郭红卫Google Scholar ResearcherID
讲席教授 生物系
郭红卫教授是教育部****、国家****基金获得者、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、广东省“珠江人才”科技创新领军人才、深圳市海外高层次A类人才。现任南方科技大学生物系讲座教授,生物系副主任,南方科技大学-北京大学植物与食品联合研究所所长。郭红卫教授主要从事植物激素乙烯的作用机理、叶片衰老和果实发育的调控机制、RNA降解和基因沉默等方面的研究,取得了一系列开创性的研究成果,在这些领域处于国际领先地位。已在Cell 、Science、Nature、PNAS、 Plant Cell等国际刊物发表论文80余篇,授权发明专利8项。现为中国植物学会和中国作物学会常务理事,第十一届全国青联常委,并担任Plant Cell, Molecular Plant, Plant Cell and Physiology, JIPB等期刊编委。
个人简介郭红卫教授,2001年博士毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,攻读博士学位期间曾以第一作者发表包括两篇Science在内的一系列研究论文,在植物光形态建成、光周期开花、光信号转导等对农业生产至关重要的领域取得了突破性进展,引起国际学术界广泛关注和反响;博士毕业后进入世界顶尖生物学研究所SALK开展博后研究工作,在植物激素的调控机理方面取得了重大突破,建立了乙烯通路的蛋白降解模型和RNA降解模型,分别发表在国际权威杂志Cell和PNAS上;2005年全职回国后,任北京大学生命科学学院教授、博士生导师,筹建了植物激素信号转导实验室。其实验室长期从事植物分子生物学及遗传学方面的研究,在植物激素生物学领域具有重要的国际影响力。近年来,郭红卫教授团队聚焦植物对异源或过量表达的基因多层次沉默的机制研究,以拟南芥为材料对植物中外源转基因沉默现象进行了研究,发现了植物防止内源基因沉默的双保险机制,相关成果发表在国际权威杂志Science上,并受著名生物学综述性期刊Current Opinion in Plant Biology特邀,总结近年来植物信使RNA (mRNA)代谢和mRNA质量监控研究领域的最新进展。此外,郭红卫教授团队长期关注植物器官衰老、果实发育调控机制等与生产实践密切相关的科学问题,综合利用化学遗传学等手段,筛选出多种受到同行认可的、具有潜在采后应用价值的小分子化合物。2016年起,任南方科技大学生物系讲座教授。2017年7月受南方科技大学委托筹建植物与食品联合研究所并担任首届研究所所长,2018年起任南方科技大学生物系副主任。
2018.09-至今 ? 南方科技大学生物系副主任
2017.07-至今? 南科大-北大植物与食品联合研究所所长
2016.04-至今 ?南方科技大学生物系讲座教授
2013.09-2015.12?? 北京大学生命科学学院副院长
2005?.09–?2016.03 ? 北京大学生命科学学院教授
2001.07?–?2005.09 ?美国加州Salk?Institute 博士后
1996?-?2001 ? 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA) ??植物分子生物学专业 ?博士学位
1992?-?1995 ? 北京大学生命科学学院 植物生理学专业 ? 硕士学位
1988?-?1992 ? 南开大学生物系?植物生理学专业 ?学士学位
◆2018 广东省“珠江人才”科技创新领军人才
◆2018 国家高层次人才特殊支持计划领军人才
◆2011 ?“北京大学-清华大学联合生命中心”首批研究员
◆2006 ?教育部****
Huang?Peixin , Dong?Zhi , Guo?Pengru , Zhang?Xing , Qiu?Yuping, Li?Bosheng , Wang?Yichuan and?Guo Hongwei* (2019) Salicylic acid suppresses apical hook formation via NPR1-mediated repression of EIN3/EIL1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, accepted.
Zhu Ying, Li Hongjiang, Su Qi, Wen Jing, Wang Yuefan, Song Wen, Xie Yinpeng, He Wenrong, Yang Zhen, Jiang Kai*, and Guo Hongwei* (2019). A phenotype-directed chemical screen identifies ponalrestat as an inhibitor of the plant flavin monooxygenase YUCCA in auxin biosynthesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, ?in press.
