电子邮件: peng.fang@siat.ac.cn
通信地址: 深圳市南山区大学城学苑大道1068号
邮政编码: 518055
2018-08-20-今,广东省生物医学工程学会青年学术分会, 常务委员2017-11-01-今,中国仪表功能材料学会电子元器件关键材料与技术专业委员会, 委员
2017-03-28-今,广东省生物医学工程学会康复工程分会, 常务委员
2016-07-07-今,中国生物医学工程学会康复工程分会, 青年委员
2016-07-07-今,中国康复辅助器具协会康复工程专业委员会, 青年委员
2016-06-30-今,中国电子学会青年科学家俱乐部, 会员
2015-09-20-今,Chinese-German Symposium, 学术委员
2015-07-25-今,全国驻极体理论及应用研讨会, 学术委员
2014-08-12-今,IEEE International Symposium on Electrets, 国际科学顾问委员
(1) 第九届吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖, 三等奖, 部委级, 2019(2) 中国科学院青年创新促进会, , 部委级, 2018(3) 深圳市高层次专业人才, 市地级, 2016(4) 深圳市南山区领航人才, 市地级, 2016(5) 广东省培养高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新青年拔尖人才, 省级, 2015(6) 广东省杰出青年科学基金, , 省级, 2014(7) 深圳市海外高层次人才, , 市地级, 2012专利成果
( 1 ) 薄膜型扬声器阵列, 实用新型, 2011, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 5.8( 2 ) 传声扬声两用薄膜设备及其制作方法, 发明, 2014, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 2.0( 3 ) 薄膜型传声器阵列, 发明, 2014, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 4.3( 4 ) 薄膜型传声器阵列, 实用新型, 2011, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 9.3( 5 ) 薄膜型扬声器阵列, 发明, 2013, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 6.2( 6 ) 压电式超薄头戴耳机, 实用新型, 2012, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 5.9( 7 ) 压电式康复系统以及压电式康复鞋, 发明, 2016, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 7.7( 8 ) 智能假手系统, 发明, 2015, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 5.1( 9 ) 一种假肢接受腔的防脱落系统, 发明, 2017, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL 7.3( 10 ) 足底压力分布检测系统及其制作方法, 发明, 2017, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 5.X( 11 ) 假肢, 发明, 2016, 第 4 作者, 专利号: ZL 6.X( 12 ) 康复训练手及康复训练方法, 发明, 2017, 第 5 作者, 专利号: ZL 4.6( 13 ) 集成检测传感器及触摸感应设备, 实用新型, 2018, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 8.X( 14 ) 一种信号检测传感结构, 实用新型, 2018, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 2.5( 15 ) 多种假肢部件及其旋转传动机构、屈伸传动机构, 发明, 2019, 第 5 作者, 专利号: ZL 1.9( 16 ) 假肢手, 发明, 2018, 第 5 作者, 专利号: ZL 2.4( 17 ) 一种运动监控系统, 实用新型, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 4.7( 18 ) 一种传感器, 实用新型, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 5.9( 19 ) 复合传感器及复合传感器系统, 实用新型, 2019, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL 9.3( 20 ) 一种传感器, 实用新型, 2019, 第 3 作者, 专利号: ZL 7.7( 21 ) 脉搏检测装置, 实用新型, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL 3.7出版信息
(1)A stacked sparse auto-encoder and back propagation network model for sensory event detection via a flexible ECoG,Cognitive Neurodynamics,2020,通讯作者(2)Investigation of Electret and Filtering Properties of Polypropylene-Based Nonwoven Fabrics and its Composites with 2 vol% of Silicon Dioxide Inclusions,IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2020,第5作者(3)A FEP-PTFE compound electret system with improved hydrophobicity and charge stability,IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2020,第5作者(4)Intelligent EMG Pattern Recognition Control Method for Upper-Limb Multifunctional Prostheses: Advances, Current Challenges, and Future Prospects,IEEE Access,2019,第8作者(5)应用于人工皮肤的压电驻极体触觉传感阵列研究,电子元件与材料,2019,通讯作者(6)基于电刺激的上肢截肢者诱发手指幻肢感初步研究,集成技术,2019,通讯作者(7)Microarray Profiling and Co-Expression Network Analysis of long non-coding RNAs in adipose tissue of Obesity-T2DM mouse,Obesity,2019,第9作者(8)Performance Evaluation of Visual Noise Imposed Stochastic Resonance Effect on Brain-Computer Interface Application: A Comparison Between Motion-Reversing Simple Ring and Complex Checkerboard Patterns,Frontiers in Neuroscience,2019,第5作者(9)Property Assessment and Application Exploration for Layered Polytetrafluoroethylene Piezoelectrets,IEEE