

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-05

姓 名 陈皓勇 性 别 男
出生年月 1975年10月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 所长 Email eehychen@scut.edu.cn
工作单位 电力学院 邮政编码 510641
通讯地址 五山路华南理工大学电力学院电力实验楼
单位电话 **

【陈皓勇】华南理工大学电力学院教授(三级),博士生导师,电力经济与电力市场研究所所长,IEEE高级会员,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。1990年考入西安交通大学少年班,1995年7月电力系统及其自动化专业本科毕业,2000 年6 月博士毕业(师从王锡凡院士)并留校任教。2006年12月调入华南理工大学。以复杂(大规模、随机性、分布式、网络化)电力(能源)系统(建模、分析、优化与控制)为核心学术领域,长期从事电力系统规划、运行与控制,新能源并网与智能电网技术,电力经济与电力市场,综合能源系统等方向的基础前沿研究和教学工作。基于数学、物理学、经济学和生物学的基础理论,广泛采用信息/通信、优化/控制、线性/非线性系统、网络理论和经济管理的前沿方法和先进技术,着重电力(能源)系统问题的多学科交叉研究。近年来主持的国家级重点项目包括:国家优秀青年科学基金项目“含高渗透率间歇式能源的电力系统鲁棒调度理论及方法”, 国家自然科学基金项目“基于微分博弈理论的电力系统最优协调电压控制研究”,国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)“先进能源技术领域智能电网关键技术研发”重大项目“多类型新能源发电综合消纳的关键技术”(子题),国家自然科学基金项目“电力系统运行方式优化和综合资源规划的协同进化算法”,国家社会科学基金项目“电力市场交易制度的实验经济学研究”等,另外主持和参与10余项国家和省部级重点项目。在国内外权威期刊和国际会议发表论文200余篇,其中SCI收录论文30余篇。获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学一等奖等省部级以上奖励4项。担任中国能源研究会能源互联网专委会、中国能源研究会电能技术专业委员会综合能源与再电气化学组成员、中国自动化学会能源互联网专委会、中国电机工程学会新能源并网与运行专委会、中国人工智能学会智慧能源系统专委会委员,担任国家科学技术奖励评审专家、中国博士后科学基金评审专家、2013年至2014年IEEE-PES亚太电力与能源工程国际会议(IEEE PES APPEEC)技术委员会主席等职,任《Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems》(PCMP)、《电力自动化设备》、《分布式能源》、《电力大数据》等多家重要期刊杂志编委。创立“全球华人电力与能源协会”(香港)并获联合国教科文组织总部嘉奖。

Dr. Haoyong Chen is a professor at the School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. He is the director of the Institute of Power Economics and Electricity Markets, senior member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), and winner of China National Funds for Excellent Young Scientists. In 1990, he was admitted to the Gifted Junior Class of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China. He received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1995 and 2000 respectively. From June 2000, he served as an academic staff in the Department of Electric Power Engineering of Xi'an Jiaotong University. In December 2006, he transferred his job to South China University of Technology. Dr. Haoyong Chen's main research areas are around modeling, analysis, optimization, and control of the complex (large-scale, stochastic, distributed, networked) power (energy) systems, which includes power system planning, operation and control, renewable energy & Smart Grids, power economics & electricity markets, and integrated energy systems. Based on the basic theories of mathematics, physics, economics, and biology, he widely used the frontier and advanced technologies of information/communication, optimization/control, linear/nonlinear systems, network theory, economics and management science and highlights inter-disciplinary research on power (energy) system problems. In recent years, he has undertaken several national and provicial key projects, including Theory and Methods of Power System Robust Scheduling with a High Penetration of Intermittent Energy Sources (China National Funds for Excellent Young Scientists No. **), Key Technologies for Integration of Multi-Type New Energy Sources (National High Technology Research and Development 863 Program of China No. 2012AA050201), Research on Optimal Coordinated Voltage Control (OCVC) of Power Systems Based on Differential Game Theory (National Natural Science Foundation of China No. **), Optimal Scheduling of Power Systems with Significant Wind Power Penetration (Program of New Century Excellent Talents in University of China No. NCET080207), Models and Algorithms of Security Constrained Unit Commitment in Power Systems with Large-scale Wind Farms (Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education No. 109128), Cooperative Co-evolutionary Algorithms for Power System Optimal Operation and Integrated Resource Planning (National Natural Science Foundation of China No. **), Research on Pricing Theory, Auction Mechanism and Simulation of Electricity Market in China (Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China No. **), Experimental Research of Electricity Market Auction Mechanism (National Social Science Foundation of China No. 04CJL012), Influence of Electricity Market on Power System Reliability (National Key Basic Research Project No. 2004CB217905), and more than 10 other national and provincial key projects. He has published more than 150 papers in authoritative journals and international conferences, including 30 papers indexed by SCI. He was awarded the first prize of Excellent Natural Science Research of The Ministry of Education and 3 other provincial level awards. He is the member of the Energy Internet Special Committee of the China Energy Research Association, the Energy Internet Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, the Renewable Energy Integration and Operation Committee of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, the Intelligent Energy System Committee of China Artificial Intelligence Society. He also serves as the National Science and Technology Award Review Expert, China Postdoctoral Science Fund Review Expert, Technical Committee Chair of 2013-2014 IEEE-PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (IEEE PES APPEEC). He has served as the editorial board member of several important journals such as Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP), Power Automation Equipment, Distributed Energy, and Power Systems and Big Data. He established the "Global Chinese Power & Energy Society" (Hong Kong) and his work was awarded by the UNESCO.