Wang Yichuan, and Guo Hongwei*(2018). Onhormonal regulation of the dynamic apical hook development. The New phytologist 222, 1230-1234.
Li Bosheng, Wu Huihui, and Guo Hongwei*(2018). Plant mRNA decay: extended roles and potential determinants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 45, 178-184.
Wang Yichuan*, Ji Yusi, Fu Ying, and Guo Hongwei*(2018). Ethylene-induced microtubule reorientation is essential for fast inhibition of root elongation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 60, 864-877.
Zhang Xing, Ji Yusi, Xue Chang, Ma Honghao, Xi Yulin, Huang Peixin, Wang Huan, An Fengying, Li Bosheng, Wang Yichuan, and Guo Hongwei*(2018). Integrated regulation of apical hook development by transcriptional coupling of EIN3/EIL1 and PIFs inArabidopsis. Plant Cell?30, 1971-1988.
Zhang Cheng#, Teng Xiao-Dong#, Zheng Quan-Quan, Zhao Yan-Yun, Lu Jie-Yang, Wang Yichuan, Guo Hongwei*, and Yang Zhong-Nan*(2018). Ethylene signaling is critical for synergid cell functional specification and pollen tube attraction. Plant Journal?96, 176-187.
Li Zhonghai, Woo Hye Ryun*, and Guo Hongwei*(2018). Genetic redundancy of senescence-associated transcription factors inArabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany?69, 811-823.
Feng Ying, Xu Ping, Li Bosheng, Li Pengpeng, Wen Xing, An Fengying, Gong Yan, Xin Yi, Zhu Ziqiang, Wang Yichuan*, and Guo Hongwei*(2017). Ethylene promotes root hair growth through coordinated EIN3/EIL1 and RHD6/RSL1 activity inArabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America?114, 13834-13839.
Jiang Bochen, Shi Yiting, Zhang Xiaoyan, Xin Xiaoyun, Qi Lijuan, Guo Hongwei, Li Jigang, and Yang Shuhua*(2017). PIF3 is a negative regulator of the CBF pathway and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America?114, E6695-E6702.
Guo Pengru, Li Zhonghai, Huang Peixin, Li Bosheng, Fang Shuang, Chu Jinfang, and Guo Hongwei*(2017). A tripartite amplification loop involving the transcription factor WRKY75, salicylic acid, and reactive oxygen species accelerates leaf senescence. Plant Cell 29, 2854-2870.
Zhang Xinyan, and Guo Hongwei*(2017). mRNA decay in plants: both quantity and quality matter. Current Opinion in Plant Biology?35, 138-144.
Sun Xiangzhong, Li Yaxin, He Wenrong, Ji Chenggong, Xia Peixue, Wang Yichuan, Du Shuo, Li Hongjiang, Raikhel Natasha, Xiao Junyu*, and Guo Hongwei*(2017). Pyrazinamide and derivatives block ethylene biosynthesis by inhibiting ACC oxidase. Nature Communications?8,15758.
Song Wen, Liu Li, Wang Jizong, Wu Zhen, Zhang Heqiao, Tang Jiao, Lin Guangzhong, Wang Yichuan, Wen Xing, Li Wenyang, Han Zhifu, Guo Hongwei*, and Chai Jijie*(2016). Signature motif-guided identification of receptors for peptide hormones essential for root meristem growth. Cell Research?26, 674-685.
Li Mingzhe, An Fengying, Li Wenyang, Ma Mengdi, Feng Ying, Zhang Xing, and Guo Hongwei*(2016). DELLA proteins interact with FLC to repress flowering transition. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 58, 642-655.
Zhang Xinyan, Zhu Ying, Wu Huihui, and Guo Hongwei*(2016). Post-transcriptional gene silencing in plants: a double-edged sword. Science China-Life Sciences?59, 271-276.
Zhu Ziqiang, Xian Ziqiang, Guo Hongwei*, and Li Zhengguo*(2016). Ethylene biology blooms from fundamental research to postharvest applications. Molecular Plant?9, 187-188.