Sensors Journal,2019,通讯作者(10)A New Technique for the Prediction of Heart Failure Risk driven by Hierarchical Neighborhood Component-Based Learning and Adaptive Multi-Layer Networks,Future Generation Computer Systems,2019,其他(合作组作者)(11)Towards Resolving the Co-existing Impacts of Multiple Dynamic Factors on the Performance of EMG-Pattern Recognition based Prostheses,Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2019,第8作者(12)Fabrication, structure characterization, and performance testing of piezoelectret-film sensors for recording body motion,IEEE Sensors Journal,2018,第1作者(13)Resolving the Adverse Impact of Mobility on Myoelectric Pattern Recognition in Upper-limb Multifunctional Prostheses,Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2017,第4作者(14)Improving the robustness of electromyogram-pattern recognition for prosthetic control by a post-processing strategy of motion classification,Frontiers in Neurorobotics,2017,通讯作者(15)Flexible film-transducers based on polypropylene piezoelectrets: Fabrication, properties, and applications in wearable devices,Sensors and Actuators A-Physical,2017,通讯作者(16)A motion-classification strategy based on sEMG-EEG signal combination for upper-limb amputees,Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation,2017,通讯作者(17)An integrated decision support system based on ANN and Fuzzy_AHP for heart failure risk prediction,Expert Systems With Applications,2017,第4作者(18)低成本自适应仿人假肢手设计,集成技术,2016,第5作者(19)Towards reducing the impacts of unwanted movements on identification of motion intentions,Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology,2016,第6作者(20)A motion sensing?based framework for robotic manipulation,Robotics and Biomimetics,2016,第5作者(21)New Control Strategies for Multifunctional Prostheses that Combine Electromyographic and Speech Signals,IEEE Intelligent Systems,2015,第1作者(22)Tactile and Slip Sensation Acquisition in Prosthetic Hands and Proprioceptive Feedback of Perception for Arm Amputees,Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International,2015,第1作者(23)截肢者的新希望:神经控制的多功能假肢系统,IEEE Spectrum 科技纵览,2015,第1作者(24)医疗康复机器人研究进展及趋势,中国科学院院刊,2015,第5作者(25)基于高密度肌电电势图的正常吞咽过程可视化研究,集成技术,2013,第3作者(26)Piezoelectric d33 coefficients in foamed and layered polymer piezoelectrets from dynamic mechano-electrical experiments, electro-mechanical resonance spectroscopy, and acoustic-transducer measurements,Measurement Science and Technology,2012,第1作者(27)Three-layer piezoelectrets from fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP) copolymer films,Applied Physics A-Materials Science and Processing,2011,第1作者(28)Polyethylene-naphthalate (PEN) ferroelectrets: Cellular structure, piezoelectricity and thermal stability,IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2010,第1作者(29)Cellular polyethylene-naphthalate films for ferroelectret applications: foaming, inflation and stretching, assessment of electromechanically relevant structural features,e-polymers,2008,第1作者(30)Cellular polyethylene-naphthalate ferroelectrets: Foaming in supercritical carbon dioxide, structural and electrical preparation, and resulting piezoelectricity,Applied Physics Letters,2007,第1作者发表著作
(1)"Activity Recognition Based on Pattern Recognition of Myoelectric Signals for Rehabilitation" in "Handbook of Large-Scale Distributed Computing in Smart Healthcare",Springer,2017-03,第2作者(2)“Realizing Efficient EMG-Based Prosthetic Control Strategy”, in Book: “Neural Interface: Frontiers and Applications”,Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.,2019-12,第5作者科研活动
