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钱共鸣Google Scholar ResearcherID

教授 商学院
钱共鸣博士为南方科技大学长聘教授(Tenured Full Professor),原香港中文大学管理学系系主任。博士就读于英国兰开斯特大学管理学院,获得经济管理博士学位。他在众多国际、国内学界的学术组织担任工作,包括国际最高学刊的编委及国内学刊的学术顾问;国际最高学术会议的共同主席;大陆、港澳台、欧美国家与地区的学术评审专家。受邀在30多个国家与地区作大会报告和专题演讲。他的研究领域广且深,研究成果卓著,在包括《国际商业研究期刊》(Journal of International Business Studies),《战略管理期刊》(Strategic Management Journal), 《商业创新期刊》(Journal of Business Venturing)、《管理研究期刊》(Journal of Management Studies)和《创业理论与实践》(Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice)等二十余种国际主流(核心)学刊上发表近五十篇学术论著,获得很高的引用率,在国际学术界具有广泛的知名度和影响力。
近两年来,钱共鸣教授在我国国家发展战略的“一带一路”的研究中取得优异的成绩。在国际权威学刊《世界商业杂志》(Journal of World Business)发表的题为“一带一路倡议,文化摩擦和种族渊源对中国中小企业出口业绩的影响”(The Belt and Road Initiative, Cultural Friction and Ethnicity: Their Effects on the Export Performance of SMEs in China)的论文,是国际主流学刊上的首篇文章。同时,在其共同主编的国际权威学刊特刊,如《国际商业研究期刊》姊妹刊《国际商业政策期刊》(Journal of International Business Policy)特刊,其主题为“一带一路倡议:政策变化如何影响跨国公司在新国际商业环境下的国际竞争与合作”(“Belt and Road Initiative”: How Policy Changes Affect Global Competition and Cooperation for Multinational Enterprises in the New International Business Environment),也是国际主流学刊上的首次专题特刊。
个人简介钱共鸣博士为南方科技大学长聘教授(Tenured Full Professor),原香港中文大学管理学系系主任。博士就读于英国兰开斯特大学管理学院,获得经济管理博士学位。他在众多国际、国内学界的学术组织担任工作,包括国际最高学刊的编委及国内学刊的学术顾问;国际最高学术会议的共同主席;大陆、港澳台、欧美国家与地区的学术评审专家。受邀在30多个国家与地区作大会报告和专题演讲。他的研究领域广且深,研究成果卓著,在包括《国际商业研究期刊》(Journal of International Business Studies),《战略管理期刊》(Strategic Management Journal), 《商业创新期刊》(Journal of Business Venturing)、《管理研究期刊》(Journal of Management Studies)和《创业理论与实践》(Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice)等二十余种国际主流(核心)学刊上发表近五十篇学术论著,获得很高的引用率,在国际学术界具有广泛的知名度和影响力。
近两年来,钱共鸣教授在我国国家发展战略的“一带一路”的研究中取得优异的成绩。在国际权威学刊《世界商业杂志》(Journal of World Business)发表的题为“一带一路倡议,文化摩擦和种族渊源对中国中小企业出口业绩的影响”(The Belt and Road Initiative, Cultural Friction and Ethnicity: Their Effects on the Export Performance of SMEs in China)的论文,是国际主流学刊上的首篇文章。同时,在其共同主编的国际权威学刊特刊,如《国际商业研究期刊》姊妹刊《国际商业政策期刊》(Journal of International Business Policy)特刊,其主题为“一带一路倡议:政策变化如何影响跨国公司在新国际商业环境下的国际竞争与合作”(“Belt and Road Initiative”: How Policy Changes Affect Global Competition and Cooperation for Multinational Enterprises in the New International Business Environment),也是国际主流学刊上的首次专题特刊。




学术成果 查看更多1. Li, J.T., Qian, G., Li, L., Fu, X., & Van Assche, A. 2021. The belt and road initiative: How policy changes affect global competition and cooperation for multinational enterprises in the new international business environment. Co-editing the Special Issue for the Journal of International Business Policy (to be published in 2021).