? 1995年9月-2000年6月,西安交通大学,电力系统及其自动化专业,2000年6月获工学博士学位(硕博连读),导师为王锡凡院士
? 1992年9月-1995年7月,西安交通大学,电力系统及其自动化专业,1995年7月获工学学士学位,导师为王锡凡院士
? 1990年9月-1992年7月,西安交通大学,少年班
? 2013年国家优秀青年科学基金获得者
? 2008年教育部新世纪优秀人才

? 教育部2008年高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学一等奖(省部级)
? 2017年度海南省科技进步奖一等奖(省部级)
? 2017年度中国电力科学技术进步奖二等奖(省部级)
? 2017年度中国电力创新奖二等奖(省部级)
? 2017年度中国南方电网公司科技进步奖三等奖
? 2017年度海南电网有限责任公司科技进步奖一等奖
? 2017年度海南电网有限责任公司科技进步奖二等奖
? 创立“华人电力与能源协会”(Global Chinese Power & Energy Society,总部设在中国香港)并担任首任主席
? 担任中国能源研究会能源互联网专委会、中国能源研究会电能技术专业委员会综合能源与再电气化学组、中国自动化学会能源互联网专委会、中国电机工程学会新能源并网与运行专委会、中国人工智能学会智慧能源系统专委会委员
? 担任国家科学技术奖励评审专家、中国博士后科学基金评审专家
? 多次担任IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference、IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration、International Conference on Power System Technology(POWERCON)和IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies – Asia技术委员会主席或成员
? 但任《Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems》(PCMP)、《电力自动化设备》、《分布式能源》、《电力大数据》等多家重要期刊杂志编委
近年来共发表SCI论文31篇,EI论文超过100篇。英文专著Power System Optimization: Large-scale Complex Systems Approaches已于2016年8月由国际权威出版社John Wiley & Sons - IEEE Press出版,是国际上第一部从大规模复杂系统方法的角度阐述电力系统优化方法的专著。以第一作者发表的论文“能量网络的传递规律与网络方程”入选了2014年度 F5000(领跑5000——中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文)。所发表论文被国内外电力系统、信息控制、人工智能、经济管理和量子物理等不同领域的科研人员引用。由Google Scholar查得h-index为21,g-index为32,单篇被引用10次以上的文章数为53。申请国家发明专利27个,目前已授权14个,实质性审查13个。科研成果广泛应用于智能电网调度与控制、电力市场设计与仿真分析、输/配电网优化规划、电力系统无功优化等诸多领域。获2008年度教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学一等奖(“电力系统运行与规划的最优决策模型及算法研究”,排名第2)、2017年度海南省科技进步奖一等奖(“多类型新能源发电综合消纳的关键技术研究及应用”)、2017年度中国电力科学技术进步奖二等奖、2017年度中国电力创新奖二等奖、2017年度中国南方电网公司科技进步奖三等奖、2017年度海南电网有限责任公司科技进步奖一等奖、2017年度海南电网有限责任公司科技进步奖二等奖等奖项。作为主要完成人参与的项目“全省域智能电网示范区关键技术创新及工程应用”已由海南省提名2019年度国家科学技术进步奖(排名第2)。此外,还在《经济日报》、《中国能源报》(《人民日报》社主办的我国能源产业经济最权威媒体)等上发表一系列电力市场改革评论文章,得到中央决策部门的关注。
担任中国能源研究会能源互联网专委会、中国能源研究会电能技术专业委员会综合能源与再电气化学组、中国自动化学会能源互联网专委会、中国电机工程学会新能源并网与运行专委会、中国人工智能学会智慧能源系统专委会委员;担任国家科学技术奖励评审专家、中国博士后科学基金评审专家;多次担任IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference、IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration、International Conference on Power System Technology(POWERCON)和IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies – Asia技术委员会主席或成员;任《电力自动化设备》、《Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems》(PCMP)等多家重要期刊杂志编委。每年均在“中国智能电网学术研讨会”(中国电工技术学会主办)等重要学术会议上作大会报告。
【A. 长期从事电力系统人工智能核心算法研究,首次提出电力系统机组组合的协同进化算法,并将其推广于电力系统运行、规划、控制和电力市场决策等领域,所提方法被国内外多个领域学者广泛引用并在电力行业得到应用】
首次提出电力系统领域的协同进化算法(Co-evolutionary Algorithms),并在随后的研究中将其发展成为电力系统运行、规划、控制和电力市场决策的重要方法,在国际权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Power Systems等上发表一系列论文并在国际权威出版社出版专著。协同进化算法是一种代表性的分布式人工智能(Distributed Artificial Intelligence,DAI)算法,借鉴自然界中的协同进化机制,在传统单物种进化算法的基础上引入生态系统的概念,以生态系统的进化来达到问题求解的目的。在随后的研究中,将协同进化算法成功推广至电力系统无功优化、寡头垄断电力市场的模拟和分析、电网规划等不同问题的求解。近期提出基于协同进化算法的电力系统频率协同控制策略(授权国家发明专利ZL**1.2),已应用于海南电网频率控制,有效解决了新能源接入条件下孤岛(弱外联电网)的频率稳定问题。
关于协同进化计算的研究成果引起各国不同专业背景学者们的广泛关注,西班牙巴斯克大学通信工程系J. Del Ser教授等将该方法作为一种求解极复杂问题的代表性并行元启发式方法进行了介绍。澳大利亚新南威尔士大学工程与信息技术学院T. Ray and R. A. Sarker教授等系统地跟踪了的研究工作,并将其扩展至多个纳什均衡解的求解。英国伯明翰大学X. Zhang教授等将协同进化算法应用于含微虚拟电厂(μVPP)的主动配电网的市场均衡求解。新加坡国立大学D. Srinivasan、L. T. Trung和美国德州农机大学C.Singh教授等将协同进化算法扩展至考虑复杂物理网络约束的电力市场需求方的投标和合作策略。伊朗塔比阿特莫达勒斯大学F. Kamyab、美国卡耐基梅隆大学M. Amini等将所提分段仿射供给函数均衡模型拓展至智能电网背景下的需求侧响应分析。此外,包括美国阿贡国家实验室(美国阿贡国家实验室J. Wang等在Energy发表的论文中指出作者所提出的协同进化算法有良好的收敛性和更快的计算速度,并将该算法框架直接推广到电力市场投标策略分析的演化博弈模型)、美国伊利诺理工大学(伊利诺斯理工学院电气与计算机工程系主任S. M. Shahidehpour教授等在IEEE Trans. on PWRS上所发表论文指出作者所提协同进化算法收敛快、能克服过早收敛的问题,并将该算法应用于不完全信息条件下发电容量策略性扩展规划)、美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学(美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学先进的诊断、自动化与控制实验室Mo-Yuen Chow教授等在IEEE Trans. on Ind. Inf.发表的论文指出申请人所建立的协同进化算法能快速收敛、避免陷入局部极值和处理非线性问题,是解决分布式网络控制系统性能和安全性平衡问题的最佳选择)雅典国家技术大学(雅典国家技术大学的K. C. Giannakoglou教授认为作者所提出的协同进化算法能有效的解决这类优化问题)等多个研究小组的关注和跟进。澳大利亚悉尼大学商学院研究团队、阿尔及利亚胡阿里·布迈丁科技大学的电力工程研究团队、香港理工大学计算智能应用研究实验室研究团队、伊朗德黑兰大学控制和智能处理中心研究团队、墨西哥莫雷利亚技术大学电力工程研究团队也跟进了的研究工作。由美国、英国、德国等多国科学家组成的联合研究团队已找到自然界协同进化(Coevolution)的基因学证据并在《美国科学院院报》(PNAS)上发表(2015年7月7日),该算法的生物学基础更加扎实,在人工智能技术得到世界各国高度重视的背景下,有望得到进一步发展。
在现阶段不断开放的市场环境下,电力系统中存在不同的利益主体,在规划和运行决策中通常以自身利益最大化为目标,传统的统一优化模型难以适用于这种情况。为解决这个问题,长期从事基于博弈理论(拍卖理论)的电力市场建模、分析与仿真研究:提出了运用多项式方程系统求解电力市场均衡的方法,形成了基于实验经济学的电力市场博弈(拍卖)分析理论和方法,并结合基于协同进化计算的智能模拟和实验经济学方法研究了电力市场主体的交易策略和市场均衡等问题。率先采用实验经济学的方法研究了寡头垄断电力市场的市场主体交易决策行为和市场均衡问题,设计了实验平台,并提出了寡头垄断电力市场的实验设计方案和程序,对寡头垄断市场和电力市场竞价机制(拍卖问题)进行了长期的实验研究。西班牙卡斯蒂利亚?拉曼查大学(西班牙卡斯蒂利亚?拉曼查大学的C. Ruiz、A. J. Conejo和R. Garcia-Bertrand认为申请人提出新实验方法分析含古诺代理的电力市场模型,得到了很有意义的结论),美国惠普实验室(美国惠普实验室的K. Y. Chen和T. Hogg One 基于实验经济学的电力市场博弈分析对前沿的量子博弈有所启示)和田纳西大学(田纳西大学的F. Li教授认为电力市场中多人博弈的多纳什均衡可由提出的方法求解)的多个权威学者跟进和引用了的工作。相关研究成果已成功应用于“西北电力市场综合模拟系统”和“国家电力市场仿真系统”的开发,成为其核心技术,国内电力市场领域专家一致认为研究成果达到国际领先水平(参见“专家评审验收意见”)。2015年3月,中共中央、国务院启动新一轮电改(以中发〔2015〕9号文为标志),提出的电力市场协同进化计算模拟和实验经济学方法得到广泛的重视,并在多省区(南方区域、贵州、河南、湖南等)实际电力市场设计中得到应用。
另一方面,从工程角度来看,智能电网中包含大量分布式控制器,作用于不同层面,控制目标相互独立,甚至存在冲突。将作为社会科学重要方法的博弈论引入工程领域,提出基于博弈理论的电力系统协同控制思想,将每个控制器都视为独立决策主体,通过其间的自组织竞争达到均衡,以解决多个控制器动态协调的难题。首次将微分博弈理论应用于电力系统频率/电压协同控制,已取得一系列研究成果。该项研究已引起国际学术界的关注,早稻田大学的Y. Wasa、 K. Sakata, K. Hirata和K. Uchida等直接借鉴申请人所提出的基于微分博弈控制的二次调频方法。美国威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校L. Wang教授等将基于博弈论的频率控制方法推广至市场环境下插电式混合动力汽车参与调频问题。为解决交直流并联电网出现的直流闭锁导致潮流转移从而引起功角失稳、多馈入受端电网交流故障导致多回直流同时换相失败等风险问题,南方电网采取了世界首个同步电网分裂异步运行的工程方案。在云南异步联网试验期间发生了由大规模水电机组调速系统引发罕见的超低频振荡问题,采用所研究的频率控制模型从新的角度提供了该问题的形成原理和解决措施。此外,基于微分博弈理论的最优协调电压控制研究获得国家自然科学基金资助并以“优秀”结题,还建立了电力系统二级电压控制的合作博弈模型。相关研究成果已应用于海南电网可再生能源接入后的电压控制,能有效阻止风电并网点的电压跌落。这项研究工作开拓了电力系统协同控制新方向,当前博弈控制论已成为电气工程和控制理论领域的国际研究热点(参见中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院程代展教授“博弈控制论简述”一文,《控制理论与应用》2018年第5期)。
