

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-05

姓 名 张智军 性 别 男
出生年月 1982年6月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务Email auzjzhang@scut.edu.cn
工作单位 华南理工大学自动化学院 邮政编码 510641
通讯地址 广州市天河区五山路381号

张智军(Zhijun Zhang) ,博士,副教授,华南理工大学高层次引进人才,广东省杰青,广东省科技创新拔尖人才。在此之前,张智军在南洋理工大学从事Research Fellow的工作。其主要兴趣为机器人、神经网络、机器学习、虚拟现实和人机交互。
张智军在重要国际期刊和会议发表/接受论文60余篇,第一作者/通讯作者发表/接受IEEE Trans长文16篇,英文著作2部/章,受理发明专利30余项,授权国家专利7项,获得国际会议最佳论文奖1项,中国控制会议(CCC)最佳墙报奖提名。现为2个国际期刊的副主编;20余个国际期刊审稿人。主持国家青年基金1项;广东省杰青项目1项;广州市科技计划项目1项;参与国际项目一项;横向项目多项。
2013.3-2015.10:博士后研究员(Research Fellow),南洋理工大学
2013.3-2015.10:博士后研究员(Research Fellow),南洋理工大学
?2011 ICAL最佳论文奖。
(1)International Journal of Robotics and Control,副主编;
(2)Frontiers in Robotics and AI评审编辑(Review Editor);
(3)国际期刊Visual Computer 主编助理;负责来稿初步审查,副主编任务分发,日常稿件处理;
(4)国际期刊IEEE Transactions onIndustrial Electronics审稿人;
(5)国际期刊IEEE Transactions onMechatronics审稿人;
(6)国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics审稿人;
(7)国际期刊IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics: System审稿人;
(8)国际期刊IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics: Application审稿人;
(9)国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System审稿人;
(10)国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (TASE)审稿人;
(11)国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems审稿人
(12)国际期刊Advanced Robotics审稿人;
(14)国际期刊International Journal of Social Robot审稿人;
(15)国际期刊Journal of intelligent & robotic systems审稿人;
(16)国际期刊Journal of Control Theory and Applications审稿人;
(18)国际期刊Neural Computing审稿人;
(19)Acta Automatica Sinica审稿人;
(20)国际期刊Visual Computer审稿人;
(21)国际期刊Assembly Automation审稿人
(22) 国际期刊Complexity审稿人
(23) 国际期刊International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems审稿人
(24) 国际期刊International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics审稿人
(25)The 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2016)
(26)IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2011)国际会议的审稿人;
(27)the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2014)国际会议审稿人;
(28)The Technical Program Committee of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2014) as a reviewer,程序委员会成员;
(29)The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)(2016 ICRA)审稿人;
(30)International Symposium on Robot and Human Iterative Communication (RO-MAN)审稿人。
2018年:广东省高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新青年拔尖人才(2017TQ04X475)。2017.05.01-2021.05.01,冗余度机器人手臂的变参神经动力学解析策略(No. 2017A**),广东省杰出青年基金。
2017.01-2020.12,异构多类冗余度机器人手臂的一致化智能优化策略(No. **),国家自然科学基金青年基金。
2017-2020,多旋翼智能飞行冗余度机器人手臂系统研究(No. **5),广州市科技计划项目。
2017-2019,变参收敛微分神经网络设计及应用,中央高校基本科研业务费(No. 2017MS049)。

[1] Zhijun Zhang, Yeyun Lu, Lunan Zheng, Shuai Li, Zhuliang Yu, and Yuanqing Li, “A New Varying-Parameter Convergent-Differential Neural-Network for Solving Time-Varying Convex QP Problem Constrained by Linear-Equality,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2017.**, 2018 (accepted).
[2] Zhijun Zhang and Lunan Zheng, “A Complex Varying-Parameter Convergent-Differential Neural-Network for Solving Online Time-Varying Complex Sylvester Equation,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2018.**, 2018(accepted).(中科院1区,IF: 7.381).
