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副教授 电子与电气工程系 课题组网站
广东省****基金、广东省特支计划青年拔尖人才、广东省优秀青年教师培养计划、深圳市自然科学奖二等奖、深圳市青年科技奖获得者。长期从事QLED/OLED等电致发光显示技术的研究,在器件物理、界面调控、结构设计、制备工艺、高效率全彩色QLED/OLED器件性能及其关键技术等方面积累了较扎实的研究基础,并做出一系列原创性和系统性的研究。在Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano等JCR一区期刊发表SCI文章100多篇,引用超过5000次,H-index 38。
(check our webpage for details https://eee.sustc.edu.cn/p/chenshuming/)
工作经历2018.12 - 至今,南方科技大学电子与电气工程系,副教授(tenured)、研究员
2013.06?- 2018.11,南方科技大学电子与电气工程系,助理教授(tenure-track)、副研究员
2018年,南方科技大学 “优秀导师奖”
2017年,南方科技大学 “杰出科研奖”
Colloidal Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes (QLED) have attracted considerable interests in recent years because of their advantages of high color saturation, tunable emission color and inherent high stability, which make them promising candidates for next generation displays. We focus on developing efficient and stable QLED devices through designing novel structures, engineering critical interfaces, studying device physics and developing novel fabrication processes.
Topics under investigation include:
Device Structures. Novel device structures such as microcavity, top-emitting, tandem, inverted, transparent, flexible, white-emission, light-coupling and etc.
Device Physics. Carrier injection and transport, charge balance, exciton dynamic, degradation mechanism, interfacial physics and etc.
Device Fabrication Techniques. Low-cost fabrication techniques including all-solution processing, ink-jet printing, transferring, laminating and etc.
教学EE322: 光电器件工艺实践(春季)
EE322: Optoelectronic Devices Fabrication Laboratory(Spring Semester)
Part 1: To introduce the clean room, high vacuum, thin film deposition (including sputtering, thermal evaporation, e-beam evaporation, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, spin coating), thin film patterning (including photolithography, laser direct writing, screen printing, inkjet printing),etching and other fundamental fabrication processes. Thin film characterization techniques including transmission, reflection, absorption, resistivity, thickness, surface morphology are also covered.
Part 2: To introduce the working mechanisms, the fabrication processes and the characterization techniques of various optoelectronic devices including organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLED), photovoltaic (solar) cells, thin-film transistors (TFT) and etc.
Part 3: Laboratory course requires hands-on work in fabricating and characterizing various thin films and devices including OLED, QLED, OPV and TFT. Process modules including sputtering, thermal evaporation, e-beam evaporation, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, spin coating, photolithography, laser direct writing, screen printing, inkjet printing, etching and etc will be covered. Student will also learn to characterize the fabricated thin films and devices.
EE403: 半导体信息显示技术(秋季)
EE403: Semiconductor Information Display Technology (Fall Semester)
To introduce advanced display technologies. The main objective is to gain knowledge of four main modules of display:
Part 1: Display fundamental including display development history, human visual perception, display optics, photometry and colorimetry;
Part 2: Display frontplane technologies including liquid-crystal display (LCD), organic light-emitting display (OLED) and quantum-dot display;
Part 3: Display backplane technologies including amorphous silicon, low temperature poly-crystalline silicon, metal oxide and organic thin-film transistors and active-matrix driving technologies;
Part 4: Emerging display technologies including micro-LED, laser, flexible and transparent display.
学术成果 查看更多代表论文:
1. Heng Zhang, Qiang Su, Shuming Chen*, “Quantum-dot and organic hybrid tandem light-emitting diodes with multi-functionality of full-color-tunability and white-light-emission”, Nature Communications, 11, 2826 (2020).
2. Yizhe Sun, Qiang Su, Heng Zhang, Fei Wang, Shengdong Zhang*, Shuming Chen*, “Investigation on Thermally Induced Efficiency Roll-Off: Toward Efficient and Ultrabright Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes”, ACS Nano, 13, 11433-11442 (2019).
3. Qiang Su, Yizhe Sun, Heng Zhang, Shuming Chen*, “Origin of Positive Aging in Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes”, Advanced Science, 5, ** (2018).
4. Heng Zhang, Xiaowei Sun, Shuming Chen*, “Efficient Red/Green/Blue Tandem Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes with External Quantum Efficiency Exceeding 21%”, ACS Nano, 12, 697-704 (2018). ESI highly cited
5. Heng Zhang, Xiaowei Sun, Shuming Chen*, “Over 100 cd/A efficient quantum dot light-emitting diodes with inverted tandem structure”, Advanced Functional Materials, 27, ** (2017).
6. Xiaoli Zhang, He Liu, Weigao Wang, Jinbao Zhang, Bing Xu, Ke Lin Karen, Yuanjin Zheng, Sheng Liu, Shuming Chen*, Kai Wang, Xiao Wei Sun*, “Hybrid perovskite light-emitting diodes based on perovskite nanocrystals with organic-inorganic mixed cations”, Advanced Materials, 29, ** (2017). ESI highly cited
7. Xiaoli Zhang, Weigao Wang, Bing Xu, Sheng Liu, Haitao Dai, Dun Bian, Shuming Chen*, Kai Wang*, Xiao Wei Sun*, “Thin film perovskite light-emitting diode based on CsPbBr3 powders and interfacial engineering”, Nano Energy, 37, 40-45 (2017).
8. Hung-Chia Wang#, Heng Zhang#, Hao-Yue Chen, Han-Cheng, Yeh, Mei-Rurng Tseng, Ren-Jei Chung*, Shuming Chen*, Ru-Shi Liu*, “Cadmium-free InP/ZnSeS/ZnS Heterostructured-Based Quantum Dot Light-emitting Diodes with ZnMgO Electron Transport Layer and a Brightness of over 10000 cd/m2”, Small, 13, ** (2017).
9. Hung-Chia Wang, Weigao Wang, An-Cih Tang, Hsin-Yu Tsai, Zhen Bao, Toshiyuki Ihara, Naoki Yarita, Hirokazu Tahara, Yoshihiko Kanemitsu*, Shuming Chen*, and Ru-Shi Liu*, “High-Performance CsPb1-xSnxBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots for Light-Emitting Diodes”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 129, 13838-13842 (2017).
10. Shuming Chen, Guiping Tan, Wai-Yeung Wong and Hoi Sing Kwok, “White organic light-emitting diodes with evenly separated red, green and blue colors for efficiency/color rendition trade-off optimization”, Advanced Functional Materials, 21, 3785-3793 (2011). Citation 150
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本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12
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