由新能源(风、光等)发电功率的随机性和波动性给电力系统机组组合和经济调度带来新的挑战。首次提出了基于极限场景法(Extreme Scenarios)[类似于美国新英格兰调度的“不越限调度”(Do-Not-Exceed Dispatch)]的含多风电场的安全约束机组组合模型,成为新型鲁棒调度的基础。于2016年在国际权威期刊IEEE Trans. Smart Grid上发表国际第1篇多类型新能源多时间尺度鲁棒调度的学术论文,并在海南电网建立了第1个含多类型新能源的电力系统多时间尺度鲁棒调度系统。通过优化调度,在海南电网间歇式可再生能源渗透率逐年提升情况下(2016、2017、2018 年分别为29.73%、45.39%、48.07%),弃风率逐年降低(2016、2017、2018 年分别为3.77%、2.48%、0.44%),实现了光伏发电100%消纳,提前实现海南清洁能源占比超50%的目标。在国家重点研发计划项目的支持下,已成功地将极限场景法拓展至高比例可再生能源并网的输电系统鲁棒规划。这些研究工作得到国际同行的广泛关注。爱尔兰沃特福德理工学院 M. H. Rehmani教授、美国亚利桑那州立大学M. Reisslein教授等充分肯定了所提的出的多时段鲁棒调度模型。斯坦福大学的B. Zhang、R. Rajagopal和D. Tse参照了申请人所提出的采用直流潮流约束的鲁棒机组组合方法并在自己的研究中考虑论文网络风险约束。
为考虑存在新能源等不确定性因素条件下的电网电压不越限问题,率先提出了区间无功优化模型,将间歇性能源发电出力和负荷表示成区间,同时将模型中的状态变量(包含负荷节点电压、发电机无功出力、平衡机有功出力等)看作区间变量,寻求一组最优的控制变量(发电机机端电压、变压器变比和无功补偿设备的补偿量),使得状态变量的整个区间值保持在安全运行的约束内,同时网损最小。区间无功优化模型的主要优点有:1)以不变应万变,所获得的电压控制策略能保证在不确定性因素下,节点电压始终处于安全运行状态;2)模型中的不确定性因素信息容易获取;3)求解速度要大大快于随机规划模型和模糊规划模型,可满足在线运行的计算需求。并于2017年在IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid、IEEE Transactions on Power System 等国际权威期刊上发表了9篇相关学术论文。
实时电价理论是许多国家电力现货市场设计的理论基础, 但有两个重大缺陷:一是仍然基于传统的分时调度模型,忽略了电能生产和消费的时间连续性这个十分重要的特征对电能成本及电力系统调度运行的影响,没有认真处理跨时段约束;二是假设同一时段的电能商品都是同质的,无法区别基荷、腰荷和峰荷机组区别明显的技术特征及成本构成。为克服这些缺陷,提出连续时间电能商品模型(即功率对于时间的函数),以及该模型下两者不同的定价方式,即实时电价和按负荷持续时间定价。两种定价方式下的市场优化问题也相应地由传统电力市场理论中的数值优化问题变为泛函极值优化模型。通过严格的数学推导证明了按负荷持续时间定价的可行性。该成果已在《中国科学:信息科学》等权威期刊和会议发表多篇论文,所提的理论和方法可为国内外电力市场建设提供全新的理论基础。
电力系统的网络结构和运行方式日趋复杂,调度机构要求能迅速、准确而全面地掌握电力系统的实际运行状态,保证电力系统运行的安全性和经济性。围绕大规模电力系统分布式状态估计问题开展了相关研究工作,提出适用于量测正常情况的分散式结构状态估计新算法、基于容积卡尔曼滤波合的分布式动态状态估计新方法、基于协方差矩阵变换和估计投影法的分布式电力系统状态估计新方法、考虑模型参数不确定性的发电机动态状态估计方法等。该研究已进一步拓展至电力(能源)系统的分布式感知与协同估计/检测,可望成为泛在电力物联网的理论基础。此外,还在基于信号处理和神经网络技术的配电系统过电压故障智能辨识和定位方面开展了深入研究,在国际顶级期刊IEEE Trans.on Industrial Informatics上发表了相关论文。
? 国家重点研发计划项目,2016YFB**,高比例可再生能源并网的电力系统规划与运行基础理论,2016.7-2020.12,140万元,在研,参与
? 国家自然科学基金委员会优秀青年科学基金项目,**,电力系统调度与控制,2014/01-2016/12,100万元,已结题,主持
? 广东省科技计划项目,2012B**,智能微电网测试与试验运行系统服务项目,2012/09-2015/09,10万元,已结题,参与
? 广东省重大科技专项,2012A**,智能微电网集成关键技术研发及其产业化,2012/04-2015/12,30万元,已结题,参与
? 国家自然科学基金项目,**,基于微分博弈理论的电力系统最优协调电压控制研究,2012/01-2015/12,58万元,已结题,主持 (优秀结题项目)
? 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),2012AA050201,多类型新能源发电综合消纳的关键技术,2012/01-2014/12,283.2万元,已结题,主持
? 广东省重大科技专项,2012A**,小数据集下的风电功率预测系统研制及其产业化,2011/03-2012/12,30万元,已结题,参与
? 广东省科技计划项目,2010A**,大型风电机群接入地区电网的关键技术及智能化调度示范工程,2010/09-2012/18,10万元,已结题,参与
? 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目,NCET080207,风电大规模并网条件下电力系统优化调度理论及方法,2009/01-2011/12,50万元,已结题,主持
? 教育部科学技术研究重点资助项目,109128,含大型风电场的电力系统安全约束机组组合模型及算法研究,2009/01-2010/12,10万元,已结题,主持
? 国家社会科学基金青年基金项目,04CJL012,电力市场交易制度的实验经济学研究,2004/07-2011/03,5.5万元,已结题,主持
? 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,电力系统运行方式优化和综合资源规划的协同进化算法,2003/01-2005/12,20万元,已结题,主持 (优秀结题项目)
? 国家自然科学基金重点项目,**,我国电力市场的电价理论交易机制及其模拟研究,2000/01-2003/12,100万元,已结题,参与

【International Journals】
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Dong Hua, Canbing Li, Bin Zhou, Zipeng Liang, A Novel Interval Voltage Control Method Considering Interval Power Data and Discrete Control Variables, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 16 Nov. 2018. 已录用 (EI,SCI收录) IF=3.289
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Ke Shi, Ming Qiu, Dong Hua, Honwing Ngan, An Interval Power Flow Analysis through Optimizing-Scenarios Method, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 5, pp 5217-5226, Sept. 2018. (EI,SCI收录) IF=6.645
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Zipeng Liang, Manlan Guo, Dong Hua, Honwing Ngan, Reactive Power Optimization under Interval Uncertainty by the Linear Approximation Method and its Modified Method, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 5, pp 4587-4600, Sept. 2018. (EI,SCI收录) IF=6.645
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Zipeng Liang, Weike Mo, Xiaodong Zheng, Dong Hua, Interval voltage control method for transmission systems considering interval uncertainties of renewable power generation and load demand, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 12, no. 17, pp. 4016-4025, Sept. 20, 2018. (EI,SCI收录) IF=2.213
?Shi Ke, Wang Bin, Chen Haoyong. Fuzzy Generalised Predictive Control for a Fractional-order Nonlinear Hydro-turbine Regulating System. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2018, 12(14): 1708-1713
?Zipeng Liang, Haoyong Chen, Xiaojuan Wang, et al. An Extreme Scenario Method for Robust Transmission Expansion Planning with Wind Power Uncertainty. Energies, 2018, 11(8): 2116-2137
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Ke Shi, Zipeng Liang, Weike Mo, and Dong Hua, A Multi-Time Reactive Power Optimization under Interval Uncertainty of Renewable Power Generation by an Interval Sequential Quadratic Programming Method, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Jul. 21, 2018. 已录用 (EI,SCI收录) IF=3.289
?Tahir, M.F., H. Chen et al., Demand Response Programs Significance, Challenges and Worldwide Scope in Maintaining Power System Stability. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2018. 9(6) (non-SCI).