[3] Zhijun Zhang, Lingdong Kong, Lunan Zheng, Pengchao Zhang, Xilong Qu, Bolin Liao, and Zhuliang Yu, “Robustness Analysis of A Power-Type Varying-Parameter Recurrent Neural Network for Solving Time-Varying QM and QP problems and Applications,” IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics: Systems, 2018.
[4] Zhijun Zhang, Siyuan Chen, and Shuai Li, “Compatible Convex–Nonconvex Constrained QP-Based Dual Neural Networks for Motion Planning of Redundant Robot Manipulator,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2018.**, 2018 (accepted).
[5] Zhijun Zhang, Lunan Zheng, Qi Guo, “A Varying-Parameter Convergent Neural Dynamic Controller of Multi-Rotor UAVs for Tracking Time-Varying Tasks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 4793 – 4805, 2018.
[6] Zhijun Zhang, Tingzhong Fu, Ziyi Yan, Long Jin, Lin Xiao, Yuping Sun, Zhuliang Yu, and Yuanqing Li, “A Varying-Parameter Convergent-Differential Neural Network for Solving Joint-Angular-Drift Problems of Redundant Robot Manipulators,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 679-689, 2018.
[7] Zhijun Zhang, Lunan Zheng, JianWeng, Yijun Mao, Wei Lu and Lin Xiao, “A New Varying-Parameter Recurrent Neural-Network for Online Solution of Time-Varying Sylvester Equation,”IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2017.**, 2018(accepted).(中科院1区,IF: 7.381).
[8] Zhijun Zhang*, Yujun Lin, Shuai Li, Yuanqing Li, YameiLuo, “Tri-Criteria Optimization-Coordination-Motion of Dual Redundant Robot Manipulators for Complex Path Planning,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2017.**, Jun. 2017 (IF: 3.882,中科院2区).
[9] Zhijun Zhang, Lunan Zheng, Junming Yu, Yuanqing Li, Zhuliang Yu, “Three Recurrent Neural Networks and Three Numerical Methods for Solving Repetitive Motion Planning Scheme of Redundant Robot Manipulators,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1423-1434, 2017. (SCI,EI, ISTP,5-year IF 4.357, Q1, 中科院1区).
[10] Zhijun Zhang, Zhijun Li, Yunong Zhang, YameiLuo, Yuanqing Li, “Neural-Dynamic-Method-Based Dual-Arm CMG Scheme With Time-Varying Constraints Applied to Humanoid Robots,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 3251-3262, 2015.(SCI, EI, ISTP,IF: 6.108, Q1, 中科院1区,cited by 20, cited by others 17).
[11] Zhijun Zhang,Aryel Beck and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, “Human-Like Behavior Generation Based on Head-Arms Model for Tracking External Targets and Body Parts,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 1390 – 1400, Aug. 2015 (SCI, EI, ISTP, IF 7.384, Q1, cited by 10, cited by others 7)
[12] Zhijun Zhang and Yunong Zhang, “Acceleration-Level Cyclic Motion Generation of Constrained Redundant Robots Tracking Different Paths,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics, Part B-Cybernetics, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 1257-1269, Aug. 2012. (SCI, EI, ISTP,IF: 6.22, Q1, 中科院1区, cited by 23, cited by others 18).
[13] Zhijun Zhang and Yunong Zhang, “Variable Joint-Velocity Limits of Redundant Robot Manipulators Handled by Quadratic Programming,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 674-686, Apr. 2013. (SCI,EI, ISTP,5-year IF 4.357, Q1, 中科院1区, cited by 26, cited by others 21).
[14] Zhijun Zhang, Lunan Zheng, Lingao Li, Xiaoyan Deng, Lin Xiao, and Guoshun Huang, “A New Finite-Time Varying-Parameter Convergent-Differential Neural-Network for Solving Nonlinear and Nonconvex Optimization Problems”, Neurocomputing, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2018.07.005, 2018.
