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助理教授 深港微电子学院 课题组网站
李携曦博士,曾任加拿大麦吉尔大学博士后和香港大学研究助理教授,现任南方科技大学助理教授,主持多项科研项目,包括香港政府优配研究金项目。截至目前,在学术期刊发表论文30多篇(以第一作者发表JCR一区论文15篇),国际会议论文50多篇,英文出版专著1本及章节2部,美国发明专利申请2项。研究成果发表在高水平期刊,包括《Nature Nanotechnology》、《Optica》、《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》及《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》等,并被半导体专业杂志《Semiconductor today》及《Compound Semiconductor》专门报道。担任2016年及2020年IEEE电子器件与固态电路国际会议当地组委会主席和财务委员会主席。

·Micro/Nanostructuring of GaN
(Microcavity laser、 Nanowire-Based Laser、Photonic Crystal、Micro-LED)
·Monolithic Photonic Integration
(On-chip detection、On-chip visible light communication、3D Photonic system)
·Inorganic Flexible Optoelectronics
(Bendable LED、Flexible Microdisplay、Bendable photonic crystal and optical cavity)
For more details please visit: http://khli-sustech.sxl.cn


学术成果 查看更多氮化镓单片集成器件:
[1] K. H. Li, W. Y. Fu, and H. W. Choi, “Chip-scale GaN integration,” Progress in Quantum Electronics 70, 200247, (2020).
[2] K. H. Li, Y. F. Cheung, W. Jin, W. Y. Fu, A. T. L. Lee, S. C. Tan, S. Y. Hui, and H. W. Choi, “InGaN RGB light-emitting diodes with monolithically-integrated photodetectors for stabilizing color chromaticity,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67(6), 5154-5160, (2019).
[3] K. H. Li, H. Lu, W. Y. Fu, Y. F. Cheung, and H. W. Choi, “Intensity-stabilized LEDs with monolithically integrated photodetectors,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66(9), 7426-7432 (2019).
[4] K. H. Li, W. Y. Fu, Y. F. Cheung, K. K. Y. Wong, Y. Wang, K. M. Lau, and H. W. Choi, “Monolithically integrated InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes, photodetectors, and waveguides on Si substrate,” Optica 5 (5), 564-569 (2018).
[5] K. H. Li, Y. F. Cheung, W. Y. Fu, K. K. Y. Wong, and H. W. Choi, “Monolithic integration of GaN-on-sapphire light-emitting diodes, photodetectors, and waveguides,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 24(6), ** (2018).
[1] K. H. Li, Y. F. Cheung, and H. W. Choi, “Tunable GaN photonic crystal and microdisk on PDMS flexible films,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials 1(7), 1112-1119, (2019).
[2] Y. F. Cheung#, K. H. Li#, and H. W. Choi, “Flexible free-standing III-nitride thin films for emitters and displays,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (33), 21440–21445 (2016). (#equally contributing authors)
[3] K. H. Li, Y. F. Cheung, W. S. Cheung, and H. W. Choi, “Confocal microscopic analysis of optical crosstalk in GaN micro-pixel light-emitting diodes,” Applied Physics Letters 107, 171103 (2015).
[4] Y. F. Cheung#, K. H. Li#, R. S. Y. Hui, and H. W. Choi, “Observation of enhanced visible and infrared emissions in photonic crystal thin-film light-emitting diodes,” Applied Physics Letters 105, 071104 (2014). (#equally contributing authors)
[5] K. H. Li, Y. F. Cheung, and H. W. Choi, “Optical and thermal analyses of thin-film hexagonal micro-mesh light-emitting diodes,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25, 374–377 (2013).
[1] K. H. Li, X. Liu, Q. Wang, S. Zhao, and Z. Mi, “Ultralow-threshold electrically injected AlGaN nanowire ultraviolet lasers on Si operating at low temperature,” Nature Nanotechnology 10, 140-144 (2015).
[2] K. H. Li, Q. Wang, H. P. T. Nguyen, S. Zhao, and Z. Mi, “Polarization-resolved electroluminescence study of InGaN/GaN dot-in-a-wire light-emitting diodes grown by molecular beam epitaxy,” Physica Status Solidi A 212(5), 9941-946 (2015).
[3] K. H. Li, Y. F. Cheung, and H. W. Choi, “Whispering gallery mode lasing in optically isolated III-nitride nanorings,” Optics Letters 40(11), 2564-2567 (2015).
[4] K. H. Li, Z. T. Ma, and H. W. Choi, “Single-mode whispering gallery lasing from metalclad GaN nanopillars,” Optics Letters 37, 374 (2012).
[5] K. H. Li, Z. T. Ma, and H. W. Choi, “High-Q whispering-gallery mode lasing from nanosphere-patterned GaN nanoring arrays,” Applied Physics Letters 98, 071106 (2011).
[1] K. H. Li, Y. F. Cheung, C. W. Tang, C. Zhao, K. M. Lau and H. W. Choi, “Optical crosstalk analysis of micro-pixelated GaN-based light-emitting diodes on sapphire and Si substrates”, Physica Status Solidi A 213 (5), 1193 (2016).
[2] K. H. Li, C. Feng, and H. W. Choi, “Analysis of micro-lens integrated flip-chip InGaN light-emitting diodes by confocal microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 104, 051107 (2014).
[3] K. H. Li, K. Y. Zang, S. J. Chua, and H. W. Choi, “III-nitride light-emitting diode with embedded photonic crystals,” Applied Physics Letters 102, 181117 (2013).
[4] K.H. Li, Q. Zhang, and H.W. Choi, “1-μm Micro-Lens Array on Flip-Chip Light-Emitting Diode”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52, 08JH08, (2013).
[5] K. H. Li, Z. T. Ma, and H. W. Choi, “Tunable clover-shaped GaN photonic bandgap structures patterned by dual-step nanosphere lithography,” Applied Physics Letters 100, 141101 (2012).
[6] K. H. Li and H. W. Choi, “InGaN light-emitting diodes with indium-tin-oxide photonic crystal current-spreading layer,” Journal of Applied Physics 110, 053104 (2011).
[7] K. H. Li and H. W. Choi, “Air-spaced GaN nanopillar photonic band gap structures patterned by nanosphere lithography,” Journal of Applied Physics 109, 023107 (2010).
(Full publication list: http://khli-sustech.mysxl.cn/#publication)

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专访深港微电子学院李携曦教授 | 只要你是在往前走,就是一件对的事2019-12-05


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We are always looking for talented and motivated post-doc researchers, research assistants,PhD, master, and undergraduate students to join our team. Visiting scholars and students are also welcome.
Experiences in semiconductor processing in cleanrooms and device characterization would be a plus for Ph.D. and Postdoc applicants.
Email?khli@sustech.edu.cn?with your CV?if interested in any of the above positions.


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