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Manlan Guo, Xiaojuan Wang, Yumeng Liu, Dong Hua, DC power flow analysis incorporating interval input data and network parameters through the optimizing-scenarios method, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 96, pp 380-389, Mar. 2018. (EI,SCI收录) IF=3.289
?Weike Mo, Yiping Chen, Haoyong Chen, Yingshang Liu, Yong Zhang, Jun Hou, Qin Gao, Chongtao Li. Analysis and Measures of Ultralow-Frequency Oscillations in a Large-Scale Hydropower Transmission System, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 6(3): 1077-1085, 2018.
?Xiaodong Zheng, Yiping Chen, Haoyong Chen, et al. Loss-minimizing generation unit and tie-line scheduling for asynchronous interconnection. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 6(3): 1095-1103, 2018
?Jun Zeng, Qiaoqiao Wang, Junfeng Liu, Jianlong Chen, Haoyong Chen. A Potential Game Approach to Distributed Operational Optimization for Microgrid Energy Management with Renewable Energy and Demand Response. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Early Access, 2018.
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Honwing Ngan, Zipeng Liang, Manlan Guo, Dong Hua, Solution of Reactive Power Optimization Including Interval Uncertainty Using Genetic Algorithm, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 11(15), pp 3657-3664, Oct. 2017. (EI,SCI收录) IF=2.213
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Honwing Ngan, Ping Yang, Dong Hua, A Mixed Interval Power Flow Analysis Under Rectangular and Polar Coordinate System, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 32(2), pp 1422-1429, Mar. 2017. IF=5.680
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Honwing Ngan, Reactive Power Optimisation Considering Wind Farms Based on an Optimal Scenario Method, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 10(15), pp 3736-3744, Nov. 2016. (EI,SCI收录) IF=2.213
?Xueqian Fu, Haoyong Chen, Runqing Cai, Peizheng Xuan. Improved LSF method for loss estimation and its application in DG allocation. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 10(10), pp 2512-2519, 2016.
?Haoyong Chen, Peizheng Xuan, Yongchao Wang. Key Technologies for Integration of Multi-Type Renewable Energy Sources-Research on Multi-Time-Frame Robust Scheduling/Dispatch. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 7(1): 471-480, 2016/1/25
?Haoyong Chen, Pascal Dieu Seul Assala, Yongzhi Cai, Ping Yang. Intelligent Transient Overvoltages Location in Distribution Systems Using Wavelet Packet Decomposition and General Regression Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 12(5): 1726-1735, 2016/1/22
?Wang Yongchao ,Chen Haoyong, Robust Unit Commitment with Wind and Pumped-Storage Units Based on the Optimal Scenario Set. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 2016, 22(3A-II), 3446–3455
?Cong Liu, Changhyeok Lee, Haoyong Chen, Sanjay Mehrotra. Stochastic Robust Mathematical Programming Model for Power System Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Year: 2016, Volume: 31 , Issue: 1. Page s: 821 - 822
?Haoyong Chen, Rong Ye, Xiaodong Wang. Cooperative Control of Power System Load and Frequency by Using Differential Games. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23(3): 882-897, 2015
?Xueqian Fu, Haoyong Chen. Optimal allocation and adaptive VAR control of PV-DG in distribution networks. Applied Energy, 137(C), pp 173-182, 2015
?H. Z. Huang, C. Y. Chung, K. W. Chan, H. Y. Chen. Quasi-Monte Carlo Based Probabilistic Small Signal Stability Analysis for Power Systems with Plug-in Electric Vehicle and Wind Power Integration. IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 28(3): 3335~3343, 2013
?Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, F. Li, H. Chen. Computing All Nash Equilibria of Multiplayer Games in Electricity Markets by Solving Polynomial Equations. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 2012, 27(1): 81-91
?S. Zhang, C. Y. Chung, K. P. Wong, H. Chen. Analyzing Two-Settlement Electricity Market Equilibrium by Coevolutionary Computation Approach. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 2009, 24(3): 1155-1164
?Lin Liu, Xifan Wang, Xiaoying Ding, Haoyong Chen. A Robust Approach to Optimal Power Flow With Discrete Variables. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2009, 24(3): 1182-1190
?Haoyong Chen, Xifang Wang. Strategic Behavior and Equilibrium in Experimental Oligopolistic Electricity Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22(4): 1707~1716, 2007
?H. Chen, K. P. Wong, C. Y. Chung, D. H. M. Nguyen. A Coevolutionary Approach to Analyzing Supply Function Equilibrium Model. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 21(3): 1019~1028, 2006
?H. Chen, K. P. Wong, D. H. M. Nguyen, C. Y. Chung. Analyzing Oligopolistic Electricity Market Using Coevolutionary Computation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 21(1): 143~152, 2006
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang, Xinyu Zhao. Generation Planning Using Lagrangian Relaxation and Probabilistic Production Simulation. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 26: 597~605, 2004
?Zechun Hu, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen, et al. Volt/Var Control in Distribution Systems Using a Time-Interval Based Approach. IEE Proceedings-Generation Transmission and Distribution, 150(5): 548~554, 2003
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang. Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithm for Unit Commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 17(1): 128~133, 2002

【International Conferences】
?Zipeng Liang, Haoyong Chen, Simin Chen, Yumeng Liu, A Novel Uncertainty Budget Optimization Method for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids with High-penetration Renewable Generation, IEEE PES GTD Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia 2019 (IEEE PES GTD Asia 2019), accepted, 2019, Mar. 19-23, Bangkok, Thailand.
?Haoyong Chen, Lijia Han. Electricity Market Theory Based on Continuous Time Commodity Model, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), August 5-9 2018, Portland, OR, USA
?Haoyong Chen, Lijia Han. Influence of Load Curve Slope on Clearing Prices of Continuous-Time Commodity Electricity Market. 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), 6-8 Nov. 2018, Guangzhou, China.
?Haoyong Chen, Ming Qiu, Hong-wing Ngan. Energy Network Theory for Modeling and Analysis of Integrated Energy Systems. 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), 6-8 Nov. 2018, Guangzhou, China.