[15] Yinyan Zhang, Siyuan Chen, Shuai Li*, and Zhijun Zhang*, “Adaptive Projection Neural Network for Kinematic Control of Redundant Manipulators With Unknown Physical Parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, (IF: 7.168,中科院1区)
[16] Zhijun Zhang and Yunong Zhang, “Repetitive Motion Planning and Control on Redundant Robot Manipulators with Push-Rod-Type Joints,” ASME Trans on Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, vol. 135, no. 2, pp. 024502,Nov. 2012.(SCI, EI, ISTP,5-year IF 1.119, Q3, cited by 1, cited by others 1).
[17] Zhijun Zhang, Yongqian Huang, Siyuan Chen, Jun Qu, Xin Pan, Tianyou Yu and Yuanqing Li*, “An Intention-DrivenSemi-autonomous IntelligentRobotic System for Drinking,”Frontiers in Neurorobotics, vol. 11, pp. 1-14, 2017. (IF: 2.486,中科院大区3区)
[18] Zhijun Zhang and Yunong Zhang, “Equivalence of Different-level Schemes for Repetitive Motion Planning of Redundant Robots,”Acta Automatica Sinica, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 88-91, Jan. 2013.(EI, cited by 6, cited by others 3).
[19] Zhijun Zhang and Yunong Zhang, “Design and Experimentation of Acceleration-Level Drift-Free (ALDF) Scheme Solved by Two Recurrent Neural Networks,” IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 25-42, March 2013. (SCI, EI, ISTP,5-year IF 2.048, Q3, 中科院3区, cited by 17, cited by others 16).
[20] Zhijun Zhang, Ziyi Yan, “Hybrid-Level Joint-Drift-Free Scheme of Redundant Robot Manipulators Synthesized by A Varying-Parameter Recurrent Neural Network,” IEEE Access, DOD: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.
[21] Lin Xiao, Yongsheng Zhang, Bolin Liao, Zhijun Zhang, Lei Ding, and Long Jin, “A Velocity-Level Bi-Criteria Optimization Scheme for Coordinated Path Tracking of Dual Robot Manipulators Using Recurrent Neural Network.” Frontiers in Neurorobotics, vol. 11, no. 47, 2017.
[22] Lin Xiao, Bolin Liao, Shuai Li, Zhijun Zhang, Lei Ding, and Long Jin, “Design and Analysis of FTZNN Applied to the Real-Time Solution of a Nonstationary Lyapunov Equation and Tracking Control of a Wheeled Mobile Manipulator.” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 98-105, Jan. 2018.
[23] Long Jin, Shuai Li, and Zhijun Zhang, “Zeroing neural networks: A survey,” Neurocomputing, DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2017.06.030, 2017.
[24] Long Jin, Shuai Li, Huanqing Wang, and Zhijun Zhang, “Nonconvex projection activated zeroing neurodynamic models for time-varying matrix pseudoinversion with acceleratedfinite-time convergence,” Applied Soft Computing, DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.09.016, 2017
[25] Lin Xiao, Zhijun Zhang, and Shuai Li, “Solving Time-Varying System of Nonlinear Equations by Finite-Time Recurrent Neural Networks With Application to Motion Tracking of Robot Manipulators.” IEEE Transactions on Systems Man & Cybernetics Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2018.** , 2018. [26]Xiao, Lin, Shuai Li, Jian Yang, and Zhijun Zhang, “A new recurrent neural network with noise-tolerance and finite-time convergence for dynamic quadratic minimization,” Neurocomputing, vol. 285, no. 12, 2018.
[27] Yang Xiao, Zhijun Zhang*(corresponding author), Aryel Beck, Junsong Yuan and Daniel Thalmann, “Human-Robot Interaction by Upper Body Gesture Understanding,” Presence-Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 133-154, Sep. 2014 (SCI, EI, ISTP,IF 0.912, 中科院4区, cited by 26, cited by others 23).