2. Li, J.T., Li, L., Qian, G., & Van Assche, A. 2021. “The belt and road initiative: Varieties of Capitalism Perspective.” (The work has been confirmed to be the “perspective” article to be published by Journal of International Business Studies).
3. Li, L., Tallman, S., Qian, G., & Keil, T. 2020. The sharing economy: Entrepreneurial discovery and creative destruction across countries. Co-editing the Special Issue for the Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (to be published in 2020).
4. Li, J.T., Qian, G., Zhou, K., & Lu, J. 2020. De-globalization challenge, institutional changes, and strategic actions of firms in Asia. Co-editing the Special Issue for the Asia Pacific Journal of Management (to be published in 2020).
5. Ahlstrom, D., Arregle, J-L., Hitt, M.A., Qian, G., Ma, X., & Faems, D. 2020. Managing technological, sociopolitical, and institutional change in the New Normal. Journal of Management Studies (forthcoming).
6. Rui, R., Qian, G., Qian, Z., & Li, L. 2019. Environmental turmoil and firms’ core structure dynamism: The moderating role of strategic alliances. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34(7):1619-1638.
7. Li, J.T., Liu, B., & Qian, G. 2019. The Belt and Road Initiative, cultural friction and ethnicity: Their effects on the export performance of SMEs in China. Journal of World Business 54(4): 350-359.
8. Zhang, H., Qian, G., Li, L., & Qian, Z. 2019. Intra- and inter-regional expansion: A nonlinear model. Management Decision, 57(7):1554-1566.
9. Mudambi, R., Li, L., Ma, X., Makino, S., Qian, G., & Boschma, R. 2018. Zoom in, zoom out: Geographic scale and multinational activity. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(8): 929-941.
10. Li, L., Qian, G., Qian, Z., & Lu, I. 2018. Aspiration, foreign liability and market potential: How do they relate to small firms’ international entrepreneurial orientation? International Marketing Review, 35(6):1009-1032.
11. Li, L., & Qian, G. 2018. Strategic alliances in technology industries: A different rationale. Journal of Business Strategy, 39(2): 3-11.
12. Qian, G., Liu, B., & Wang, Q. 2018. Government subsidies, state ownership, regulatory infrastructure, and the import of strategic resource: Evidence from China. Multinational Business Review, 26(4): 319-336.
13.Qian, G., Li, L., & Qian, Z. 2018. Interactions among factors driving and inhibiting the early internationalization of small, young technology enterprises. Management International Review, 58(2): 251-280.
14. Boehe, D.M., Qian, G., & Peng, M.W. 2016. Export intensity, scope, and destinations: Evidence from Brazil. Industrial Marketing Management, 57: 127-138.
15. Li, L., Qian, G., & Qian, Z. 2015. Why do small ‘born globals’ internationalize faster than small non-‘born globals’? Global Strategic Journal, 5(4): 303-320.
16. Li, L., Qian, G., & Qian, Z. 2015. Should small, young technology-based firms internalize transactions in their internationalization. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 39(4): 839-862.
17. Zhu, H., & Qian, G. 2015. High-tech firms’ international acquisition performance: The influence of host country property rights protection. International Business Review, 24: 556-566.
18. Li, L., Qian, G., & Qian, Z. 2014. Inconsistencies international product strategies and their performance. Journal of International Marketing, 22(3): 94-113.
19. Qian, G., Li, L., & Rugman, A. 2013. Liability of country foreignness and liability of regional foreignness on geographical diversification and firm performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 44(6): 635-647.
20. Li, L., Qian, G., & Qian, Z. 2013. Do partners in international strategic alliances share resources, costs and risks? Journal of Business Research, 66: 489-498.
21. Li, L., Qian, G., & Qian, Z. 2012. Early internationalization and performance of small high-tech “born-globals”. International Marketing Review, 29(5): 536-561.
22. Li, L., Qian, G., & Qian, Z. 2012. The performance of small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises: Do product diversity and international diversity matter? International Business Review, 21: 941-956.