?Zipeng Liang, Haoyong Chen, Xiaodong Zheng, A Boundary-based Method for Robust Economic Dispatch with Uncertain Wind Power in Microgrids. 11th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation & Management (APSCOM 2018), pp 1-6, 2018, Nov. 11-15, Hong Kong, China
?Z. J. Lin, Haoyong Chen, Bifei Tan, Hong-wing Ngan, Xin Yin, Risk-aware robust economic dispatch of microgrid considering correlation of wind power. 11th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation & Management (APSCOM 2018), pp 1-6, Nov. 11-15 2018, Hong Kong
?Bifei Tan, Haoyong Chen, Zipeng Liang. Research on Power Grid Economic Dispatch Strategy Based on Generator and Load Characteristics, China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED), 17-19 Sept. 2018, Tianjin, China
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Dong Hua, Ke Shi, Yumeng Liu, Xiaojuan Wang, and Canbing Li. solution of interval reactive power optimization model through defining security limits, 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2018) Guangzhou, 6-8 Nov. 2018.
?Yiping Chen, Xiaodong Zheng, Haoyong Chen, et al. A Novel Approach for Multi-Area Power System Day-ahead Scheduling under Uncertainties. 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2018, August 5-9, Portland, OR, USA
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Ke Shi, Zipeng Liang, Dong Hua, Range Analysis of Power Flow in Electric Power Systems Incorporating Uncertain Wind Power Generation, 8th Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Asia 2018), May 22-25 2018, Singapore.
?Haoyong Chen, Ming Qiu, Hailin Ge, Ming Li. The Application of Energy Network Theory in the Analysis of District Electricity and Heating System. IEEE International Conference on Energy Internet (ICEI), April 17-21 2017, Beijing.
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Zipeng Liang, Dong Hua, An Interval Voltage Control Method Using Adaptive Genetic Algorithm, 7th Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Asia 2017), pp, 2017, Dec. 4-7, Auckland, New Zealand. (accepted at 9, Sept. 2017)
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Zipeng Liang, Dong Hua, An Interval DC Power Flow Analysis through the Optimizing-scenarios Method, 7th Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Asia 2017), pp, 2017, Dec. 4-7, Auckland, New Zealand. (accepted at 9, Sept. 2017)
?Yiping Chen, Xiaodong Zheng, Haoyong Chen, et al. Research on HVDC transmission power scheduling on the background of asynchronous interconnection. Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT-Asia), December 3-6 2017, Auckland, New Zealand
?Yiping Chen, Yingshang Liu, Zhuoyao Tang, Jun Hou, Yong Zhang, Weike Mo, Haoyong Chen. Analysis of ultra-low frequency oscillation in yunnan asynchronous sending system. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. July 16-20 2017, Chicago, IL USA.
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Jia Lei, Zipeng Liang, Solution of Interval Reactive Power Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm, 8th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016), pp 1096-1100, 2016, Nov. 25-28, Xi'an, China. (EI收录)
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Manlan Guo, Jia Lei, Hailin Ge, Chulin Wan, A Mixed Interval Power Flow Analysis Based on Affine Arithmetic, 8th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016), pp 758-762, 2016, Nov. 25-28, Xi'an, China. (EI收录)
?Manlan Guo, Haoyong Chen, Chulin Wan, Zhuoling Guo, Analysis of Behavior Game between Suppliers and Their Retailers in Electricity Market By z-Tree, 8th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016), pp 1067-1071, 2016, Nov. 25-28, Xi’an, China
?Chulin Wan, Haoyong Chen, Manlan Guo, Zipeng Liang, Wrong Data Identification and Correction for WAMS, 8th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016), pp 1903-1907, 2016, Nov. 25-28, Xi’an, China
?Xiaodong Zheng, Haoyong Chen, Chuyao He, Weike Mo, Yiping Chen, Cooperative Game Model for Power System Secondary Voltage Control, 8th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016), pp 43-47, 2016, Nov. 25-28, Xi’an, China
?Zipeng Liang, Haoyong Chen, Cong Zhang, Zijie Liang, Peizheng Xuan. Aging State Assessment of 110kV XLPE Cable Based on IRC and AE. 8th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016), 2016, Nov. 25-28, Xi’an, China
?Hailin Ge, Haoyong Chen, Fei Liu, Cong Zhang. Coordinated optimization of district electricity and heating system based on genetic algorithm. 8th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016), 2016, Nov. 25-28, Xi’an, China
?Haoyong Chen, Zengyu Wang, Haifeng Yan. Integrated planning of distribution systems with distributed generation and demand side response. 7th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2015), 2015, March 28-31, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
?Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Xuanhao Xu. Pareto Front of Multi-Objective Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China. ( EI收录)
?P. D. S. Assala, H. Chen, P. Yang, Y. Cai, et al. Synchronization effects on power transients in distribution networks with grid connected photovoltaic generation. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China.
?Zhongfu Wang, Hao Wang, Haoyong Chen, et al. Analysis of island power investment decision models under different market stages. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China.
?Haoyong Chen, Peizheng Xuan, Guoqing Wei. Robust Dispatch of Power Systems with Multi-Type Renewable Energy Sources. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014) , Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China
?Yongzhi Cai, Haoyong Chen, Pascal Dieu Seul Assala. State estimation of synchronous generators under model parameter uncertainty based on set membership filter. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China
?Yongzhi Cai, Haoyong Chen, Pascal Dieu Seul Assala. Guaranteed state estimation of synchronous generators based on DC programming. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China
?Xiaoming Jin, Cong Zhang, Haoyong Chen. Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Considering Wind Turbines. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014) , Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China
?Xuanhao Xu, Haoyong Chen, Peizheng Xuan. A multi-area coordinated voltage control method based on dynamic games. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China
?Jia Lei, Haoyong Chen, Chulin Wan. Studies on Algorithms of Power System Probabilistic Production Simulation Considering Wind Farms. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China
?Xueqian Fu, Xiurong Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Zhongfu Wang. Catastrophe theory as a tool for DG placement decision making. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China
?Xueqian Fu, Haoyong Chen, Weike Mo. Dynamic voltage restorer based on active hybrid energy storage system. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China
?Chen Qing, Chen Hao-yong, Yang Xin. The co-operative control of STATCOM based on the feedback differential games. 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Dec. 7-10, 2014, Hong Kong, China
?Haoyong Chen, Xiaoming Jin, Rong Ye. Cooperative control of interconnected power system load-frequency based on differential game. 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting, 2014, July 27-31, National Harbor, MD (Washington, DC Metro Area), USA
?Dang Xiaojing, Chen Haoyong, Jin Xiaomin. A Method for Forecasting Short-term Wind Speed Based on EMD and SVM. Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 392(2013): 622-627
?Haoyong Chen. Key Technologies for Renewable Energy Integration-A Full Scale Demonstration at Hainan Island. The 5th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2013), December 8–11, 2013, Kowloon, Hong Kong
?Haoyong Chen, Rong Ye, Runge Lu. Differential Games based Load Frequency Control of Interconnected Power System. The 5th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2013), December 8–11, 2013, Kowloon, Hong Kong