[28] Lin Xiao, Yongsheng Zhang, Bolin Liao, Zhijun Zhang, Lei Ding, Long Jin, “A velocity-level bi-criteria optimization scheme for coordinated path tracking of dual robot manipulators using recurrent neural network,” Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2017(accepted)
[29] Lin Xiao, Bolin Liao, Shuai Li, Zhijun Zhang, L. Ding, and Long Jin al. “Design and Analysis of FTZNN Applied to Real-Time Solution of NonstationaryLyapunov Equation and Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Manipulator,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2017, PP(99):1-1. (IF: 6.764, 中科院1区)
[30] Hailiang Li, Yongqian Huang, Zhijun Zhang*, An improved faster R-CNN for same object retrieval, IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 13665-13676, 2017. (IF: 3.244,中科院小区3区)
[31] Hong Zhang, Ping Wua, Aryel Beck, Zhijun Zhang, XingyuGao, “Adaptive Incremental Learning of Image Semantics withApplication to Social Robot,”Neurocomputing, vol. 173, pp. 93-101, Jan. 2015 (SCI, EI, ISTP, IF 2.392, cited by 6, cited by others 5).
[32] Yunong Zhang, Jun Li, and Zhijun Zhang, “A Time-Varying Coefficient Based Manipulability-Maximizing Scheme For Motion Control of Redundant Robots Subject to Varying Joint-Velocity Limits,” Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 202-215, Apr. 2013. (SCI, EI, ISTP,5-year IF 0.903, cited by 2, cited by others 2, 中科院4区).
[33] Yunong Zhang, Xuezhong Li, Zhijun Zhang, Jun Li, “An LVI-based Numerical Algorithm for Solving Quadratic Programming Problems,” Operations Research Transactions, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-10, 2012(EI, cited by 1, cited by others 1).
[34] Yunong Zhang, Yao Chou, and Zhijun Zhang, “Presentation, error analysis and numerical experiments on a group of 1-step-ahead numerical differentiation formulas,” Computational & Applied Mathematics, vol. 235, no. 1, pp.406-414, Feb. 2013. (SCI, EI, ISTP, 5-year IF 1.228, Q2, cited by 4, cited by others 3).
[35] Yunong Zhang, Huarong Wu, Zhijun Zhang, Lin Xiao, and DongshengGuo, “Acceleration-level repetitive motion planning of redundant planar robots solved by a simplified LVI-based primal-dual neural network,” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 328-343, Apr. 2013(SCI, EI, ISTP, 5-year IF 2.305, Q2, cited by 8, cited by others 6).
[36] Yunong Zhang, Weibing Li, and ZhijunZhang, “Physical-limits-constrained minimum velocity norm coordinating scheme for wheeled mobile redundant manipulators,”Robotica, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 1-26, 2015.(SCI, EI, ISTP,5-year IF 1.05, Q3, cited by 2, cited by others 2).
[37] Yunong Zhang, Xiaotian Yu, Dongsheng Guo, Yonghua Yin, and Zhijun Zhang. “Weights and structure determination of multiple-input feed-forward neural network activated by Chebyshev polynomials of Class 2 via cross-validation,” Neural Computing and Applications, 2014, 25(7):1761-1770.(SCI, EI, ISTP, 5-year IF 1.492, cited by 8, cited by others 6).
[38]张智军,张雨浓. 重复运动速度层和加速度层方案的等效性. 自动化学报.(中文核心期刊,受邀译稿)(cited by 4, cited by others 2).
[39]张雨浓, 李钧, 张智军, 阮恭勤, 姜孝华. SIMO傅立叶三角基神经网络的权值直接确定法和结构自确定算法. 信息与控制, 2011, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 507-524.(中文核心期刊)(cited by 3, cited by others 3).
