宋超阳Google Scholar ResearcherID
助理教授 |工学院, 计算机科学与工程系, 机械与能源工程系 课题组网站
The Bionic Design + Learning Lab is led by Dr. Song Chaoyang at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) with research interests in Bionic Design, Robot Learning, and Design Science. Dr. Song completed his undergraduate degree at Tongji University, Shanghai, China in 2009, and Ph.D. degree at the Robotics Research Center at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2014. His doctoral research focuses on the theoretical kinematics of a class of overconstrained linkages, dealing with the fundamental mechanism theory in robotics and mechanical engineering. During post-doc research, Dr. Song joined the newly founded Singapore University of Technology and Design. His post-doc research moves towards the application end of research and development, investigating the factor of technological and design innovation in the successful translation of lab results into commercial products. He continued his post-doc research topic at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Before joining SUSTech, Dr. Song was appointed as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Monash University, where the Sustainable + Intelligent Robotics Group, or the SIR Group, was originally formed. We updated the lab name as the newly formed SUSTech Institute of Robotics shares the same acronym.
研究领域Bionic Design, Robot Learning, and Design Science
For more informatin, visit https://ancorasir.com/
-2016年至2017年,在澳大利亚莫纳什大学任职期间,设计并教授ENG5002/6002 Engineering Entrepreneurship的研究生专业必修课,2016、2017年授课学生分别为120、280人,授课内容以产品开发为主,具体包括课堂教学、样机开发、行业分享等。
-2018年加入南方科技大学后,设计并教授ME303 Introduction to Mechanical Design的本科生专业必修课,2018、2019年授课人数分别问22、38人,授课内容以基础理论为主,以全英文方式授课,具体包括课堂教学、设计实验等。
-2019年春季,设计并教授ME336 Collaborative Robot Learning的本研合上专业选修课,2019年授课人数9人加1人旁听,2020年预计开放20个名额,授课内容以专业技术为主,以全英文方式授课,具体包括课堂教学、实验项目、行业分享等。
学术成果 查看更多Journal Articles
(2018) Yi, Juan, Xiaojiao Chen, Chaoyang Song, Jianshu Zhou, Yujia Liu, Sicong Liu, and Zheng Wang.
Customizable 3D-Printed Origami Soft-Robotic Joint with Effective Beavior Shaping for Safe Interactions.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
(2018) Wan, Fang, and Chaoyang Song*.
A Neural Network With Logical Reasoning Based on Auxiliary Inputs.
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 5:86.
(2018) H?ltt?-Otto, Katja, Kevin Otto, Chaoyang Song, Jianxi Luo, Timothy Li, Carolyn C Seepersad, and Warren Seering.
The Characteristics of Innovative, Mechanical Products – 10 Years Later.
Journal of Mechanical Design, 140 (8): 084501.
(2018) Yi, Juan, Xiaojiao Chen, Chaoyang Song, and Zheng Wang.
Fiber- Reinforced Origamic Robotic Actuator.
Soft Robotics, 5 (1): 8192.
(2018) Chen, Yaohui, Fang Wan, Tong Wu, and Chaoyang Song*.
Soft-Rigid Interaction Mechanism towards a Lobster-Inspired Hybrid Actuator.
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 28 (1): 014007.
(2017) Wan, Fang, and Chaoyang Song*.
Logical Learning Through a Hybrid Neural Network with Auxiliary Inputs.
arXiv: 1705.08200 [cs.AI].
(2015) Song, Chaoyang, Huijuan Feng, Yan Chen, I-Ming Chen, and Rongjie Kang.
Reconfigurable Mechanism Generated from the Network of Bennett Linkages.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 88 (June): 4962.
(2014) Song, Chaoyang, Yan Chen*, and I-Ming Chen.
Kinematic Study of the Original and Revised General Line-Symmetric Bricard 6R Linkages.
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 6 (3): 031002 (10 pages).
(2013) Song, Chaoyang, Yan Chen*, and I-Ming Chen.
A 6R Linkage Reconfigurable between the Line-Symmetric Bricard Linkage and the Bennett Linkage.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 70 (December): 27892.
(2012) Song, Chaoyang, and Yan Chen*.
Multiple Linkage Forms and Bifurcation Behaviours of the Double-Subtractive-Goldberg 6R Linkage.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 57 (November): 95110.
(2011) Song, Chaoyang, and Yan Chen*.
A Family of Mixed Double-Goldberg 6R Linkages.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 468 (2139): 87190.
(2011) Song, Chaoyang, and Yan Chen*.
A Spatial 6R Linkage Derived from Subtractive Goldberg 5R Linkages.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 46 (8): **.
团队成员 查看更多
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RecruitmentThe BionicDL Lab is led by Prof. Song Chaoyang at the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering and the Institute of Robotics at SUSTech. We are well-equipped with a range of robotic hardware, lab space and testing equipment to conduct frontier research in robotics and AI. Our main research interests are Bionic Design, Robot Learning and Design Science. We currently have openings for the following positions, which will remain open until filled.
Robotic Software Development
Learning Algorithm Development
Mechatronics Hardware Design
Industrial Product Design
Experienced engineers or designers with proven track-records in the above areas are welcome to apply by submitting your Expression of Interest at this link, especially those interested in the University environment. Competitive and prospective candidates are also welcome to apply for academic tracks, including Master, Ph.D., and Post-doc positions, in the above areas. Students who wish to enter the above areas are also welcome to apply.
Robotic Software Development
The role is expected to have a good understand and proven experience in programming languages including C, C++, or Python. You should be familiar with Linux, Robot Operating System (ROS) and Github, or the necessary transferrable skills to work with these systems. Although you are not required to be familiar with robots, you should be interested in working with them once joined. Your primary role will be programming software packages using the above skills to write robotic applications using the hardware and software developed or available at the BionicDL lab.
Learning Algorithm Development
This role is expected to have a good understanding and proven experience in machine learning algorithm application, research, or development. You should be able to reproduce algorithms developed by other labs or academic literature in robotics and machine learning. A solid background in mathematics or physics is necessary to carry out this role, along with the necessary logical thinking capability. Your primary role will be developing machine learning algorithms to be used with robotic hardware. And you will be working constantly with robotic arms, grippers, and vision systems such as RGB-D cameras. A plus if you have experience with High Performance Computing (HPC) or GPU computing algorithm and environment.
Mechatronics Hardware Design
This role is expected to have a good understanding and proven experience in electronic systems and hardware development. You should be able to design, fabricate, and test electronic hardware to build working machines and robotic systems. A solid background in embedded systems is preferable for this role, especially if you’ve built robotic systems before by yourself. Your primary role will be design and develop the necessary PCBs, electronics, and testing devices and environment to produce functional prototypes where other team members can work with. A plus if you have experience with common communication protocols including EtherCAT and ModBus.
Industrial Product Design
This role is expected to?have a good understanding and proven experience in industrial design and product development. You should be able to translate functional requirement into conceptual designs which can be further fabricated into physical prototypes that other team members can work with. You should have a design philosophy or language of your own through previous experience or self-learning. Your primary role will be producing conceptual designs binding all necessary functionalities while exhibiting certain aesthetic appearance as a product. You are highly encouraged to go beyond the designs on screen or papers but going further by building physical models that can be possibly manufactured.
南方科技大学|工学院, 计算机科学与工程系, 机械与能源工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-宋超阳
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12
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