( 1 ) 基于无声语音及肌电信息融合的多功能假肢控制研究, 主持,国家级,2013-01--2015-12( 2 ) 聚合物压电驻极体传感性能提升及在生物医学领域应用研究, 主持,省级,2013-06--2014-12( 3 ) 高性能压电驻极体传感技术及相关应用系统的研发, 主持,省级,2013-12--2015-12( 4 ) 多功能机器手智能控制研究, 主持,省级,2015-01--2019-01( 5 ) 穿戴式设备用柔性传感器关键技术研发, 主持,省级,2015-08--2017-08( 6 ) 感知觉智能增强方法及运动功能重建, 参与,国家级,2013-01--2017-12( 7 ) 基于视听觉诱导运动神经通道重建的脑控康复机器人关键技术研究及系统集成验证, 参与,国家级,2015-01--2017-12( 8 ) 广东省高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新青年拔尖人才项目, 主持,省级,2016-06--2019-05( 9 ) 实现下肢假肢智能仿生控制的神经功能重建及行走意图识别方法, 参与,国家级,2017-01--2020-12( 10 ) 上臂智能康复技术及应用研究, 参与,省级,2016-07--2019-07( 11 ) 基于柔性传感的假肢手感觉信号检测及感觉神经反馈方法研究, 主持,国家级,2018-01--2021-12( 12 ) 神经信号编码与假肢手柔顺运动控制, 主持,国家级,2018-05--2023-04( 13 ) 生物医用驻极体材料及在创面愈合与再生修复中的应用, 主持,国家级,2017-07--2019-06( 14 ) 中国科学院青年创新促进会项目, 主持,部委级,2018-01--2021-12( 15 ) 复合结构铁电/压电驻极体功能材料及器件应用, 主持,部委级,2018-01--2019-12( 16 ) 生物医用驻极体功能材料及其在组织工程领域的应用研究, 主持,省级,2018-02--2021-01( 17 ) 用于治疗足下垂的新型功能电刺激技术及其神经机理研究, 参与,国家级,2013-01--2015-12( 18 ) 多模可穿戴人机交互智能设备技术, 主持,国家级,2020-01--2021-06( 19 ) 神经肌肉电生理与血液微循环信息的同步高分辨检测系统, 参与,国家级,2020-01--2024-12( 20 ) 用于单兵生理信息检测的可穿戴柔性传感技术, 参与,国家级,2017-07--2018-07( 21 ) 脑机接口关键技术及软硬件产品研究, 参与,省级,2019-01--2021-12( 22 ) 高集成度人体运动能力综合监护系统, 主持,院级,2020-04--2020-12参与会议
(1)Bio-inspired Algorithms for Optimal Feature Selection in Motor Imagery-based Brain-Computer Interface2020-07-20(2)Characterizing Multiple Patterns of Motor Intent Using Spatial-Temporal Information for Intuitively Active Motor Training in Stroke Survivors2020-07-20(3)FPGA Implementation of Visual Noise Optimized Online Steady-State Motion Visual Evoked Potential BCI System2020-06-22(4)A Novel Motion-Onset N200\P300 Brain-Computer Interface Paradigm2020-06-22(5)Efficient Classification of Motor Imagery Using Particle Swarm Optimization-based Neural Network for IoT Applications2020-06-03(6)The Performance Evaluation of SSVEP-BCI Actuated Wheelchair with Parameter Setting of Time-Window Length and Stimulation Layout2020-06-03(7)A hybrid approach based on non-parametric attribute learning technique and multi-layer networks for congestive heart failure risk prediction2019-12-06(8)Piezoelectret-Based Wrist Pulse Monitoring and Heart Rate Variability Analysis2019智能康复及人机工程学术会议(IRHMEC 2019)2019-11-19(9)基于微针阵列电极的可穿戴肌电信号采集系统2019中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME 2019)2019-11-14(10)Piezoelectret-Based Wrist Pulse Monitoring and Heart Rate Variability Analysis2019-09-28(11)Polymeric Piezoelectrets and Their Applications2019-09-22(12)The Electric Charges on Polymeric Electrets and Their Applications2019-09-02(13)Electret and filtering properties of non-woven fabrics based on polypropylene and its composites with SiO2 inclusions2019-09-02(14)A P(VDF-TrFE)-based temperature sensor for robot hands2019-09-02(15)A Comparison of Force Myography and Surface Electromyography in Decoding the Hand Motion Intentions2019-08-04(16)Two Frequencies Sequential Coding for the ASSR-based Brain-Computer Interface Application2019-08-04(17)Mid-Air Gestures for Multi-Fingered Virtual Assembly System with Leap Motion2019-08-04(18)Automatic Detection of Atrial Fibrillation in Ballistocardiogram (BCG) Using Wavelet Features and Machine Learning2019-07-23(19)Spatio-Temporal Based Descriptor for Limb Movement-Intent Characterization in EMG-Pattern Recognition System2019-07-23(20)Performance Evaluation of a “Switch-To-Target” Based Asynchronous SSVEP BCI Paradigm2019-06-24(21)A Piezoelectret-Based Wrist Pulse Monitoring System for Heart Rate Variability Analysis2019-06-23(22)Towards Control of EEG-based Robotic Arm using Deep Learning via Stacked Sparse