[40] 张雨浓, 黎卫兵, 郭东生, 张智军, 侯占伟. 基于前向和中间差分法的离散ZNN用于定常矩阵求逆. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2011, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1-6. (中文核心期刊)(cited by 1, cited by others 1).
[41]张雨浓, 陈锦浩, 劳稳超, 张智军, 仇尧. 多类单输入多项式神经网络预测能力比较.系统仿真学报,2014, vol. 26, no. 001, pp. 90-96.(中文核心期刊)
[42] Zhijun Zhang, Yaru Niu, Shangen Wu, Shuyang Lin, and Lingdong Kong, “Analysis of Influencing Factors on Humanoid Robots’ Emotion Expressions by Body Language,” International Symposium on Neural Networks. Springer, Cham, 2018:775-785.
[43] Zhijun Zhang, Lingdong Kong, Yaru Niu, “A Time-Varying-Constrained Motion Generation Scheme for Humanoid Robot Arms,” International Symposium on Neural Networks, Springer, China, 2018: 757-767.
[44] Zhijun Zhang, Jianli Yu, Yuanqing Li, and Xiaoyan Zhang, “A New Neural-Dynamic Control Method of Position and Angular Stabilization for Autonomous Quadrotor UAVs,” IEEE World Congress on Computation Intelligence, Vancouver, Canada, 2016. (EI, cited by 1, cited by others 0).
[45] Zhijun Zhang, Siwei Li, and Xiaoyan Zhang, “Simulink Comparison of Varying-Parameter Convergent-Differential Neural-Network and Gradient Neural Network for Solving Online Linear Time-Varying Equations,” The 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2016), Guilin, China, 2016 . (EI, cited by 1, cited by others 0).
[46]Zhijun Zhang, Siyuan Chen, LunanZheng, Jiayu Zhang, “Matlab Simulink of Varying-Parameter Convergent-Differential Neural-Network for Solving Online Time-Varying Matrix Inverse,” 2016 9th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID), Hangzhou, China, 2016.
[47] Xin Pan, Zhijun Zhang*, Yuanqing Li, Jun Qu, Chunhui Zhao, “Enjoy Driving from Thought in a Virtual City,” Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, pp. 11034-11040, July 26-28, 2017, Dalian, China, 2017. (优秀墙报提名奖)
[48] Zhijun Zhang, Yongqian Huang, Wenkang Zhang, “Comparisons of Planar Detection for Service Robot with RANSAC and Region Growing Algorithm,” Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, pp. 11092 - 11097, Dalian, China, 2017.
[49] Chunhui Zhao, Zhijun Zhang*, Yuanqing Li*, Xin Pan, Jun Qu, Ziyi Yan, “An EEG-based Mind Controlled Virtual-Human Obstacle-Avoidance Platform in Three Dimensional Virtual Environment,” the 8th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, 2017.
[50] Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann and Zhijun Zhang*(corresponding author), “Social robots and virtual humans as assistive tools for improving our quality of life,” in the 5th International Conference on Digital Home (ICDH 2014), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 28-30, 2014. (EI, cited by 1, cited by others 0).
[51] Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann and Zhijun Zhang*(corresponding author), “Assistive Social Robots for People with Special needs,” in The International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I 2014), Karnataka, India, Nov. 27-29, 2014.(EI, cited by 1, cited by others 1).
[52] Yunong Zhang, Huarong Wu, Zhijun Zhang, Senbo Fu, and Yonghua Yin, “Different-level schemes' equivalence for self-motion planning ofrobot manipulators,” in the 2012International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence(AICI'12), Chengdu, China, October 2012, pp. 9-16. (EI) (cited by 1, cited by others 1).
