潘阳Google Scholar ResearcherID
助理教授 机械与能源工程系
潘阳博士,南方科技大学机械与能源工程系助理教授,博士生导师。2014年6月毕业于上海交通大学机械工程专业, 获博士学位。2014年-2016年在上海交通大学从事博士后研究,研究领域包括足式机器人、并联机器人、机器人动力学等。近年来,已完成20余台机器人样机的研制,研究成果登上《Robotica》、《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》等杂志封面。累计发表论文22篇,其中包含机构学顶刊《Mechanism and Machine Theory》。共申请国家专利35项。研究成果受到国内外同行广泛关注,先后受到《MIT Technology Review》、《Nature》、《MSC Software》等杂志报道及专访,以及CCTVPress TV等国内外媒体报道。
个人简介? ? 潘阳,南方科技大学机械与能源工程系助理教授,博士生导师。2014年6月毕业于上海交通大学机械工程专业,获博士学位。2014年-2016年在上海交通大学从事博士后研究,研究领域包括足式机器人、并联机器人、机器人动力学等。
◆ 足式机器人: 两足、四足、六足机器人行走机理及控制方法
◆ 机器人动力学: 基于旋量的通用机构动力学建模方法
◆ 机器人力控制: 机器人恒力输出控制策略,机器人实时控制系统
◆ 2019年9月起,南方科技大学机械与能源工程系,助理教授
◆ 2018年7月至2019年8月,佳安智能机器人有限公司,总经理
◆ 2016年7月至2018年6月,上海新纪元机器人有限公司,技术总监。
◆ 2015年7月至2015年12月,英国Bournemouth University,访问****
◆ 2014年7月至2016年6月,上海交通大学,博士后
◆ 2014年6月,上海交通大学,博士。
◆ 2009年6月,浙江大学,学士。
◆ 2015年上海宇航系统工程最佳可实现奖
◆ 2014年上海交通大学Marstalk荣誉主讲嘉宾
◆ 2013年上海交通大学“智能制造、制造中国”优秀报告奖
研究领域1. 足式机器人: 两足、四足、六足机器人行走机理及控制方法
2. 机器人动力学: 基于旋量的通用机构动力学建模方法
3. 机器人力控制: 机器人恒力输出控制策略,机器人实时控制系统
教学1. 高等机构动力学
2. 机械电子学
学术成果 查看更多Yang, P. and F. Gao (2012). Kinematical model and topology patterns of a new 6-parallel-legged walking robot. ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Pan, Y. and F. Gao (2013). Payload capability analysis of a new kind of parallel leg hexapod walking robot. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, IEEE.
Zhao, X., et al. (2013). Force-Position Hybrid Control of a New Parallel Hexapod Robot for Drilling Holes on Fuselage Surface. ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Pan, Y. and F. Gao (2014). Kinematic performance analysis for hexapod mobile robot using parallel mechanism. ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Pan, Y. and F. Gao (2014). Mechanism topology design for novel parallel-parallel hexapod robot. 2014 UKACC International Conference on Control (CONTROL), IEEE.
Pan, Y. and F. Gao (2014). “A new six-parallel-legged walking robot for drilling holes on the fuselage.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 228(4): 753-764.
Du, H., et al. (2014). Fault tolerant gaits for a six-legged robot with one locked or uncontrollable failure. ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Yang, P. and F. Gao (2014). “Leg kinematic analysis and prototype experiments of walking-operating multifunctional hexapod robot.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 228(12): 2217-2232.
Xu, Y., et al. (2015). A Ground Contact Detection Method for a Six-Legged Robot by Motor Current. Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress, 國立臺灣大學機械系.
Fu, J., et al. (2015). “Forward kinematics solutions of a special six-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator with three limbs.” Advances in Mechanical Engineering 7(5): **82118.
Hui, D., et al. (2015). “Kinematic analysis and design of a novel 6-degree of freedom parallel robot.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 229(2): 291-303.
Chai, X., et al. (2015). “A novel identification methodology for the coordinate relationship between a 3d vision system and a legged robot.” Sensors 15(4): 9519-9546.
Chai, X., et al. (2015). Autonomous gait planning for a hexapod robot in unstructured environments based on 3D terrain perception. The 14th International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science World Congress (IFToMM), Taipei, Taiwan.
Pan, Y., et al. (2016). “Fault tolerance criteria and walking capability analysis of a novel parallel-parallel hexapod break walking robot.” Robotica 34(3): 619-633.
Pan, Y., et al. (2016). “Human-tracking strategies for a six-legged rescue robot based on distance and view.” Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 29(2): 219-230.
Tian, Y., et al. (2016). Task-Based Control Strategies and the Implementation for a Six-Legged Multi-tasked Robot. Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots II, Springer: 939-950.
Xu, Y., et al. (2016). “Method for six-legged robot stepping on obstacles by indirect force estimation.” Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 29(4): 669-679.
Chai, X., et al. (2017). “Obstacle avoidance for a hexapod robot in unknown environment.” Science China Technological Sciences 60(6): 818-831.
Chen, Z.-J., et al. (2017). “Novel door-opening method for six-legged robots based on only force sensing.” Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 30(5): 1227-1238.
Pan, Y. and F. Gao (2017). “Position model computational complexity of walking robot with different parallel leg mechanism topology patterns.” Mechanism and Machine Theory 107: 324-337.
Xu, Y., et al. (2017). “Hexapod adaptive gait inspired by human behavior for six-legged robot without force sensor.” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 88(1): 19-35.
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本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12
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