Autoencoder2018-12-12(23)铁电聚合物薄膜微结构及电性能调控第三届全国驻极体理论及应用研讨会(CNCE 3)2018-11-23(24)Piezoelectric Property of Layered Polytetrafluoroethylene Ferroelectrets第三届全国驻极体理论及应用研讨会(CNCE 3)2018-11-23(25)A Piezoelectret-based Flexible Sensor for Pulse Monitoring第三届全国驻极体理论及应用研讨会(CNCE 3)2018-11-23(26)应用于人工皮肤的压电驻极体触觉传感器研究第三届全国驻极体理论及应用研讨会(CNCE 3)2018-11-23(27)生物驻极体用于诱导成纤维细胞分化初探第三届全国驻极体理论及应用研讨会(CNCE 3)2018-11-23(28)铁电聚合物薄膜的微结构调控及其铁电存储第十七届全国电介质物理、材料与应用学术会议-第十九届全国电子元件与材料学术大会(DM 17-EC 19)2018-11-14(29)A Piezoelectret-based Flexible Sensor for Pulse Monitoring2018-10-25(30)Highly Stretchable Electrodes Based on Gold Films with Cyclic Stability for Electrocorticogram Recordings2018-10-25(31)Electrophysiological Assessment of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation through Somatosensory Evoked Potential in Rat Hindlimb2018-10-25(32)A Flexible Compound Sensing System for Tactile Detection in Prosthetic Hands2018-10-25(33)An Analysis of Biomechanical Characteristics of Gait Based on the Musculoskeletal Model2018-10-25(34)Determining the Optimal Window Parameters for Accurate and Reliable Decoding of Multiple Classes of Upper Limb Motor Imagery Tasks2018-10-25(35)Influence of Functional Electrical Stimulation on Muscle and Nerve Rehabilitation in Post Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Surgery2018-10-25(36)Effect of Window Conditioning Parameters on the Classification Performance and Stability of EMG-Based Feature Extraction Methods2018-10-25(37)The Electric Charges on Polymeric Electrets and Their Applications2018-10-09(38)Vibration energy harvesting with flexible electrets2018-09-21(39)Piezoelectric property of layered polytetrafluoroethylene ferroelectrets2018-09-21(40)基于柔性压电驻极体传感器的脉搏波检测系统2018年中国生物医学工程联合学术年会(CBME 2018)2018-09-20(41)一种用于假肢手触觉检测的柔性传感器设计及信号分析2018年中国生物医学工程联合学术年会(CBME 2018)2018-09-20(42)一种应用于假肢手触觉检测的复合传感系统研究2018年中国生物医学工程联合学术年会(CBME 2018)2018-09-20(43)基于金膜的高度可拉伸电极应用于颅内皮层脑电信号监测2018年中国生物医学工程联合学术年会(CBME 2018)2018-09-20(44)基于肌肉骨骼模型的步态生物力学特性分析2018年中国生物医学工程联合学术年会(CBME 2018)2018-09-20(45)有机半导体/铁电复合阻变薄膜中国物理学会2018年秋季学术会议(CPS 2018)2018-09-13(46)A Pilot Study on Using Forcemyography to Record Upper-Limb Movements for Human-Machine Interactive Control2018-07-17(47)Using Muscle Synergy to Evaluate the Neck Muscular Activities During Normal Swallowing2018-07-17(48)A Novel Flexible Sensor for Muscle Shape Change Monitoring in Limb Motion Recognition2018-07-17(49)A Novel Time-Domain Descriptor for Improved Prediction of Upper Limb Movement Intent in EMG-PR System2018-07-17(50)基于压电驻极体的触滑觉传感器研究第十三届中国电子信息技术年会2018-04-21(51)基于触滑信号的仿生假手智能控制研究第十三届中国电子信息技术年会2018-04-21(52)Ferroelectrets: Prominent Candidates for Acoustic Applications2017-09-14(53)A dual-structural Ferroelectret System for Force Sensing2017-09-14(54)Design of a combined-structural piezoelectret system for sensing force signals in both normal and tangential directions2017-09-04(55)Improving the motion classification performance of myoelectric prosthesis control by feature filtering strategy2017-07-14(56)A New EMG-based Index Towards the Assessment of Elbow Spasticity for Post-stroke Patients2017-07-11(57)A Wearable 12-Lead ECG Acquisition System with Fabric Electrodes2017-07-11(58)Motor Imagery Classification of Upper Limb Movements Based on Spectral Domain Features of EEG Patterns2017-07-11(59)Increasing the robustness against force variation in EMG motion classification by common spatial patterns2017-07-11(60)Piezoelectrets: Novel Transducer Materials for Mechanic and Acoustic Applications2017-05-07(61)柔性聚丙烯压电驻极体薄膜传感器及其在穿戴设备中的应用第二届全国驻极体理论及应用研讨会(CNCE 