[53] Yunong Zhang, Long Jin, Zhijun Zhang, Lin Xiao, and Senbo Fu, “Zhang fractals Yielded via Solving Nonlinear Time-Varying Nonlinear ComplexEquations by Discrete-Time Complex-Valued ZD,” inthe 2012 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence andComputational Intelligence (AICI'12), Chengdu, China, October 2012, pp. 596-603. (EI)
[54] Yunong Zhang, Senbo Fu, Zhijun Zhang, Lin Xiao, and Xuezhong Li, “On the LVI-based Numerical Method (E47 Algorithm) for Solving Quadratic Programming Problems,” in Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, Chongqing, China, August 2011, pp.125-130(The Best Conference Paper Award) (EI). (cited by 8, cited by others 5).
[55] Yunong Zhang, LingXie, Zhijun Zhang, Kene Li, and Lin Xiao, “Real-Time Joystick Control and Experiments of Redundant Manipulators Using Cosine-Based Velocity Mapping,” in The 5th IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (IEEE ICAL 2011), Chongqing, China, August 2011, pp.345-350 (EI). (cited by 3, cited by others 1).
[56] Yunong Zhang, Weibing Li, DongshengGuo, Zhijun Zhang, and Senbo Fu, “Feedback-Type MWVN Scheme and Its Acceleration-Level EquivalentScheme Proved by Zhang Dynamics,” in2012 International Conference on Control Engineering and Communication Technology, Shenyang, China, December, 2012, pp. 180-183. (ISTP, EI). (cited by 1, cited by others 1).
[57] Yunong Zhang, Lin Xiao, Xiaotian Yu, Bolin Liao and Zhijun Zhang, “Minimum Movement Scheme with Wheels and Joints Coordinated Simultaneously for Mobile Redundant Manipulator,” in Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), Yinchuan, China, August 2013, pp. 910-915.(ISTP, EI).
[58] Yunong Zhang, Zhijun Zhang, “Feedback-Aided Minimum Joint Movement (FAMJM) Scheme for Redundant Manipulators with Simulations and Experiments,” in Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference, Xi'an, China, July 26-28, 2013, pp. 5656-5661. (EI)
[59] Yunong Zhang, Long Jin, Zhijun Zhang, Lin Xiao, Senbo Fu, “Zhang Fractals Yielded via Solving Time-Varying Nonlinear Complex Equations by Discrete-Time Complex-Valued ZD.” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012:596-603.
[60] Zhijun Zhang, Luxin Tang, Huan Yao, Hui Liu, “Simulation of Elman Neural network Extension Decision Strategy Generator Data Simulation to Pattern Deformation Error in Flexibility Material Treating Field,” inIEEE International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling Workshop (KAMW 2008), Wuhan, China, December 2008, pp. 50-53. (ISTP, EI) (cited by 2, cited by others 2).
[61] Luxin Tang, Zhijun Zhang, Yunong Zhang, Huan Yao, and Hui Liu, “Fuzzy-neural networks control system Modeling based on extension decision strategy generation mechanism,” inInternational Conference on Information Technology in Education (CSSE 2008), Wuhan, China, December 2008, pp. 1172-1175 (EI). (cited by 2, cited by others 2).
[62] Luxin Tang, Huan Yao, Zhijun Zhang, Jun Liu, “Research of Relief Pattern Design Based on Improved GeneticAlgorithm,” in International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application Workshops (IITAW 2008), Shanghai, China, December 2008, pp. 459-462 (ISTP, EI).
[1] Yunong Zhang and ZhijunZhang.Repetitive Motion Planning and Control Based on Quadratic Program for Redundant Robot Manipulators--Theory, Simulations and Physical Robot Realization, Springer-Verlag, Gemany, May 2013.
[2] Aryel Beck, Zhang Zhijun, and Nadia MagnenatThalmann. Motion Control for Social Behaviours, in Book “Context aware Human-Robot and Human-Agent Interaction ”, Springer-Verlag, Gemany, Feb. 2016.

