

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12

嘉有为--助理教授 个人主页
嘉有为博士,研究方向主要集中于智能微电网能量管理、新能源并入的复杂大电网运行安全评估,以及人工智能在电力系统中的应用。曾参与香港主题性研究计划项目(Theme-based Research Scheme),并构建香港首个智能微电网运行平台,在计及高度不确定性的微电网能量管理及智能化控制方向取得突破性研究成果。近年来,嘉有为博士在国际高水平期刊(如IEEE Trans on Power Systems; Smart Grid; Industrial Informatics等)和国际主流会议(如IEEE PES GM, ISGT等)发表论文40余篇。担任IEEE Trans. on Power Systems; Smart Grid等20余个国际高水平期刊审稿人。

教育经历 2011-2015:香港理工大学,电机工程学系,博士学位
工作经历 2018年至今:南方科技大学,电子与电气工程系,助理教授
研究简介 复杂大电网运行安全评估;
所获荣誉 2019年,IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid,最佳审稿人
2015年,IEEE Region 10最佳论文奖(二等奖)
2014年,最佳算法奖(Top Five Best Algorithm Award),Competition on Application of Modern Heuristic Optimization Algorithms for Solving Optimal Power Flow Problems, IEEE PES
代表文章 1. Xue Lyu#, Youwei Jia#, Zhao Xu, Jacob ?stergaard,“Mileage-responsive Wind Power Smoothing”, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 5209-5212, June 2020. (SCI indexed)
2.Xu Xu, Youwei Jia*, Yan Xu, Zhao Xu, Songjian Chai, Chun Sing Lai, “A Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning based Data-driven Method for Home Energy Management”, IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, 2020. (SCI indexed)
3. Youwei Jia, Meng Ke, Zhao Xu, “N-k Induced Cascading Contingency Screening”, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 30.5 (2015): 2824-2825. (SCI indexed)
4.Youwei Jia, Zhao Xu, “A Direct Solution to Bi-objective Partitioning Problem in Electric Power Network”. IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 32.3 (2017): 2481-2483. (SCI indexed)
5.Youwei Jia, Zhao Xu, Loi Lei Lai, Kit Po Wong, “Risk based Power System Security Analysis Considering Cascading Contingency”. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, 12.2 (2016): 872-882. (SCI indexed)
6.Youwei Jia, Zhao Xu, Zhao Yang Dong, David Hill, “Adaptive Partitioning Approach to Self-Sustained Smart Grid”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 11.2 (2017): 485-494. (SCI indexed)
7.Youwei Jia, Zhao Xu, Siu-Lau Ho, Zhao Yang Dong, “A hybrid approach for k-way partitions in smart grid based on Laplacian spectrum and self-organizing map”. (Best paper award/Awarded as 2nd Prize in IEEE Region 10 2014/15 Postgraduate Paper Contest)
8.Youwei Jia, Chun Sing Lai, Zhao Xu, “A Spectral Clustering based Approach of Forecasting Uncontrolled Separation in Power Transmission Network”, Electric Power Component and Systems. Accepted in 2017 (SCI indexed)
9.Youwei Jia, Yang Gao, Zhao Xu, Kit Po Wong, Loi Lei Lai, Yusheng Xue, Zhao Yang Dong, David J. Hill, “Powering China’s Sustainable Development with Renewable Energies: Current Status and Future Trend”, Electric Power Components and Systems, 43.8-10 (2015): 1193-1204. (SCI indexed)
10.Youwei Jia, Xue Lyu, Chun Sing Lai, Zhao Xu, Minghua Chen, “A retroactive approach to microgrid real-time scheduling in quest of perfect dispatch solution”, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clear Energy, 2019. (SCI indexed)
11.Youwei Jia, Xue Lyu, Zhao Xu, Minghua Chen, “A Novel Retrospect-inspired Regime for Microgrid Real-time Energy Scheduling with Heterogeneous Sources”, IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid (under 2nd round reviewed)
12.Nan Sheng, Youwei Jia, Zhao Xu, Siu-Lau Ho, Chi Wai Kan, “A Complex Network Based Model for Detecting Isolated Communities in Water Distribution Networks”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 23.4 (2013): 043102. (SCI indexed)
13.Chun Sing Lai, Youwei Jia, Malcolm D. McCulloch, Zhao Xu, “Daily Clearness Index Profiles Cluster Analysis for Photovoltaic System”, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2017.** (SCI indexed)
14.Chun Sing Lai, Youwei Jia, Malcolm D. McCulloch, Zhao Xu, Loi Lei Lai, Kit Po Wong, “A Comprehensive Review on Large-Scale Photovoltaic and Electrical Energy Storage”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 78, 439-451. (SCI indexed)
15.Chunxue Zhang, Youwei Jia, Zhao Xu, Loi Lei Lai, “Optimal PMUs Placement Considering Estimation Uncertainty and Voltage Controllability”. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. (SCI indexed)
16.Chun Sing Lai, Youwei Jia, Zhao Xu, Loi Lei Lai, Malcolm D. McCulloch, “Operation Regime and Levelized Cost of Electricity for an off-grid hybrid Photovoltaic/Biogas System with Partial Charge-discharge cycling of Graphite/LiCoO2 Lithium Ion Battery”, Energy Conversion and Management. (SCI indexed)
17.Xue Lyu, Youwei Jia, Zhao Xu, “A Coordinated Control Scheme for Multiple DFIGs Load Sharing Considering Wake Interaction”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. (SCI indexed)
18.Songjian Chai, Zhao Xu, Youwei Jia, “Optimal Conditional Probabilistic Density Forecast of Electricity Price based on Ensemble ELM and Logistic EMOS”. IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid. (SCI indexed)
19.Weicong Kong, Zhao Yang Dong, Youwei Jia, David J. Hill, Yan Xu, and Yuan Zhang. "Short-term residential load forecasting based on LSTM recurrent neural network." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10, no. 1 (2017): 841-851. (SCI indexed)
20.Xue Lyu, Jian Zhao, Youwei Jia, Zhao Xu, and Kit Po Wong. "Coordinated control strategies of PMSG-based wind turbine for smoothing power fluctuations." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34, no. 1 (2018): 391-401. (SCI indexed)
招聘信息 本课题组致力于未来信息化数字电网及新能源系统关键技术的研究,正在招聘电力系统、电力电子、人工智能、数学方向研究助理教授、高级研究员、博士后、博士生和研究助理,待遇优厚。同时也欢迎来自国内外大学及科研机构的访问****和访问学生。
同时,本课题组与香港理工大学许昭教授,香港大学David Hill教授和S.C Tan教授,香港科技大学丘立教授,英国利兹大学Ronghui Liu教授, Petros Aristidou教授合作招收联合培养博士生。
联系方式 地址:深圳市南山区学院大道1088号,南方科技大学台州楼214室

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