?Runqing Cai, Haoyong Chen, Runge Lu, Xiaoming,Jin, et. Al. Distributed Generation Planning in Distribution Network Based on Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm by SVM-MOPSO. The 5th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2013), December 8–11, 2013, Kowloon, Hong Kong
?Xueqian Fu, Haoyong Chen, Xiaoming,Jin. Transient Stability of a Distribution Network with DFACTS Devices and FSWT. The 5th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2013), December 8–11, 2013, Kowloon, Hong Kong
?Xueqian Fu, Haoyong Chen, Xiaoming,Jin. Study on Effectiveness Evaluation of the Siting of DG Based on a TOPSIS Method-based Approach. The 5th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2013), December 8–11, 2013, Kowloon, Hong Kong
?D. Hua, Y. T. Zhang, Zengyu Wang, Xiaojing Dang, Haoyong Chen. The Research of Power Market Patterns Incorporation of Large-scale Wind Power. The 5th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2013), December 8–11, 2013, Kowloon, Hong Kong
?P.D.S. Assala, Haoyong Chen, Tianyao Ji. Power System Overvoltage Detection Based on A Morphological Filtering Algorithm. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 21-25, 2013, Vancouver, Canada
?P.D.S. Assala, Haoyong Chen, Tianyao Ji. Power System Overvoltage Identification Using Feedforward Neural Network. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 21-25, 2013, Vancouver, Canada
?Lu Run-ge, Chen Hao-yong, Ye Rong. Feedback Differential Games Control between Primary and Secondary Frequency Control based on Coevolutionary Algorithm. The 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2013), July 14-17, 2013, Xiamen, China
?Haoyong Chen, Hao Li, Rong Ye, Bo Luo. Robust Scheduling of Power System with Significant Wind Power Penetration. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 22-26, 2012, San Diego, USA
?Huilian Liao, Haoyong Chen, Qinghua Wu, M. Bazargan, Z. Ji. Group Search Optimizer for Power System Economic Dispatch. 3rd International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2012), June 17-20, 2012, Shenzhen, China
?R. Ye, H. Chen, E. Lou, R. Lu. The Coordination Between Primary and Secondary Frequency Control Based on Differential Game. The 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC 2012), June 2-5, 2012, Harbin, China
?Er-jun Lou, Haoyong Chen. The Self-Tuning Fuzzy Control Research Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, March 27-29, 2012, Shanghai, China
?Y. Yang, H. Chen, Y. Zhang, Z. Jing. Searching for Electricity Market Equilibrium Using Coevolutionary Computation Approach. The 3th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2011), March 25-28, 2011, Wuhan, China
?K. Tan, H. Chen, S. Qu, Z. Jing, et al. System Design and Experimental Method of an Integrated Power Market Simulation System. The 3th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2011), March 25-28, 2011, Wuhan, China
?Rong Ye, Haoyong Chen, Pan Chen. Security Constrained Unit Commitment with Multiple Wind Farms Integrated. 9th International Power & Energy Conference (IPEC 2010), October 27 - 29, 2010, Singapore
?Pan Chen, Haoyong Chen, Rong Ye. Chaotic wind speed series forecasting based on wavelet packet decomposition and support vector regression. 9th International Power & Energy Conference (IPEC 2010), October 27 - 29, 2010, Singapore
?Shaoqing Qu, Haoyong Chen. The two-stage negotiation mechanism based on multi-agent using Q-learning in electricity bilateral contract. 9th International Power & Energy Conference (IPEC 2010), October 27 - 29, 2010, Singapore
?Haoyong Chen, Dong Hua, Zhaoxia Jing. Power engineering lab for complicated experimental research of electricity markets. 8th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM 2009), November 8 - 11, 2009, Hong Kong
?Haoyong Chen, Lisha Tian, Chao Fu, Ke Tan. Auction simulation of electricity markets based on coevolutionary approach. 8th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM 2009), November 8 - 11, 2009, Hong Kong
?Senlin Zhang, Yao Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Aimin Yang. South China Power Market Development and Simulative Operation. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, March 27-31, 2009, Wuhan, China
?Senlin Zhang, Yao Zhang, Haoyong Chen, Aimin Yang. Research and Application on Matchmaking Tradeoff Competition Mechanism Design in South China Power Market. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, March 27-31, 2009, Wuhan, China
?Zhaoxia Jing, Haoyong Chen, Hong-wing Ngan, et al. Effect of Agent's Action Domain Representation Method in Agent-Based Electricity Market Simulation. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, March 27-31, 2009, Wuhan, China
?Changyou Feng, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen. Optimal unit maintenance scheduling of a power producer under price uncertainty. IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 15-18 March, 2009, Seattle, WA, USA
?Haoyong Chen. Experimental Analysis of Uniform Price and PAB Auctions in Electricity Markets. The 8th International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2007). December 3-6, 2007, Singapore
?Haoyong Chen, Chao Fu, Yang Liu, Xifan Wang. Decision Behavior and Equilibrium in Experimental Oligopolistic Electricity Markets. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM2006), October 30-November 2, 2006, Hong Kong
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang, Kit Po Wong, Chi-yung Chung. A Framework of Oligopolistic Market Simulation with Coevolutionary Computation. Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4221: Advances in Natural Computation, 860~869, The 2nd International Conference on Natural Computation, September 24-28, 2006, Xi’an, China (SCI)
?Jianxue Wang, Weichao Wang, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen, Xiuli Wang. Cooperative Co-Evolutionary Approach Applied in Reactive Power Optimization of Power System. Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4221: Advances in Natural Computation, 860~869, The 2nd International Conference on Natural Computation, September 24-28, 2006, Xi’an, China (SCI)
?Haoyong Chen, Kit Po Wong, Xifan Wang, Chi-yung Chung. A Coevolutionary Approach to Modeling Oligopolistic Electricity Markets. paper PESGM 2005-000116, Proceedings of the PES 2005 General Meeting, June 12-16, 2005, San Francisco, USA
?Geng Jian, Chen Haoyong, Ding Xiaoying. New mode to schedule and price hydro power in market environment. 2005 International Power Engineering Conference. 29 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2005, Singapore
?Xian Zhang, Xifan Wang, Xiuli Wang, Haoyong Chen. Energy Uncertainty Risk Management of Hydropower Generators. International Power Engineering Conference. 18 Aug. 2005, Dalian, China
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang. Cooperative Coevolutionary Approach and Its Promising Applications in Power System. Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation & Management (APSCOM), November 11-14, 2003, Hong Kong
?Hu Zechun, Wang Xifan, Chen Haoyong. Time-interval based volt/VAr control in distribution systems. International Conference On Power System Technology, October 13-17, 2002, Kunming (PowerCon), China
?Geng Jian, Wang Xifan, Bai Xingzhong, Chen Haoyong. Comparison of block bidding and hourly bidding based on case study. International Conference On Power System Technology, October 13-17, 2002, Kunming (PowerCon), China
?Xiaoying Ding, Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang. Annealing Genetic and Modern Interior Point Optimization Theory for Optimal Power Flow. The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2001), July 22-26, 2001, Xi’an, China

【Chinese Journals】
?Ding Junce, Shi Ke, Chen Haoyong, Chen Wei, Liang Zhifei. Analysis on Monthly Electricity Bidding of Guangdong Based on Experimental Economics. Guangdong Electric Power, 31(06): 19-24, 2018. in Chinese
?Chen Haoyong, Han Lijia. Electricity pricing theory based on continuous time commodity model. Scientia Sinica(Informationis), 48(10):1287-1299.2018 in Chinese