1. 张智军、颜子毅、林裕峻. 基于新型数值求解器的冗余度机械臂重复运动规划方法,发明专利(申请号:**7.4),申请日期:2017.3.18.
2. 张智军、黄永前、李远清. 一种基于脑机接口的机械臂辅助系统及方法,发明专利(申请号:**7.8),申请日期:2016.12.20.
3. 张智军、黄永前. 一种基于动态3D手写数字识别的虚拟人交互系统实现方法,发明专利(申请号:**4.4),申请日期:2016.10.10.
4. 张智军、张文康、黄永前. 一种基于RGB-D摄像头的视觉识别与定位的方法,发明专利(申请号:**1.8),申请日期:2016.10.14.
5. 张智军、林舒阳. 一种人形机器人模仿人体上半身动作的控制方法,发明专利(申请号:**9.6),申请日期:2016.11.9.
6. 张智军、郑陆楠. 一种多旋翼无人飞行器的稳定飞行控制方法,发明专利(申请号:**2.8),申请日期:2016.8.23.
7. 张智军、郑陆楠. 一种实数域光滑时变Sylvester方程求解器的设计方法,发明专利(申请号:**0.9),申请日期:2017.07.13.
8. 张智军、郭琦、郑陆楠. 一种基于有限时间神经动力学的多旋翼无人飞行器的稳定飞行控制方法,发明专利(申请号:**6.7),申请日期:2017.08.02.
9. 张智军、付廷中、颜子毅,一种解决冗余度机械臂关节角偏移问题的方法,发明专利(**3.6),申请日期:2017.06.27.
10. 张智军、林裕峻,一种冗余度双机械臂的多指标协调运动规划方法,发明专利(**0.3),申请日期:2016.09.27.
11. 张智军、李锦辉、李远清,一种脑控轮椅机械臂,发明专利(**6.3),申请日期:2017.09.15.
12. 张智军、李锦辉,一种电动轮椅机械臂装置,发明专利(**7.6),申请日期:2017.09.15.
13. 张智军、郑陆楠、翁桌荣、吴春台、陈沛帆,携带冗余度机械臂的多旋翼飞行机器人整机系统设计方法,发明专利(**4.5),申请日期:2017.09.29.
14. 张智军、郑陆楠、陈沛帆、吴春台、谢楷俊、林亮洪,一种携带冗余度机械臂的飞行机器人硬件系统设计方法,发明专利(**5.6),申请日期:2017.09.29.
15. 张智军、郑陆楠、谢楷俊、林亮洪、翁桌荣,一种携带冗余度机械臂的飞行机器人通信系统的设计方法,发明专利(**5.2),申请日期:2017.09.29。
16. 张智军、牛雅儒,一种应用于人形机器人动作模仿的人体姿态映射方法,发明专利(**6.5),申请日期:2017.10.17。
17. 张智军、孔令东,一种时变凸二次规划求解器设计方法,发明专利(**9.3),申请日期:2017.11.13。
18. 张智军、孔令东,一种用于冗余度机械臂运动规划的变参神经网络求解器设计方法,发明专利(**5.5),申请日期:2017.11.13。
19. 张智军、陈思远,一种机器人运动规划的拓展解集对偶神经网络解决方法,发明专利(**7.3),申请日期:2017.11.22.
20. 张智军、陈思远,一种非线性约束的原对偶神经网络机器人动作规划方法,发明专利(**7.5),申请日期:2017.11.22.
21. 张智军、孔令东,一种求解含噪声时变问题的神经动力学方法,发明专利(**3.7),申请日期:2017.11.17.
22. 张智军、刘桂强,基于服务器控制的履带式云机器人小车,发明专利(**0.4),申请日期:2017.11.20.
23. 张智军,朱徐鹏,一种应用于冗余度机械臂的障碍物躲避解决方法,发明专利(**7.9),申请日期:2017.11.30.
24. 张智军,江锦东,罗飞,一种基于RGBD图像与残差网络的语义分割方法,发明专利(**6.0),申请日期:2018.04.03.