2)2016-09-25(62)基于压电驻极体传感器的人体运动监控与识别第二届全国驻极体理论及应用研讨会(CNCE 2)2016-09-25(63)Flexible Film-Transducers Based on Piezoelectrets: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications2016-08-29(64)Piezoelectret-based Flexible Film-Transducers for Wearable Devices2016-08-21(65)Orthodontic Force Simulation of Tooth-PDL-Bone Complex under Archwire Loading2016-08-17(66)A New Approach to Mitigate the Effect of Force Variation on Pattern Recognition for Myoelectric Control2016-08-17(67)FMG-Based Body Motion Registration Using Piezoelectret Sensors2016-08-17(68)Examining the Effect of Subjects’ Mobility on Upper Limb Motion Identification Based on EMG-Pattern Recognition2016-07-20(69)Motion Sensing Based Framework for Robot Manipulation2016-06-06(70)An Approach for Body Motion Registration Using Flexible Piezoelectret Sensors2015-10-09(71)Piezoelectrets: Preparation of cellular structure and application in pressure sensing2015-09-21(72)Towards determining the afferent sites of perception feedback on residual arms of amputees with transcutaneous electrical stimulationHui Wang, Peng Fang, Lan Tian, Yue Zheng, Hui Zhou, and Guanglin Li*2015-08-25(73)压电驻极体传感技术应用探索全国首届驻极体理论及应用研讨会 (CNCE 1)2015-07-25(74)Piezoelectrets and Their Applications as Wearable Physiological-Signal Sensors and Energy HarvestersPeng Fang, Qifang Zhuo, Yanhu Cai, Lan Tian, Haoshi Zhang, Yue Zheng, Guanglin Li*2015-06-09(75)A piezoelectret-based approach for touching and slipping detection in robotic handsQifang Zhuo, Lan Tian, Peng Fang*, Guanglin Li, and Xiaoqing Zhang2015-06-08(76)Using Thin-Film Piezoelectret to Detect Tactile and Slip Signals for Restoring Sensation of Prosthetic HandsPeng Fang, Lan Tian, Yue Zheng, Jianping Huang, and Guanglin Li2014-08-26(77)Using Piezoelectret Sensor to Detect Heart Rate of HumansPeng Fang, Haoshi Zhang, Lan Tian, and Guanglin Li2014-08-10(78)Use of Piezoelectret in Touching and Slipping Detection for Myoelectric Prosthetic HandsPeng Fang, Lan Tian, Yue Zheng, Haoshi Zhang, and Guanglin Li2014-08-10(79)A Prosthesis Control System Based on the Combination of Speech and sEMG Signals and Its Performance AssessmentZheng Wei, Peng Fang*, Lan Tian, Qifang Zhuo, and Guanglin Li2014-04-22(80)Motion Recognition for Simultaneous Control of Multifunctional Transradial ProsthesesNaifu Jiang, Lan Tian, Peng Fang, Yaping Dai, and Guanglin Li2013-07-03(81)Using Speech for Mode Selection in Control of Multifunctional Myoelectric ProsthesesPeng Fang, Zheng Wei, Yanjuan Geng, Fuan Yao, and Guanglin Li2013-07-03(82)Piezoelectrets: Polymer Foams for Transducer ApplicationsPeng Fang and Guanglin Li2012-11-23(83)Three-layer piezoelectrets from fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) copolymer films: Arrangement, preparation and characterization2010-03-21(84)Preparation of cellular polyethylene-naphthalate piezo- and ferroelectrets: Foaming in supercritical carbon dioxide plus structural improvement through inflation and stretching2008-10-01(85)Charging conditions for cellular-polymer ferroelectrets with enhanced thermal stabilityPeng Fang, Werner Wirges, Reimund Gerhard, and Larissa Zirkel2008-09-15(86)Cellular polyethylene-naphthalate piezo- and ferroelectrets: Foaming in supercritical carbon dioxide, structure improvement through inflation and stretching2008-02-25(87)Three-layer ferroelectrets from perforated Teflon-PTFE films fused between two homogeneous Teflon-FEP filmsHeitor Cury Basso, RAP Altafim, RAC Altafim, Axel Mellinger, Peng Fang, Werner Wirges, and Reimund Gerhard2007-10-14合作情况
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