
(13) Fan, F., & Roos, YH. Strength and lactose crystallinity. [Invited Speaker]. Formulation and Design for Food Structure and Stability, Cork, Ireland, 24 June 2016
(14) Fan, F., & Roos, YH. Structural Strength and Crystallization in Amorphous Food Models at Low Water Activities. [ORAL]. 29th The European Federation of Food Science & Technology (EFFoST) International Conference, Athens, Greece, 10-12 November 2015
(15) Fan, F., & Roos, YH. X-Ray diffraction and dynamic-mechanical analysis of freeze-dried lactose/trehalose-whey protein systems. [POSTER]. 12th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Quebec City, Canada, 14-18 June 2015

1、 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“小分子糖Tg附近分子流动形成机制及与玻璃化含糖食品稳定性关系的研究” (**,2019.01-2021.12,23 万元)
2、主持广东省自然科学基金—博士启动项目“高结构强度类胡萝卜素多相兼容复合载体的构建及生物利用度研究”(2018A, 2018.05-2020.05, 10万元)
4、主持国家留学基金委建设高水平大学项目“Crystallization and Fluidness on Food Solids” (6, 2013.09-2017.09, 5.76万欧元)
5、参与爱尔兰农业、海洋与渔业部项目“Formulation and Design for Food Structure and Stability”(11-F-001,2012.01-2016.12,19.6万欧元)


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