Qing Dongjin, Yang Zhu, Li Mingzhe, Wong Wai Shing, Guo Guangyu, Liu Shichang, Guo Hongwei, and Li Ning*(2016). Quantitative and functional phosphoproteomic analysis reveals that ethylene regulates water transport via the C-terminal phosphorylation of aquaporin PIP2; 1 in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant?9, 158-174.
Li Wenyang, Ma Mengdi, Feng Ying, Li Hongjiang, Wang Yichuan, Ma Yutong, Li Mingzhe, An Fengying, and Guo Hongwei*(2015). EIN2-directed translational regulation of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis. Cell 163, 670-683.
Zhang Xinyan, Zhu Ying, Liu Xiaodan, Hong Xinyu, Xu Yang, Zhu Ping, Shen Yang, Wu Huihui, Ji Yusi, Wen Xing, Zhang Chen, Zhao Qiong, Wang Yichuan, Lu Jian, and Guo Hongwei*(2015). Suppression of endogenous gene silencing by bidirectional cytoplasmic RNA decay inArabidopsis. Science?348, 120-123.
Song Jinghui, Zhu Chenxu, Zhang Xing, Wen Xing, Liu Lulu, Peng Jinying, Guo Hongwei*, and Yi Chengqi*(2015). Biochemical and structural insights into the mechanism of DNA recognition by ArabidopsisETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3. PLoS One?10, e**.
Peng Jinying, Li Zhonghai, Wen Xing, Li Wenyang, Shi Hui, Yang Longshu, Zhu Huaiqiu, and?Guo Hongwei*(2014). Salt-induced stabilization of EIN3/EIL1 confers salinity tolerance by deterring ROS accumulation in Arabidopsis. Plos Genetics 10, e**.
Zhang Xing, Zhu Ziqiang, An Fengying, Hao Dongdong, Li Pengpeng, Song Jinghui, Yi Chengqi, and Guo Hongwei*(2014). Jasmonate-activated MYC2 represses ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 activity to antagonize ethylene-promoted apical hook formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26, 1105-1117.
Zhong Shangwei, Shi Hui, Xue Chang, Wei Ning, Guo Hongwei*, and Deng Xing Wang*(2014). Ethylene-orchestrated circuitry coordinates a seedling's response to soil cover and etiolated growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America?111, 3913-3920.
Li Zhonghai, Zhao Yi, Liu Xiaochuan, Peng Jinying, Guo Hongwei*, and Luo Jingchu*(2014). LSD 2.0: an update of the leaf senescence database. Nucleic Acids Research?42, D1200-D1205.
Li Zhonghai, Peng Jinying, Wen Xing, and Guo Hongwei*(2013). ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3 is a senescence-associated gene that accelerates age-dependent leaf senescence by directly repressing miR164 transcription in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell?25, 3311-3328.
Zhang Xinyan, Chen Yutao, Lin Xin, Hong Xinyu, Zhu Ying, Li Wenyang, He Wenrong, An Fengying, and Guo Hongwei*(2013). Adenine phosphoribosyl transferase 1 is a key enzyme catalyzing cytokinin conversion from nucleobases to nucleotides in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 6, 1661-1672.
Song Susheng, Qi Tiancong, Fan Meng, Zhang Xing, Gao Hua, Huang Huang, Wu Dewei, Guo Hongwei, and Xie Daoxin*(2013). The bHLH subgroup IIId factors negatively regulate jasmonate-mediated plant defense and development. Plos Genetics?9(7):e**.
Ji Yusi, and Guo Hongwei*(2013). From endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to nucleus: EIN2 bridges the gap in ethylene signaling. Molecular Plant?6, 11-14.
Zheng Dongchao, Han Xiao, An Yi, Guo Hongwei, Xia Xinli*, and Yin Weilun*(2013). The nitrate transporter NRT2.1 functions in the ethylene response to nitrate deficiency in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell and Environment?36, 1328-1337.
Li Hongjiang, Xu Tongda, Lin Deshu, Wen Mingzhang, Xie Mingtang, Duclercq Jerome, Bielach Agnieszka, Kim Jungmook, Reddy G. Venugopala, Zuo Jianru, Benkova Eva, Friml Jiri, Guo Hongwei, and Yang Zhenbiao*(2013). Cytokinin signaling regulates pavement cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Cell Research?23, 290-299.