25. 张智军,付正,郑陆楠,一种基于便餐收敛神经网络的线性方程求解器设计方法,发明专利(**6.9),申请日期:2018.07.20.
26. 李远清、潘鑫、张智军. 一种基于P300脑电的虚拟驾驶系统控制方法,发明专利(**6.X),申请日期:2016.10.28.
27. 李远清、赵春辉、张智军. 一种脑控虚拟人避障控制方法(申请号:**5.X),申请日期:2017.02.20.
28. 张智军、陈沛帆、翁卓荣、林亮洪、郑陆楠. 一种携带冗余度机械臂的飞行机器人电源驱动器的设计方法,发明专利(**1.0),申请日期:2018.0515.
29. 张智军,吴春台,翁卓荣,林亮洪,谢楷俊,郑陆楠. 一种携带冗余度机械臂的飞行机器人控制系统设计方法,发明专利(**0.0).
30. 张智军,孔令东,朱徐鹏. 一种障碍物与物理极限躲避方法,发明专利(**6.7).
31. 张智军,陈卓明,孔令东,马钰儿.一种求解双冗余度机械臂互相碰撞的动力学方法,发明专利(**1.0).
32. 张智军,谢楷俊,翁卓荣,吴春台.一种飞行作业机器人冗余度机械臂下位控制器的设计方法,发明专利(**5.9).
34. 张智军,邓羡知,孔令东. 一种实数域光滑时变矩阵PXQ=W系统的方秋杰设计方法,发明专利(**7.X)
35. 张智军,王敏,孔令东. 一种用于时变矩阵求逆的指数增强型变参求解方法,发明专利(**9.5)
36. 张智军,刘桂强. 基于服务器控制的履带式云机器人小车,实用新型专利(ZL 2017 2 **.4)
1. 张雨浓(导师)、张智军、李克讷. 一种冗余度机械臂运动规划方法,发明专利(专利授权号:ZL 2010 1 **.0).
2. 张雨浓(导师)、张智军、郭东生. 一种冗余度机械臂运动规划的初始化方法,发明专利(专利授权号:ZL 2010 1 **.5).
3. 张雨浓(导师)、李克讷、张智军. 一种冗余度机械臂容错运动规划方法,发明专利(专利授权号:ZL **9.9).
4. 张雨浓(导师)、张智军、朱虹. 一种冗余度机械臂重复运动规划方法,发明专利(专利授权号:ZL **1.6).
1. 张智军、李锦辉、李远清,一种脑控轮椅机械臂,实用新型专利(**9.5),申请日期:2017.09.15.
2. 张智军、郑陆楠、陈思远. 一种飞行机器人,实用新型专利(专利授权号:ZL 2016 2 **.2).
1. 张智军、郑陆楠、陈思远. 一种飞行机器人,实用新型专利(专利授权号:ZL 2016 2 **.2),申请日期:2016.07.29.
2. 张智军、郑陆楠、陈沛帆、吴春台、谢楷俊、林亮洪,一种携带冗余度机械臂的飞行机器人硬件系统,实用新型专利(专利授权号:ZL 2017 2 **.7),申请日期:2017.09.29.
3. 张智军,区家荣,李锦辉.一种模块化六轴机械臂,使用新型专利(专利授权号:ZL 2017 2 **.1),申请日期:2017.09.27.
4. 张智军、李锦辉、林裕峻、区家荣,一种电动轮椅机械臂,实用新型专利(ZL2017 2 **.5),申请日期:2017.09.15.

1. 张智军,林亮洪,谢楷俊,吴春台,陈沛帆,郑陆楠. Labview版携带冗余度机械臂的无人机地面站系统,软件著作权,登记号:2018SR549313.
2. C#版携带冗余度机械臂的无人机地面站系统[简称:飞行机器人地面站]V1.0, 登记号:2018SR655888.
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