?Chen Haoyong, Wang Xiaojuan, Cai Yongzhi, et al. Distributed sensing and cooperative estimation/detection of complex power/energy and energy systems. Power System Protection and Control, 46(18):1-10. 2018. in Chinese
?Liang zipeng, Chen Haoyong, Lei jia, et al. A Multi-Source Coordinated Spinning Reserve Model Considering Wind Power Uncertainty. Power System Technology, 42(07):2111-2119.2018. in Chinese
?Guo manlan, Chen haoyong, Zhang cong, et al. Optimal Marketing Strategy of Retailers Under Energy Deviation Penalty. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 41 (20) , pp. 17-25.2018. in Chiness
?Wan Chulin, Chen Haoyong, Manlan Guo. Wrong Active Power Data Identification and Correction for WAMS Based on Pattern Recognition. Power System Technology, 41(3): 922~930, 2017. in Chinese
?Ge hailin, Chen haoyong, Wen, junzhong, et al. Distributed energy system analysis based on energy network theory. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 37 (6) , pp. 34-40.2017. in Chinese
?Chen haozhong, Li Jun, Wu Yaowu, Chen Haoyong, Zhang, Ning, et al. Challenges and Prospects for AC/DC Transmission Expansion Planning Considering High Proportion of Renewable Energy. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 41 (9) , pp. 19-27.2017. in Chinese
?Liang, Zipeng ,Chen, Haoyong, Wang, Yongchao, et al. Robust Economic Dispatch of Microgrids Containing Electric Vehicles. Power System Technology, 41 (8) , pp. 2647-2656.2017. in Chinese
?Xu Xuanhao, Chen haoyong, Hua dong, et al. Multi-area voltage cooperative control method based on dynamic game theory. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 40(19), p.15-22. 2017. in Chinese
?Chen haoyong, Wang yongchao, Xuan peizheng, et al. Robust economic dispatch method of microgrid containing high propotion of wind power. Control Theory and Applications, v 34, n 8, p 1104-1111.2017. in Chinese
?Cai Yongzhi Chen Haoyong Wan Chulin. Multi-Area Power System State Estimation Based on Partial Information Fusion and Estimate Projection. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 32 (1) , pp. 69-77.2017. in Chinese
?Cai Yongzhi, Chen Haoyong, Guo Manlan. Distributed power system state estimation using finite-time average consensus protocol. Control Theory & Applications, 33(8): 1007~1014, 2016. in Chinese
?Wang Yongchao, Chen Haoyong, Xuan Peizheng, Hua Dong. A Robust Scheduling with Multiple Types of Power Sources Based on Optimal Scenario Set. Power System Technology, 40(2): 354~362, 2016. in Chinese
?Zheng Xiaodong, Chen Haoyong, Chen Yiping, Mo Weike. Cooperative Game Model for Secondary Voltage Control of Power Systems. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 40(15): 32~38, 2016. in Chinese
?Cai Yongzhi, Chen Haoyong, Wan Chulin. Distributed Dynamic State Estimation for Power Systems Based on Least Square Estimation Fusion. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 40(8): 29~35, 2016. in Chinese
?Fu Xueqian, Chen Haoyong. Energy Losses Estimation Using Equivalent Time of Average Current Loss Method. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 30(12): 377~382, 2015. in Chinese
?Fu Xueqian, Chen Haoyong. Comprehensive power quality evaluation based on weighted rank sum ration method. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 35(1): 128~132, 2015. in Chinese
?Chen Haoyong, Wen Junzhong, Wang Zengyu, Yang Xin. Transfer Laws and Equations of Energy Networks. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 48(10): 66~76, 2014. in Chinese (Frontrunner 5000, Top Articles in Outstanding S&T Journals of China)
?Lu Runge, Chen Haoyong, Ye Rong, Yang Xin. Feedback differential game cooperative control for primary and secondary frequency control of power system. Control Theory & Applications, 31(9): 1182~1189, 2014. in Chinese
?Fu Xueqian, Chen Haoyong. Cai Runqing. Comprehensive evaluation of power quality based on self-organizing feature mapping networks. Journal of South China University of Technology: Natural Science Edition, 42(6): 7-11, 2014. in Chinese
?Fu Xueqian, Chen Haoyong. Comprehensive power quality evaluation based on TOPSIS approach. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 34(4): 26~30, 2014. in Chinese
?Fu Xueqian, Chen Haoyong, Liu Guote, Jin Xiaoming. Power Quality Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Distributed Generation. Proceedings of the CSEE, 34(25): 4270~4276, 2014. in Chinese
?Chen Haoyong, Tan Ke, Xi Songtao, Yang Xin, Wang Jiang, WANG Zhongfu. A Model for Calculating Operation Period Cost of Offshore Wind Power. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 38(13): 135~139, 2014. in Chinese
?Yang Xin, Chen Haoyong, Lu Runge, Wen Junzhong, Xu Xuanhao. Cooperative Control of STATCOM Based on Differential Game Theory. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 38(21): 53~58, 2014. in Chinese
?Ye Rong, Chen Haoyong, Lu Runge. A Differential Games Theory Based Method for Coordinating Two-area Automatic Generation Control. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 37(18): 48~54, 2013. in Chinese
?Ou Dihong, Chen Haoyong, Jing Zhaoxia. Distribution network reconfiguration based on co-evolution algorithm. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 32(7):108~113, 2012. in Chinese
?Ye Rong, Chen Haoyong, Lou Erjun. A Coordinated Frequency Control Method Based on Differential Game Theory. Automation of Electric Power System, 35(20): 41~46, 2011. in Chinese
?Ou Di-hong, Chen Hao-yong. A Comprehensive Optimization Formula for Injection Power of Distributed Generation and Distribution Network Reconfiguration Based on Co-evolution Algorithm. East China Electric Power, 39(6): 895~899, 2011. in Chinese
?Chen Pan, Chen Hao-yong, Ye Rong, et al. Wind Speed Forecasting Based on Combination of Wavelet Packet Analysis With Support Vector Regression. Power System Technology, 35(5): 177~182, 2011. in Chinese
?Li Dan, Chen Hao-yong. Algorithm Research of Load Flow of Distribution Network with Different Distributed Generations. East China Electric Power, 39(1): 76~80, 2011. in Chinese
?Qu Shaoqing, Zhang Senlin, Chen Haoyong, et al. Generators’ Buy Back Strategies Based on Electricity Supply Chain Coordination with Uncertain Demands. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 35(16): 71~75, 2011. in Chinese
?Yan Yang, Haoyong Chen, Yao Zhang, Fangxing Li, Zhaoxia Jing, Yurong Wang. An Electricity Market Model With Distributed Generation and Interruptible Load Under Incomplete Information. Proceedings of the CSEE, 31(28): 15~24, 2011. in Chinese
?Chen Pan, Chen Hao-yong, Ye Rong. Wind Speed Forecasting Based on Multi-Scale Morphological Analysis. Power System Protection and Control, 38(21): 12~18, 2010. in Chinese
?Zhang Sen-lin, Chen Hao-yong, Qu Shao-qing. Nash Equilibrium-Based Bidding Strategy in Bilateral Trading Market. Journal of South China University of Technology, 38(10): 134~138, 2010. in Chinese
?Kuang Weihong, Chen Haoyong, Jing Zhaoxia, et al. Integrated Simulation System of Electricity Market: Realization, Experimental Results and Evaluation. Modern Electric Power, 27(5): 86~90, 2010. in Chinese
?Zhang Senlin, Chen Haoyong, Qu Shaoqing, et al. Recent Simulated Operation Situation of South China Electricity Market and Suggestions on Its Development. Power System Technology, 34(11): 162~169, 2010. in Chinese
?Zhang Sen-lin, Chen Hao-yong, Qu Shao-qing, et al. Research on Bilateral Transaction Modes and Formation Mechanism of Electricity Price in South China Electricity Market. Power System Technology, 34(5): 133~140, 2010. in Chinese
?Zhang Sen-lin, Chen Hao-yong, Qu Shao-qing, et al. Analysis of Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction for Bilateral Transactions in Electricity Market. East China Electric Power, 38(3): 332~336, 2010. in Chinese
?Chen Haoyong, Tan Ke, Jing Zhaoxia, Hua Dong, Wang Yeping. Integrated Power Market Simulation System: System Design and Experimental Method. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 30(3): 25~29, 2010. in Chinese