Kim Hye Gi, Kwon Sun Jae, Jang Young Jin, Nam Myung Hee, Chung Joo Hee, Na Yun-Cheol, Guo Hongwei, and Park Ohkmae K.*(2013). GDSL LIPASE1 modulates plant immunity through feedback regulation of ethylene signaling. Plant Physiology?163, 1776-1791.
Wen Xing, Zhang Cunli, Ji Yusi, Zhao Qiong, He Wenrong, An Fengying, Jiang Liwen, and Guo Hongwei*(2012). Activation of ethylene signaling is mediated by nuclear translocation of the cleaved EIN2 carboxyl terminus. Cell Research?22, 1613-1616.
Wang Qin, Fristedt Rikard, Yu Xuhong, Chen Zugen, Liu Hongtao, Lee Yurhee, Guo Hongwei, Merchant Sabeeha S., and Lin Chentao*(2012).The γ-carbonic anhydrasesubcomplex of mitochondrial complex I is essential for development and important for photomorphogenesis of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 160, 1373-1383.
Zhong Shangwei, Shi Hui, Xue Chang, Wang Lei, Xi Yanpeng, Li Jigang, Quail Peter H., Deng Xing Wang*, and Guo Hongwei*(2012). A molecular framework of light-controlled phytohormone action in Arabidopsis. Current Biology?22, 1530-1535.
Men Yongfan, Yu Qiang, Chen Zitian, Wang Jianbin, Huang Yanyi*, and Guo Hongwei*(2012). A high-throughput imaging system to quantitatively analyze the growth dynamics of plant seedlings. Integrative Biology?4, 945-952.
Shi Yiting, Tian Shouwei, Hou Lingyan, Huang Xiaozhen, Zhang Xiaoyan, Guo Hongwei, and Yang Shuhua*(2012). Ethylene signaling negatively regulates freezing tolerance by repressing expression of CBF and Type-A ARR genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell?24, 2578-2595.
Li Zhonghai, Peng Jinying, Wen Xing, and Guo Hongwei*(2012). Gene network analysis and functional studies of senescence-associated genes reveal novel regulators of Arabidopsisleaf senescence. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology?54, 526-539.
An Fengying, Zhang Xing, Zhu Ziqiang, Ji Yusi, He Wenrong, Jiang Zhiqiang, Li Mingzhe, and Guo Hongwei*(2012). Coordinated regulation of apical hook development by gibberellins and ethylene in etiolated Arabidopsisseedlings. Cell Research?22, 915-927.
Zhu Ziqiang, An Fengying, Feng Ying, Li Pengpeng, Xue Li, Mu A., Jiang Zhiqiang, Kim Jong-Myong, To Taiko Kim, Li Wei, Zhang Xinyan, Yu Qiang, Dong Zhi, Chen Wen-Qian, Seki Motoaki, Zhou Jian-Min, and Guo Hongwei*(2011). Derepression of ethylene-stabilized transcription factors (EIN3/EIL1) mediates jasmonate and ethylene signaling synergy in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America?108, 12539-12544.
He Wenrong, Brumos Javier, Li Hongjiang, Ji Yusi, Ke Meng, Gong Xinqi, Zeng Qinglong, Li Wenyang, Zhang Xinyan, An Fengying, Wen Xing, Li Pengpeng, Chu Jinfang, Sun Xiaohong, Yan Cunyu, Yan Nieng, Xie De-Yu, Raikhel Natasha, Yang Zhenbiao, Stepanova Anna N., Alonso Jose M., and Guo Hongwei*(2011). A small-molecule screen identifies L-Kynurenine as a competitive inhibitor of TAA1/TAR activity in ethylene-directed auxin biosynthesis and root growth inArabidopsis. Plant Cell?23, 3944-3960.
Stepanova Anna N., Yun Jeonga, Robles Linda M., Novak Ondrej, He Wenrong, Guo Hongwei, Ljung Karin, and Alonso Jose M.*(2011). The ArabidopsisYUCCA1 flavin monooxygenase functions in the Indole-3-Pyruvic acid branch of auxin biosynthesis. Plant Cell?23, 3961-3973.
