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教学教授 力学与航空航天工程系
黄克服, 教学教授,博士生导师,教学工作部部长,副教务长 。


教学◆ 理论力学 2016年至今
◆ 高等固体力学 2004年至今
◆ 2004年起任研究生限修课“高等固体力学”主讲教师,主讲2学期
◆ 弹性力学 2001年至今
◆ 2001年起任“工程弹性力学”主讲教师,2003年起任国家级精品课程“弹性力学”主讲教师,共主讲13学期课程
◆ 数学分析(一、二、三) 1988年至今
◆ 1988年任该课程习题课教师,1992年起任主讲教师至今,共主讲28个学期课程,现课程更名为微积分(一、二) 以及高等微积分
◆ 泛函分析 1997年至今
◆ 1997年起任研究生必修课“泛函分析”主讲教师,主讲3学期课程
◆ 现代微分几何 1990年至今
◆ 1990年起任研究生限修课“现代微分几何”主讲教师,主讲5学期课程

学术成果 查看更多1. 武际可,黄克服,微分几何及其在力学中的应用,北京大学出版社,2011
2. Huang kefu,Wang minzhong,Complete Solution of the Linear Magneto-elasticity and the Magnetic Fields in a Magnetized Elastic Half Space,ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,Vol.62(12), 1995, pp.930-934
3. Jin Ming, Huang kefu, Wu jike, A Study of the Catastrophe and the Cavitation for a Spherical Cavity in Hooke’s Material with 1/2 Poisson’s Ratio, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition),Vol.20(8), 1999, pp.928-935
4. Wu Jike, Huang kefu, Lin Wenhui, On the equivalence class of linear non-autonomous systems, Progress in Nature Science,Vol.11(3), 2001, pp.184-191
5. 金明、黄克服、武际可,Hooke 材料的微孔形空穴分叉,固体力学学报,Vol.22(3), 2001, pp.281-286
6. 金明、黄克服、武际可,方板弹性突跳的数值模拟——第一部分:理论和计算方案,工程力学,Vol.18,No.5,pp. 18-28,2001年10月
7. Dai Feili,Huang Kefu,Su Xianyue, Improving a composite wind turbine blade considering minimizing the prospect of flutter with the method of modal analysis technique, IEEE Conference on Wind Turbine. 2009
8. J. Qin, Q. D. Zhang and K. F. Huang, Oblique and Herringbone Buckling Analysis of Steel Strip by Spline FEM, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2011, 18 (9): 21
9. Huang kefu, Li Houguo, Group Invariant Solutions of the Full Plastic Torsion of Rod with Arbitrary Shaped Cross Sections. Adv. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 382-388,DOI: 10.4208/aamm.10-m1201
10. Dai Feili, Huang KeFu, Su XianYue,Classical Flutter Analysis of Horizontal Wind Turbine Blade,Acta mechanica sinica, (in press)
11. Li, Houguo; *Huang, Kefu, Some Invariant Solutions of Two-Dimensional Elastodynamics in Linear Homogeneous Isotropic Materials, ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS, 5(2), pp 212-221, 2013/4.
12. Li Hou-Guo; *Huang Ke-Fu, Group Invariant Solutions of the Two-Dimensional Elastodynamics Problem in the Polar Coordinate System, Chinese Physics Letters, 29(8), 2012/8.
13. *Qin Jian; Zhang Qing-dong; Huang Ke-fu, Nonlinear Spline Finite Element Method for Ribbing of Cold-Rolled Coils, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 19(1), pp 36-40, 2012/1.
14. *Zhang, Rui; Xu, Jing; Fu, Youyi; Li, Yangjing; Huang, Kefu; Zhang, Jue; Fang, Jing, An optimized target-field method for MRI transverse biplanar gradient coil design, Measurement Science and Technology, 22(12), 2011/12.
15. Liu, W.; Su, X. Y.; An, Y. R.; *Huang, K. F., Local Buckling Prediction for Large Wind Turbine Blades, CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, 25(2), pp 177-193, 2011/10.
16. *Qin, Jian; Huang, Kefu, Symmetry’s Applications to Bihamonic Equation and the Generalized Solution of Elasticity Problem, 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2011/4/3-2011/4/4, pp 899-904, Phuket, THAILAND, 2011.
17. 李厚国; 黄克服, 弹性理论方程的不变解, 固体力学学报, S1期, pp 296-299, 2011.
18. 秦剑; 黄克服; 张清东, 几何非线性样条有限元法, 工程力学, S1期, pp 1-4, 2011.
19. 秦剑; 黄克服; 张清东, 几何非线性样条有限元法, 第19届全国结构工程学术会议, pp 345-350, 中国山东济南, 2010/11/5.
21. 秦剑; 黄克服, 任意四边形平面问题的样条有限元法, 工程力学, 06期, 2010/6/25.
22. 王宝福; 黄克服, 开大孔排烟冷却塔的结构稳定性应用研究, 电力建设, 03期, 2009/3/1.
23. Liu, Wei; Ma, Yuli; Su, Xianyue; Huang, Kefu, Buckling Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade Using Pressure Distributions Obtained from CFD, Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2009/3/28-2009/3/31, pp 859-862, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2009.
24. Huang Kefu, Wang Minzhong, On the Boundary Value Problem of Elastostatics in terms of Stresses, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, Vol.4(1), 1988, pp.67-76
25. 王鲁男、黄克服,一种推导Airy应力函数的方法,力学与实践,Vol.11(4), 1989, pp.65-66
26. 黄克服、王敏中,两种材料组成弹性体的界面裂纹问题,力学学报,Vol.22(3), 1990, pp.362-365
27. Wang Minzhong, Huang Kefu, Thermoelastic Problems in the Half Space——an Application of the General solution in Elasticity,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition),Vol.12(9), 1991, pp.849-862
28. Huang Kefu, Wang Minzhong,Fundamental Solution of Bi-Material Elastic Space,Science in China (Series A, English Edition),1991, No. 3, pp.309-315
29. 武际可、黄克服,关于非线性系统的数值追踪,非线性动力学学报,Vol.5(2), 1998, pp.105-109
30. 金明、黄克服、武际可,球形空腔的稳定性和空穴萌生问题的研究,工程力学增刊,1998
31. 张彦、黄克服,平面Poiseuille流的稳定性问题,非线性动力学学报,Vol.6(1), 1999, pp.24-29
32. 金明、黄克服、武际可,A Study of the Catastrophe and the Cavitation for a Spherical Cavity in Hooke’s Material with 1/2 Poisson’s Ratio,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition),Vol.20(8), 1999, pp.928-935
33. 金明、黄克服、武际可,On Catastrophe and the Cavitation for a Spherical Cavity,Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation (in English),Vol.4(4), 1999, pp.249-254
34. 武际可、黄克服、林文卉,On the equivalence class of linear non-autonomous systems,Progress in Nature Science,Vol.11(3), 2001, pp.184-191
35. 唐少强、黄克服、武际可,动态相位转捩的数值方法,计算流体力学的新进展,F. Dubois、邬华谟主编,高等教育出版社,2001,pp332-345 (in English)
36. Dai Feili; Huang Kefu; Su Xianyue, Improving a composite wind turbine blade considering minimizing the prospect of flutter with the method of modal analysis technique, Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2009/3/28-2009/3/31, pp 921-924, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2009.
37. Li Houguo; Huang Kefu, Series Solution of Dynamics Stability of a Class of Deformed Bubble in Vertical Pipe, Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2009/3/28-2009/3/31, pp 12-14, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2009.

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