

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-29



?2002. PhD, French Literature, University of Toronto
?1996. M.A. French Literature, University of Toronto.
?1993. M. A. English and American Literature, University of Bordeaux, France.
?1992. B. A. English Literature, University of Bordeaux, France.
?1991. General University Diploma, English and American languages and literatures, University of Bordeaux, France.

Languages spoken and written fluently: French, English.
Reading knowledge: Spanish, German, and Italian.

?2016-Present. Associate professor, Shantou University, China.
?2013-2016. Associate professor, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, China.
?2013-2016. Column writer in Magz (magazine culturel) and lecturer at the Alliance Fran?aise de Shanghai
?2010-2013. Associate professor, Shantou University, China.
?2004-2009. Assistant professor, McMaster University, Canada.
?2003-2004. Lecturer, Guelph University, Canada.
?2001-2003. Lecturer, University of Toronto, Canada.
?1993-1995. Teaching assistant, York University, Canada.

a)Practice of spoken English, English grammar and phonetics.
b)Technique of written English and applied linguistics.
c)English culture and literature.
d)English history and civilisation.
e)American culture and literature
f)American history and civilisation.
g)English and American film studies.
h)English and American popular cultures.
i)Canadian Cultures and Literatures.
j)Practice of spoken French, French grammar and phonetics.
k)Technique of written French and applied linguistics.
l)French culture and literature.
m)French history and civilisation.
n)French speaking countries and post-colonial studies.
o)Children’s literature.
p)Gender studies.


·2014. Muriel Walker. Grammar Book. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
·2013. Muriel Walker College English Critical Reading. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
·2000. Walker, Muriel. Pratique de la lecture I, seconde Edition, 80% révisée, Toronto, Prentice Hall, 130 pages.
·1996. Walker, Muriel. Pratique de la lecture II, Toronto, Addison-Wesley, 102 pages.
·1996. Walker, Muriel.Pratique de la lecture I, Toronto, Addison-Wesley, 120 pages.

Articles :
·2015. ?Assia Djebar, cette voix qui m’assiège.?, La Lettre de Shanghai.
·2015. ?Lent et difficile voyage au bout des lectures oulipiennes?, Magz 12. (http://issuu.com/d7-magz/docs/magz12)
·2014. ?Les échos d’Anna Mo?: une légèreté insoutenable?, Magz 11.(http://issuu.com/d7-magz/docs/magz11)
·2014.?Michel Tremblay: la ?maudite vie plate?, Magz 10, 2014 (http://issuu.com/d7-magz/docs/magz10)
·2014. ?Sembène Ousmane: ?un griot engagé?, Magz 9, 2014 (http://issuu.com/d7-magz/docs/magz9)
·2013. ?Naissance d’un style: Maylis de Kerengal?, Magz 8, 2013, (http://issuu.com/d7-magz/docs/magz8)
·2013. ?Amélie Nothomb: Chinoiseries et Japonaiseries?, Magz 7, 2013 (http://issuu.com/d7-magz/docs/magz7)
·2013. ?Shan Sa: l’invitation chinoise.?, Magz 6, 2013. (http://issuu.com/d7-magz/docs/magz6)
·2009. “Forbidden love: between image and text in Marguerite Duras and Assia Djebar”,In the Dark Room: Marguerite Duras and Cinema, Collection: New Studies in European CinemaVol., 7, under the direction of Julie Beaulieu and Rosanna Maule, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 382 pp., 9 ill. ,
·2008. “Femme d’écriture fran?aise: la francographie djebarienne”, special issue of L'Esprit Créateur: The International Quarterly of French and Francophone Studies, Minnesota,University of Minnesota, 15 pages.
·2006. Muriel Walker (Ed.). “Le Canada francophone”, L'Année francophone internationale, Revue annuelle, Centre international de documentation et d'échanges de la Francophonie (CIDEF)Université Laval, Québec, 1 page.
·2006. “Excavation des voix féminines dans Loin de Médine? d’Assia Djebar”, Collection Autour des auteurs maghrébins, Toronto, éditions la Source, coll. "Autourdes écrivains maghrébins", 427 pages.
·2005. ? Le secret de l’oralité dans L’enfant de Sableet La nuit sacréede Tahar Ben Jelhoun ?, écho (Croisement des langages et des cultures), revue en ligne, numéro 3, 17 pages.
·2001. ?Pour une lecture narratologique d’ Histoire d’O?, études Littéraires, Section Analyses: Le littéraire et le politique: Points d’ancrage, volume 32 Numéro 1, Québec, Université Laval, pp. 149-169.
·1998. “Vodú y erotismo en la obra de René Depestre”, Santiago de Cuba, Del Caribe, numero 28, pp 45-50.