Zhao Qiong, and Guo Hongwei*(2011). Paradigms and paradox in the ethylene signaling pathway and interaction network. Molecular Plant?4, 626-634.
Li Hongjiang, Lin Deshu, Dhonukshe Pankaj, Nagawa Shingo, Chen Dandan, Friml Jiri, Scheres Ben, Guo Hongwei, and Yang Zhenbiao*(2011). Phosphorylation switch modulates the interdigitated pattern of PIN1 localization and cell expansion in Arabidopsisleaf epidermis. Cell Research?21, 970-978.
Jiang Zhiqiang, Liu Xiaochuan, Peng Zhiyu, Wan Yinan, Ji Yusi, He Wenrong, Wan Wen, Luo Jingchu*, and Guo Hongwei*(2011). AHD2.0: an update version of ArabidopsisHormone Database for plant systematic studies. Nucleic Acids Research?39, D1123-D1129.
Liu Xiaochuan, Li Zhonghai, Jiang Zhiqiang, Zhao Yi, Peng Jinying, Jin Jinpu, Guo Hongwei*, and Luo Jingchu*(2011). LSD: a leaf senescence database. Nucleic Acids Research?39, D1103-D1107.
An Fengying, Zhao Qiong, Ji Yusi, Li Wenyang, Jiang Zhiqiang, Yu Xiangchun, Zhang Chen, Han Ying, He Wenrong, Liu Yidong, Zhang Shuqun, Ecker Joseph R., and Guo Hongwei*(2010). Ethylene-induced stabilization of ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 and EIN3-LIKE1 is mediated by Proteasomal degradation of EIN3 binding F-Box 1 and 2 that requires EIN2 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell?22, 2384-2401.
Jiang Zhiqiang, and Guo Hongwei*(2010). A comparative genomic analysis of plant hormone related genes in different species. Journal of Genetics and Genomics?37, 219-230.
Zhong Shangwei, Shi Hui, Xi Yanpeng, and Guo Hongwei*(2010). Ethylene is crucial for cotyledon greening and seedling survival during de-etiolation. Plant Signaling & Behavior?5, 739-742.
Zhong Shangwei, Zhao Mantong, Shi Tianying, Shi Hui, An Fengying, Zhao Qiong, and Guo Hongwei*(2009). EIN3/EIL1 cooperate with PIF1 to prevent photo-oxidation and to promote greening of Arabidopsisseedlings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America?106, 21431-21436.
Peng Zhi-yu, Zhou Xin, Li Linchuan, Yu Xiangchun, Li Hongjiang, Jiang Zhiqiang, Cao Guangyu, Bai Mingyi, Wang Xingchun, Jiang Caifu, Lu Haibin, Hou Xianhui, Qu Lijia, Wang Zhiyong, Zuo Jianru, Fu Xiangdong, Su Zhen, Li Songgang, and Guo Hongwei*(2009). ArabidopsisHormone Database: a comprehensive genetic and phenotypic information database for plant hormone research in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research?37, D975-D982.
Chen Huamin, Xue Li, Chintamanani Satya, Germain Hugo, Lin Huiqiong, Cui Haitao, Cai Run, Zuo Jianru, Tang Xiaoyan, Li Xin, Guo Hongwei, and Zhou Jian-Min*(2009). ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 and ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3-LIKE1 repress SALICYLIC ACID INDUCTION DEFICIENT2 expression to negatively regulate plant innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell?21, 2527-2540.
Li Hao, Wong Wai Shing, Zhu Lin, Guo Hongwei, Ecker Joseph, and Li Ning*(2009). Phosphoproteomic analysis of ethylene-regulated protein phosphorylation in etiolated seedlings of Arabidopsismutant ein2?using two-dimensional separations coupled with a hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Proteomics?9, 1646-1661.
? ? ?1.?Zhu Ziqiang, and Guo Hongwei*?(2008). Genetic basis of ethylene perception and signal transduction in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology?50, 808-815.
2007:? ?
Li Hongjiang, and Guo Hongwei*?(2007). Molecular basis of the ethylene signaling and response pathway in?Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation?26, 106-117.