?Yan Yang, Haoyong Chen, Yao Zhang, Yeping Wang, Zhaoxia Jing. Computing Equilibrium for Electricity Market Using Solving System of Polynomial Equations Algorithm. Proceedings of the CSEE, 30(25): 108~116, 2010. in Chinese
?Rong Ye, Haoyong Chen, Gang Wang, Pan Chen. A Mixed Integer Programming Method for Security Constrained Unit Commitment with Multiple Wind Farms. Automation of Electric Power System, 34(5): 29~33, 65, 2010. in Chinese
?Zhang Senlin, Zhang Yao, Chen Haoyong, et al. Successful Bilateral Transactions in South China Electricity Market. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 29(9): 94~100, 2009. in Chinese
?Chen Hao-yong, Hu Bin, Ye Rong. Transmission Network Planning Considering Weather Disaster. Power System Technology, 33(20): 82~87, 2009. in Chinese
?Yan Yang, Haoyong Chen, Yao Zhang, Yeping Wang, Zhaoxia Jing, Ke Tan. A Coevolutionary Approach to Calculate Equilibrium for Oligopolistic Electricity Market. Automation of Electric Power System, 33(18): 42~46, 115, 2009. in Chinese
?Zhang Sen-lin, Chen Hao-yong, Zhang Yao. Analysis on Key Articles of PPA for BOT Power Projects (2). Electric Power Technologic Economics, 20(5): 51~54, 2008. in Chinese
?Chen Hao-yong, Zhang Sen-lin, Zhang Yao. Research on Transaction Mode of Direct Power Purchase by Large Consumers in Electricity Market. Power System Technology, 32(21): 85~90, 2008. in Chinese
?Chen Hao-yong, Zhang Sen-lin, Zhang Yao. Energy-Saving Power Generation Dispatching in Regional Electricity Market. Power System Technology, 32(24): 16~22, 2008. in Chinese
?Chen Hao-yong, Zhang Sen-lin, Zhang Yao. Research on Big Users’ Direct Power Purchase In Electricity Markets. East China Electric Power, 36(10): 13~18, 2008. in Chinese
?Chen Haoyong, Hua Dong, Ngan H. W., Wen Fushuan. Electricity Market Simulator: Adaptive for Studies on Different Market Behavior. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 28(11): 99~104, 108, 2008. in English
?Haoyong Chen, Yan Yang, Yao Zhang, Yeping Wang, Zhaoxia Jing, Qingsong Chen. Realization of Decision-making Module in Agent-based Simulation of Power Markets. Automation of Electric Power System, 32(20): 22~26, 2008. in Chinese
?Jianxue Wang, Weiheng Gao, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen. Improved JASP Model of Generation Planning with Environment Cost. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 39(8), 2008. in Chinese
?Haoyong Chen, Chao Fu. Experimental Analysis of Uniform-Price and PAB Auctions in Electricity Markets. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 31(4), 2007. in Chinese
?Haoyong Chen, Chao Fu, Yang Liu, et al. Experimental Design and Strategic Gaming Analysis of Oligopolistic Electricity Markets. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 30(19): 1~7, 2006. in Chinese
?Xiuli Wang, Shuhui Li, Haoyong Chen, et al. Multi-objective and Multi-district Transmission Planning Based on NSGA-II and Cooperative Co-evolutionary Algorithm. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 26(12): 11~15, 2006. in Chinese
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang, Xiuli Wang, Heng Chen. Design, Implementation and Application of a Java-Based Platform for Electricity Market Auction Experiments. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 28(17): 22~26, 2004. in Chinese
?Jianxue Wang, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen, Xiuli Wang. Reactive Power Optimization Based on Cooperative Coevolutionary Approach. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 24(9): 124~129, 2004. in Chinese
?Xinyu Zhao, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen. Strategy Decision Model and Framework of Thermal Power Generation Investment. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 24(8): 7~11, 2004. in Chinese
?Xinyu Zhao, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen. Strategy Decision Algorithm and Sensitivity Analysis of Thermal Power Generation Investment. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 24(10): 15~20, 2004. in Chinese
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang, Zhaohong Bie, Zechun Hu. Cooperative Coevolutionary Approaches and Their Potential Applications in Power Systems. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 27(23): 94~100, 2003. in Chinese
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang, Xifan Wang, Jian Geng. Auction Theory and Its Application in Electricity Market Auction Design - Part I: Auction Theory and Its Experimental Research. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 27(3): 17~22, 2003. in Chinese
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang, Xifan Wang, Jian Geng. Auction Theory and Its Application in Electricity Market Auction Design - Part II: Application of Auction Theory in Electricity Market Auction Design. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 27(4): 17~23, 2003. in Chinese
?Jian Geng, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen, Xiaoying Ding. Market Operation Mode, Rules and Models for Block Bidding Power Market. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 37(6): 599~603, 2003. in Chinese
?Jian Geng, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen, Xian Zhang. Simulation, Analysis and Comparison of Block Bidding Power Market. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 37(10): 1043~1047, 2003. in Chinese
?Xiaoying Ding, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen. A Combined Algorithm for Optimal Power Flow. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 22(12): 11~16, 2002. in Chinese
?Deliang Li, Jianhua Li, Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang. Analysis of Adjustment Strategies of Bidding Curve. Power System Technology, 26(11): 11~14, 2002. in Chinese
?Jian Geng, Xifan Wang, Haoyong Chen, Jianxue Wang. Iterative Competitive Bidding Mechanism in Generation Market. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 26(9): 1~6, 2002. in Chinese
?Li De-liang, Li Jian-hua, Chen Hao-yong, Wang Xi-fan. Analysis of Adjustment Strategies of Bidding Curve. Power System Technology, 26(11): 11~14, 2002. in Chinese.
?Chen Haoyong, Wang Xifan. Generation Planning Using Lagrangian Relaxation Method and Probabilistic Production Simulation. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 24(11): 22~25, 44, 2000. in Chinese
?Chen Haoyong, Zhang Kaoshe, Wang Xifan. Evolutionary Optimization Method of Power System Unit Commitment Problem. Proceedings of the CSEE, 19(12): 9~13, 40, 1999. in Chinese
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang. A Survey of Optimization-Based Methods for Unit Commitment. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 23(4,5): 51~56, 1999. in Chinese
?Wang Xiuli, Chen Haoyong, Gan Zhi, Wang Xifan. Reliability Evaluation of Generation System Based on Probabilistic Production Simulation. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 23(17): 15~19, 1999. in Chinese
?Haoyong Chen, Xifan Wang. A Genetic Algorithm with Annealing Selection for Reactive Power Optimization. Electric Power, 31(2): 3~6, 1998. in Chinese
1. 英文专著Power System Optimization: Large-scale Complex Systems Approaches已于2016年8月由国际权威出版社John Wiley & Sons - IEEE Press出版,是国际上第一部从大规模复杂系统方法的角度阐述电力系统优化方法的专著。
2. 参编教材《电力市场基础》,2003年3月由西安交通大学出版社出版。
3. 撰写研究报告《电力市场交易制度的实验经济学研究》,2006年3月印刷。
4. 编写讲义《电力市场竞价模拟实验指导书》,2003年10月印刷,已用作研究生和电力工业界管理、技术人员电力市场竞价模拟实验教材。
5. 参与《现代电力系统分析》部分章节的撰写,2003年3月由科学出版社出版。

1. 基于协同进化算法的调频反馈纳什均衡控制方法,国家发明专利,2016年2月授权,专利号 ZL**1.2。
2. 一种多时间尺度的电力系统鲁棒调度系统设计方法,国家发明专利,2015年5月公开,申请号 **8.1。
3. 一种含多类型新能源的电力系统日内滚动计划编制方法,国家发明专利,2015年11月公开,申请号 **4.6。
4. 一种间歇式发电并网条件下的电力系统日前鲁棒调度系统,国家发明专利,2015年11月公开,申请号**2.X。
5. 基于线性规划的直角坐标形式的区间潮流计算方法,国家发明专利,2017年1月公开,申请号**7.0。
6. 基于遗传算法的区间无功优化方法,国家发明专利,2017年4月公开,申请号**1.X。

参与教材《电力市场基础》的编写,主编《电力经济与管理概论》教材(将由清华大学出版社出版),开创性地将经济学仿真实验的方法引入电力市场教学中。英文专著《Power System Optimization: Large-scale Complex Systems Approaches》由国际权威出版社Wiley出版,从一种全新的、系统化的视角来阐述电力系统优化的大规模复杂系统方法,融汇了来自不同学科的理论方法及其综合应用,例如系统工程、运筹学和数学优化,以及微观经济学。《Power System Optimization: Large-scale Complex Systems Approaches》适合于电力工程专业研究生和高年级本科生的双语或全英课程教材。由于华南理工大学电气工程学科已经列入教育部首批工程技术领军人才(能源与环保领域工程博士)培养试点单位,积极参与该项目的建设工作,已招收2名工程博士研究生。
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