Work in Progress
1.Dialogues on Orientalism: Women of Algiers in their Apartment. Pending publication.
2.The Handmaid’s Tale is NOT a Dystopia: a Critical Analysis of the Feminist Perspective of Margaret Atwood’s Novel. Pending publication.
3.The Anthropomorphized Poetry of Richard Adams’ Animal Characters In Watership Down and The Plague Dogs. Pending publication.

Conferences and communications:
·2018. “Dialogues on Orientalism: Women of Algiers in their Apartment.”, September 21, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau.
·2017. ?Interview with Shan Sa (Winner of the Prix Goncourt des Lycéens in 2001), September 8, Alliance Fran?aise of Macau.
·2016. ?Assia Djebar, cette voix qui m’assiège.?, March 16, SISU University.
·2015. “Assia Djebar, cette voix qui m’assiège.”, October 19, Fudan University.
·2012. ?Body Image, Gender and Dieting?, May, Shantou University.
·2011. “Gender Specificity of Eating Disorders”, May, Shantou University.
·2010. ?Sleeping With the Enemy: Forbidden Love in Marguerite Duras’ The Lover”, January, Shantou University.
·1999. “Men, Women, and Sexuality in The Fictional and Social Writings of Nawal El Saadawi”, Africa Society Conference: Options for Africa : Education, Development, Governance, Edmonton, University of Alberta, February 26-28.
·1998. “The Semiotics of Vodu in the Erotic Narratives of René Depestre”, Dialogues in the Spirit : Caribbean Religions in Comparative Perspective, The Caribbean Religions Project Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, Toronto, York University, November 12-15.
·1997. "Naturalisme, crise et renaissance du moi féminin dans Véhi Ciosaned'Ousmane Sembène", Conférence internationale : émile Zola et le Naturalisme, AIZEN, Los Angeles, California State University, October 23-25.
·1997."La mise en abyme chez Georges Bataille", Prise de parole, graduate colloquium, S.E.S.D.E.F., Toronto, University of Toronto, April 19.
·1997. “Histoire d’O: étude narratologique de la violence d'écrire”, L’écriture de la violence/ violence de l’écriture, London, University of Western Ontario, January 24-25.
·1996. “Writing the feminine : Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, and Simone Schwarz-Bart’s Rain and Wind on Télumée Miracle”, Canadian Association for Latin America and Caribbean Studies, XXVII Congress, Toronto, York University, October 31 - November 3.
·1996. “Voodoo and Eroticism in the Works of René Depestre”, Taller Internacional Sobre Las Religiones Afrocaribe?as, Santiago de Cuba, July 3-9.
·1996. “Elle, Tituba, une sorcière qui marronne, dans Moi, Tituba, sorcière noire de Salem, de Maryse Condé et dans Tituba of Salem Village de Ann Petry”, Le Marronnage aux Cara?bes: mythe et réalité, Toronto, University of Toronto, May 17-18-19.
·1996. “Focalisation narrative et vision féminine chez Ousmane Sembène”, Afrique 96 : Crise & Renaissance, Association Canadienne des études Africaines, Montréal, Université McGill, May 1-4.

Creative Writing:
Novels and short stories published under the pen-name of Amélie Sorignet at http://www.elpediteur.com/auteurs/sorignet_am.html
La branleuse, novel, Montréal:éLP éditeur, 2010.
Souffrir pour être belle, book of short stories, Montréal: éLP éditeur, 2016.
Young adults literature:
The Incredible Adventures of the Fairy Melusine(麦柳金奇遇记) upcoming.

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