Olmedo Gabriela#, Guo Hongwei#, Gregory Brian D.#, Nourizadeh Saeid D.#, Aguilar-Henonin Laura, Li Hongjiang, An Fengying, Guzman Plinio, and Ecker Joseph R.*(2006). ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE5 encodes a 5 '-> 3 ' exoribonuclease required for regulation of the EIN3-targeting F-box proteins EBF1/2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America?103, 13286-13293.
An Fengying, and Guo Hongwei*(2006). Molecular mechanism of ethylene signal transduction. Chinese Bulletin of Botany?23, 531-542.
?Guo Hongwei, and Ecker Joseph R.*?(2004). The ethylene signaling pathway: new insights. Current Opinion in Plant Biology?7, 40-49.
?Guo Hongwei, and Ecker Joseph R.*?(2003). Plant responses to ethylene gas are mediated by SCF (EBF1/EBF2)-dependent proteolysis of EIN3 transcription factor. Cell?115, 667-677.?
Shalitin Dror, Yang Hongyun, Mockler Todd C., Maymon Maskit, Guo Hongwei, Whitelam Garry C., and Lin Chentao*?(2002). Regulation of Arabidopsis?cryptochrome 2 by blue-light- ? ? dependent phosphorylation. Nature?417, 763-767.
Guo Hongwei, Mockler Todd, Duong Hien, and Lin Chentao*?(2001). SUB1, an Arabidopsis?Ca2+-binding protein involved in cryptochrome and phytochrome coaction. Science?291, 487-490.?
Guo Hongwei, Duong Hien, Ma Nha, and Lin Chentao*(1999). The Arabidopsisblue light receptor cryptochrome 2 is a nuclear protein regulated by a blue light-dependent post-transcriptional mechanism. Plant Journal?19, 279-287.?
Mockler Todd C.,Guo Hongwei, Yang Hongyun, Duong Hien, and Lin Chentao*(1999). Antagonistic actions of Arabidopsis?cryptochromes and phytochrome B in the regulation of floral induction. Development?126, 2073-2082.
Guo Hongwei, Yang Hongyun, Mockler Todd C., and Lin Chentao*(1998). Regulations of flowering time by Arabidopsisphotoreceptors. Science?279, 1360-1363.?
Lin Chentao*, Yang Hongyun, Guo Hongwei, Mockler Todd, Chen Jeff, and Cashmore Anthony R. (1998). Enhancement of blue-light sensitivity of Arabidopsisseedlings by a blue light receptor cryptochrome 2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America95, 2686-2690.
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生物系3名本科生在导师指导下,以第一作者在SCI高水平科研刊物上发表论文。本学科还积极鼓励学生参加各种竞赛等活动,已连续六年(2012-2018)指导学生组队参加国际基因工程机器设计竞赛(International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition, iGEM)并获得四金四银的出色成绩。同时本科生有十余项代表我校大学生创新、创业训练计划的项目获批。在多渠道培养创新人才方面,我校已与英国爱丁堡大学、美国天普大学、丹麦哥本哈根大学、美国德州医学健康中心等世界一流大学签署了学生合作培养的合作协议MOU,为本学科的教学、科研和教育体系创新提供宽大的国际舞台和视野。
生命科学已成为21世纪自然科学的重要学科。生命科学的发展关乎生命健康和民生幸福。如今,生物和健康产业已成为推动世界经济发展的新动力,亦是深圳市重点培育的战略性新兴产业, 前沿生命科学的发现是生物和健康产业发展的基础。生物系以创建国际先进的教学科研基地为奋斗目标,培养拔尖创新人才和科学研究为己任,力争在科研成果、人才培养、队伍建设、学科建设和科技产业化等方面实现快速发展。未来,生物系将以国际视野,基于时代发展需求凝练学科发展方向,鼓励交叉学科专业发展,注重原创性研究和研发应用并重,将创造具有国际影响力的研究、技术和产品,培养引领学科发展的国际领军尖端人才,为生物产业发展培养创新型人才,为地区、国家乃至全球生命科学和健康经济产业发展提供知识创新和技术支持的平台和支撑,促进人类健康和社会经济的发展。诚望有志之士踊跃加盟,共创辉煌!