23. Qian, G., Khoury, T., Peng, M., & Qian, Z. 2010. The performance implications of intra- and inter-regional geographic diversification. Strategic Management Journal, 31(9): 1018-1030.
24. Qian, G., Li, L., Li. J., & Qian, Z. 2008. Regional diversification and firm performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(2): 197-214.
25.Li, J., Qian, G., Liao, S., & Chu, W.L. 2008. Human resource management and the globalness of firms: An empirical study in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(5): 828-839.
26.Li, L., & Qian, G. 2008. Partnership or self-reliance entry modes: Large and small technology-based enterprises’ strategies in overseas markets. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 6: 188-208.
27. Li, L., Qian, G., & Gaber, B. 2007. The Chinese enterprise secret: Sustained advantage in labor-intensive industries. Journal of Business Strategy, 28(3): 26-33.
28. Li, L., Qian, G., & Qian, Z. 2007. Product diversification, multinationality and country involvement: What is the optimal combination? Journal of Global Marketing, 20(4): 5-23.
29. Li, L., & Qian, G. 2007. Partnership or self-reliance: Prescriptions for small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Business Strategy, 28(6): 29-33.
30. Li, J., Lam, K., Qian, G. & Fang, Y. 2006. The effects of Institutional ownership on corporate governance and performance: An empirical assessment in Hong Kong. Management International Review, 46(3): 259-276.
31. Lee, K.H., Qian, G., Yu, J. & Ho, Y. 2005. Trading favors for marketing advantage: Evidence from Hong Kong, China and the United States. Journal of International Marketing, 13(1): 1-35.
32. Li, L., & Qian, G. 2005. Dimensions of international diversification: Their joint effects on firm performance. Journal of Global Marketing, 18(3/4): 7-35.
33. Qian, G., & Li, L. 2003. Profitability of small- and medium-sized enterprises in high-tech industries: The case of the biotechnology industry. Strategic Management Journal, 24(9): 881-887.
34.Qian, G., & Li, L. 2003. Technology industry success: Strategic options for small and medium firms. Business Horizons, 46(5): 41-46.
35. Li, J., Lam, K., Karakowsky, L., & Qian, G. 2003. Firm resource and first movers’ advantages – A case of foreign direct investment (FDI) in China. International Business Review, 12: 625-645.
36. Qian, G. 2002. Multinationality, product diversification and profitability of emerging U.S. small and medium sized enterprises. Journal of Business Venturing, 17: 611-633.
37. Qian, G., & Li, J. 2002. Multinationality, global market diversification, and profitability for the largest U.S. firms. Journal of Business Research, 55: 325-335
38. Li, J., Lam, K., & Qian. G. 2001. Does culture affect behavior and performance of firms: The case of joint venture in China. Journal of International Business Studies, 32(1): 115-131.
39.Li, J., Qian, G., Lam, K. & Wang, D. 2000. Breaking into China: Strategic considerations for multinational corporations. Long Range Planning, 33(5): 675-689.
40.Qian, G. 2000. Performance of U.S. FDI in different world regions. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, 17(1): 67-83.
41. Li, J., Lam, K., & Qian, G. 2000. High tech industries and competitive advantage in emerging markets – a study of foreign telecommunication equipment industries in China. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 10(2): 295-312.
42.Qian, G., Wang, D., Li, J., & Yang, L. 2000. U.S. diversification in global markets: Strategic combinations and performance. Global Focus, 12(3): 1-12.
43.Qian, G., & Li, J. 1998. Multinationlity, global market diversification, and risk performance for the largest U.S. firms. Journal of International Management, 4(2): 149-170.
44.Qian, G. 1997. Assessing product-market diversification of U.S. firms. Management International Review, 37(2): 127-149.
45.Qian, G. 1996. The effect of multinationlity measures upon the risk-return performance of US firms. International Business Review, 5(3): 247-265.
46. Qian, G. 1995. A performance comparison of US MNEs and DMCs. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 6: 113-132.

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