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相关话题/南方科技大学 生物系
郭庆GoogleScholarResearcherID助理教授化学系本科毕业于中国科学技术大学化学物理系,博士毕业于中国科学院大学。博士毕业后在大连化学物理研究所参加工作。在表面能源相关催化反应机理研究方面做出了较多成果。在JACS、JPCL,Adv.Mater.,Chem.Soc.Rev.等领域内 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学机械与能源工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-郭亮
郭亮GoogleScholarResearcherID助理教授机械与能源工程系2009年6月毕业于清华大学机械工程及自动化系。2009年获得美国普渡大学罗斯奖学金进入机械工程系进行微纳尺度传热的研究,课题包括金属非金属界面传热机理,飞秒激光热反射法中波长调节对测量热物性的影响,以及热电材料内声子的输 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学地球与空间科学系导师教师师资介绍简介-guojx
guojxGoogleScholarResearcherID研究助理教授地球与空间科学系郭俊鑫,南方科技大学研究助理教授(副研究员),2011年获得中国石油大学(华东)勘查技术与工程学士学位,2014年获得中国石油大学(华东)地球探测与信息技术硕士学位,2015年获得美国俄克拉荷马大学地球物理学硕士 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学理学院, 量子研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-郭伟杰
郭伟杰GoogleScholarResearcherID研究助理教授理学院,量子研究院郭伟杰,研究助理教授,主要从事超导器件的相关研究工作,已利用超导微腔结构实现通讯波段光子数可分辨探测个人简介个人简介研究领域超导探测器,超导量子器件学术成果查看更多(1)M.Dai,W.Guo,X.Liu,etal ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学生物医学工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-郭琼玉
郭琼玉GoogleScholarResearcherID副研究员生物医学工程系郭琼玉,副研究员,博士生导师,长期注重于高分子生物材料在转化医学方向的研发,将其应用于多个具有挑战性的生物医学课题,在可移植人工角膜、可降解血管支架、记忆性纳米材料、骨修复以及细胞调控等领域里取得了突出的研究成果。郭琼玉教 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学|商学院导师教师师资介绍简介-郭悦
郭悦GoogleScholarResearcherID副教授|商学院主要研究方向为电子商务、大数据营销、共享经济、数字化旅游和企业创新等管理信息系统交叉学科研究方向。其撰写的电子商务案例和社区网络软件案例被哈佛案例库录用。InformationandManagement特邀编委。Internatio ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学材料科学与工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-郭旭岗
郭旭岗GoogleScholarResearcherID教授材料科学与工程系郭旭岗教授于1999年获兰州大学学士学位,2002年获兰州大学硕士学位,2009年获美国肯塔基大学博士学位,2009年7月至2012年10月在美国西北大学进行博士后研究工作。自2012年11月,在南方科技大学全职工作。201 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学创新创业学院导师教师师资介绍简介-郭昕
郭昕GoogleScholarResearcherID研究副教授创新创业学院郭昕博士是南方科技大学创新创业学院研究副教授,硕士生导师;兼任Apostle生物科技公司和南科征途(SUSTech-Apostle)生物科技有限公司生物信息学副总裁。郭昕博士本科毕业于日本千叶工业大学,硕士毕业于东京工业大学 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学海洋科学与工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-郭震
郭震GoogleScholarResearcherID助理教授海洋科学与工程系郭震助理教授2015年获得理学博士学位,毕业于北京大学地球与空间科学学院,2014年至2017年澳大利亚麦考瑞大学地球与行星科学系助理研究员,2017年至今在南方科技大学海洋科学与工程系任助理教授。个人简介ZhenGuo( ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学深港微电子学院导师教师师资介绍简介-郭跃进
郭跃进GoogleScholarResearcherID研究教授深港微电子学院郭跃进博士毕业于美国加州理工学院,是芯片封装专家,长期在美国Intel公司从事芯片封装的研发和量产,郭跃进领导研发出来的高性能热导材料目前已经被使用在世界上95%以上的高端计算机上(数据中心、云计算及超算等)。用量子化学方 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12